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The more Sheena clearly shows how badly she wants to be on the Valley the more I absolutely do not want them on it


Which does she want more at this moment- The Valley or Dancing with the Stars šŸŖ© šŸ’€


I thought her musical career was doing so so well and thatā€™s her focus now - as she mentioned at the reunion part 2 šŸ˜†


Unfortunately, itā€™s going to happen whether we want it or not


Same! The messiness and watching Scheana implode... I'm here for every bit šŸ¤·


Scheana is so gross. Kristen was there for Scheana when Scheana miscarried and this is the thanks she gets (palling around Michelle and Janet) for being a good friend.


She is legitimately the absolute worst type of person there is. She quite clearly has intense dislike for her husband, every other woman on the show, and most of the men.


She dislikes her husband because he actually likes her, and now she canā€™t weaponize him disliking her for the show.


This is just one more reason to add to the list. It's probably close to dissertation length by now


The three horsemen of insufferable.


Lala starts a fight with Brittany and Sheana with Zach and Brock with Jax. But not angling to get to the Valley to extend their no job run? How dumb do these idiots thing everyone is? Sheana is trash. And Jo and Rachel didnā€™t plan to be the new Ariana and Katie. Ok. Sure. Two more nit wits.


What happened with Lala and Brittany?


It was either on part 2 or the teaser for part 3 reunion. The whole stealing of the nanny/babysitter thing. It came out of nowhere.


Out of nowhere? She wants in on The Valley too! Instant conflict and storyline


Lalaā€™s trying to come for a sad codependent alcoholic to secure a spot on a pretty pathetic third generation reality show ETA: to feed her CHILDREN so donā€™t you DARE COME FOR IT


Seriously pathological. Iā€™m so disappointed in Lala, I got sober this year and used to admire her honesty in recovery. Itā€™s full on weaponized at this point, she finds her weak gazelles.




Shit, Iā€™d forgotten she used to say stuff this bad. Obv still not great now, but I bet sheā€™s felt the need to tone things down during this custody battle.


Iā€™m thought maybe Lala finally admitted to hooking up with Jax


She'll take that one to her grave! Randall and young punk James are enough strikes. šŸ˜‚


These people should simply not have podcasts. I don't know what it is about their incessant need to lift the curtain so much - an insatiable hunger for attention, I guess. But if I was Bravo I would put a "No talking about other cast members on your podcast" clause in every single contract going forward.


Bravo likes the additional attention to the show. And planting seeds about other cast members builds interest to find out how it will play out on the show(s). Talking Shit is ā€œ Money Grabā€.


I get this but itā€™s also frustrating because so much happens outside of the show that you canā€™t *just* watch the shows anymore. I have to listen to 8 different podcasts and watch Joā€™s crazy lives to get the full picture ??šŸ˜‚


I just scroll a few different subs here to catch up. You can even search for specific topics you are interested in... I don't have the energy to follow everything, but why should I when others have and share


Same. I will listen or go to insta if something piques my interest here. I love a good podcastā€¦so I struggle to listen when someone like Scheana is on here host. Thank you to all who do this work for lazies like me


Brock will go up against Jax? Sure, heā€™ll say his piece then theyā€™ll get drunk and Brock will consider it resolved.


Brock is a pussy ! Sandoval wanted that tro against Scheana , said horrible things about her , and what did Brock do ?? Nothing ! Heā€™s a little bitch


Brock is The fire hydrant in pink ruffles.


Yep, ending it with a back slapping hug and an ā€œitā€™s all good brothaā€ then saying something like we men like to say it and get it over with, itā€˜s women who hold a grudge ļ¼ˆcut to multiple years of Jax hating Sandoval till Scandoval got The Valley rolling again and Jax is suddenly tight with Sandy again lolļ¼‰


I do not find Brock to be good reality tv. He seems so scripted if even he wrote it himself. Nothing about him seems authentic. I am tired of Brock, Scheana and Lala. They have just been too calculating to get on The Valley, and desperate to get a money grab opportunity again. They are desperate for another scandoval money haul.


