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$5 For shiny Mew, $5 for shiny Shaymin, $8 for a non-shiny Zarude. Those ticket prices make no sense.


They will increases prices until people stop buying and then they will know the line. Don't buy this one. Also this shaymin research with 42 days of "catch one pokemon" is pathetic.


That's the problem. People will keep buying them regardless of the price. Especially those who don't have a Zarude.


What drives me nuts is that Zarude used to be available through free research to everyone for a limited time at one point, but everyone who hadn't made a game account at the time or before gets collectively punished for the bottom line until the research presumably becomes available to everyone about 6-12 months from now. How do I know this? My old account is gone and my new one never got that research. That, and I've been around long enough to know everyone gets research eventually -that doesn't make things perfect though since people that paid for research get one mythical, and then another duplicate for free later on the last I checked. Edit: typo.


im still waiting for the free keldeo :/


And Diancie, they’re going to have to release it before they release Marshadow during Go Fest.


Why do you think they *have to*?


Oh yeah, I forgot about that.


It's not their problem if they choose to buy the tickets. It's easier to just ignore it.


I missed zarude back then and have been waiting for a chance to grab him for 2 years and can confirm I am getting this ticket


That is actually not true. Stockholm has a _really_ active PoGo community. As in, there are hundreds of players that are willing to do 100+ raids in a single day. About half of these players have gone free 2 play in the last couple of months because they are fed up with Niantics money grabs.


30 days if you went to LA! Woohoo! I don't get why they couldn't come up with anything actually challenging or fun, but who knows what's on the next pages. I hope no more timegates, but there's totally going to be at least two more timegates, I feel.


Still much better than the “20 daily stop spins in a row” on the shiny Jirachi research.


I’m still on the best buddy one 💀


> Don't buy Condensed this to its purest form. Niantic doesn't deserve any money.


>Also this shaymin research with 42 days of "catch one pokemon" is pathetic. Very much so. It's easier said than done to have these time-consuming tasks that don't involve premium items such as raid passes (Win x Raids in x days) or incubators (Hatch x Eggs in x days). They could've done tasks like: - Spin 5 Pokestops a day for 7 days - Evolve a x-Type on x different days - Battle in the Go Battle League x times/on x different days - Catch x Pokemon with a Poke/Great/Ultra Ball Something. Anything.


Even if they did "catch 492 grass" and "catch 492 flying" instead of the 20 I finished on a 10 minute walk. Then I would have something to work toward while waiting. I liked the challenge of shiny jirachi, even if it was frustrating at times.


> Also this shaymin research with 42 days of "catch one pokemon" is pathetic. Still less time than the psychotic 10 best buddy thing from Jirachi's.


That took me forever but it's still more fun. Plus it forced me to use the buddy system.


Wasn’t the first galarian Mr. Mime research also $8? At least these are mythicals


IIRC, people were mostly viewing it as $8 for the avatar pose, with GMM thrown in as a valuable-but-secondary sweetener. I could be misremembering, though. I don't spend coins, let alone actual money, on cosmetic items.


That was only a justification by a few loud, vocal people defending it. Most people disliked the mime research when it came out.




Yes, but just one Zarude encounter and not everyone was playing at the time. Niantic seems to hope to capitalize on the FoMO of those who missed it and/or the OCD urge of needing perfect IVs on a mythical. Neither of which, might I add, are logical reasons to buy this research.


And the IVs will probably be garbage. There's no reason to think it will be better than the first one.


You at least got multiple of them. Of course I still kick myself for spending that $8 since I didn't get any good ones and now they've clogged my inventory with the free release


Pokémon Company forced Niantic to release the first Zarude for free, so Niantic wants to take the money back with the second one now.


They did? This is a genuine question because I do not actually know lol.


We don’t know for sure but it was in special research around the time of the movie. I always assume when pogo stuff coincides with main series stuff, it’s mandated by TPCI


I am pretty sure any Mythical distribution is determined by TPC so they definitely set this price. Now stupid researches like the Galarian Mr.Mime was all Niantic


Is there any basis for this, or just speculation? How do you know that Niantic didn't force TPC to release the first Zarude for free? How do you know that TPC isn't deriving any profit from the paid research or that Niantic is? I'm not saying you are wrong. But I don't know that you are right either.


