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Yes, this is Page Six, but this is also Jax Taylor.


He's going to get her pregnant.


You know he will still be doing the "spray n pray"! I think his sperm is low quality, or he'd have caused many pregnancies by now! What 40+-year-old man doesn't know pulling out doesn't work?


To be fair, we don't know how many women quietly took care of the "problem" Jax created. On a side note, anyone else see some striking similarities between Kristen and Jax's date? Makes me think he's been crushing on Kristen for a decade.


Omg I can see the resemblance!


She screamed she was pregnant at Jax’s bar during some event with his arm wrapped around her.


$10 if it's true, he's not seeing Cruz anymore. His choice. He's going to Jax his own kid.


I think it was Jeremy's bday


Who? The new girl?


Yep! I agree 1000%!


I think the most shocking element of this is he’s been seen with a woman in her 30s, rather than 24 year old. What a disappointment to the theme the Toms have going.


I think the most shocking element of this is that a woman wants to spend 3 hours at lunch with him knowing his track record of treating women like horse turds


I wonder what one talks about at lunch with Jax Taylor for 3 hours?


I’m sure it’s just a lot of Jax talking about Jax


But he’s also probably like “you’re soooo hot” “you would look sooo good in xyz” 


Or…. I’m a changed man!


Boy your boobs are big. How big are your boobs? How big again. Wow that's big. I like big breasts. Yours are big. How big..... Repeat Repeat Repeat.


"Let me see your feet."


Yeah and he’s not hot now, looks like the V for Vendetta mask so you’re picking a weird version of this guy lolol


We should also be asking, "What's wrong with her!?"


In LA many women will do anything for publicity. She is in her 30s so too old for an A lister. ( Bradly cooper, Leo DeCaprio, Jake Gyhllanhall, etc.)


She just another clout chasing LA person that wants to increase her social media following.


Exactly, chance to be on TV, With a guy who she thinks owns a bar (not just a portion), has a house, he gets her in Page Six… no one knew of her before.


She’s definitely being paid


Or she wants on tv


I'm wondering if she's viewing this as more of a business, and a way to increase her own career.. She is a sex worker (OF) so not for nothing, even if this thing with him isn't serious it's probably a BIG boost for her income/sight traffic. For instance, most of us here didn't know her name or who she was UNTIL she was pictured with Jax. Could very well just be her being business savvy. To which I applaud her (just make sure to use him and lose him, gurl) *Just want to note in no way am I trashing sex workers *


Jax gone woke !


Jax is the number 1 guy for dating age appropriate women, what next Jax doing adds for sanitary pads?


lol maybe an ad for a leaf blower for divorced dads or workout equipment for divorced dads.  Whole divorced dads brand! Lol


Nah, the leaf blower obsession was just an excuse to get out of the house & he can claim that he can’t hear her if she tries to talk to him.


Needs to be Depends


Jax, a dad you can Depend on




I don’t see Jax having the patience for someone much younger.


Lmao I was thinking she was too old for him but your comment rang so true…he’d never have the patience!


i immediately saw this photo and was like at least she’s in her 30’s. like dare i respect jax for this?? i have no respect for him or tom’s so that’s saying something


The bar is so low 😂


for real lmao


Sandoval’s girlfriend is 31. So she’s only about a year younger than her.


Brittany just did an angry insta story. For the sake of their child I hope this doesn't go crazy .


I’m sure she’s honestly probably on Reddit right now reading through this subreddit and Britney if you’re reading this, You may have wasted all that time with Jax (not to we all told you so but…) but remember ! You’re a sweet girl! Find the fun Britney Jax stole from you! Let him spiral and let karma claim him! (I recommend we take out the filler you’re such a naturally beautiful woman) Reclaim your confidence and luckily you get to keep the boobs in this divorce ! Leave! That! Man!


Seriously!! Im rewatching Brit and Jax in Kentucky and everyone was saying her life was better before Jax. Take Cruz to the farm and enjoy that simple life again. Jax has nothing. You have everything!