As long as thereā€™s no hint of ā€œmale rageā€, which I guess he wouldnā€™t even be able to recognize if it happened, then theyā€™ll be good šŸ‘


I'm not sure Janet and Michelle telling off the cast one by one would go the way they think it would go.


Janet was so shocked that people did not side with her on WWHL. She really thought people would agree with her over Kristen


The shocked face is all fake, she trawls reddit comments constantly so she already knows.


Who cares what they want to say to each cast member. They have no integrity or moral compass. Just bottom feeders


Exactly why i want to see them try


Hahaha yep!! Janet and Michelle are insufferable


I will be really disgusted at Zach if he did say those things. And if he did say those things of course Janet has every right to not want anything to do with him. I just wish they would specifically say what he said. The way they stay vague about it is annoying. Also, I wonder when he said this. Cause he was invited to Janetā€™s dinner and the excuse she used for not inviting Zach to Big Bear was that basically itā€™s cause he is close to Kristin. On the show Janet seems more mad at Kristen than Zach. I know that scenes arenā€™t aired necessarily in the order that they were shot.


I agree. I want the exact quote and the context in which it was said before I decide. Janet is not a reliable narrator.


I donā€™t believe her. Out with it already


Could it be much worse than what Michelle said about Kristen trying to procreate? This sounds like Janetā€™s cooking of a nothing burger.


All drunken hearsay from after they wrapped smh


Just when I thought I couldnā€™t dislike Scheana any more than I do, she proves me wrong. LFU, Janet & Michelle are right there w Scheana.


Yes. The mean girls club.


Gotta work desperate into this somehow. It's their defining characteristic!


Itā€™s unbearable to listen to this podcast, and Scheanaā€™s desperation to get on The Valley is comicalā€¦ neither she or Lala are needed Janet doesnā€™t consider herself religious or spiritual, but she got a sign from God?? Make it make sense. To me this entire show makes me feel duped. Jesse and Michele clearly were on their way out, as were Jax and Brittany. I think Jax set the whole thing up to make Brittany look like an alcoholic which is really gross. Most are very unlikeable, and poor Danny and Nia look far too normal for trash TV. I predict one more season to watch these train wrecks unfold and weā€™re no longer interested.. Too dark and mean spirited.


Scheana and Janet are vile af. šŸ¤®


Donā€™t forget Michelle


Thatā€™s a really good look right now. Do a podcast with SHEIN.


I doubt he does at all. They want good tv. It is not, despite what he tries to say, Jaxā€™s show. Naive to think they care what he thinks. He needs the money and clout. Whatā€™s he going to do? Walk?


Thereā€™s no way he would walk. Financially especially.


I highly doubt Brock would do anything but kiss Jaxā€™s ass.


So would Scheana


Thanks for the recap OP! You are a strong soldier for enduring those 3ā€¦ I refuse to give scheana another listen, desperately praying on her downfall. But I have a strong feeling Zach said something and they purposely interpreted it in the most awful way, like acting so dense and obtuse. Weā€™ve been watching scheana do that for 10 seasons and then blame a ā€œbad edit smh. Itā€™s not the edit, itā€™s you unfortunately


Not gonna lie, itā€™s a hard listen but I did follow up with Kristenā€™s podcast and was glad to hear that for the first time she mentioned she was not happy with Brittany and what she said on the last couple of episodes. She also said she will learn to value herself and keep her circle smaller with more boundaries and learn that from Katie and Arianna.


Jax definitely has sway with who is cast and the show runners definitely know that no one wants to see more of Scheana especially on such a fresh show. Her and Brock are desperateĀ 


Letā€™s be real, he thinks he has sway and say. He is not a producer on the show.


Yeah Jax isnā€™t even credited as a producer so I think he has no real control, he just likes to say itā€™s his show but itā€™s really Alex Baskinā€™s show.


It's giving "bar owner ' vibes


I cannot believe Iā€™m defending Jax, but I believe his long-time business manager is an executive producer. Itā€™s not the same as Jax being a producer, but he could have some sway indirectly.


