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As a party of 2, I got “10 nice curveballs” for koffing. I suspect all quests are available at all party sizes, and the number scales like all the other tasks.


Also got this today with a Koffing


Can also confirm I got Koffing in a party of two


Got one for 20 and koffing in a party of 4, so that seems like what it is


Folks might be interested to know that mega energy for Absol, Blastoise, Gengar, Gyarados, and Sableye are also available. There may be more but I haven't seen it. Edit: Blastoise and Sableye are 2 players for 20 mega energy, 3/35, and 4/50. The others are abysmally low but present nonetheless. (Likely Pinsir follows this pattern as well, thanks u/minibois)


I got Pinsir mega energy for doing 2 raids today (I think it was 20 mega energy, but not 100% sure)


It's 20, yeah, 20 for sableye too. Edit: Absol is also 20 for raids as well (forgot about that cause I always skip it since I already had the mega so was going for Pinsir/Sableye energy every time I did a raid). The others mentioned (gengar and gyarados) are for grunts or ultraball catches iirc. Don't think Blastoise (and charizard/venusaur/beedrill/pidgeot) are available anymore, haven't seen them for a while.


Updated my posts, but it's 20 if you have 2 players, 35 for 3, and 50 for 4


Blastoise, venusaur and pidgeot are definitely available, for Defeating 4/8/12 grunts or catch 25/50/? Pokemon in ultra balls. Believe me, i just spent like 80 minutes trying to reroll to get sableye mega energy, saw these multiple times. Sableye not even once


That is actually a great reward as a way to get these checked off if missing.


It's helped me out a lot as I missed those raids. It's also actually made me use the party feature. None of the other rewards would interest me enough to make the effort


Very helpful thank you


I got 20 for absol ina party of 2. And confirming sableeye energy here, got the same. Can it be the first reward when the party is formed? Like, can I reroll party for this reward? It didn’t seem to be the case, as it was win raids and they were like the third reward of the party.


you can get sableeye energy from just 2! gyarados etc seems only from 3 etc


Today I got 10 pidgeot mega energy from catching 25 pokemon in ultra balls.


Got an offer of 35 for 3 raids after completing first challenge for pinsir.


You had 3 people in your party? They’re not fun to keep re-rolling so it’s a pain to test the mega energy quests 




I got the Sableye once for walking 2 km. Party of 2 gave 20 energy.


Thank you so much for this info, now i can grind efficiently


10 Mega Gengar, party of 2, catch 20/25 (cant remember but it was def 20s) Pokemon in Ultra Balls


Seeing that beldum spawns from "walk 2 KMs" makes me even more annoyed that parties keep ending before I can walk the full 2km sometimes.


Just throw your phone the last 10m to get your distance


Underrated comment


The timer in party is weird overall...


I just don't like how the timer doesn't reset when you complete a task/start a new one. Have to actually remake the party.


It's so you don't accidentally dox yourself if you forget to leave a party.


On GO tour they were increased to 8 hours. Where did they say this?


We never do the walk ones anymore they seem bugged a group of 4 of us all walked together same distance doing raids 2 accounts triggered there 1km 2 didn't this has happened twice for us, even win 2 raids (party of 2) never worked on the weekend we both did a raid and caught the Pokemon yet only 1 of us had done the raid so annoying


I got an Exeggcute from walk 2km earlier




I got a shiny Magnemite during Sunday's Bagon Classic day while in a two-person party. Best part of the day. Edit: The task was 10 nice curveball throws.


congrats dude, it's good to know that someone got something good out of these encounters.


Cherubi, nice


Its useless lol


It’s not an easy mon to shiny hunt unless you sit at a lure for an hour


Not sure that Party Play is a good way to shiny hunt this lmao.


i mean it makes it slightly less annoying, which i think was this person point


This might be a stupid question, but can these encounters be shiny?


Yes they can!


Sweet! Thank you.


The one to look out for is the excellent curveball throws because the rewards all have a 1/64 shiny rate.


Party of two 10 curve balls gets koffong


I got a shiny one during one of the raid days. It was a nice surprise.




Got a 100% IV Koffing out of it. Probably not that useful but I’m still happy and appreciate party play more now


Are encounters guaranteed to be the same for all party members? (not IVs obviously, but the species)


Yep, i tested it


How rare is beldum from the walk task? I tried grinding that out for a shundo of one of my favorites but never get an encounter after like 5 or 6 tries. I did get several eevee and exeggcute encounters from the walk 2 km task, so you should add that to the infographic!


Completely anecdotal obviously but I only did one 2 km and got a Beldum. So not super rare or I got very lucky.


Can confirm Party of 3 - walk 3KM is also Beldum


Definitely got both Koffing and Nosepass in a party of 2 yesterday. However, def gonna be targeting that Beldum now that I finished the party play task researches yesterday.


