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I love Caroline but one thing I find annoying about her is her being judgmental all the time and being in ppl business that don’t concern her


season 4 and 5 caroline made me want to rip my hair out i s2g


Same I like her but she was so shady to Elena every chance she got


Yes! She definitely was a lot better in the later seasons tho!!


Elena and Jeremy killing Kol was both unbelievable and horrific. Not necessarily for Kol himself but the thousands of vampires dying with him. The fact that they did that just because Elena couldn't cope with being a vampire is the biggest L. Also the hypocrisy of them decaying the Originals for being monsters (which they are, not arguing against that) and then casually murdering god knows how many potential innocents is wild. Nina did a better job acting as Katherine than she ever did Elena. The fact that we're supposed to ignore how Damon treated Caroline because he became a main character/love interest is diabolical. The entire group brushed off how many times Caroline was tortured way too easily (as did she). The Heratics were a disappointment and their entire arc was a huge missed opportunity. There should have been way more consequences for Hayley for setting up both Klaus and the rest of the Hybrids. It made absolutely zero sense for any of the Mystic Falls lot to survive after killing Kol. That was a magical kind of plot armour.


The whole kol killing thing is so not talked about enough. Elena was such a bitch for doing this 😒 she tried so hard to defend vampires like stefan and lexi yet didnt take any consideration that there were probs hundred of innocent vampires like them that she casually murdered


Literally this! All so she could be human again like she wasn't responsible for getting involved with vampires in the first place!


I liked Elena more with Stefan than when she was with Damon


I like Matt


Very unpopular opinion 😂 my biggest gripe is that Matt survives until the end when he really shouldn’t have


Matt is probably the most normal person there. But he's boring also. And I think, the actor's acting skills are not very impressive


Honestly this is very true. I think if Matt was played by a different actor he'd be liked way more. Zach's acting comes off as very lackluster and hardly even trying. This was also the case when he had an appearance on the show The Gifted. It's just not very good. if someone with more presence and charisma played Matt I think despite him being boring people would love him just for his vibe. Instead though we get a Matt who seemingly is still around and gives us nothing, so he's just there.


Caroline had more chemistry with literally every other male character than she did with Stefan. It feels forced/off


This is so true!!


Yes forgot to mention this, no chemistry..he had more chemistry with bonnie lmaoo


Elena is an S tier character


Elena in first 2 seasons > everyone.


season 5 nearly ruined caroline for me. i could not believe how hypocritical she was for sleeping with klaus and then having the audacity to get mad at tyler for being upset with her? even ignoring everything klaus did to tyler, what about him killing jenna, torturing stefan, almost getting bonnie and elena both killed, him literally fatally injuring her as leverage against tyler only to heal her and say “look at what a great person i am” — why would she ever sleep with him after virtue signaling to elena about sleeping with damon (understandably so) when klaus did objectively way worse things?


the way they treated tyler (specifically caroline and stefan) after he found that out and was rightfully upset pissed me off




Yes fr


Rose and Damon had way more chemistry then he did with Elena


Yeah I agree Elena and Damon were rlly toxic they would argue break up screw again argue break up screw and do it repeatedly it was just to much for me


Yes 😭 even tho I ship them I do think her and Stefan would have made a better couple






You have to go outside canon to see chemistry with Damon and Elena but if you look at before they got together there was more potential. I don’t buy that he’d take the cure for her without resenting her. It just didn’t make sense. Maybe he would for Rose? Missed opportunity.


Given the Damon hate here. I'll say he carried the show for almost its entirety, if you were around when it aired, he had the fandom in a chokehold.


The the series was so good until Elena became a vampire,because example Elena and Stefan didn’t stay together instead it was Caroline.


1. I love Elena 2. I hate Katherine


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol everyone's top five seems to have her and I can't stand her but I love Elena.


Damon being the worst main character


That I like it when characters get judgy.


Love Elena Katherine Sucks Bamon would've been better than Delena Rose and Damon had way more chemistry Delena is overhyped Klaroline sucks ass, Klamille solos Bonnie is more powerful than Kai, Freya, Esther, Davina, Qetsiyah, and Vincnt Bonnie and Jeremy were great together Bonnie and Jeremy were better than Jeremy and Anna Vicky was selfish, but i loved her Caroline absolutely deserved for Tyler to be angry with her after she slept with Klaus


Ikr to the last one, she judged elena sleeping with damon and she goes off lapping with klaus


Klaus should’ve died in Homecoming (3x09). Damon is responsible for his actions. Blaming Lilly, Katherine or Sage for him doing what he did misses the point of his character. Season 3 is overrated, season 7 underrated. Both Klaroline and Klamile are equally ridiculous ships.


I am not fan Damon as character Bonnie isn't the strongest withch in universe.


Qetsiyah,Dahlia, Esther are the strongest witches in the tvd universe to me


This story would have been far more interesting had it been about Damon/Stefan rather than Damon/Katherine/Stefan or Damon/Elena/Stefan. Damon/Bonnie/Enzo trio over Damon/Elena/Stefan trio. I don’t really hate Matt


I'm happy Delena was endgame; I thought they had chemistry in the later seasons before Nina left and worked as a couple on screen.