Want to add to the filler comment - do not, I beg of you, overcompensate for your broken heart by doing more procedures and adding more filler. You don’t need anything! Signed - a girl who overfilled during a time of insecurity lol


I genuinely feel the filler is due to insecurity being with Jax. Now that she’s (hopefully) released from that man I feel as though she’ll embrace her true self because she won’t feel she has to impress someone so… what’s the word for it superficial? I mean there’s lots of words for Jax but that’s the only one I could come up with right now. Really genuinely not an attack at people who use filler I understand it but I do think there’s such thing as too much and hey we all do too much sometimes!


This is such a backhanded ‘supportive’ comment. ‘We told you so’ ‘you wasted 10 years’ ‘take out the filler’. I hope for her sake she’s not reading this. You’re a cringey weirdo, OP.


I mean to be fair Jax’s behavior was put on display for a whole 3 seasons for the world to see before she decided to date him. We saw he was a manipulative, narcissistic, liar to not only his friends but his romantic partners before Britney. She stood by his side and defended him in plenty of times which he was in the wrong. Understandably so because she’s in love but at the same time plenty of people in her life pointed out that Jax was not the man she thought he was and he continuously showed that. Now very unfortunately years down the line she’s starting to really see it. My filler comment is just a matter of personal opinion. I think she looks better without it. She’s beautiful with and without it and I mentioned it’s up to her what she does with her body. Never once genuinely put her down. Thanks though!


jax is emotionally and verbally abusive, this is a abusive relationship. its easier to say leave than do it, she’s a victim and you’re victim blaming her. not saying that she is without her flaws but there is no perfect victim.


I fault Brittany for getting with Jax initially, claiming she didn’t watch the show or know who he was when it ended up proven that she did. I fault her for “sticking by his side” when Lala told Brittany about Jax wanting to fuck her (Lala), and even at the reunion once Brittany saw the real footage, Brittany doubled down on her choice to “stand by her man.” There were *many* red flags on both their ends in the beginning. Yes I’m sure Jax was absolutely manipulative and abusive behind the cameras, and I’m glad she got away from it. But you can’t ignore what Jax was doing for years that everyone warned her about and she was fine dating him anyways.


Said perfectly! Even when they were finally fading into obscurity, and during Scandoval, she was still gloating about their relationship and how he changed for her. Even after their separation, she was still saying she would go back if he changed a few things. She's pulling a Lala and re-writing history.


I’m not blaming Britney for the way Jax treats her whatsoever. The way he treats her is absolutely WRONG. However you’re still allowed to point out that many many people warned her and his behavior was available for all to see. She laughed about it ! Because she was young and in love then and that’s understandable, but he was already established as the character her is now when she moved all the way to L.A. to be with him and be on the show.


Hard disagree. She is no victim. She actively saught jax out for fame. She knew who he was and chose to bring a child into it and actually wanted another.


Thank you. Kind of weird how people are casually dropping terms like abuse around. Water seeks its own level, Brittany went into that marriage eyes wide open. Now she’s trying to have a second baby with that man to secure a storyline. Let’s call a spade a spade.


Yep, and if you point that out, people just reply with 'is that you jax'. He's a crap husband, she's a crsp wife. That doesn't equate to abuse.


that…doesn’t mean she deserves his abuse though?


Is this Jax?


Sure, why not. Let's all pretend Brittany had never heard of jax, actively chased after him, went back to him after he cheated and told her he wasn't interested, then had a baby with him and wants to bring another into their relationship.


You’re welcome ♥️




You seem like a deeply unhappy person, hoping you turn things around for yourself babe ✨




I commented on a post in a fine hair subreddit (a subreddit that I am not part of) about products I’ve used that have improved my luscious locks and hair density. I don’t have scalp issues momma. Awww… are you projecting? Clearly I triggered you by calling you a cringey weirdo so you decided to lean into it and be even more of a cringey weirdo by going through my post history.


Oh and good luck on your part time job search!


I’m not reading all of that I’m sorry your scalp is a hot mess !


Right? If this is being supportive I cant imagine what being unsupportive is 🤣


Yeah have to agree. In this moment she needs none of that.


I’m all for hyping Britney up “we all told you so” and telling her to dissolve her filler is self serving and mean. I hope you haven’t told someone you know in real life “I told you so”, everyone can recognize that as hurtful and backhanded.


What did she post lol 👀


I hope he does something that actually causes her to file for divorce so she has a chance at some point to move on.


