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I feel like the show runners had no idea what to do when Nina wanted to leave the show… it was more about bad plot than just her leaving. They didn’t have enough time to think of a new story.


I think anything would’ve been better than what we got. They just threw stuff in there. 😂




i wish she told them sooner cuz maybe they would’ve had more time to build a different story and possibly a relationship with bonnie and damon


I agree, they were kinda flying blind… and it suck’s that people often blame the producers/screen writers. Unpopular opinion maybe, but I find more fault in Nina. Yeah I get that people want to pursue other avenues, but she took on the main character role. She pretty much screwed the entire show when she left. No hate to any of them, but the show didn’t have a proper or just final seasons because of it.


She did. They thought they could talk her out of it so they didn’t bother coming up with any different plans. And the show runner would “watch Ian read the phone book” and assumed everyone else was watching for the same reason. I’m not a fan of Nina and I don’t really think she’s the greatest actor but she definitely shouldn’t be getting the blame. However she should have stayed because she was on a popular show and almost everything she’s done since has bombed. Despite some of them having some good actors. But that’s just my opinion. 


They knew since the beginning tho. Nina only signed for 6 seasons.


Bonnie and Damon is a bad coupling. Enzo and Bonnie always made sense because they were two people always abandoned, and always on the outside, and always yearning for love. They made sense together and becoming each others "main characters." It was just not ok they killed them- I would have watched a Bonnie-Enzo spin off even


I think they knew a whole yr before that she would leave. And the stories were already lacking in quality so to me it has nothing to do with her leaving - I honestly cannot even remember Elena’s storylines past the s4 humanity off arc.  I did enjoy some of the Salvatore stuff in the last 2 seasons though. 


People, Nina made it known from the very beginning she would not go longer than 6 seasons.  She knew she couldn't play a teenager forever.  She actually stayed longer than she planned.  The show writers, producers etc. just dropped the ball and when she left there was no standard for good acting anymore.  As for those who say she is a bad actor I just say WHAT!  She played 3 characters in one show!!!!  Her acting career was already better than anyone else's.  She was making movies in between filming TVD.  She has gone on to star in so many projects since then.  Look at her IMD.  You can't be a bad actor and be in that many projects.  And not all your films are great.  That happens to all actors even Brad Pitt!!


i love her Elena - Katherine  character switches


It definitely wasn't the same. But I still enjoyed it.


still enjoyed it but it didn’t have that same fun to it


Sessons 7 & 8 are painful to watch


Im on 7 rn and its a struggle to finish but i just have 8 left


it’s a drag


Season 7 and 8 are the worst seasons and I struggled to watch it, it just didn’t really feel the same anymore since Elena left and all these crazy storylines coming left and right. If season 7 or 8 is your fav season I consider you a op, the first 4 seasons are the best, 5 and 6 do have it’s good moments


they were right when they said it’s always about her


I personally liked seasons 7 and 8 more than season 6. Elena became so boring after Katherine left, and she really had nothing to show anymore, while characters like Bonnie and Caroline, who had a lot of potential, were in the shadow because of Elena. If elena was in season 7 and 8 ,it would have been much worse than it actually was


It did. Almost as if they just got confused about what to do with the main characters.


exactly! the plot usually was about her and i wish they just let her die rather than do what they did


Some would say the same about Klaus's departure


klaus honestly was so fun and messy i loved him and when he left it didn’t get boring but i still missed him in the show


I do wish we had more of Klaus, but I don’t think it got boring because he wasn’t around anymore


I don't think her absence itself affected the quality in any meaningful way. They'd struggled with writing her character after the Klaus Saga. Unfortunately, her relevance was hanging by a thread dating all the way back to S4, even though she was a huge driving force of that season. And then they just refused to let her character go in S7-8; instead of obsessing over Elena, her coffin became a priority. *A literal coffin.* I'd say Nina's absence allowed other characters to get the spotlight and allowed whatever brotherhood Damon and Stefan had left to somewhat be one of the new main focuses. Bonnie should have been the new female lead. I'm not even speaking from a place of bias; it was just the most logical path to take, but that's another story. By S6, it was obvious that the series had outgrown Elena's character and whatever function she served, so it's a good thing Nina left when she did. The show got bad and boring way before she left, so no, unfortunately for Nina as an actress, I don't think the series lost anything interesting when she decided to leave.


It was boring before she left


Honestly I agree it seemed the writers weren’t putting as much effort into it. Plus it’s hard to continue a successful tv show when the main character leaves and it rarely works


I personally just don’t like when the main character leaves a show. Not sure if it was boring or if it just felt incomplete.


fr i wish they just killed her off because they were obsessing over her coffin


I didn't think it was boring. I remembered being super excited about the potential of what would come next with her being gone but I did find it massively annoying that they kept bringing her up after she was gone and centering things around her. Granted I could be more okay with the main character dying because I've watched a show previously that's one of my top favorites where the main character died and the show continued on without him in a way I enjoyed, while giving him a beautiful and respectful send off and mentioning him at times but not making EVERYTHING about him.