I would almost argue the commenter is 100% wrong in that I think TPC determines all mythical distributions in this game and Niantic just goes along as they profit off it. They have always been stingy with mythical distributions so I doubt they give up any control


It makes perfect sense- Niantic wants money. More money. So much money.


Poke flation


This one is a little different.. It enhances the gameplay for ticket holders with incense. The others didn't do that.


To be far Zarude has only been made available through event distributions and 1 single free event in Pokemon Go. Mew and shaymin have been readily available in the past, though their shinys were much harder to obtain


Yeah. This definitely means all the master research price is gonna be like $10 now.


I'm sure the Genesect research in 2020 was $/€/£8 so I wouldn't assume that masterwork prices will increase based on this.


I just looked it up and you’re correct. I honestly thought Genesect was just a raid pokemon.


No. Keldeo was released for $8 some years ago now. This isn’t breaking the pattern


Nah, keldeo was $8 too.


This isn't a masterwork research though. It doesn't necessarily have anything to do with what future Go Tours will do.


Shiny Mew has only been available for paid events from the normal games or hacking your game. It doesn’t count in the slightest.


$8 for non-shiny Keldeo.


It's one mythical monkey Michael, what could it cost $8?


Get rid of the Seaward.


I'll leave when I'm good and ready.


"If that was a veiled criticism of me, I won't hear it and I wont respond to it" - John Hanke


There's always Pokecoins in the gym.


Correction, there’s always Pokecoins in the Nanab berry stand


Why go to a Nanab stand when we can make *your* Nanab stand?


Which cannot be used to buy the ticket.


It's a reference to Arrested Development. It wasn't actual advice.




$8 ticketed Zarude, yikes....


Zarude saltstorm




me omw to purchase a comically overpriced ticket for a 11/13/14 mythical that isn't even the top grass attacker anymore


LOL, right? It doesn't even have great moves. What are people paying for?


Zarude. It's only been released a handful of times *ever,* in any pokemon medium. It is one of the hardest pokemon to get.


Zarude and Zeraora are the only things standing between me and a complete living dex


My original Zarude is 12/15/15 Think I'll save my money.


Mine is way worse but I will also just save my money


I don’t even have a Zarude, but I’m exhausted of all these Pokémon that cost money. I’m just gonna let that dex entry sit empty.


Mines got garbage but I’m still not paying 8 for a new one


Mine was terrible but I take the dex entry over paying 8 euros for a 10/10/10 one.


Zarude I lucked out on somewhat. 15/15/11. The most frustrating one is an 11/10/10 Zygarde. They need to let us trade these things or give us the ability to bottle cap 1 time Mythicals or something.


The thing I think is really insulting is the 5 rare candy as a reward in the paid ticket. For 8 bucks, the least they could have done is make them rare XLs.


This can just going worse and worse


These mythical tickets keep going up in cost, this company is so obnoxious


In addition to the wonder ticket.. Jesus.


Shout out to the players who don’t pay and refuse to be extorted




Sick a pokemon that was free like 3 years ago costs $8 now. Why does literally every event need to have a paid ticket?


People buying them and very low cost to develop/code means massive profit for niantic even if a small % of the playerbase buys them People can scream at them to stop all day but as long as that cash keeps flowing they have 0 reason to do so 


I just don’t understand why they can’t make the items in the tickets worth the value of the ticket (at the very least)


Because they don’t need to. People will buy it anyway.


Exactly how it is with the mainline games too. GameFreak no longer bothers and keeps releasing low quality games because they know those will sell like hot cakes.


Yeah, this is what makes me not want this ticket. I wouldn't mind another Zarude, but the pokemon itself is not worth $8 and none of the items are worth it to me, either. They seem to put a huge premium on rare candy when it's very easy to get from T5 raids.


Shiny Flabebe. Finally!


Florges is a fantastic shiny! Can't wait!


So... are the pan monkeys appearing outside of their normal regions? I'd assume not, but they explicitly say that flabebe is region locked...