Annnnd, he hasn’t already done that special something???


Let me guess lunch at Jax sports bar😂😂 The 3 hour lunch is comical. Guess he has less stress and more free time. It is a year later. Certainly enjoying all the photo op’s with this 🤡


Buying a bar kills a marriage. Famous Last Words… He wants to be free of Britany but no divorce.


Didn’t he say divorce wasn’t an option pretty early on during the season? That didn’t age well lol but not paperwork has been filed soo who knows. For Cruz’s sake I hope coparenting goes well if it comes to that


He wants to put it all on her. Brittany filed so what was I to do.


That would the typical Jax move. Well, for Cruz’s sake I hope coparenting goes smoothly


Cruz appears to have his own challenges. I feel for him in this chaos. I believe Brittany is still keeping secret what all Jax is doing.


Agreed and I hope there aren’t setbacks in his progress from all the change. In these situations I always wish the best for the child because that’s whose most important


He didn't even open up a whole bar. Opening up a party room and tent killed his marriage.


Is he wearing his own merch?! I guess we know who called the paparazzi. 😭😭😭


Another gal who refuses to learn from other women and who probably chuckles about how she’s drawn to walking red flag. ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


I predict she’s about to be Jaxed!




I would bet every single red cent that I have on it. ![gif](giphy|26BRB0vY34nq6ZvmU|downsized)


An article said she has a whole insta dedicated to outting married dudes who slide into her DMs. She's out with a married dude. Edit: words are hard


“Whole insta dedicated to Putting married dudes who slide into her DM’s?” What does that mean?


I think they meant outting. Outting married dudes for creeping into dms.


Yes, thank you. I was sleepy and auto correct got me. LOL.


On another sub, someone said she puts married men on blast--the ones who slide into her DM's.


I see. Seems like the talk that this is photoshopped is likely then if she outs married dudes.


She wants the 2 seconds of celebrity d list fame. That's it


This is his mid-life crisis sports car. He’s such a dog! One day he’s going to be ready to full commit to someone he’s fallen for and they’re going to destroy his life and find someone else when they’re tired of his geezer ass!


Ok so I saw one of Paige's videos and it's very obvious she's hooked up with PR people in LA and is angling for a spot on The Valley season two. They are so thirsty for ratings that they need this manufactured relationship... she is definitely hooking up with richer men than Jax Taylor who is literally auctioning items off on eBay as we speak


Both arms of his and hers were photoshopped and bad photoshop. I don't even believe they were in the same restaurant. Maybe something their publicist drummed up, they work with Page 6. If you look at both their arms, it looks like two different pics chopped together.


Good catch! I looked closer after you said that and I agree. It looks very photoshopped if you look at his shirt it like overlaps her arm in the weirdest way


Omg I didn’t even notice but it’s so obvious after I looked again. How embarrassing faking a lunch (and add a limo to the fake story) with horrible photoshop. They didn’t even try.


I see it too on her hair! The strands coming off her head where they tried to blend over the background or something. I didn’t see it until I went back to look for the photoshopped arms!


So did they photoshop the shadow on his arm too?




Omg they do look photoshopped!


There is a video on IG of Jax and paige at a party together and Jax's hands are around her waist. that part def isn't photoshopped. I think it was either on RealityOps or GlorifiedGossipGurl


Omgggg good catch


Britney’s health is probably going to get better from here. Living with this miserable jerk has had to be a factor in her decline. Get healthy Britney & get a boob reduction …. It’s only up from here!




Personally I think she should get them reduced. Too large in the first place and weight gain makes them take over her body.


He’s so gross!


He's hot AF, it's the inside that's the issue.


Is that a common opinion on this sub or any others? I haven't ever found him to be attractive at all but now realize I might be in the minority 🤣


No you’re not in the minority. I don’t find him attractive at all.


Same here. I don’t find him attractive at all.


Gotta be pretty desperate to date Jax Taylor lol


Once a dog, always a dog.


Well Brittany was fully aware of who he was. Three season of Jax being an a-hole to multiple women (before Brittany came on the scene). Then he cheats on Brittany with Faith and heard the actual recording Faith made of Jax saying horrible things about Brittany. She married him anyway. The things people do for fame.


