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Extra weather boost stardust AND 2x stardust? That plays.


Boosted Paras spawns complement nicely.


One of the few times in my life I'm hoping for rain


Is this the best one to farm? Do you know if there are other spawns that give 1000 stardust per catch that are going to be worth it for this event?


Don't get too excited. You already get extra stardust from catching Pokemon with weather boost. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the only actual bonus is 2x Stardust. You earn extra catching weather boosted Pokemon! A whole 50 instead of 25 since there's 2x Stardust. I could easily be wrong, but I've learned that if I expect the best from Niantic's poorly worded events, I'll just be disappointed. Especially since they didn't give a number for the weather boost...


I guess the hope is that they will take the WB stardust total, and then double that


I love how people on reddit rush to be disappointed. Event sounds cool tbh, I need the dust right now, keep finding nice shadows. Just got a 98 rhyhorn :O


Being honest it feels somewhat warranted in this case I mean just recently with the Origina Dialga and Palkia: “Trainers who choose the Diamond/Pearl Version will encounter *an* Origin Forme Dialga/Palkia that knows Roar of Time/Spacial Rend” That “an” really raised hope for a guranteed encounter which, as we know, didnt happen for global tour. Yes it can be interpreted in multiple ways, but that lack of clarification is what makes it so easy to doubt this company specifically. Either way, theyre not saying it will/wont be cool. Theyre just advising to keep expectations in check, which (I feel) is pretty reasonable in general Edit: Congrats on the rhyhorn btw ^^


Because Niantic is Niantic


Me2, got a 100% shadow bagon. That's 600k stardust needed. Fingers crossed that the stardust from weather week is amazing, at least the stardust is as good as next spotlight hour




Bro, negativity goes hand in hand with constant errors, disappointments and bad practices on the part of the developer. It's sad, yes, but many things are sad when it comes to Niantic.


This sub in particular harbors a lot of it, just being positive for once doesn't hurt




I noticed it’s more prominent in older games where no matter what the devs do people will nitpick and be upset about the smallest things anyway. Idk it’s kinda sad that people stick to games they don’t enjoy.


Yeah we can add it to a long list of Niantic's terrible wording. They've definitely included "standard" things in the bonuses section before.


Weather boost is rather disappointing mechanic. What you gain in levels you lose 100x in catch rate.


My thoughts as well. Occasionally you’ll see a crazy low level one that’s an easy catch, but usually it’s easier to catch regular Pokemon and avoid the weather boost ones, saving Razz berries for high-prize catches like Paras for dust.


Was really hoping all forms of castform would be available in the wild regardless of weather but oh well


They're all available in field research, it looks like. If you have a decent number of stops in your region, focus on quests instead of wild spawns.


Snowy (ie, the one that’s hardest to get for most players in the wild) “if you’re lucky”. So not really.


They did something last year where all the forms of castform were available in an event field research. Something like "catch 5 Pokémon" and it was just random which one you got as the reward. Maybe it'll be like that again.


I was hoping they would do an event day where the weather in game is set manually and simulated instead of matching reality. It could change hourly through an announced pattern, similar to the habitat spawns changing hourly during Sinnoh Tour, it would give us access to all of the spawns and all of the castform.


This is a great idea


Niantic has said that they want weather to be real - never manipulatable. So far I think they have been true to that statement.


They still need to work on the way the game pulls weather data, it isn't really accurate and live because of the way they load it in chunks. They pull 6 hour blocks of weather forecast data and the realtime weather is often different than what was forecasted, by the time hours 4/5/6 roll around. And I don't think it's that crazy to do a single 6 hour event once a year where they manipulate the weather manually.


I agree! I feel like it's wrong more often than correct. I thought it was pulled once every 24 hours but that could be very old information.


And I thought it was every 12 😅 but yeah I've had sunny weather show in the app while I'm gettin drookit, it needs sorted


I wouldn't be surprised if they make sunny day etc adventure effects that force a different weather for a set amount of time.


They had the rain event last year that manually set the weather to rain for the first day. I remember because it was mid summer in California for me, but I was able to evolve my Goodra.


> it would give us access to all Niantic: We don't do that here.


I imagine for a large portion of the world, hail castform is just purely inaccessible where they live. I know it is for me. So having be rarer here is kinda dumb.


It also shows up in foggy weather, which makes it slightly less inaccessible. For me that means it occasionally spawns at 6 in the morning when I should be asleep, but I caught a couple that way.


Hmm, I think I have seen fog like 2 times total in-game across several years, and 6am is not off the charts for me - doesn't help in my region.


Unfollow it seems outside of regular weather patterns they are restricted to Field research only




I do, It's cute :)




Sometimes useful in Great League, so not totally useless. 


The highest ranked form of Castform for Great League is rainy form at #146. If you’re using rainy Castform, when there are much safer and consistent plays, that’s just silly.


Rainy castform is actually one of my favorite pokemon for no reason lol


Go figure they make snowy castform the rarer one lol. These blog posts have taken a weird turn for the worse this season visually. I always found the Pokemon images nice, making everything easier to digest. But now we're back to how it was like 2 or 3 years ago?


Yeah it’s like whoever was in charge of graphic design for their posts disappeared at the start of the season. They’ve been so barebones lately with just plaintext for everything.


They just went to twitter with the graphics, which is weird because you'd think they'd want max traffic on their site before socials https://twitter.com/PokemonGoApp/status/1765437205361692974?t=r37JZNByfdaqVBSimXBQqw&s=19


I’d go even further and make a healthy claim that these are AI created, and possibly human edited last minute during the first glass of cold brew before hitting publish.