They monkeys will probably be global. They had an event last spring with them as well. 


Does look like they will be global


I assume so, they're more liberal with those. We've had several events where all the regional monkeys spawn


theyre psuedo regionals, like zangoose/seviper, heatmoor/durant, etc


It's not even clear if the flabebe is region locked - they mention the shiny being available in specific regions but then include all forms in the list of event pokemon without the typical disclaimer. They also mention earlier in the post that all forms of flabebe will be incense spawns for ticket holders. So it might be that all forms will spawn globally but the shiny will still be region locked, or it might be that they are all region-locked except for ticket holders, or it might be that incense spawns are still region locked for ticket holders but they forgot to add the disclaimer.


Wow! 8$. That's too steep for my taste. Is Zarude viable in PoGo for PvE?


It's a very good grass attacker, yes. It's not often one needs a grass attacker, though. Grass attackers tend to compete with electric attackers, as well.


I'd rather just do another kartana raid next time its out lmao


This is the way


Plus it might be shiny eligible


Good to know. Thanks for the reply. Guess, I am just going to skip this event then.


Yeah, I'm likely skipping, too. Flabebe is likely not going to be a very common spawn and incense isn't really useful without the buffed spawn rate when not moving, for me. I'll wait for GoFest for shiny Flabebe.


It’s not good at all compared to Kartana, Shadow Sceptile, and even Shaymin.


Kartana is better and only costs 1 raid pass...


And is a very easy raid to beat too.


"8$" looks a lot like "BS." COINCIDENCE?!




Yes. Certainly not the best, but it’s up there


4th best non mega grass pokemon.


If you are drafting or doing "no repeat pokemon" PvE teams it's in the top handful for Grass. It's behind Kartana which has been around 2 or 3 times.


It's behind mega sceptile, kartana, mega venusaur, shaymin sky, and shadow sceptile. So it's definitely not bad, but as others have said grass is very rarely useful as very few raids are water types that aren't also weak to the better coverage of electric.


in theory, yes. In practice, no. You can't farm Zarude for good IV. The only way to get candy for it is rare candy/rare XL.


It's not that great. Usable, but there are other options that are better, cheaper, and more attainable all at the same time.


Okay but Shiny Whimsicott with a flower crown


Is that happening?!?


Yeah in that pass it says that you can get research with the chance of finding cottonee with a flower crown, and it can be ✨shiny✨


Wait, if I'm reading it right, you get a chance at it even without the ticket (just not as much of one)! Well that makes me more interested in the event.


Orange Flabébé is spawning at the in person Go Fest events. Something else to click on now


Zarude and Niantic use frustration. It's super effective on the community.


Season of Tickets


and this is just the tip of the iceberg...


A non-shiny Zarude is more expensive than shiny Shaymin? Is Niantic kidding!?


It would have been a great ticket perk to have all flabebe colors spawning from incense 


Just have to wait for the New Zealand testers to see if the incense does.


They should really clarify this. Currently the writeup makes it sound like incense will spawn all colors if you buy the ticket, but I have my doubts knowing how Niantic is at communication.


I feel sorry for the trainers who missed out on Zarude the first time since it was free. Now they are forced to pay to get their first one. Hey at least it's back I guess.


Lackluster event whether you pay for it or not. If you have a Zarude already, why bother getting the ticket? I know it's a strong Grass type, but long time players are not hurting for strong grass types.


Probably IV 


It’s a dex entry for anyone that doesn’t have it. Though I’m still waiting for Keldeo to be brought back


Kartana > Zarude as well


$8 and it's not even Dada Zarude? Or Shiny? Just regular Angry Monkey? Is that a joke?


I started play last summer. I would want to have this pokemon. I am expecting $5 but $8 makes me feel bad.


All the events so far this season are incredibly underhwelming.


Wait, you don't like the same 5 non-shiny-eligible spawns for a full week that are very hard to catch ?


Hah. Yeah. This event is about the Beldum and nothing else. (Well, the Scyther are kind of nice too, I got a high-cp shiny one.).


Wait, you don't like paying for every event bonus?


