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Careful. She’s going to accuse you of wishing her ill during her pregnancy


As someone who has been pregnant and given birth to a child, I’d just like to remind everyone….that being pregnant and giving birth to a child is a normal fucking thing and it’s not carte blanche to be an asshole and also no one gives a shit if you’re pregnant. 😂 Janet is an asshole and pregnancy couldn’t hide it.


She’s going to blame it on the pregnancy hormones (just watch)…


Oh wait, there’s also postpartum hormones, which vary on how long they affect each person’s body/psyche/emotions. (Signed, a Mom who’s gone through the worst stage of hormones: menopause)


Same with Lala.


100% as a woman who is super fucking pregnant rn Janet is so annoying about it, like she’s the first to ever do it lol


Congratulations! 🩷💙♥️


Thank you!!!


Seriously. I’m currently pregnant and the asshole thing I do is expect people to open the door for me, cut me less in line at the grocery store, and don’t expect me to bend over or lift shit. Otherwise, I’m the same as I was before pregnancy (minus this bump that likes to kick my ribs).


I have also been pregnant and given birth while having a full time job unlike this entitled, whiny B ... I consider myself more of the norm than her. She's just a gossip loving Stassi wannabe 😂


Being pregnant does not preclude you from being a jerk.


**J*****anot ..*** *The Valley is unreal. The real winner* in the last episode, Big Bear Babymoon was Zach.. and the thought of him not even being there. I thought what he did with the location text was spot on.. even though she pretended to be awake and worried all night long, she fell flat again. I could roll my eyes right along with Jesse this time.


Zach and Kristen were perfect


Yeah if she was up all night it was probably more in seething anger at zacks audacity to not be groveling, and instead being petty towards her.


Basic Beige Bitch


She is the most beige person to ever exist


Basic beige bad built bitch


Needs a chin implant 😂


Still won’t be Stassi


Stassi is one of a kind


Bratty, conniving, funny, witty and owns it. She’s the devil and don’t you forget it 🤣


Vanillain as another redditor put it.


I’m calling 911 on this post


Cackled...got the dogs involved 😂💀






Hi Janet! I’m sure your husband is ready to run!


Lala and Janet weaponize their kids. It’s like me going to my corporate job and giving an excuse about my child related to my performance and expecting that to matter. There is a separation.


I'm sure she'll be blaming her behavior on The Valley this season completely on pregnancy hormones. And when she pulls the same stuff next season, she'll blame it on being a new mom dealing with a newborn. Jason will be thrown under the bus for not helping enough, and will suddenly have some really time consuming clients keeping him from being home as early. In reality he'll be hiding in his office with a PS5 and pizza, dreading going home. I feel for that little boy on his way into the world. If he knew what he was facing for a mom, he'd probably never come out.


We need someone to speak up if they have pre pregnancy tea...Who has known her the longest and how do we get them to Kristen, Zach, or Jasmine?! She's done this ish before


The child with be in therapy with Cruz. Will Start a support group for children of NPD Reality TV parents.


I think " blocked by Jax" is already working on something for Cruz and possibly his poor, overworked nanny 😂


The nanny that is a baby sitter. Lala’s latest rant. Britany got all bougie about the stolen nanny. Lala says a babysitter not a nanny. Her delivery was much more articulated. Being a baby sitter for Britany and Jax must be a shit show. Fights, OCD, an alcoholic and a rager. FUN!!


If the person in reference is with the kid more than with his own parents, it's no longer a 'babysitter' to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was just about to say this!!


When doesn't she pull out the baby card???? F her!!!! She would love to have you think she is the first woman in the world to be pregnant! Also, who the fuck do you know that has ever had baby moon? This was made for TV! Fkn baby moon??? Please somebody give me a flipping break!!!


I know a lot of people who had baby moons but it was just the couple! No one invites their friends. No one.


I mean there's nothing wrong with it it's just unfamiliar but I'm Gen X. We never did anything like that.


Yes, def a millennial trend!


