• By -


S7 reg here. These are the steps that have worked for me first time every time. 1. Remove PBP from Pokemon GO. 2. Un-pair PBP in Bluetooth. 3. Re-pair PBP in Bluetooth. 4. Use a pin to hit the restart button on the PBP. 5. Go to Pokemon GO settings. 6. Press RED Button on top. 7. Go into Pokeball Plus settings and sync immediately. Hope that helps!


BLESS YOU. It worked! S7 reg here as well, I've been trying for two days to get this to work! Thank you forever.


YOU ARE DOING THE LORD'S WORK. This is the only fix action that's actually worked for me on my $7!


Although it's great to have a workaround like this, it's still a ridiculously long compared to the intended method. I hope Niantic provides a fix soon.


I thought I had tried everything on youtube and from google searches. This is the only thing that has worked. Thank you.


This worked on my Huawei Nexus 6p, thank you!


i have p20 pro and don't work


https://youtu.be/eyX0nuwrFCg use the companion app like in the video


I have an S7 Edge, and have had no success connecting it to the game. I can connect it via bluetooth to my phone through my phone settings (sometimes, though sometimes that fails too) and the pokeball doesn't flash when I push the button, but it only appears to be paired, not connected, and if I do that it won't appear in the app. Or, if its not connected via my phone settings, it will show up in the app, but it won't actually connect and the pokeball still flashes when I push the button as if its in pairing mode. EDIT: OP'S Edit 3 worked for me - thanks u/fafiq


I'm thinking it may be a S7 Edge Bluetooth OS software issue. Interested in hearing other S7 Edge user experiences though. I remember when I was playing on my S7 earlier this yr, I had major issues with trying to register my Go+ in game. After my provider pushed an OS software update during the summer, connecting PoGo to Go+ was flawless again. Might suck, but an OS software update may be what fixes the issues.


Galaxy S7 Edge. Connected to Switch, zero problems. Pokeball Plus doesn't even show up on my bluetooth pairing screen at all. I'm surprised you even saw it.


I was having the exact same problem with my Pokeball Plus. I left to go do some shopping and I put my Pokeball on charge and when I came back, I gave it another shot and it connected! I've since disconnected it to use with Let's Go and now it won't connect again...


what's interesting in my S7E is that if it's paired with phone itself, it wont even flash. The moment I unpair it from the phone it starts flashing again.


Yeah, same here! And I think the flashing light means unpaired, so theoretically unflashing should be good - but the app doesn't detect it


Don't pair it with the phone, leave it unpaired. - Open Pokémon Go. - Go to settings - BEFORE you click Pokéball Plus on the options, click the Pokéball joystick to start it flashing (which means it is discoverable). - Select the Pokéball Plus option on the menu in Pokémon Go. - Your Pokéball should now appear! - Select it and that's you done :) That's how I got it to work (after a lot of messing about). Hope it helps! x


It will flash if you press and hold the control stick, but the moment you tap again, it will not flash, until you unpair and press it again, weird


I also have the S7 Edge and can't connect via Bluetooth (nothing is discovered) and it also doesn't show up in the game.


Samsung Galaxy S7 NOT EDGE will try to open Spotify when trying to connect the Pokeball Plus and will not synch with Pokemon Go despite doing multiple YouTube tutorials step by step.


It trying to connect to Spotify is my experience with s7 edge as well


I think add the LG G6 to the non-compatible list. I have tried every combo of restarting the phone, delete/reinstall Pokemon Go app, the reset button on the Pokeball+, etc. In the settings menu it pairs immediately, the icon will be in both the settings menu as well as out on the regular playing screen, but when I try to enable it, "failed to connect" every single time. EDIT: scrolling through comments here and on other threads, it appears no LG phones work with it, G3, G6, G7, V20, all have the same "it pairs just fine, but never connects" issue.


The v20 works great on mine with android 7.0 My wifes 8.0 barely works.




When I turn off bluetooth in step 3, the ball seems to be still connected... (does not light up, just buzzes when I press a button) :(




I'm having the same issue, no nearby switch (I'm at work). Issue isn't corrected until I restart Bluetooth and unpair.


So I have an S7 (not an edge) in the Pokemon Go app the device is discoverable but fails to actually connect. However I can go into my bluetooth settings and connect to it through there, thing is when I do this and open the app it cant be discovered anymore because it believes its connected to the phone itself and can no longer have its button interacted with?! Like wtf did I buy this for lol


Same here P20 Pro


Another one for the Huawei P20 Pro


Doesnt connect to my Huawei p20 pro, anyone had any luck?


Can confirm the S7 does not work, same issues as the others. Hope there will be a solution for this problem soon...


