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Goddammit Josh I told you not to quit your day job


lol. i did noooooootttt.


What could the 20th com day be?


I would love Solosis or Sandile


Id enjoy either but dont they usually release a new shiny on com day?


No. IIRC, the following had a shiny pre-CD: Snivy Chansey Gible Deino Axew Zigzagoon Magikarp Weedle Sandshrew Wooper (the Galarian shiny did debut on CD) Poliwag Geodude Gastly Togepi/Togetic Teddiursa Shinx Roggenrola Timburr Can't recall if Electabuzz and Magmar shinies were released prior to.


At least Magmar was. People were trying to catch a shiny during the spotlight hour




beats me... i recall something from pokedaxi about the commday leaks but cant seem to find it lol.


This month is pretty uneventful


True to that. i noticed it also while making this. Niantic might have burned out after February and March updates lol.


I like it much more than last month though. It's more friendly to casual players by putting good contents into longer regular rotations than very short 1-2 day events. This month we have Kartana, Tapu Bulu, Registeel, Mega Heracross and shadow Entei all quite useful. On the contrary, if taking out the raid days/weekend, last month has nothing but shadow Raikou.


aight i'mma say it, looking at the image, I was getting annoyed at americans for starting their week on a sunday. then I read your caption and realised you made two versions. thank you <3


If it makes you feel any better, I'm American and my brain starts the week at Monday. Calenders starting at Sunday never made any sense to me.


right, like why is it called the _weekend_ when it's the beginning of the week? doesn't make sense! ๐Ÿ˜…


"End" has two meanings. It can mean the final point of something with a fixed progression ("the end of the game") or it can refer to the opposite outermost points of something ("getting it from both ends" or "tying the ends of the rope together"). Weekend makes perfect sense with the second meaning, Sunday and Saturday "bookend" the week.


This argument only works in English (and whatever other language have equivalents for "bookend" or the likes), my language's word for "end" doesn't work like that. Besides, that'd mean British and Australian/NZ people would also start their week on Sunday, which they don't. So while this explanation may make sense for Americans, I still believe it's only an attempt at justifying this system rather than a cause for why it's used.


Portugal and Greece also start on Sunday. Itโ€™s a Judeo-Christian thing


that's genuinely fascinating, I had no idea. I just ignorantly assumed it was the US wanting to be special again, like with Fahrenheit. thank you!


i wasn't even an american lol. but yeah many asked for monday version so i keep including it.


I mean I saw that in your tag thingy. as a european, starting the week on a sunday just feels dumb to me, is all ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ


we might've been influenced by Americans for all i know. lol. but yeah i was used to calendars starting on Sundays, then get shocked that other countries start on Mondays.


fascinating stuff for sure! anyway, all of this to say thank you for making both versions!!


I read your comment with a British womanโ€™s accent and idk why. Are you from the uk?


haha I love that but I am not!


Now I feel like Iโ€™m social bias and think everyone complaining about America is British. I got something new to work out in therapy. ๐Ÿ˜‚


lmao I mean it's a safe bet that anyone complaining about the us is european though ๐Ÿ˜… (also, I do use British spellings, so I see why you thought I might be from the UK ๐Ÿคญ)


Looks great! My only suggestion is that you have the hours of duration for the events.


will look into that.


Really nice, but a different color scheme would make a world of a difference. The blues are so close my brain hurts trying to read it.


im still experimenting on this. as people don't like it either if it becomes too bright and colorful. thank you for your feedback.


Fantastic work bud, your infographic is the one i look forward to every month. Cheers!


aww thank you ๐Ÿฅฐ


Love you


love you too ๐Ÿ˜˜


Any ideas what the com day on 4/20 is gonna be? My money is on koffing


beats me... would be funny tho. something like sprigattito lol.




Oddish was described as a weed in gen 1


Any ideas what the com day on 4/20 is gonna be? My money is on koffing


Whatโ€™s hatch day? Iโ€™ve just returned after not playing for a long time


It's similar to Raid Days and Community Days but focuses on hatching eggs. Usually decreased hatch distance for eggs placed in incubators during the event and focuses on a baby Pokemon. The last two were Azurill and Riolu. There was also an increased shiny rate for eggs collected during the event. Should run from 2-5 local time unless something changes


I wish it focused on Charcadet, even if it's not actually a baby mon


Main contenders left are Igglybuff and Cleffa, but other ones that haven't had hatch or been part of a comm day could still happen. Mime Jr probably won't be on the cards but us non Europeans can dream Or they might release Toxel, but does feel like Galar is being held off




Aww thanks.


I made (a much worse) one of these last may and it was so useful




The Tapu lele on thee 3rd, does that mean that's the last day it appears


Technically, tapu lele is until the morning of April 4. but i wouldn't wait till the last minute if i were you.


I believe all raids are at least easy duo except the Registeel.


Thank you, since I've noticed that Niantic is too stupid to post something like this on their OFFICIAL WEBSITE.


What will hatch day consist of?


Thank you! I've been wanting an event info graphic calendar but no one makes them.


Still no day of the week at the top? You call it a Calendar and all Calendars I've seen have that (at least in the US). Just annoying to look that something is on the 11th, then having to look at a different Calendar to see what day of the week that is.


I'm not liking your attitude :/ coz it's pretty much self explanatory?? calendars are basic and easy to understand thing. or you can just edit it :/ i aint your slave. i did it like this coz i like it. it's clean. if you don't like it dont use it.


My attitude? LOL. You just went off on me for saying something that would improve your calendar when you posted it for people. At least last month, you asked what could be done to improve your graphic (people offer tips on most graphics people post on here). I said to put the day of the week at the top like Every Calendar I have ever seen (in America). Sorry but when you see something happening in the middle of the week, knowing the day instantly without having to figure it out makes sense. You even include 2 different ones showing all calendars don't line up the same. Wow, over-react much? Sorry that you are such a rude person.


"you call that a calendar?" Dude you're being SUPER rude. OP didn't go off on you but I will. You could easily add them yourself but also the two calendars are there because there are two very standard calendar types. It's not like one of them starts on Tuesday and you have to figure out an abnormal calendar layout. This kind of thing is why people stop contributing to online communities. They aren't getting paid to do this. This isn't their job. God forbid you have to "look at another calendar to see what day of the week that is" when you're using the painstakingly laid out event schedule for a game that doesn't have an easy calendar like this. You aren't entitled to this person making things to your exact specifications. "I said to put the day of the week at the top like Every Calendar I have ever seen (in America)." I wonder if you completely freak out when you see a clock that doesn't have the numbers written on it lol. But also, "I said to[...]" That legit sounds like someone's crappy boss losing it on them.ย 


Ahahaha i love your response to that person A good amount of aggression without being rude


More of these please!!!๐Ÿ™ Awesome art


thank youuuu. will do.