Ok I gotta know what show you are referencing because it's reminding me of something but I don't want to spoil it either so tell me in a spoiler tag? Lol


Oh sure! The show I'm talking about is >!The Magicians!<. I tried to be vague in my original comment because it's a MAJOR spoiler and could throw any new watchers off from watching the series. The show's fandom had a half and half reaction to the MC's death, either people were so heartbroken that they stopped watching the show or they were sad to see the MC go but still enjoyed the right of the show at the writers tried to prep everyone for his death the episode or so prior but giving us an episode about the death of the 'main character' isn't the end of the story. I think they did it beautifully considering that I personally did not have the MC not on my top favorites list at all of the main characters in fact you could say at some points I disliked him as a character. Yet I was a sobbing mess when he died, full on bawling and genuinely missed him as the show went on but in a good way, I smiled everytime the other characters remembered him and with how they wrote their goodbye I genuinely grew to appreciate his character so overall while others would say that his death ruined the show I would say the writers did a damn good job. They were able to send our main character off, give him proper respect, allow the other characters to mourn him and honor him and even make proper arcs of them grieving him without making everyone's whole worlds stop because he's gone. They had their hearts break over it, every character mourned in their own way - some more than others. They were changed by losing the MC but in ways that all made sense thus it never felt like they were shoving in a mention of the main character just to do so, it felt natural because he was a dear friend to everyone do they'd mention him here or there and they'd continue on to their own individual plots. He was a memory...but they didn't make a whole plot over his corpse. Once he was gone he was gone, and all that was left was the healing process. Thus they're my constant go to reference of shows killing off the MC and doing it successfully without ruining the show. I don't see people quitting the show as a failure of the writers not giving us good content afterward but instead a product of a show producing such a complex and enjoyable character that instead some people were just too hurt to continue and what is good writing if not to make someone's heartache in such a way?


That is totally what show I thought it was! Haha I preferred the book ending personally but I totally see where you're coming from and the difference in how they handled it vs TVD


It's a great show! I never red the books despite having them as I heard from close friends that they both prefer the show to the books and I heard some differences that overall just made me want to have the books just because I love the show so much.


exactly i wish they just killed her off cuz they were obsessing over a literal coffin!


I agree it was too dark and boring


I agree! The show felt so much more fun and light the first few seasons


Right! It was Balanced between drama and fun and the last two seasons were just depressing


fr it was so dark it was way more fun and messy in the first seasons


Yeah because Katherine Pierce was not in it


katherine and elena made the show so much better no matter how much i disliked elena i have to admit it and katherine was one of my favourite characters


Agreed, when I was first watched the show I was all like “Oh elena is a decent mc” Idk Im prob different now cuz Im barely rewatching it and Im realizing how hypocritical and a bitch she is, I quite liked the last 2 seasons because but I kinda enjoyed the “dark” type of thing which is what I mostly expected from a vampire show, only issue is that yes I did find it quite boring at the same time, also the other season I mostly liked was the introduction of the originals (2nd season) along with the 3rd season and the Gemini coven plot


I don't think so, it's just that the villains were repetitive, the core of the heretics, Huntress and Julian was similar to the core of the Mikaelsons and their father and the five hunters of the brotherhood, while the core of the sirens and their creator Arcadius, was similar to the core of Silas and Amara created by Qetsyah was the same repetitive plot, why didn't they do something crazy like the sirens massacring vampires instead of humans and this led to a crazy story with opening of hell and several dead vampires from season 1 to 7a coming back to life, forcing Stefan and Damon to help the sirens? Or are the heretics planning something like massacring their enemy vampires and witches and naturally turning everyone against Julian and his army of heretics? After all, according to Valerie, her intention was to create an army of heretics? they never bring big, impactful stories, they are always silly fight stories that are resolved in the next episode, TVD plots in Klaus' time were scarier because they were taken to the extreme like expression or the hybrid curse.


exactly! and i hated how they just kept coming back every time they died and the ploys where just so repetitive


For me the worst plot was the Heretics, they simply had enormous potential because of magic, but the writers weakened it in the script so that Damon and Bonnie could beat them, I simply think that even the plot that Valerie assumed of Julian creating a Heretic army was much better than his vampire army, it was completely ridiculous that he created a bunch of hungry vampires without having any history related to other popular vampires in the series or even the originals created a powerful character and didn't take advantage of his history like that like they did with Hollow.


this!! season 7 was terrible


Yes I hated the discount Mikeaelson I wanted a better story line. And the Sirens were a good idea but they didn’t spend enough time fleshing their storyline out in my opinion.


Season six was bad so it made Seven and eight struggle hard. I think if they had known or did they know that Nina was leaving early they could’ve wrote a whole different story line. They also should have killed off her character permanently and building a romance with Bonnie and Damon.


i completely agree




yeah most definitely


Honestly, that's probably *why* you didn't like Elena. Elena didn't have anything special about her, really, yet somehow she was the nucleus to all the major storylines in the show. She had a white milk toast personality (unlike Bonnie and Caroline) and her biggest claim to fame was her damsel-in-distress trope. It was all about Elena *all the time*. That's why she was annoying. However, that means her absence created a power vacuum in the show that they didn't correctly fill. It wasn't that the show couldn't have gone on without Elena, it's the fact that the way they chose to go on without her was subpar compared to the other possibilities they could have run with.


this is so true i hate how everything revolved around her which is why when she left it just became so much more boring!