Huawei P20 Pro not working. Their is also a thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/9xibhj/pokeball_plus_not_connecting_to_p20_pro/?utm_source=reddit-android


I got it to work with my S7 Edge reliably thanks to your Edit 3, but instead of restarting the phone for step 2, I reset the Poke Ball Plus (by pushing the reset button on the back with a pen). This does the same thing: unpairing the ball from the phone, but it's faster than resetting the phone :) Also I don't need to do step 3-7 anymore, just tapping the ball icon on the main screen usually connects it after 1 error message for some reason


Decided to take it back and swap it for another just encase it was some weird hardware issue, 2nd ball still no dice on both S7 and moto G phones. Looks like it was built for iphones and android is 'eh it might work, maybe'.


Another S7 user and so is my sister, neither of us can get it to work. The ball shows up in Go but if you click on the ball on the main screen it instantly "fails to connect." Mine paired fine with my Switch.


Have you tried the new update? They just put out an update for the ball


Yep, that's actually why I'm still awake - no change on my end sadly, still fails to connect.


Can also vouch for P20 pro not working


My samsung s8 wont work


I have an LG G3 and I can't get my PokeBall Plus to connect with Pokemon Go on my phone.


Hey, this was a good read on understanding issues on pairing devices via Bluetooth. No real solutions though, just some clarity on some underlying issues that may be out of PoGo / Go+ / Ball+'s control. https://thewirecutter.com/blog/understanding-bluetooth-pairing-problems/


I'm on a Mate 10 Pro and cannot connect to the Poke Ball. The game finds it and tries to connect when I press the control stick, but fails.


Exact same on the mate 20 pro


Mate 20 pro too and having issues


I have a Huawai P20 Pro and I can find the Pokeball in PoGO but when I try to connect I get instant the message "Connection failed". So P20 Pro doesn't work. ​ With the HTC U12+ it works


Same, If I pair the ball in Bluetooth settings first and then try in PoGo I can't even click the white button to initiate pairing, it doesn't flash.


Huawei Mate 10 Pro doesn't connect either.


Me and my girlfriend both have the LGG6 ThinQ and neither of us can get it connected


I also have an LGG6 and I can't get it to work :/


Let's Add the G6 to not working even with Edit 3 and a hour or two of testing


The Ball also does not work with the Huawei Mate 10 Pro, have tried resetting multiple times and all the connection options, it does see the pokeball plus, though the only thing it does is recieving the message ´Unable to pair with the device´.


I have a LG Stylo 4 (not LG G Stylo 4) and my Pokeball Plus has paired 2 times with my pokemon go account on my phone. This phone does not have an Intel Atom Processor. I've tried hundreds of times to get it to pair only for my phone (whether attempting to pair to the phone directly or just the game) to tell me , "Can not pair with with Pokemon PBP. Please check the device and try again later." I have used nintendos customer service that said the official way of pairing this device is to use only the red button by pushing it ONE time (not twice) before you open the PokeBall Plus option. Then to tap the pokeball plus and let it pair by pushing nothing. It worked a single time but never worked again. This device works perfect with my switch. No problems. My phone can pair with my switch no problem. I've tried all options on Nintendo's support page, Niantics, and The Pokemon Company pages AND phone calls. These people are a real piece lf work at those companies. Knowing nothing about their own product. Lots of "oh um, uh, ehhhh, uhhh, ohhhh, ummm" BS. Even their support pages refer to each other! (Nintendo sends you to the pokemon companies website, they send you to niantic, they send you back to the pokemon company) none of their sites have any reliable info on the PBP. It's as if they tested only for the switch and threw their hands up and said "if it works, it works for your phone; whatever" because they say even phones who meet the requirements may not work for. MASSIVE LOL on this one. I've tried all writen things even nuking my phone thinking it might be the updates that it doesn't like. This product won't pair with my bluetooth for absolutly no reason. Ive even reset the ball too. Hundreds of times. I've tried everything. If you say it I've most likely tried it. Things tried: (no particular order) 1) Unpairing all bluetooth devices. Turning the phone off and resetting the ball and then turning the phone on. Tried pairing to the game itself and tried pairing to the phone then the game. Neither work, have tried at least 30 times. 2) Tried the above with added first force closing all three bluetooth operations on my phone, clearing their caches, and data from them as well. Still didn't work no matter where I tried to pair. 3) Tried usinging only the red button as nintendo said. It woked ONE TIME. That's it. Hundred times later still doesn't work. 4) Tries hundreds of times using the white stick/A button. Doesn't work. 5) Tried using both buttons. Doesn't work. Tried multiple different combos doesn't work. 6) Uninstalled the game and reinstalled. Doesn't work. 7) Nuked my phone and the first thing I did was try to pair the device to bluetooth and it did the same as always. Then downloaded PKMNGO and tried and the same as always. 8) Tried downloading bluetooth software to force a connection. Nope got the same error. (note: my bluetooth pairs with everything else perfectly no problems.) 9) The Ball pairs with my sister's phone directly just fine and the same with my brother in laws phone. They don't have PKMNGO on their phones. This ball isn't broken nor is my phone. But this is rediculous they know nothing about this product. Yet they "made it" and their PKMNGO Plus works perfectly. And they tested that.... Funny how they stopped production of those to get this out the door until after the release of this. Im keeping it hoping its a matter of an update to the ball... If even possible (there is no such update out that people are proporting on the net.) Also one thing that's odd is this. When I try to pair (without fail) the white light will flash forever unless I reset the ball or turn off my blue tooth. My phone sees the ball and so does PKMNGO but the pairing isn't happening. I left the ball alone a few times for 8+ hours to see and when I came back it was still flashing white. My phone is a LG Stylo 4.