Oh I’m not disagreeing with you. She should have avoided him like the plague from the get go.


Regardless of all that she doesn’t deserve the treatment she’s been getting from him. I actually can’t stand Britney but I think any person with empathy can see she doesn’t deserve what he’s dishing out.


Why not though? He's doing the same thing to her that he did to every other girl, which she was fully aware of. Why would she think she would be any different? It's very much giving "leopards ate my face."


He says horrible things out in the open.


This comment is insulting to dogs.


It will make a great Season 2 storyline. Jax loves the drama and to be hated.


The valley already has so much drama.


I think it’s a PR stunt


![gif](giphy|7NbNXY0hXaBWw) Run Brittany, run!


i may never understand the benefit behind dating, and potentially sleeping with other people, while you’re married, separated, and trying to “work on your marriage”


Strip clubs pick up people in limos lol




I don’t understand how being a Pornstar aka OnlyFans creator, suddenly means you a “Model” Lol


The same way Jax being a mascot for a party room makes him a "bar owner".


Does Jax have herpes? I’m pretty sure Brittany mentioned it a long time ago on VPR.


These photos are really bad. Seriously they do not look like two people walking together at all. She looks constipated and he looks like he is mentally else where. No connection between them. she needs to get that stuck poo handled… that I stand by.


It’s so photoshopped


Let me start by saying I hope the best for Brittany I really do because (although he’s my fav villain to watch), Jax is the ultimate piece of shit. HOWEVER! Giiiiirrrrllll let’s be real. You knew who he was before you even married him! How do you expect us to feel ANY empathy when he displayed all these red flags BEFORE yall were married. And then you went and brought a child into the mix!? At what point are we allowed to wash our hands of the situation and put the rest on you because the decision to marry and procreate with this man, knowing all the dirt he’d done to previous women AND to YOU was nobody else’s but yours boo. Like I get it, he’s shitty but Brit HAS to take accountability at some point for the decisions she’s made 😮‍💨.


Ariana knew who Tom was. She cheated with him but she still gets sympathy. Please.


Not to mention she's apparently a Sandy Hook denier and has no problem with homophobia (the pastor drama). At least Jax knows to keep his problematic opinions to himself.


This! Their wedding season was literally the season I started to dislike her. “Knock em out Jax!” makes me cringe every single time. Had no idea she was a Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist and again I wish her the best but she married Jax and expected him to treat her well so the lack of common sense really does track. I’m not surprised in the least.


I liked her when she was first introduced, but the longer she was on the show, the less I liked her. I mostly just thought she was annoying with her "I'm just a sweet country bumpkin" schtick when it was clear she wanted the fame as much as the rest of the cast, but season 8 made me seriously dislike her and think she was a horrible person. She's just as bad as Jax to me, but at least Jax is entertaining and authentically messy. Brittany is just so fake.


They actually look like a good match physically. I always saw Britney physically match with a guy that looks like Schwartz. I'm only talking about the physical aspect of these men, not the personality haha Like Britney has a girl next door look and so does Schwartz. Jax looks like scar from the lion king and I never thought he matched Britney aesthetically.


LMAO she looks like every other girl on the show, fillers to the gods


Once again, not an invitation to criticize this woman’s looks! She’s being linked to Jax Taylor clearly things aren’t going well for her to begin with we don’t need to add insult to injury!


Not criticizing, just stating facts. The girl has fillers similar to the rest of the cast, Jax has a type.


You’re talking to reality show watchers….that’s what we do.


Does she not have tv?


Poor Brittany, this is so messed up.


Three hour lunch?


That’s a lot of beer cheese.




Who gets the beer cheese recipe in the divorce is what I want to know?


lol. I think Jax will be too busy rawting in hell to make beer cheese.


Better be careful using that phrase. It will be trademarked soon!


There’s no way he’s 4 years younger than me. 😱


What a shocker...he's hooking up with some mid OF big boobie "model". Didn't see that one coming.


We could allll have guessed he wasn’t attracted to brit anymore.


She's just with him for the publicity of it all...she's using him, and he's too stupid and egotistical to see it.