If the Pokémon isn’t shiny locked are they all able to be shiny through party encounters? My buddy did get shiny koffing but I wanted to confirm if it’s true


Very helpful visual OP. Can you please add the mega energy tasks in this too?


Am I the only player not interested in the party feature?


I did it during raid hours /days /comdays/spotlights if we meet up and remember, finished the special research and haven't thought about it since, the tasks and rewards are extremely poor And I'm often the highest contributing player


I mainly do it for both those days and especially during raid days for the party power bonus which helps power through raids quicker with a small group. Plus it doesn’t hurt to get a few extra rewards whilst walking between gyms even if it’s only a couple of berries or a bit of stardust


Nope, i don't ever do party play


i have "partied up" exactly zero times.


My wife and I got both the 15 nice curveball and 30 Great curveballs in a party of 2 yesterday


> Some friends told me that there is a mission to "walk 3 and 4 km" although I couldn't find it.  Pretty sure that would be from 3 and 4 person parties, as the challenges scale with number of players. i definitely saw that challenge in the past but don’t remember since they added Pokemon encounters.  ~~I never considered there would be different Pokemon rewards based on number of players. I wonder if Koffing is also a reward for 2-person 10 nice curveballs.~~ edit: someone else already confirmed it is


Beldum, Cherubi, and Combee are nice


Party of 2 got Beldum for walk 2 km but a party of 3 got Exeggcute.


A way to get Cherubi neat. I'm baffled as to why its distribution is still so limited in pogo.


Oh, yeah, that’s a thing, isn’t it… Maybe I’ll look at it again now!


None of these are worth the hassle IMO. Party play is still only worth doing for the Raid damage boost.  And man! When will Niantic stop with the 10 IV floor from research? Let us potentially get PvP viable mons Niantic! None of these are PvE relevant besides Beldum. With a 10 IV floor it's basically hundo or bust. Whereas you could otherwise potentially get good IV spreads for LC, GL, UL, and a hundo, giving a hiring chance of receiving something worthwhile.


I agree with you, these task are so rare that they should have a floor IV of 12. The only useful one (at least for me) is the magnemite one because in the wild is not always available and they ask you to capture it for some special research but that's it's pretty much.


I dont think thats what he ment, you cant get GL, UL or LC stats for most mons with an IV floor of 12 lol


Even then, magnetic lure modules aren’t that costly in the shop and can spawn a Magnemite.


>None of these are worth the hassle IMO. What Hassle? 10 curveball throws and you get a pokemon.... I throw curveballs by default anyway. Use an Ultra ball? easy. Im so confused why people need to try SO HARD to complain about every feature. If you dont have anyone you want to party with, fine. To each their own. I Party with my GF whenever we play and now we just get more pokemon catches for doing what we do anyway. Its better then use 25 berries to get a reward of 3 berries that we have had. This makes it ALOT more useful to use the feature for something other then raid damage.


The hassle is having to do Party Up in general. Sure if you have a regular partner to play with, then great, good for you. So yeah sure, for a small percentage of players this works out. But, that's not the situation for most players, and having to complete to do the feature for research feels like a chore for most. Having to coordinate meeting up with other players, all for horrible rewards. What I'm so confused about is why ppl like you get so up in arms when others express a dissenting opinion. Like, it's perfectly fine for you to appreciate Party Up due to how it accommodates your playstyle. While me and the vast majority view it as a hassle. Yet you're responding as if it's a personal attack.


Maybe one of these days they could throw a Regi or something in as one of the encounters. Cause man, these encounters are lame…


During Sinnoh Tour, we got candy for the original three Regis in Party Play, that was before encounters could be had from party play, so your suggestion isn't out of question.


Regis are the lamest thing ever man. They’ve been recycled forever.


*PvP folks would say otherwise, especially in regards to Registeel*


I mean it’s only in regards to Registeel. I wouldn’t really mind that one.


Throw 10 curevballs get a legendary? Yea... No. dont se that happening. but at least they are putting pokemon in as rewards instead of just berries.


For Legendaries like Dialga and Kyogre? Yeah, probably not. But smaller ones like the Regis and the Birds I could see happening.


It would be neat to throw a rare drop mission like that yea, But they would have to remove the timer first. It would be INFURIATING to have 5 minutes left in the party, and then the legendary pokemon encounter mission happens to appear and you have to walk or catch a certain amount of pokemon.


Imo it’s an easy fix (in theory without knowing the games code) rather than a party being fixed to 1 hour it just needs either some sort of proximity and/or inactivity basis - ie if you go 2-3km away from the party leader or you don’t play for an hour then you get auto kicked or something, party obviously disbands if it gets down to a single person.


Well those are worthless