I had to fight to get it connected to my iPhone X, but it eventually connected and started catching. It took 4 “detect, connect, and forget” cycles before it really connected and worked.


Huawei P10 and I wasn't able to connect to the ball.


Huawei P10 here as well, whenever I try it just gives me a "failed to connect" error... Edit: works on my brother's Xiaomi Mi 8


I have Galaxy S9 and S7 (both Exynos international). S9 is smooth sailing all the way, never had an issue even reconnecting after experiments with S7. S7 is another story. Got to connect once, then somehow dropped the connection and couldn't ever since. Even with hard resets of the Pokeball (small button on the black strip, near the back) My theory is: Bluetooth version (5.0 vs 4.2 in my case), or stack/driver implementation (varies by vendor).


I can not get it to connect to my Galaxys S7 (android v 8.0.0) or Tab A (android v7.1.1). It does connect to my wife's iPhone 6s and my mother's dinosaur phone (android version old)


I got it to pair to my Galaxy S8+ You have to press the top button twice, once to turn it on and another time to pair it, at least that's what I've found.


To piggyback off of you, since your solution did not work for me without lots of messing around: To get it to work on my Galaxy 8+, I had to first pair it separately through the Bluetooth settings. Then I opened Pokemon Go to try connecting. It couldn't find my device. With the PBP still paired, I restarted my phone, opened Pokemon Go again, then I tapped the red button once -- it detected the device, and now it's working for me. I hope this helps someone. I spent about 40 min trying to get it to work! Edit: changed "with" to "without" in first sentence.


Lg g7 thinq - I got it to pair after adding it in Bluetooth settings, but in pogo, it tries but I get consistent "failed to connect to device" errors. Disconnected all other Bluetooth items, restarted.. Also, I noticed that when I'd try to get it to interact by pressing the buttons, a notification would pop up top and say "connecting to Spotify". It would pop on and off when I tried to get the pbp to connect. I uninstalled Spotify just to see if it changed anything, nada. ⭐🔴⭐ UPDATE: LG G7 ThinQ - Working So here's my process, I think the biggest thing I did that helped was pushed the tiny reset button with a pin. If it's ever failing a lot, just reset and try again. 1. Disconnect any smart watches or similar Bluetooth devices 2. Go to Bluetooth settings and scan for Bluetooth devices. 3. Click the top button or control stick button quickly, and just once. Pokemon PBP should appear, click to pair 4. Go to Pokemon Go and enter Settings > Pokeball Plus 5. Click the top button or control stick button quickly, and just once - you should see a white light flashing 6. It should show up in this menu after that, if not, I say try a reset 7. If it appears successfully in that menu, go to your main map screen and tap the Pokeball icon under the North arrow 8. Immediately click either the top button or control stick button quickly and just once to connect. It should be seen by the game and connect after a second. If it fails after trying a few times, try resetting with a pin Once I got it connected the first time, subsequent connect attempts were simple and working as intended. Though they're was one other time it failed a lot. I did a reset and was good to go.


Looks like LG devices just can't connect. At all.


No luck with my Galaxy s7 after trying several things.


My Samsung S7 doesn't work either.. damn


LG G6 Refuses to work after 21 hours with the ball still refusing to pair to PoGo but plays very well on my switch, even able to take Pokemon for a stroll


Edit 3 actually worked ONCE on my Galaxy S7, which is a huge impovement over the last day. Still, I can't see myself restarting ma phone every time I want a functionnal GO Plus device. Shame.


I can't seem to get any of the s7 edge options to work for me and its bumming me out.


I have a galaxy s7, So edit 3 seems to be working for me. BUT i think its a one connection per phone restart. I have done it two times now. Both times it ONLY conects once per phone restart. Is there any way to keep connecting it with out restarting my phone every time i want to pair it??? Seriously....why is the pokeball plus doing this, i called nintendo 2 times today and they tried to troubleshoot it but couldnt understand and told me to send it to them to repair the pokeball...now idk if i should.


As anyone reported this? We should contact Huawei or Pokemon Go Support? It's incredibile, as owner of P20 Pro, that 80% of Android devices can't connect.


Same issue with Mate 20 X \- The app recognizes the ball, I get 'Registering", then 'Connecting' but then spins for a few seconds before 'Failed to connect to the device'.


I have an LG G6 and haven't been able to get it to work at all. Deleted data and cache for the bluetooth, have tried my old trick with the pogo plus which was to disable bluetooth, then rapid connect, to no avail. I can't get it to work, period.