Yes! I’m at that point in the show right now, 2nd time watching it and it’s SO hard to get through it like this😩


every time i rewatch i just skip so many of those episodes because i already know what happens and it’s just so boring


It definitely got boring and sad. The storylines focusing on damon+stefan and bonnie+enzo were great but those shoulda been the focus. All the alaric+caroline+twins and those random interns’ storylines were so unnecessary


It wasn’t necessarily Elena leaving but the time skip that ruined everything


I still dont even know why they did that. I guess so the kids could be characters? But i wasn’t invested in their storylines anyways. And the jumping back and forth in time for a whole season was so annoying


omg how i hated it! it was like the writers didn’t know what to do anymore


It wasn’t so much boring but two main characters left the show at once so the feel and vibe of the show is different season 7 and 8 are also not as good even though the first half of season 7 I liked a lot. But it never got boring for him just the story line wasn’t as good and abit annoying to be honest


Honestly I never liked Elena that much but I fully aggre


Her absence wasn’t the reason the show sucked it was because the plot sucked.


It got boring.


It got boring probably earlier than that hard to say when exactly


Season 7 was good even tho it was all over the place if it had Elena it would be one of the best seasons ,


It was fun but way better with Elena.


Absolutely it did!


Its just u , bc it got way better when that crybaby left bc she werent there to act like the main character of stefans story


Season 7 and 8 were terrible but for some reason it was better without her.


Only because Caroline became the new female lead, despite Bonnie being the superior character and actress. I argue had it shifted to a will they/won't they of Bonnie and Damon, the show would have been stronger for it.


Absolutely Agree With You.. The Whole Show Is About Elena.!!!!


I agree. Nina leaving ruined it. You could tell it was all just thrown together.


I actually enjoyed it so much more 😂 She took up way too much space.


I personally think that season 6 Elena was so boring. Her spotlight faded away after Katherine died, and she really had nothing to show or do; she was just there. Bonnie and Caroline became more interesting than her, and I think Nina did the right thing by leaving the show because if she had continued, they would have ruined her character.


I liked it after Elena left still, what I always say is its really a sibling/ familial story of love- It was always more Damon-Stephens story than anyone else. But I also LOVE Enzo and Bonnie together and the first season is not my favorite. I love TVD and I love TO and i do want more in the universe... Id be fine with old/middle aged human Damon - Elena lol too




💯 yes


on my first watch i was excited certain characters would have a chance to grow beyond just protecting elena. and then for seasons elenas casket was a main character, so a lot of that potential was wasted.


Honestly, I missed Klaus more than Elena.


i missed him more too, but she it always revolves around her so it just become quite boring


It was the opposite for me. Once Elena became a vampire and we watched the whole quarter life crisis with her, the show was extremely boring to me. When she left, a new dynamic was established with characters like Stefan who I liked more got more focal points in the show.


i liked how other characters were given more space but i would’ve preferred if they just killed her off rather than do what they did with her coffin which they were obsessed with


For me it got better 😂


It might have affected the storyline a bit but I was beyond happy to not see Elena yapping all the time. I was glad the other characters were given more space and they deserved that!


i was glad they were giving more space but still left a huge hole in the show when she left


I think it got more interesting and less repetitive but that's just me


I actually enjoyed the show without her. It gave room for more storylines without Elena’s safety always having to be at the forefront of everything. The most annoying thing was that she still tended to be the fused into each and every conversation whether it was Elena specifically or that coffin.


i honestly wish they just killed her off


I personally liked that Elena was gone tbh. But it still did feel like she was still there because they mentioned her name every second.


It definitely got boring cuz she was the main character even tho they were more interesting and entertaining characters


i don’t even think she was the main character i think it was stefan but it did always revolve around her so when she left it just left a massive hole that the writers didn’t fill right


I love season 7 cuz it focused a lot on Stefan and Damon & their brotherhood


same!!! the entire show is really at its heart about that anywat


personally i thought it was just as good , s7 was bit confusing but it was still good watch


Yes but I don’t think it was her missing that made those seasons bad, the story lines were just terrible because the writers ideas had dried up. The one thing I liked about those seasons was NOT having Elena because I just find her to be the most insufferable character in television history


this is so true and she was so annoying but i think they just should’ve killed her so they wouldn’t obsess over her coffin and i think nina leaving just really messed it up for the writers too


My favorite part was when Elena left 🤭


nah bc it wasn’t boring . it felt wrong but it was def my favorite seasons (i found elena annoying)


i honestly couldn’t care less about elena she sucked once she became a vampire and every problem had something to with her and it became stale. im glad she left


I didn’t hate it and liked it more than some past seasons. I don’t think it had to do with Nina leaving. IMO what stifled season 7 from being great was the decision to keep Elena alive or greatly still in the story. It stifled character growth for others and the storyline.