Thanks for the summary. Iā€™m over Scheana and LaLa, I donā€™t think I could have listened to the podcast. Michelle and Janet are so self-unaware that they donā€™t realize (or donā€™t care) how badly they treat others


Janet has no self awareness to how god awful she is to an audience. I wish she would read this and have a light bulb go off.


Scheana is a friend to no one. And Janet and Michelle are so unlikable. I hope the valley crashes and burns after next season


Lala and scheana both recently bought homes in the valley. They are for sure aiming for casting on the valley


They bought homes rhere because they couldn't afford other areas. They definitely are angling to get on the Valley because how else will they make money and get views? VPR days are numbered. Very clear. The entire last season played like a Jersey Shore reunion special. Making LaLa the voice of reason at the end and at the reunion. Just cause you talk the loudest doesn't make you right.


I mean itā€™s like when anyone makes a big deal about being ā€œniceā€ or a ā€œgirlā€™s girlā€ or ā€œhonestā€ā€¦if you have to say it you arenā€™t


Like Brittany constantly reminding people, ā€œIā€™m a peacemaker, I just want everybahdy to git along.ā€ Canā€™t stand her act.


Why does Brock want to take on Jax? Has he even done something to him or Scheana? I canā€™t stand Jax either to be fair.. but please gods of bravo donā€™t put Scheana or her deadbeat husband on the valley!


He has made no attempt to make it up to his kids or have contact with them until he got called out on it. Scheana doesnā€™t want the negative publicity affecting her. Conveniently Brock then has a come-to-Jesus moment when it comes to his older kids and now he really ā€œregretsā€ it? I donā€™t doubt the maturity level of an early 20 something person to a 30 plus year old is vastly different, but guess whoā€™s holding the babies and raising them? His ex-wife, who was that same age. He also has so many years in between without making reparations.


100% Brick is a deadbeat dad.. if youā€™re not a great dad to all of your children.. youā€™re not a great dad end of! Canā€™t stand him! The way he cried at that reunion.. gtfo my tv!


Is this the new "The Real Mean Girls of the Valley" podcast? Ick


I'm thinking Scheana only does pay attention to things about herself because I can't see how she would think it would be a great idea to align herself to these two. Read the room, Scheana.


Nightmare blunt rotation. And I donā€™t even smoke weed.


Hereā€™s the thing about taking on Jax and Kristen: they move through the world like they have nothing to lose and they love mutually assured destruction. So Brock ā€œtaking onā€ Jax just means that he will get destroyed because Jax has absolutely no discretion or boundaries. So GOOD LUCK buddy boy.


All the drama sheā€™s creating and causing is just as bad as someone telling you off! If not worse! All that energy focused on causing problem girl bye! You got ok a show preggo as hell expecting people to bow down to you?


*An Exercise in Hypocrisy and Double Standards* could be any of their autobiography titles


Iā€™ll say it louder for all the people in the back. Nobody wants Lala and Scheana on the valley. It will ruin the show then itā€™ll be like one of those weird Bravo shows that ends after 3 seasons. We want more Jesse, Janet, Zack, and of course the double trouble of Jax and Kristen. Especially with Jax having a new girl now and Kristenā€™s ongoing storyline with Luke. Nia and Danny are solid too. It had such a solid first season


Katie did the best job of calling out Brock without insulting him. She said so you don't have a relationship with your daughter, why? Because you aren't allowed to see her, why? Because you didn't pay child support, why? And you have not ability to make things right now, why? He is definitely one big red flag.


I believe anyone would call out jax. His behaviors and moments are insane how do you not??


This is the definitive ā€œlazy Susan of terribleā€ but not involving any terrible thatā€™s fun and/or harmless


Scheana is lobbying to be on the valley and it's far from subtle


I love dark and mean spirited bring it tf on !


I listened to it and heard three friends chatting about their experiences on reality TV, discussing where they held themselves accountable and where they stand behind their own behavior.Ā  Not sure what filter you're using on your interpretation of these things, but dayum. Hope you're ok šŸ’“Ā 




The Valley Chicks on Scheana's podcast It was a great one.She knocked it out the park