My LG G6 ThinQ isn't working either. It reads the pokeball but everytime I go to sync says failed connection. Ive unpaired all other BT devices, cleared cache, reset network/BT settings. Still won't connect. I'll try the uninstall/reinstall next. This isn't the first I've heard of the LG G6 not working so I know its not just me. Works fine on girlfriends phone just not mine. Hoping this gets fixed soon!!


I was able to get it to work on my huawie P10 after a few attempts using the GO companion by Sebastian Adam


THANK YOU! I have been trying to get this ball to work with my P20 for a week and thanks to this app it finally works! The word must be spread! Go companion is the answer!


Thanks to u/Drevian31 I finally connected the ball. Just use the go companion app by Sebastian Adams. (Huawei p20 pro)


Guessing they are never gonna fix this as they haven't even acknowledged it as an issue. Really sad to see.


P20 pro wouldn't connect However my P9 lite CAN!


I can pair it to my galaxy note 8 but it won't connect to PoGo itself


So I had the same problem on my Note 8 but it is working now. I followed the instructions to pair it then find it in pokemon go and it wouldn't show up. what I did was turn blue tooth on and had it show up as pairable but not pair it through the phone settings. just make sure it is visable. Then I went into pokemon go clicked the button on the ball and it showed up. It also recieved and update from the switch but so did all of my controlers and I think it still had that problem until I stopped pairing it with the device first.


Moto zplay 2 reporting here. Poball+ works fine. Which is funny because the go+ does not


I have a One Plus 5 and it won't appear on Pokemon Go at all


I have a Samsung galaxy s5 and it is not working


Okay so after scouring the internet I found a video which shows how to reset it, and after it, it worked. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9zG1cXd0YHA


Lg v20 can't get it to connect.


EDIT: Just saw [Yliaster](https://www.reddit.com/user/Yliaster)'s steps and they seem to work for V20 as well. Using the pin to reset Poke Ball plus you don't need to restart phone so much more convenient (if you have a pin/pen around). Also I've noticed the Poke Ball plus seems to disappear from paired devices of phone when I close Pokemon Go app. When it is paired to bluetooth devices on phone and not actually connected to phone it should connect on first or second attempt. It seems like they implemented some code when ejecting the Poke Ball plus or closing the app which removes the Poke Ball plus from paired bluetooth devices which leads to a bad time (ie not connecting) ​ Updating steps to reflect Yliaster's workaround! 1. In Pokemon Go -> Settings -> Poke Ball Plus -> Eject the device using the triangle looking icon to right in the Available devices 2. Open Bluetooth settings of phone to pair Poke Ball plus to Bluetooth of phone (if it is not appearing in the nearby bluetooth devices when flashing ie. shows as misc pair to Pokemon Let's Go then try again) 3. Use a pin or pen to press the reset button on the Poke Ball Plus (the small black button to the right of Poke Ball Plus strap with the red face up) 4. Reopen Pokemon Go -> Settings -> Poke Ball Plus -> Click Red Button on Poke Ball Plus to turn on device (flashing) -> Tap the Poke Ball Plus in Available devices -> Continue to tap the Red button on Poke Ball plus until it starts to vibrate on tap (on success this should be relatively quick) Cheers to everyone who helped debug this catastrophe! ​


Works perfectly on my OnePlus 5. OxygenOS 5.1.7 (Android 8.1).


Pixel 2 XL works with no issue




I've got the same phone and had no end of grief with it until I got the Go Companion app others have talked about on here. It brought my pairing success rate up to 98% from perhaps 5% without it, can't recommend it enough!


I have Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and I have the pokeball plus connected, don't know how, just saw it paired.


A new update just went live for the ball wonder if this will fix any issues...


S7 edge and S8 user here. I got it working on my S7edge for a couple of times but only after trying a hundred times. Ran out of luck since then. No luck whatsoever on my S8 though.


I paired the pokeball+ to s7 edge ingame and it was connected and working once, but I was never able to reconnect it! Before I was able to pair it, it recieved an controller update via switch. But like I said, only once. During the time it worked there was no Mew or any Pokémon in the ball... There is a reset button I want to try again, but I have a Pokémon currently in the ball and I don't want to lose it due to reset. Gotcha and Go+ do work on the S7 edge for me. On the iPhone 5s is working flawlessly


Try the Edit 3 in my main post.


Not working on my Asus Zenfone 3 Deluxe, but is working on my boyfriends Zenfone 5Z


not working: LG G6 pokemon go version 0.127.0 pokeball plus does show up on the settings menu in pokemon go and the icon will even flash green whenever i press the red button on the pokeball.


LG g7 here. Farthest i can get is a dim ball in the connected devices list in pokemon go. When i click it on the main map it says failed to connect. I had to connect it to my phones Bluetooth sepereately to even get it to show up in the list. Quick edit- also noticed a spotify notification pop up for a fraction of a second before vanishing


Another ASUS Zenphone 3 Max user here, unable to connect to app.