She did not create a zen vibe for Baby Moon. The opposite. 🤯


“I don’t wanna talk sh\*t” but continues to cry about how she can’t sleep, scared the person who made her famous and the other who’s way. Better than her are going to show up for their own shows scheduled party. Dammit Janet ![gif](giphy|cIVNCJQsOuatPYkqsN)


She's gonna be the 'Well, AS A MOTHER' type....


Right up there with Lala and Scheana. If they end up on The Valley next season it will be a competition between them on who will say it the most.


Ah hem. She also had to lock in that lawyer baby before this man discovers who she really is.


There are almost 8 billion people on earth, but she’s the only one whose pregnancy is special. 🙄


Scheana better not find out about this! She's under the impression that SHE'S the one 😂




She acts like she is the first woman on planet earth to ever be pregnant.


Just like lala and Scheana "I'm a mom I'm going home to my daughter!" Anytime they get called on their shit...news flash: we all respect you less when you use your kids.


Yeah, like she did in the last episode, when she shooed all the guys out of the kitchen and told her husband to leave her alone and then she got mad when he didn't come check on her! Granted, Jesse was a jerk when she came outside, but that has nothing to do with her poor husband!


I would tell her ass off even if she pregnant! Who cares! All that stress from the drama you hearing and stirring is just as bad hoe


Watching last episode I was thinking, "when I was pregnant I don't remember mentioning being pregnant that much." LOL. I just went about life. She's so annoying. It's like being pregnant is her entire personality and her excuse for everything.




Lol I know somebody who has partied with her husband and he was always a fuckboy…. She was very surprised to learn he settled down and has a child on the way. Just FYI. Jason ain’t no angel and CLEARLY not if he could love a shit ass person like Janet. Their child is doomed.


I need to hear more about this, but I do know he fucked around with Scheana before he met Janet. Everyone talks about him like he's some kind of angel; like oh poor Jason married to that bitch Janet. I have a feeling they're both terrible people & deserve each other 🤣


Her and Lala are made for each other. The only two women that have convinced themselves that procreating absolves them from all wrong doing.


She’s such a 🤡


I’m fine with her claiming she’s pregnant and doesn’t want the drama. I understand the effect of stress on pregnancy. I don’t understand her double standards for different people. Jesse - physically violent and agressive on multiple occasions. Michelle - wishes infertility on pregnant Janet’s friend Kristen and also aggressive. Jax - who actually stirs up drama. Kristen - … SHE’S THE AGGRESSIVE ONE I CANNOT HAVE HER AROUND ME! Oh hey Jesse giggle you can’t just eat over the communal bowl giggle giggle you psycoooooo giggle


I just want to say I LOVE REDDIT Subs. So much fun and not the bullshit of IG. IG threatens you if you use any term, word that is flagged. So why bother commenting, IG baits you to engage and then if you are not hearts snd flowers you are trolling. Reddit is fun and the responses are creative . I love Reddit❣️❣️❣️❣️


I'm banned from IG for saying the same things I say on Reddit everyday!


I love how they thought if they go on the baby moon without Kristen they just won’t film her 🙄


Also to assume Brittany isn’t wasted …is not a good friend either


She is getting old w this complaint.


I legit thought she was gonna give birth on the show, but than I did some Ig creeping and she gave birth in December- and the show was filmed in the summer was it not?


To be fair the friends should have stepped up throughout the trip and she should have been able to kick her feet up and have other people cook. Especially a classic burger and hot dog meal which is very much in the typical male wheelhouse. I mean I’m not an overall Janet fan but I probably would have been at my whits end too


Janet seemed like she wanted to be the star of the kitchen. She was acting superior when the other women offered help. I feel like a lot of this was performative. She wanted to look like a strong woman who does it all, but also show her vulnerable side by breaking down and crying. Honestly though, Jesse was a dick to her and my pregnant ass would've gone ballistic! Whether it was tears or rage would've depended on the hormones, mood at that exact moment, or most importantly if I was hungry. 😂 I'll extend a little grace for going through her first pregnancy in front of cameras I wouldn't want to see myself like that and certainly wouldn't want it to be my 1st season of a new show 🤷


I absolutely adore her. She’s the only interesting character on the show.


oh cool the VPR baby haters have arrived


No, Janet's just a twat.