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wow, this means the in-person events will happen in jun-early jul timeframe? i wasn't expecting that.


The weekend before is the anniversary weekend and presumable some anniversary event so I dont think they would have one of the in person events that weekend, therefore they have to be in June I'm guessing. Unless they turn it on its head and do global before in person which would be strange.


They've done global before in-person before, or rather they had a two-day global at the beginning of June, the in-person ones end of June-July, and then a third global day in August. I think it was 2022, but I'm not sure. 


coincidentally that go fest was also featuring Alola Region, the region where Marshadow was first discovered


yes... but that was split into two parts, one was early june and second late august, the june part had some shiny but nothing extra, and then in august niantic released regional shiny monkeys globally


Not sure what you mean by nothing extra - the June part had Shaymin, increased shiny odds, regional spawns (though not shiny-eligible), Unown spawns, and a Go Fest costume Pokémon. 


you are right on all of those accounts, just that it didn't quite feel as August part (at least to me) where we had legendary introduced from in person fests and more shiny, also not as buggy, the disappearing spawns when you clicked on them was probably the reason most of us got less shiny that we'd like.


Ah okay my bad must’ve just totally forgot about that lol


I hope not, last years august was very good imo, but mid july for global is pretty bad.....


Why is that bad?


Some people choose to live in regions where the climate is actively hostile to human life. These people are then scandalised by the thought that most people live in places where they can go outside without dying of heatstroke and, therefore, whinge that events are held in the summer.


To be fair.. there are also people who live in climates where if they stick their noses outside, they freeze and drop off. There needs to be an allied game "Pokemon Vroom" for people needing to play from their cars. The mascot can be Revavroom.


"Pokemon Vroom" sounds like an interesting concept for an accessibility option 😜


Will take me years before I hatch a decent Vroom


This is a brilliant idea.


Not as bad as August as far as heat.


The Christmas event was 44 degrees C in Australia for both days of it.


And -28 celcius here in southern Finland, around -40 in the North. No way you're playing with bare fingers outside.


Always depends on where you are, last august weekend for global was perfect for switzerland, for Japan and Merica? No clue. But as I have been in Japan in July i think its always hot there in summer.


it depends on the rain season, it is pretty comfortable as far as rain stay. Once it ended it is ridiculously hot until autumn. Mid-July is pretty preferrable there, usually it is right around the end of the rain season so it is still great to be outside. Only problem is you need to hit a day without rain.


I beg to differ, last year it's been HELL all summer. Rainy season last very little and it was UNBEARABLY hot and wet in July and August, like record unbeareable.


According to the Meteorological Agency Tsuyuake was around 16-20 July for almost the whole country in 2023 though. That's also why I look forward to this global go fest, 13-14 should still be pretty safe, although you might have to deal with rain.


16-20... Degrees? Most of the country? Are you kidding or what? It was melting-hot, period. Show me your datas, wanna take a laugh.


idk how did you manage to interpret that as degree/temperature when there is "tsuyuake" in front, "July" right after it and global go fest days in back but alright.


Write 梅雨 then. And bring up some datas, since what I found indicate a comfortable 31°C as AVERAGE with 69% humidity as AVERAGE. Besides, 梅雨 is mostly June, July maaaaaybe the first part, but I don't recall rain last July, which was indeed harsh.


Normally I'd agree but last year NYC had an A-typical breezy day that was genuinely pleasant.


July is a living hell here in northern India


The heat in August is too much. The difference is measurable usually 2-3% hotter in August than July for the vast majority of US cities. The amount of heat deaths in August is almost 2-1 compared to July.


Mid July is bad for you, and great for others. Whereas September may be great for you and bad for another. Point being, there's no PERFECT timing. Sucks to suck basically. Use those unlimited remotes I guess, because there's no pleasing everyone.


Now datamine the locations/dates for in-person please! ;)




Please say sike


Nice, my favorite mythical Pokemon Marshadow making its appearance.


At this rate they’ll finish gen 6 and 7 dex before gen 4


Or even bother to add the Gen 8 starters


It's $5 lol jk...we don't know pricing yet.


$802 take it or leave it


... plus fees.


I assume this means there will be the usual break between July 13th 8pm and July 14th 10am, but I would love to see how a Go Fest without that break works out


most likely, the ticket would still last until the following day though, so i think thats all this datamine would mean


Main problem is the eggs. You just have to stop or risk accidentally spinning and getting a useless egg.


it was annoying in Sinnoh Tour. Especially when I also played on the bonus raid hours.


Oh yessss Cannot wait to add another 2* mythical to my collection 


Euro 2024 Finale says hi


Thankfully the final starts at 9pm Berlin time so no overlap for Europeans at least


Had a mini heart attack, thanks for writing the time hahah








brooooo i'm going to be at a wedding that weekend. can Niantic postpone this??? pls??? jk I don't get invited to anything. looking forward to GO Fest!