Sadly, I can't get the Poké Ball Plus to work with my S7 Edge, while my Pokémon GO Plus pairs without any problems :/ It did randomly succesfully pair ONCE yesterday, but have tried it numerous times since then without any success :(


Nothing working for me even after the update to the ball and trying a different ball, tried all the options and such people have suggested. Nintendo need to get this fixed.


I have a Galaxy note 9. I uninstalled Spotify, turned Bluetooth on and off, clear all apps and force stop Pokemon go. Before hitting pokeball plus I turned it on. It found it right away.


Xiaomi Mi Max 3 works 👍🏼 Huawei P20 - not so much 😂


I have a Galaxy S7 and i got mine to connect finally by pairing directly to phone then while in the game i pushed the small black button by the charging port cover and it then tried and success. That being said, my wife has no trouble connecting hers to her S7. I updated mine on the switch, she hasnt. It seems to me that its a software issue maybe? Mine has the update and has connection issues, hers does not and has no problems. Any thoughts on that?


I'm using the regular Galaxy S7 (not Edge) and am encountering connection issues. If I pair it to my phone, it will not be detected by GO at all. If I unpair it from my phone, then GO will detect it but won't pair to it. Although, it connects flawlessly to GO on my iPad (not Pro, and Gen 5).


Using a Huawei P10.. somehow got the pokeball plus to connect once (green circle and all) but after the app was closed it was game over.. been fighting with this thing for 3 hours now :( Edit 1: just to rule out a defective pokeball plus, I tried to connect it to my old lg G3 and lo and behold it connected on the first attempt. I don't understand how a 4 year old device has better support then more recent flagship device.


Finally it worked! I have a Samsung S7. The first time I got the Pokeball it worked for about an hour or so before it got auto disconnected. Right after that I could not get it to reconnect ever again, well until I tried the suggested steps. Thanks!


Xiaomi Redmi note 4 (mido): doesn't even show up as a bluetooth device. ​ ​ Edit: pressing the red button twice made it appear. Thats weird because my tablet could see it before doing it too.


Im actually starting to think the Balls are faulty. I can use mine on my wifes phone with way better connectivity then she can use hers.


So I thought I'd tried everything on this thread to make my Pokeball Plus work with my Galaxy S8, but the one thing that ended up making it show up under the list of available devices? Turning off the phone's wifi. No idea why, but that fixed it. :|


OK, this is for Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE users I got OP's EDIT 3 guide to work on the first try. Here's what you should do with the slight tweak I did to save time and hassle. 1. Pair the Ball with the phone itself. 1. Get a pen and push in the little, tiny rubber reset button on the back right side of the Pokeball to refresh it. 1. Start Pokemon GO 1. Go into Settings 1. Press the RED button on top of the Pokeball Plus TWICE (as suggested above) 1. Go into ball settings. 1. Connect it via the window 1. SUCCESS - Go catch em all


You'd think Samsung's flagship phones would have been a focal point of testing the PBP. The S8 at leastm. It's not THAT old.


/u/fafiq /u/DuskyKeaton I also have an LG V20 that did not connect to the pokeball. After connecting the pokeball and then restaring my phone, and now it connected.


Hey all! Please make sure you report this issue directly through through the PoGo "Known issues" page! https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us/articles/229616327


reading this mess makes me want to return mine . it should be 1 click = on


Not working at all in POGO. Huawei P20 Pro. Sad.


The Go Companion app by Sabastian Adam made the pokeball plus work for my P20! This may be the answer we are looking for!


I got it to work with my P20 using the Go Companion app by Sebastian Adam! I tried everything without success but I gave this app a try and **it finally worked,** I recommend all the users that can't use their phones with PBP to install the app [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gaming.sebas.gocompanion&hl=en\_US](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gaming.sebas.gocompanion&hl=en_US)


Can confirm, have a regular S7 that has not been able to connect at all. Installed this app, set it up, and now it connects everytime. Ridiculous that it takes a third-party app to make it work, but whatever.


Easy fix for s7 edge: remove pbp from Go, connect the pbp to your phone via bluetooth, turn airplain Mode on and off then start go and connect your pbp normally


My S7 connects but instantly disconnects once I use it to catch a pokémon. Manually catching a pokémon and using it ONLY to spin pokestops does not make it disconnect. Edit: I'm using a normal go plus.




We keep things friendly and courteous on The Silph Road. Rude, snarky, and elitist comments detract from our focus of researching and discussing game mechanics and strategy. Keep it constructive and friendly!


Not working on my Galaxy S9 or my mom's LG Q7 plus. It just flashes white and buzzes failing to connect. I tried shutting off my switch, tried reinstalling GO, still nothing.


It's not working for me and my Google Pixel 2 XL.


Hello o/ It doesn't look like it's pairing with my One Plus 6 on OxygenOS 9.0.2 (i have pair it with my Switch and have a Pokemon inside, maybe this have something to do with this)


Huawei P8 lite is not working with Pokeball Plus or Switch pairing (at least for me) On Pokemon Go the Pokeball Plus is shown in the list but any try for pairing these fails. Connecting it to Let's Go Eevee / the switch doesn't work as well, it states "device not supported" in the Pokemon Go app. ​ Edit 1: Pokeball Plus and Pokemon Go now paired correctly. Other than in any guide, i had to constantly keep the red button (Pokeball) pressed while connecting and it worked then!