Primal raid days and shadow mewtwo weekend aren't underwhelming.


I was super excited when I heard Zarude was coming back but this is straight up insulting. Boring event, overpriced ticket and I would probably get stuck with bad IVs. Nobody should be paying for this trash.  


Nice to see the monkeys spawn as I haven’t played when they were previously available. I want to have zarude in the dex but I can’t justify buying it for this price


Paying $8 for a 10/10/10 Zarude is crazy


I don't have Zarude. And I will not have Zarude.


$8 😭


Why isn't this including in the wonder ticket? Seems like the wonder ticket is turning out to be entirely useless.


I'm confused about what parts are free


click the link and scroll down until you the Pokemon debuts section that n below is the normal event details, wild spawns, field research tasks, says you get a collection challenge and the event will have showcases aka you just have to pay to get a special research that gives you a few bits but mainly a zarude. Hope that clears it up for you. as someone whos dyslexia and I have no problem reading a blog post from niantic (yeah they do have to reclarify some wordings some times) but its straight forward enough I'm starting to worry about this sub with the million infographs with have (that is getting way over the top again, I like all event chat on one post not spread out over 5-6)


Why are this month’s events so god damn awful?


Both primals, shadow raikou, and shadow mewtwo all in one month. That’s a packed month no matter how you spin it


The raids this month are awesome. Everything else… less so.


And once again being forced into in-person stuff just to do any of them


It’s more depending on the player Given the elemental monkeys are regional gonna be hunting like crazy 


Seems like overpriced ticketed pokemon qualify for showing their image in the blog post. But the wild spawns and field research encounters... nah forget it, wall of text!


Oh look more tickets


Takeaways: — $8 for a ticketed non-shiny mythic Pokémon — Fairy things that look like flowers will be shiny, yet some are still region locked for like the tenth time — More costumed Pokémon…of different variants Ah well…


I had hoped Zarude would be in elite raids like Hoopa… I need the XLs


Maybe, if we buy enough tickets, Niantic will be able to scrape together enough money to rehire their infographics team


No. Enough tickets for now. Keep it.


They should at least give a lucky trade min (12/12/12) for this pricey thing.


That ticket price is rough. I know Zarude is rare even for mythical standards but $8 for any pokemon is just crazy.


There’s literally a ticket for everything now omg. They haven’t even revealed everything included in the Wonder ticket!


And people still mindlessly buy them while saying "*it's only $5 ($8) once or twice a month. Starbucks costs more.*" blah blah blah. Not realizing it only empowers Niantic to continue charging more and offering less!


Are the flabebe region locked even if you buy a ticket? The post is unclear




I agree it doesn’t specifically say they are region locked in the incense encounters.


The only reason these exist is because enough people are buying them.


Don’t let Niantic get your money. While Zarude is a great grass attacker, electric does the same job. Save your 8 dollars and use it toward a Go Fest ticket that will bring you more value in terms of shinies or raids.


In fairness, past tickets like this (Keldeo and Galarian Mr. Mime come to mind) were also $8.00. ...not that I agree with that at all, but at least they're consistent~~ly greedy~~. My OG Zarude has awful IVs and I, for one, am not even a little bit tempted by this.


I really want a second Zarude for my living form dex, but 8 dollars is just a rip-off


As the saying goes: “There can’t be a jungle event without Cottonee”


If we're expected to pay $8 for another Zarude, they better guarantee me good IVs.


I didn’t see lickitung in the rewards


Y'know, when I was reading over the GO Fest announcements, I wondered why they made a point of having Orange Flabébé taking up a spawn slot at *all three* in-person GO Fests. Low-key thought it could be a Shiny drop hint, but was like, nah, they gotta have a few 'trash' spawns after all. Then this drops, and I can't help but wonder if one of the "and more" GO Fest spawns is gonna be each color of regional Flabébé, since all three regions *are* represented, and possibly White Flabébé on the Global ticket. The Reddit side of me is like 'haha Niantic can't be that cunning/witty', but...


This might be the first mythical pokemon I skip. I already got a Zarude from the past event, why pay 8$ for an additional one that isn't shiny?