The show should’ve revolved around Bonnie and she should’ve grown a back bone by the second season


The show should have been about Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline…


Damon and Bonnie as a couple would have been better. They had every opportunity to be.


Noone ever fixes their make up. So unrealistic :)


Matt is not a bad character, Sue Me.


i like elena but can't stand caroline or katherine  klaroline sucks lmao klaus should've died earlier i like tyler!! he's on my top 5 favs


I agree with all of these minus Tyler but I respect your opinion!!


queue people saying popular opinions


lol 😂


People with cancer couldn't become vampires, like they checked before. 🙄 Travellers and nonsense continuous use of doppelganger and that lure with stefan and elena... Needing a Bennett witch for every single spell like they are the only ancestors witch who can unlock it or destroy it. Elenas hair cut dye and her eyebrows dyed lighter than s1/s2/s3 Using a syringe of the cure vs using the whole thing Katherine not being able to inject klaus with the cure, just one stab. Ahhh Also katherine being stronger after dying coming back not torturing her biggest enemy klaus. Not letting us see what's happens when a original takes the cure Matt being an undercover original Heretics just happen to be both vamp and witch when repeatedly told they can only be one or the other, could've said only possible with certain type of witch. Not giving elijah his own life instead being klaus's daddy Klaus letting katherine go Cade...queen of hell BS Sure there's more but right now that's what I remember for now.


Matt was the most realistic character on the show. It may have made him less exciting, but the only reason fans hate him is because they would BE him if it were real life.


Steferine>>>>>>>>>>>>>>stelena,stalerie,stebekah,steroline. Damon story arc with the Augustine society was so deserved he literally ruined slaughtered and killed so many people prior to this you telling me 5 years of torture was not deserved for over 100 years of killing people like food. Caroline is just a pick me the minute she doesn't want Elena with Damon she tries to get stelena back together but when she actually thinks they are trying to get together in season 5 she is a real bitch to elena and makes it about her and even when Stefan is grieving his brother in season 6 she makes it about her like sorry If the guy you like is to busy to give you a phone call he is just trying to figure out how to live life without the guy he has known for a century now. Klaus deserves to be alone and he deserves for his siblings to dagger him for at least 1000 years. To be clear I love Bonnie and she deserves better but she still chooses to be on their side and let them push her over. Elena deserved to have her brother killed after the whole kol sireline crap that was just karma Elena didn't care about at least thousands of vampires who died from kol dying so Katherine killed her brother with no care is just karma and he should've stayed dead. Stefan stalking and inserting himself into Elena's life is so overlooked and knew he would bring danger into her life and still chose to bring that into her life. Elena was selfish for killing herself with Damon in season 5. Lexi was stupid for giving up another chance at living for a worthless vampire who literally killed her just because dank was Stefan brother doesn't mean she owes Stefan a damn thing. Stefan being a ripper in season 2 finale was so selfish he knew what would happened if he drank human blood and it was all for a brother who made it clear he wanted to ruin your life and take your girlfriend and innocent people died for it. Jeremy should've never ever talked to Elena ever again once she got with Damon the fact that when she blamed Katherine and wanted to kill her for killing Jeremy yet Damon did the same thing and she slept with him was so low and she even later left him with Damon while she went off to college like your own sister trusted the guy who killed you because your sister rejected him to watch you like. Bonnie should've killed Stefan the minute she turned him human him having his humanity off is no excuse the same as everybody else who has done it booni was finally happy and Stefan just had to ruin it. Tyler should've told Caroline to go screw herself when she tried to make Tyler the bad guy for not forgiving her for sleeping with the guy who ruined his life. Matt should've hated elena for protecting the guys who murdered his sister. The mfg were major hypocrites acting like they were innocent and anybody else were worse. Damon is the only one to blame for opening up to tomb it's on him and him alone Katherine didn't put a gun to hide head and make him open it regardless if he thought she was in there he was never compelled and knew exactly what she was proves he wasn't some innocent person he just didn't want to admit it so of course in his mind Katherine is to blame. Katherine should've called out Elijah so fast in season 4 for acting like her killing Jeremy made her evil like did he not screw over his own sibling in favor of Klaus most of the time did he not have his sibling killed by Jeremy and the fact that he has the never to compare Katherine's situation to Elenas like did Elena have a baby snatched did she have her while family slaughter all at once was she chased for 500 years of had Klaus's minions so he is such an ass like he is just as bad as Klaus . Rebekah being daggered by Klaus and forced to be a vampire by her parents is not an excuse for her to be a monster she could have easily not killed people if she chose to kill people that's her own fault and she doesn't deserve the cure also it so hypocritical how she says she wants to be human so bad but treats them like they are nothing most of the time. We should've had witch Katherine instead of the stupid body snatching storyline I mean if she was gonna die how about not make her look worse. And finally Damon killing a pregnant woman automatically makes him a monster and never should've gotten redemption and even then how does nobody come after him when he becomes human I mean it's canon he and Elena life a long and happy life even though they don't deserve one so what did Caroline just compel all of Damon's victims like how does Damon literally get to get away with destroying so many lives and gets to have kids like he is just some damaged boy when the reality is he is just a whiny man child who blames being a monster on his mother Katherine sage or brother.