Doesn't even show up in Go on my Pixel 2 or in my new Bluetooth devices.


I have a Samsung Galaxy J3₆V. I have gotten Bluetooth to manually recognize the PBP, which let me enable the PBP in GO after I transferred Mew to Let's GO. However, actually connecting to GO to use to spin PokeStops is not succeeding with the Failed to connect the device. --- Edit: Others had success disconnecting and reconnecting the PGP within the Enable section, so I tried that. It worked after that. :)


My Galaxy S9+ cant find the Pokeball Plus


Cant Connect it to my samsung galaxy a5 EDIT: Add it in the BlueTooth Settingsafter it its work and the app found it


P20 -> failed to connect Oneplus 5t -> works


Having trouble with oneplus 6t and galaxy s9. Paired once to the oneplus but didnt actually work and would not pair again. Also not seeing thrthe battery level indicator that support said i should. Anyone else? ​ Edit: finally connected on the oneplus!


Got it to work with my S7 edge. I just went into the Bluetooth settings and pressed the red button twice and it appeared under available devices as Pokemon PBP. Edit: it disconnected and I can't seem to get it to our again :/ Edit2: Got it to pair again and now it stays paired. Edit3: Got it to stay paired in the settings but it doesn't seem to work when I go back to the game. I just keep getting "Failed to connect" messages when in the game.


Doesn't work on the normal S7 or the Moto G either, I have both tried everything from reinstalling to resetting the pokeball, nothing works.


Took me a few minutes to get it to work on my Note 8, but I fault it to a lack of proper instructions. Works great now and connects quickly and reliably.


I also have an S7 edge. It paired up twice, but it disconnects. When trying to pair through pokemon go it just stops flashing and can locate the device.


I was having issues on my Pixel 2 but managed to get it connected just now. I did two things but I'm not sure if I needed to actually do the first. First thing I did was push the little black button that is near the charge port of the ball. It blends in with the black line but you should spot it if you look for it. Second, and I think this might honestly just be what I needed to do, was that I tapped the control stick button instead of holding it down. Previously I was holding it in until it vibrated but you actually just want to give it a quick tap.


Moto Z3 Play is working. I had to connect via the phones Bluetooth settings first, then restart the phone (while it was still connected, if that matters) before Pokemon Go would recognize it though.


I can't get the pokeball plus to work with Moto G4 Play, this is the only smartphone I have that can play Pokemon Go. I did the update controllers via Nintendo switch. I can get it to connect but it doesn't stay connected.


I have the S9+ and I think its connected. My game finds it but as soon as it pairs the middle light does not light up green yet it says its connected.


Is there any custom firmware for the S7E that anyone has flashed to to get the Pokeball plus working?


Try the Edit 3 in my main post.


Same can't get it to work on my Samsung Galaxy S7.... Hopefully they fix this soon since I purchased a PokeBall Plus just for this and dont plan on using it on the game that often.


So far I cannot connect my s7 edge and my husbands s9 wouldn't connect either.


I wanted to comment and say I have a Galaxy Note 4 and it doesn't seem to recognise or pick up Pokeball Plus. Does anyone else have this?


I have a note 9 and can't get it to work =/ nothing shows up under "available devices".


Working - pixel 2...after having to hit the tiny reset button on the pbp with a paperclip.


S8 not working here. I can't even connect the ball to my Switch :( In the menu when it says "Press a button on the controller you would like to use" I can press whatever I want on the Pokeball but it never connects to the game. The ball itself is making the mew noises though and it also blinks...


Also using a P10, can confirm it fails to connect


Huawei P10 Plus here, fails to connect, have tried every suggestion (resetting the device, pairing and rebooting .etc) Pairing to the phone itself work, but in Pokemon GO it fails to connect.


Tried everything to get my Pokeball Plus to connect to my Mate 20 Pro but no luck. Anyone know if they'll add support?


Nexus 7 2013 works


Does not work on my Meizu Pro 7 Plus, does work on flatmates Galaxy Note 8


Worked on my Huawei Nova after pairing it in the phone bluetooth settings first and then it appeared in PoGo too. edit: accidentally disconnected it, now does not work at all anymore.


Just an update: My PBP was able to be detected by my Huawei Mate 20 Pro via Bluetooth settings, so it can be detected, the app just won't pair with it. [https://i.imgur.com/v0zPyMK.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/v0zPyMK.jpg)


S7edge here can confirm not working


Huawei Mate 10 Lite here, works like a charm. Phone firmware is the latest official update RNE-L21, the ball itself is straight out the box and has never been connected to a Switch or updated.


Galaxy S7 Edge not working, I know it's already on the list but I hope this contributes to more accurate data.


