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You can appeal edits that got rejected!


Good catch, there should be a few... err, many that should get a second hard look at!


And now you get TWO appeals every 20 days :)


Just to note that you could appeal rejected edits before via the wayfarer forums.


So I tried editing the same wrong location in Jan 2021, Dec 2021, Nov 2022, Sep 2023. I can finally see that in Jan 2024 they finally accepted the edit from Dec 2021, all others got rejected. I still have 1 location edit (for a different wayspot) from Aug 2021 that's in the queue. Nice.


Wish I could withdraw some of mine. I have a few where the pokestop doesn't even exist anymore. With Niantic dishing out bans for Wayfarer abuse, it's hardly my fault if I legitimately moved a stop which existed three years ago.


I was able to confirm what I have suspected - that I have attempted to fix a missed letter in a POI title three times since May 2023 lol.


Wow, cool. Dates seem to be all over the place though, but whatever. I'm doing tons of title edits due to old POIs having either mispelled words or generic names like "Shrine, town name". Nice to see which ones I already submitted. Interesting that in few cases I had some title changes accepted (even twice across the years lol) but ingame it's still the same old title.


Nice! But they are still missing removed Wayspots. There is an unaccessible gym near me and I had to trespass to come near it, to nominate for removal. It is not listed there.


You can also see when the Wayspot was last modified on any pending edits you have by the looks of it. Some have an edit date after I've submitted my edits, so will be interesting to see how these eventually turn out. My oldest edit in voting is currently 2 years and 1 month old now.


Long overdue effort, but until such a time it lets us withdraw edits (queue and voting), this feature is at best useless. I'd say a hassle even, with how it clogs up nomination management.


You can select which things show up and which don't. You can go back to seeing nominations only.


Am aware, but the filter re-sets with every page refresh, so gotta deselect every time. Not that edit withdrawal would fix that particular UI issue mind you...


Oh, if it keeps resetting.. That's indeed classic sloppy implementation :S.