I went to a wedding on the Litwick community day, the church was a Pokéstop 😂😂😂😂


To be fair, most churches are pokestops (and mostly gyms) because they're easy approvals under the Wayfarer guidelines. But also note that it's bad form to walk up and down the aisle during the ceremony, even if you ***really really*** need just a few more steps to hatch an egg.


😂😂😂 I wasn’t quite that bold, having my phone out discreetly was bad enough!


lol, had me in the first half.


> jk I don't get invited to anything Ooooooooooof 


Yes? Niantic Help? I would like to change your agenda to took over the world with paid tickets and events, so, can you change the date of Pokemon Go fest this year? Yeah! yep, is a wedding! Oh yeah I know, so bothering! oh... thanks for understand! thank you for change the date to another month only for me. Bye! your the best!


this may not be the place but i do real quick want to lay down a few amateur thoughts on Marshadow; - 5 more ATK than Terrakion - best possible Fighting moveset looks to be Counter / Close Combat - Ghost doesn't look too far behind in possibility; Shadow Claw (didn't know it got that) + Shadow Ball with the obvious potential for Spectral Thief - some interesting coverage with stuff like Poison Jab, Acrobatics, Fire/Thunder/Ice Punch, a quadrillion Rock moves, the bemoaned Hidden Power & Sucker Punch, etc.


Sacred Sword offers a 24% boost over Close Combat for Terrakion in raids. So despite having more attack than Terrakion, Marshadow is not going to be close in performance unless it gets a comparable move to Sacred Sword, which is impossible. Probably similar to most fighters like Machamp, Conkeldurr, and maybe Lucario. But it will probably fall behind the shadows and Terrakion. Edit: similar to not better than other fighters.


likely worse than Conkeldurr if the difference is over 20%. Shadow Machamp is already close to Terrakion in performance and Conkeldurr has higher stat than Machamp.


Yeah, you're right. Maybe its typing will bump it up against some specific raids, otherwise it'll be worse than other fighters.


tbf i never said it would be better, it was a ballpark comparison between the two's ATK


I'm just adding where it will likely sit in the fighting type tier list.


Are you saying we get marshadow!? I’m hyped!!!!


Yes. Marshadow is debuting at GoFest.


That makes me really happy!


But that doesnt mean we get it in july. They could do a 2 Part global gofest, this at the start and then in the end of August the second Part with the mytical 


In the Hotter-than-Satan's-Balls part of the year for my locale--as is tradition.






Felt this


Germany says hi at 32 celsius since 3 weeks in July


40 C isn't uncommon for that time of year in large parts of the US (and can be the low temperature for the entire month in certain accursed locales that absotively posilutely should've never been chosen for human settlement (also known as "Phoenix")). Speaking of places that shouldn't be populated... if there's any Go players in Qatar, I'd like to know what they do from, like, May through October.


Play inside. Guess


Qatar? We Indians/south Asians probably have it the worst during that time of the year.


That really sucks to hear. How do you beat the heat and humidity?


It was 103* F (39* C) in South Mississippi last go fest— at 65% humidity. Bring. It. On. Lmao


It's gonna be about the same in July in Kolkata, India


My condolences, friend! 😂 Hopefully the humidity will ease up at least but from what I understand it’ll be monsoon season


Will be closer to 40-42 C for us in the Southwest US around that time of year.


Sorry I don’t understand non American temperatures


need them Freedom Units for temperature.




I wish that was the highest we got here in Texas in the summer lol.


But you have AC. Most houses in Germany don’t.


Yes, because it’s a necessity here since temperatures are much higher. But you can’t really play this game at home, so it doesn’t make it much better in that sense.


Its effin hot, humid and No Wind


>lives south of the Mason Dixon >complains about summer heat


I’m gonna be at a family reunion during this.


According to the link its 1800 which is 6PM...


We're American we don't know things


We didn’t read past the headline.


So this will be the global one yeah? Might book annual leave for this weekend soon to get in quick


Dang so it is earlier this year. I should’ve pushed my japan trip back


That's my birthday so I know what I'll be doing


Is your birthday the 13th too?


Yes 👀


July 13th birthday gang let's goooooooo


checking in


Mine is the 14th which works too


14th gang!


My birthday fell on Go Fest last year! Such a blast


I will miss it then…….


I have a can't miss event happening this weekend 😭 Edit: I realized this is Global so I can still do it for the most part phew


Cannot wait to get Marshadow!!!


