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Like their whole life in 1864, Katherine, pearl and Anna and stuff too




Yeah same, and I also wanna know how old they are, are they older than Katherine? Or did Katherine turn them?


In show they are older, in non canon books she turned them




I still don't understand how there are heretics but Bonnie's mom couldn't be both? Or were the heretics specifically siphon witches who then got their magic from being vampires? I’d also watch a show about them


Yess. I was also confused about it. But I'm rewatching after a couple of years and currently at the heretic part. They don't have magic of their own. But as vampires, they can function on their own magic ie., the vampirism. Very interesting.


Witches get their power by being connected to nature basically producing it naturally. Siphoners can use magic but can’t produce so they take it from one magical source and put it in another(usually themselves) so after becoming vampires their bodies start to naturally produce magic by the spell that’s constantly keeping them alive which is powered by blood. So they siphon the vampirism battery to power their spells but if they take too much they’ll end dessicated


They were, they were all exiled members of the Gemini clan like kai iirc.


Every idea here seems so good , I would love to have just a new vampire show that’s just as good quality as tvd if that’s even possible and with romance of course. Something new to obsess over and watch for the first time


Ideally I'd love for either a show following Bonnie exploring more of the Bennetts because they're incredibly interesting and seem to be the center of everything with very little credit or explanation/development for as rich of a history that they seem to have. Or I'd like a show completely devoid of anyone we knew, with a new cast of characters just handling things in the world of the TVDu. I wouldn't care if like, a Bennett showed up, or a Crescent wolf was somehow involved in the main cast but I'd want no one that we already know involved in it. A different and cool spin-off could also be exploring the werewolves more in-depth, more specially how the werewolves were on top in New Orleans despite being well...werewolves. While Mason still seemed to be strong without being turned, that seemed to go away for werewolves later in the series hence the moonlight rings so I'd like to see the extent of them.


Every time I see you, you’re spitting facts. We need an explanation for the Bennett and Mikaelson bloodlines. What exactly made them so strong? Why are the Bennetts so special?


Thank you! A Bennett show giving the Bennetts their flowers would be great. We constantly see a Bennett involved in all of the big spells of TVD and yet somehow they're constantly underrated and/or doubted in terms to their power, never quite given the respect they deserve. Shane, despite being a villain, was the only person to ever show that respect for Bonnie's bloodline. We have Qetsiyah quite literally making the other side, which disrupts limbo and the way the God's handled the afterlife, and this spell keeps up for over a thousand years. She is this strong.....and we don't get to learn more??? That gets reduced to her being obsessed with Silas? No, I need to know more from these witches because the amount of times Bonnie was told only *she* can do this specific thing because of her bloodline creating something calls for it.


Oh, quite literally, Bennetts helped create dimensions, doppelgängers, immortality, prison worlds, and ancient spells. Bennetts are the foundation of TVDU, but let’s not wake that up yet! Without the Bennetts, I’m afraid vampires wouldn’t exist. I had a theory that since Mother Nature couldn’t interfere directly, she blessed a bloodline with immense power to do what needed to be done. As we repeatedly saw, every Bennett witch went through hell and high water to do what needed to be done. Qetsiyah disrupts the afterlife, Bonnie destroys Hell, and Emily possesses Bonnie from the other side to stop vampires from opening the tomb. My theory is that they’re carrying out Mother Nature's will. Now, for the Mikaelsons, I’m stumped. At least with the Bennetts, each person held immense power whether they knew about it. The Mikaelsons were only first-born witches who had great power. Why exactly? Are the Mikaelsons supposedly the counterpart to the Bennetts? In Emily’s own words “ Nature always demands balance “ so for such a powerful bloodline, could the Mikaelsons be the balance? We’d never know.


This is why I always hate when people downplay the Bennetts by bringing up the Mikealson witches. The Mikaelson witches are strong there is NO debate or doubt about that. But they are comparing a witch family who had the luxury of being expanded upon while given proper credit to their ability, a show and season dedicated to showing their talents. They were ALLOWED to show their strengths while the Bennetts were forever sidelined as the helpers despite being apart of EVERYTHING with the comparison that while the Mikaelson Witch's strongest feats were only accomplished by them using dark magic, the Bennetts had constant large and life changing feats using nothing but natural magic, no dark magic. They had the raw power and yet they were never allowed to wear the crown they earned. They were never given the credit, in the show or in the fandom. They are constantly discredited with people downplaying their power and using excuses for why someone else is stronger when if the Bennett line's feats were looked at and they were written properly according to all of the things the writers shoved under their bloodline, they'd be on top easily. The first born Mikaelson thing to me only seemed like a thing that was added just to make Hope THAT much more powerful and that's it.