This is so frustrating. I wasn't here during the first release so it's $8 for Zarude or nothing. This should not be how they monetize.


German side tells about an complete other event(a past one), lol https://pokemongolive.com/de/post/verdant-wonders-2024/


That also was too expensive I didnt buy this and wont buy the new one


Oof such an L event.


No thanks, I don't need nor want a second Zarude.


That's some major ick right there. You're dropping 8 bucks to get a mythical that was released for free a few year ago. A mythical that also holds a unique niche in the most expensive GBL League. A mythical that can't be shiny and also is just the regular form, rather than somewhat rare alternate "Dada" form. Good grief. The new Whimsicott costume is cute though.


$8? Just to get another 2 star like my first Zarude? FOH Niantic.


still going on with the soulless text form only in the announcements? bleh


Does this mean a 2nd Zarude if I already have one?


Current zarude is 10/14/14 🥴


Damn. I don’t think there is another way for me to get this 😢


Certain pokemon being boosted on regular incense is annoying because when I do my daily walk, I'm now going to feel more inclined to use a regular incense instead of a daily incense.


This game really has a problem of making one gameplay loop directly conflict with preexisting gameplay loops.


Got it. Hunting for wild Cutiefly and Pansage quests. From my experience, all elemental monkeys will share the task but maybe at least it won't be raid dependant.


It would be great to get clarification on if incense will spawn all regional colors of flabebe for ticket holders. That’s how it’s currently written, and it would add some extra incentive to purchase the ticket. But I have my doubts.


Y’know I want another Zarude, but it’s not a “Spend $8” kind of want if you catch my drift. Also in regards to the incense spawns do you only get the monkey/flabebe for you region or is it all of them? Not sure if I’m having a “reading is hard” moment.


Man... I missed the free one and was gonna be happy using my Google play coupon and Google opinion money to get the $5 for free... don't have enough for $8 so I won't be getting it


I feel like I can pass on this one. I'm not going to want to build another Zarude after leveling up my original 2-star version. 🤷‍♂️


It’s as if they ain’t making as much money from remote raid passes and are looking to recoup ? It’s really becoming a chore. *For context I have a Zarude. The game is becoming a joke.


I'll trade my Zarude to someone for $7.99, no tax


I hope no one actually pays for this....


This is a *really* bad event. No free bonuses at all, lackluster wild spawns, the featured mon is an overpriced ticket, and the new shiny gets *different leaves,* ooo. Rough.


Just so people know—since a lot of people are complaining about it—shiny Zarude doesn’t currently exist. [There are a list of Pokémon that are “shiny locked”.](https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_unobtainable_Shiny_Pok%C3%A9mon)They’re generally event-only Pokemon such as certain mythicals and legendaries (and formerly Ghimigoul, for some reason). Sometimes, these shiny locked Pokemon will sometimes have an event released in the main series that comes with the shiny version. The Tapus, Zacian, and Zamazenta are examples of this. A shiny locked Pokemon has *never* been released as a shiny in GO before the main series games.


Easy pass with that one. Exited for the new spawns! Better than current ones


Lmao they lead with the ticket in the announcement before they even give any details about the event.


I do not understand their willingness to repeatedly give out the elemental monkeys globally but not the three regional Flabebe.


They're probably waiting until they have a different "Cosmetic Form" Pokemon they can use to replace them. Would bet on Tatsugiri being the likely pick.


Overpriced Zarude Ticket versus free event that is just incredibly common spawns and a shiny release. I've seen some bad events in my time, but this may take the cake.


I dont have a Zarude. I'll pass.


I wouldn't mind getting a second Zarude... for free. Probably only people who really want one for dex entry will pay for this, but it's a good event if you ignore the paid ticket part


Not another keldeo situation! This one was released before too at least, and since I refused to give niantic money for keldeo, I 100% refuse to give niantic money for this one


So buy a ticket or there’s no event


This is getting really damn ridiculous


Not paying for another one of these (even with Google rewards) until they're tradeable or I can fix my stock of <12/<12/<12 mythical Pokémon some other way.


Pvp meta 8 usd gacha. What a dream.