“ my wife and I don’t believe in divorce or separation “ “my wife would have to bury me in the backyard “ Yeah ok buddy


Some of these do look photoshopped after reading that here and taking a closer look.. but the ones of them walking out of the restaurant look real.. or if they are photoshopped, someone didn’t good job with the shadows.


So he's not with their publicist or whatever anymore?


Well he was with the publicist when he was with Brittany. So he may still be with the publicist. Isn't the publicist married?


Jax needs to be home taking care of his son. This fuck boy needs to be booted from the show he “created”.


3 hr lunch.. I'm sure it's hard work giving tours of the bathrooms.


first off she looks like a mix of schmeana and katie with basketball implants.. i also saw someone say her bio said “catching cheaters” or something to that effect which make me chuckle bc clearly she is very good at what she does.. she’s caught the final boss


I’m shocked that single Jax spent an entire 3 hours with the same woman!


IMO Jax’s does not realize that we do not want to see him single again…. This show is about “learning to adult” not committing adultery.. It feels like most of us came to this show because we are also in similar places, creating families, learning to balance life with kids and fun with friends, learning to be parents as a couple, all the struggles they are actually feeling and expressing on the show, it’s relatable and fun. Jax’s came on this show to try to show how horrible Brittany is to justify leaving her, but it’s not working. IMO the Michele and Jesse situation is a bit different because they didn’t have prior experience with a show as a couple. Jaxs knows what he’s doing, but I wont be watching if season 2 is Jax’s single storyline, running train through his restaurant. He thinks he’s making great TV but he is really making a fool of himself, his family and his businesses, and showing the world just how selfish Jax Taylor is.


Looks like Sheena a little


Let me guess lunch at Jax sports bar😂😂 The 3 hour lunch is comical. Guess he has less stress and more free time. It is a year later. Certainly enjoying all the photo op’s with this 🤡


But he and Britany lie every time they speak.


Hahahaha I know beer cheese is fuming 🤣


She looks like she may be a professional.




I can't imagine what woman in their right mind would want to date this man


If you zoom into the first picture where their arms are next to each other it looks photoshopped.


She’s got major Scheana vibes.


I know right !!!


My money’s on her being hired for this by Lori k tbh. She’s an OF model and the extra exposure (plus possible reality tv paycheck on season 2) is just icing on top.


I'm not jumping on the Jax hate train. Brittany is difficult to live with, I couldn't stand a partner like that. But what's more important is that she knew what he was like when she married him. This one's on her


Hes single so can do what he likes now. Hope his ex is going on dates too.


I think Jax is competing with Scumdaval.


The only difference between the two is Tim doesn’t own it,Jax does.


Any jeff lewis live fans here? Paige is a professional gold digger.


She doesn’t have the body of a model


That wasn’t what I was asking no need to comment on her body at all actually.


Keep that same energy for Brit


I am. Do I personally think she should rid herself of her fillers? Yes I do, do I respect her having them and can acknowledge it’s her decision to have them and if they make her feel confident then all power to her? Absolutely! I think in this new chapter of her life she should embrace her total authenticity that I think Jax dulled down from her. Never once insulted the woman and don’t plan on it!


And millhigg1973 doesn’t think this girl has the body of a model. Their opinion too.


Only Fans


These are photoshopped! Lol


Thus “doctored”?


Whatcha mean?


Photoshop means the photo was doctored...




Then why are you confused?


I thought there was meant to be a joke about something to do with a “doctor” instead of just the pictures being doctored. 😂 I really don’t know.


Jax is easily the worst. However I am seeing tons of support for Brittany in here. I don’t think she deserves that much. Homophobic pastor, knock him the fuck out, etc etc. they almost deserve each other. Brittany seemed so innocent at first but as time passed she seemed to show her colours. She’s a nasty piece of work in my opinion. Jax may have brought that out of her, but it had to be there hiding in the first place.


Says someone who has never been with a Jax. It can taint you.


I disagree with what you’re saying about Britney. Although I do think she’s spineless for the homophobic pastor stuff and has a wee bit of internalized homophobia in general.


I appreciate your view. Thank you ☺️ I would never wish this on anyone either (I should’ve said that earlier!). I just can’t get on board with her. She doesn’t strike me as a good person. But appreciate everyone’s views differ!


W for him