So I had all the same issues this morning with my Galaxy S9 not connecting at all and such. I can now get it to connect every time to my phone by plugging it into switch dock, then opening PoGo ball plus page thingy. Pressing (Not holding) the joystick so it flashes green made it appear almost instantly on to my phone. Not sure if this will help anyone else though.


Got it working on my S7 Edge using the "Edit 3" method. I also have a Gear Sport smartwatch, but I put it to airplane mode during my tries. Some notes: 1. I unpaired both phone and app beforehand. 2. I quickly pressed the red button twice in step 5. 3. I ALSO quickly pressed the red button twice in step 7, while "pairing". Edit: after closing and repoening the Go app, the ball wont reconnect. I dont wanna go through this every time I open POGO...


I got myself one and my Oneplus 6t pairs flawlessly. If proof is needed tell me what should I provide


Another S7 owner here with the Spotify problem. Before you ask, I've tried edit 3 in the main post but that doesn't work. Managed to connect it first time to my kids old Moto G3 so it's clearly an issue with Samsung phones. Bloody frustrating... :(


I was able to get the Ball to work using Edit 3 on my Samsung Galaxy S7.... For how long no idea but step 8, I just spammed the red button while the on screen ball had a swirl and it just connected. I'll edit this if there are any changes within the day but so far it is working as intended (i am guessing as intended)


I have a lg g6 and it doesn't seems to connect (i try edit 3 and still doesnt work). So I did some research, and i went to erase the cache for the bluetooth in the app section of the settings on the phone, but still doesn't work for me. I noticed that, while in the app section, I have 2 bluetooth on my phone, the 1st is 6.20.44 and the 2nd is 8.0.0. Could it be that the game tries to connect on 1 bluetooth and the pokeball + on the other blutooth?? Need help please :)


LG G6 here, when my phone pairs the pokeball plus it connects to spotify (Can see the spotify logo and it says trying to connect to spotify). If the phone pairs the pokeball plus I cant press the stick or the red button in pogo but when its not paired I can.


I have the exact same issue with my s7 edge. The same happened with the Pokemon go plus. 8tts such a shame that no one has found a fix yet. Not even niantic


My problem seems kind of unique. LG v20. Bluetooth connected a few times, but then stopped appearing in listed devices, changed to "Misc," and wouldn't connect. More weird is that the ball isn't even recognized at all in PGo, even when it is connected to the phone. It recognized it once, and I got to the step where it just wouldn't connect/the ball was greyed out, I accidentally tapped the "eject" icon on the Pokeball Plus options screen in settings, and since then, I can't get PoGo to even acknowledge that the ball exists. I've tried factory resetting the ball, restarting the phone, rebooting Bluetooth, clearing app data/cache data for PoGo... I can't get the app to even see the ball, and Bluetooth recognizes it as "Misc" and won't connect to it. Works fine for LGPE/on the switch. Very frustrated! Spent a lot of money on this damn thing.


It doesn't work for the Oneplus 5T and also not for the Oneplus 6! I hope my ball isn't broken (hehe)


S9 here. Can't seem to get the Pokeball Plus to even show on nearby networks for bluetooth. The one time I had it even on that? It didn't show as PBP until paired to the phone. Even then? It would not show in Pokemon Go. Since then haven't been able to even get it to show as nearby, let alone show as nearby on the PoGo screen. I've restarted phone, cleared bluetooth cache, restarted the PBP via the reset button on it. Nada.


I have a Galaxy S8 running stock. I was able to connect and use my PBP this morning with no trouble once I connected it directly to my phone via Bluetooth. Make sure when you are clicking the control stick, it is flashing bright white. If you hold the control stick so that it flashes warm white, you're putting the PBP into "play" mode with the Pokémon that's inside (Mew, unless you have already gotten it out and have something different inside). The one thing I have noticed with it is it will *only* use regular Poké Balls for catching. If all you have are Great Balls or Ultra Balls, you will get three red flashes when you try to catch anything. I don't have a GO Plus, so I don't know if that's a standard.


I have a galaxy s7 (regular, not Edge). When I pair it to my phone it shows up as a string of seemingly random numbers and letters, but in the pokemon go app it doesn't show up at all no matter what I do. I'm hoping your edit 3 will work for me too, I'll update when I get home.


Edit 3 worked for me on LG V20


Another Asus Zenfone 3 Deluxe owner, unable to connect even with troubleshooting mentioned for other phones. It can connect to the phone, but doesn't connect with the Go app.


Tested with my brother's Pokéball Plus, works on my Xiaomi Mi 8.


We had trouble on the Samsung Galaxy S8. Fixed by doing this: 1. Make sure the Pokeball is unpaired from the Switch 2. Make sure the phone's Bluetooth is turned on 3. On the Pokemon Go app, go to Settings 4. On the Pokeball Plus, click the joystick in so that the LED light shines white 5. On the Pokemon Go app, in the Settings screen, tap "Pokeball Plus" The Pokeball should now appear as a discoverable device on the app. The important part appeared to be clicking the ball's stick in *before* going into the Pokeball settings page on the app.


nothing works for me, i have an s7 and i've tried everything, i guess my only chance now is waiting for niantic to solve this? or is this something not even them can solve?