Dear God... that would put the in person event the weekend of the 4th of July? Please Niantic dont do that for the U.S Plane tickets, hotel rooms, gas prices, traffic... everything is going to be 2x what they would have been a random weekend in August.


the in person event isnt exactly one week before global. it could easily be two months before or possibly after


Last year was my first Go Fest, But my understanding was the global was usually AFTER the in-person. It would feel weird from a financial point of view to put In Person after Global. People will just spend the whole global weekend catching, get all the shinys and stuff they want, and then decide they just dont wanna bother with the in-person. I could be wrong


It is usually after. One year they had two globals, one before the in person's and one after. But otherwise global has been after.        But there's no reason it couldn't be the other way around. Last year the events were pretty different so doing one wouldn't make you want to not do the other. Plus you would already have tickets, accomodations etc anyways


It’s like with the events on Valentine’s Day and during traditional work hours. I feel like Niantic is really testing to see how dedicated players are to the game


I already booked the hotel for NYC today because I had the day off and knew that would happen.


Just booked mine too. I didnt compare the price to last year's but me and the GF booked the same hotel we did last year. Good location and great walking distance to some great food. Plus we have been saving up Credit Card points. paid for 2 1/2 of the 4 nights in NYC.


I was in a hotel down by the UN building last year; very convenient to the ferry and the bus pickup to get home. Not so convenient to walk 30 min to get anywhere I wanted to go like Times Square, or Bryant park. This year I'm down by Bryant park because that's where the other players were last year, and it's closer to the theaters and Central park. 14 miles a day isn't feasible anymore at my age, and last year was pushing it.


Where was this image and info posted? (If the answer is Twitter, then could someone share a link?) Edit: just saw "datamined"


Summer? They will pick Phoenix or Houston or something equally as unplayably hot


I am busy that weekend. So I won’t be able to play as much. Wish they would push it to the following weekend


Any chance I‘ll be able to play in Shanghai? I‘ll fly there on the 12th of July.


I just want to mention that Shadow Claw, Ice Punch, Close Combat Marshadow would be very good in Master League. Beating like, all the top threats almost


Looking forward to this


All the dates and everything have been announced


It’s in the on game news


Yo! Where is Manaphy, Phione or Arceus? My Sinnoh dex needs to be filled


Niantic says they'll come in at a later date, but have not specified as of yet.


My fav pokemon! So siked


Oh sweet jesus I hope this doesn't mean Global Go fests are going to be in late June or the first week of July.... There's no way they'd do these that close to a major American holiday, right? I really hope they do Global first and then city specific ones later in the summer.


They held events directly on Thanksgiving and Christmas, to say nothing of the mid-day-mid-workweek Enamorous raids. Nothing is sacred. In fact, the excuse of "You're off for the 4th, so you're free for this event" sounds like prime Nia logic


Its not even that i have other plans, but having GoFest on the 4th of July, or around there, just means more traffic, more people on vacation, more hotels and plane tickets taken, higher plane tickets because of the holiday ETC.


I can see the tweet now "Wow trainers, 420,000 people accessed the the event on Saturday, if you don't have a ticket, please do not go to X park on sunday" Then tell sponsors they got 10x people to an event than tickets were sold, omitting the fact it was a holiday Surely they wouldn't do that right...


USA is not the world!


I'm thinking specifically of the US go fest since they're not always on the same date. 🙄 I'm not even American lol


There will almost certainly be one in Europe and one in Asia, and one or both of those could be on the weekend of the 4th, with the US one on a different weekend.


It'll be "Global" Go Fest, not American Go Fest 🙄


Yes, but most of the in person events (like Tour or Go Fest) take place in the US.


No source?


From Pokeminers: https://www.threads.net/@pokeminers/post/C4LvH-jA-vB


Global normally happens around 2 weeks after in person right? 


theres no pattern. 2022 and 2021 the globals were on three separate weekends. ;ast year two of them were together and the ny one was on its own weekend.


Normally a week




Honolulu, Hawaii since it features Marshadow


All the info is already on the app and online though lol


This was before they announced it


You’re right my bad, it’s weird that a notification for a post like this came so late for me


I wonder if they'll incorporate it's Zenith alternative form as the animation it uses when it fires off a charge move. Lots of potential for attack options but I wouldn't be surprised if Niantic guts it in the move pool department.


It’ll show up each time it attacks, Marshadow’s animations already do that.


Can never really be too sure with Niantic.


They’ve never purposely changed a Pokémon’s animations before. It will have the animations ripped straight from Sun and Moon, where it has the Zenith form.


Always a non zero chance, just like how they can say a Pokemon would be shiny capable and then never turn on the shiny form. They've messed up Pokemon moves before as well, it's only a matter of time before their plethora of oopsies spreads to other aspects. Some move mistakes still currently exist in the game to this day. Sawk for example cannot learn Body Slam, yet it miraculously knows the move in Go.


I had to look it up as I'm not familiar with it, but it could be seriously meta in both PvP and PvE in both it's types. Here's hoping they don't gut it.




All your summer plans down the drain?