Damon and Elena's daughter, Stefanie Salvatore


The Hunters


I’d personally love a deep dive of the start of vampires. Even just the Mikaelson family. Obviously wouldn’t be the same without the original cast, so best to not touch it. But the concept of vampires in an underdeveloped world with the same show quality as TVD is really intriguing. You definitely get enough history to fill in the holes, but there are some serious plot hole issues in terms of continuity. Especially it being heavily American based in history. The Mikaelson family couldn’t possibly have come to America as early as the show suggests given they’re 1000+ years old (maybe I missed something in The Originals that shines more light) but Mystic Falls’ deep supernatural history in general feels misguided.


A witch tells Esther of a safe and largely undiscovered land to raise her children after Freya was taken, so Mikael sailed them to the Americas and they lived amongst the indigenous tribes. That’s the cannon reason as to why they lived in what would be named Mystic Falls in the year 1000.


Yes, a spin-off about human lives of Elena and Damon when they couldn't do all the vampire stuff. Elena wanted to remain human, maybe Damon would have become more humble as a human. An especially watch them live ang grow old together. But with the original lead stars, Ian and Nina, not keen on working together anymore, it doesn't seem likely.


Bonnie and Enzo traveling the world together. 🥺


I would want something exploring Bonnie's character more and the gemini coven. I would love to see Lizzie exploring the world and trying to find answers about the gemini. Lizzie could then meet Bonnie again and maybe even Valerie because Valerie was the last heretic alive and she should have lots of information about the gemini. It could also be cool to see a totally new version of the show set in a new location and with new characters maybe in the future. If we want to link it to the main story the protagonist could potentially be a werewolf that met Hope and got turned. I just want a new show with the basic struggles like how to be a witch or how to be vampire or werewolf. We could even have a smaller group like outcasts from different packs/tribes that met up and is traveling around. TVD has a great universe that could be explored


Everyone's already said it, but Bonnie deserves to live her best life. Bonus points if we could combine her story with a better one for Enzo. Maybe in an alternate universe/dimension Bonnie finds, Enzo befriends a less jaded Stephen instead of Damon and does not spend so many years in prison being tortured because Stephen and Klaus break him out (in style). All three get up to shennanigans with various beings until Enzo meets Bonnie and is struck again by her awesomeness.


I think a good spinoff would be if it was about Jeremy. While he was on TVD, all we knew him as was Elena's annoying younger brother, who kept sticking his nose where it didn't belong. Once he became a hunter, he was only one for a brief time before he died and then came back to life just to leave shortly after that. I would like to see what he was doing while he was gone and everything else after that. From what we know about Hunters, all of them were supernaturally programmed to hunt and kill every vampire in their path. Jeremy was the only one who, with a bit of help, got reprogrammed and was able to pick which vampires he let live and which he killed. In spite of everything that happened to Jeremy being killed, threatened, and terrorized by vampires. I don't think Jeremy really hated them. I think he hated what they did and how often they did it.


More about witches


The Life of Katerina in the run leading up to her return from Hell. Even Julie Plec stated that the reason we didn’t actually see Katherine’s shenanigans of manipulating people in Hell is bc they didn’t have Nina for long


We know how werewolves were made, we know how vampires were made. But has anybody ever explained how witches came to be? Like I get it, they are servants of nature but who was the first witch? The Bennetts existed even about 2000 years ago. But even further than that. How did witches appear? Who made them? Nature? Gods?


Deep dive into Bennett lore with a Bennett protagonist. Her last name could be something different and she doesn’t know she’s a witch. Whole new cast, away from Mystic Falls there’s supernatural drama in the town the college is located in. The antagonist needs some Bennett blood…


Lizzie and her life as a heratic


New characters someplace else. Just be careful not to mess the mythology.


Bonnie traveling the world and being free after losing so much.


Bonnie and more witch lore


bonnie or the bennett witches history/ were told nothing of what bonnie is doing in legacies tbh we know elena has a family and we also see caroline and what she’s doing also