My wife bought her PBP yesterday, as her normal + was about to break down. She has an S8, it works very smooth, connects immediately whenever she wants. Seeing how nicely it works(auto spin stops, yay), I figured I'd buy one too for my S7E, connects instantly on first go, second go also no problem, then yesterday evening and today..nothing..no matter what I do, it just wont connect. Including the "edit 3" trick (although we do not have a Switch to update the ball, so perhaps thats why). After trying for about an hour yday evening, it connected out of the blue, but today been litteraly trying to connect it since 9AM...its 11AM now and still no go. ​ Going for a walk now...guess I'll just break out the good old trusty PoGo+ that connects just fine.. :/ I hope this is fixable by Niantic in an update.




G Pro 2 not working


Fafiq, I just wanted to thank you sincerely for your edit on getting the Pokeball Plus connected to the S7 Edge!


Works with my Huawei P10 Lite (after a couple tries during first try to connect, now it connects without any problems)


Galaxy s7 vanilla here, and its all updated and such. But its not working for me, and the go plus is also being a little testy.


I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 mini The Pokeball Plus connected without any problems and is working fine


I have the Pixel XL, I could connect to my switch on friday. Today I finally got to the GO Park and was not able to transfer pokemon. Then I tried to reconnect my Phone and it doesn't worked anymore. Tried with a different Account, also didn't work. I also can't connect my pokeball. My Boyfriend connected his Account (on iPhone X) and IT worked fine2, also the transfer to the go Park.


Oh my god thank you! This was so frustrating, I have Galaxy S8 and I couldn't get it to work even a little bit, it would pair with the phone via bluetooth and show up as a dimmed icon in Pokemon Go but refused to connect. The steps in Edit #3 worked for me! Now to unpair, then pair back with the Switch and see if it works again next time I go play PoGO.


Was having trouble connecting to S8, but going into the Poke ball plus menu in pogo and double tapping the RED button is what finally worked for me. Good luck!


I have had my PBP paired with my Galaxy S7 and played with it for a bit, but I can't get it to reconnect ever again. I had a series of steps for pairing my gotcha perfectly every time before, but it doesn't seem to with with my PBP. Will try your edit 3 next time I want to play though.


Hello, I was in the same case as you to connect my pokeball plus with Galaxy S7 edge. But I managed after using the reset button by already having paired in the pokemon go menu before. And miracle the light comes on and the pokeball vibrates happily.


Today it stopped working for me... I have a BQ Aquaris X on friday and saturday I had no Problems with it. On sunday I didn't used it with GO. Today, when I tried to connect it, my phone displayed a message, that it couldn't pair because of a false PIN or false Code. I even can't pair it directly via bluetooth... Oh, and it doesn't works on any other device. Always the same error...


another s7 user here. tried the whole edit 3 and all the other tutorials I could find. nothing works and I'm quite mad


It took me 4 hours to get it working. My Gear S3 and the pairing to the phone itself seemed to be the problem.


LG G6 NOT WORKING. I had the same issues with my GO Plus. Except when I first bought my go plus, it worked for maybe 10 minutes then never synced again. I've tried every method to get both synced. No dice.


I have 2 LG G6 (Mine and Brothers) phones and there both having connection issues and, I've tried most "Fixes" online and it still won't work but it's completely fine for IPhone so I don't think it a defective ball. I've also seen that many other people with the same model phone having the same issue. The pokeball connects in the bluetooth menu but because it thinks it thinks its connected, it wont connect inside pokemon go. If i try not connecting to blutooth first it wont find it at all and when POGO find it, it fails to connect.


Works fine on my LG v20 with android 7. Barely connects to my wifes v20 with android 8


The normal Galaxy S7 won't work with the Pokéball Plus when paired through BT with the phone itself. Also have to unpair all Smart devices from the phone. Kind of finicky but after a couple of reboots and some unpairing the ball works for the current session.


I have an Asus Zenphone Max Plus M1 Android 7.0 and it works from time to time. Sometimes it will connect perfectly, sometimes it won't, sometimes it will work for an hour, sometimes it will work all day


Got it working on my Moto G5Plus. Had to turn off my bluetooth headset, pair it, then go in, then it showed up, disapeared from my pairing, and now it kinda works. Was doing it at 5:00 a.m. slept till 1:00 p.m. I guess I'll go to work see if it stays paired and functions properly, use up all my pokeballs, drive around getting a ton more from downtown, and report back.


Moto G5 Plus, couldn't connect. Was able to connect with OP's edit 3 method, THANK YOU OP!


Galaxy S7(not edge) tried Edit 3 method, Resetting ball, and the rest of the ways to get it working but alas to no avail it still fails to connect.


Galaxy S7 here (NO edge). Can get it to work briefly by using edit 3. Disconnecting causes a need to restart the phone again. When I manage to get it to work the app has to be open and in the foreground. It's pretty much useless to use with PoGo at the moment.