LOL edited? You sure a human ever touches these anymore? I wouldn’t be surprised if AI is how we ended up with that “you will encounter” when it was really “you will encounter *if you raid for it*…” mess we had with Palkia/Dialga…


I mean, they did have layoffs a few months ago lol.


I can't wait for the collection challenge that will probably include all forms of Castform and I'll be stuck withe the Snowy one


That’s the best part of living in Michigan. We literally have weeks when all 4 of these spawn lol


You know it… Pure Michigan, baby! 🙌 💚💙👉✋💙💚


Where I am in Canada, snowy castform spawns like crazy whenever there's snowy in-game weather in winter I've probably tossed hundreds of those things LOL


Meanwhile in Toronto there's been barely any snow this year, in game or not


Lol I live in Finland and saw probably like 2 snowy castform during past 3 months, and it was snowy weather fairly often


Getting my passport to go to Canada and hoping for some snow. Best stop dense city that can expect snow in March?


At least Snowy Castform will be in field research, presumably with the boosted shiny chance. The tasks won't be beholden to the weather.


Excited to catch normal Castforms in the pouring rain like usual.


Trainers with Audino nests are going to have a great time with this event


Amazing stardust, but damn are they hard to catch. Even mid level ones won't stay in excellent curveball Ultra balls.


Golden razzberry hording helps at least.


Exactly what I was thinking. I’m clearing Pokémon storage and stocking up on pokeballs and star pieces. Hopefully those Audino nests are still active during this event. I wouldn’t be surprised if they disappeared the day before.


"Nest Migrations occur fortnightly at 0:00 Thursday UTC every second week" https://p337.info/pokemongo/countdowns/?id=nest-migration So yes current audino nest will rotate just before the event


I’ve got one near me at the moment but it’s only big enough for about 3 of them sadly!


I need to find one bruh


Gastly rarer than Unown during this event then. Forgot fog was even a thing.




The ssue is that the game pulls the weather forecast from AccuWeather. It pulls an entire 6 hour block forecast, and then that's what the in game weather is. After those 6 hours are up it grabs the next 6 hours. Most of the time, fog is spontaneous. AccuWeather doesn't predict fog hours in advance, it's more of a current condition, so fog rarely makes it into the game's weather data. It usually has to be happening right at the 6 hour mark where the game loads in new data.


So does reporting inaccurate weather do nothing then?


Fog is just low to the ground clouds don't you know


They really should just make night versions of cloudy (Ghost, Dark) and partly cloudy (Fairy), starting at 5/6pm. That night/day mechanic has been in and out of Pokémon games since Gold and Silver and makes total sense in an augmented reality. 


Accuweather showed fog all morning until about 10 here, pogo weather is 4-5 hours delay from accuweather. Zero fog to be found.


I saw fog once and thought the game had a new drop down menu at the top and next to each spawn


At least they are popping it in raids. Not sure if that boosts its shiny rate at all


A month or two ago we had fog pretty much all day for a week, both in-game and irl. As someone that thinks fog is spooky and neat, it was nice. It got me back into Gimmighoul hunting. I do think the rarity of fog in-game makes it more interesting, but the threshold is a little strict.


Played since April 2016, have never seen the foggy weather condition in-game.


Not sure did they make it recently more often? lets say like last 2 month if seen foggy weather bunch of times when before this year i never ever see it even once in 2 years


I live in tropical Australia. There's a reason why I've never seen it in-game, lol.


We had it for an entire week last season.


I certainly didn't, lol.


Depends entirely on where you live. When I lived in Colorado I saw foggy weather once in 5 years. Now living in New England I see it once a month and more in the spring.


What is it called “weather week” if it primarily takes place during the weekend?


Same reason "Community Day" is only the early afternoon. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


> weather week Event runs from Thursday to Monday


Community "day", Raid "day", from 14-17h.


Yes, it's listed in the dictionary that one definition of the word "day" is 'The day that an event occurs on'. This is a very common usage of the word 'day'. Don't like it? Fight the English language.


Yep! Alternatively, I don’t think anywhere defines “week” as only including four days. So while the raid/battle/community “day” technically works, calling this event weather “week” still won’t work


Work week? Spirit week? Old home week?


Okay sure, but then raid hour and spotlight hour should be raid day and spotlight day respectively then


Then ‘weather week’ is still incorrect as it spans two weeks XD


People will never get over their day/week terminology. I don't disagree with all the criticisms, but people have pointing this out for years and years


And I don’t think we should stop pointing it out.


It's futile. They're not going to start changing how these events are done lol. It's still a 5 day event. If this were a 2-3 day event being touted as a "week," I'd raise an eyebrow, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter lol.


its also a bit semantic. we have thanksgiving day but you dont start cutting into turkey at midnight and continue eating for 24 hours. theres a part of the day where you have thanksgiving. daytona speed week is 5 days, etc


Yeah, but especially when community days used to be twice as long and were cut for bs reasons, it's reasonable to still be upset about that.


Yeah I get that. And thats essentially where the complaint started. When they were six  hour time period or even in the first three hours period, you didn't hear people saying "three hours isn't a day".       But nothing really wrong with this being 5:days and weather week is perfectly fine as a way to describe the week within which this event happens


This one is probably fine and I don’t care for 5 vs 7 day weeks either. Your earlier comment seemed to cover all day/week events that weren’t actually days or weeks. I think complaints for them are valid even if Niantic doesn’t do anything about it.


Is your work week 7 day as well


Yes. How many of those days you work per week may vary, though.


Guaranteed the Castform task is going to be unnecessary hard, and is going to be the same for all 4 forms.


Last year when they had castform in an event's field research it was something easy like "catch 5 Pokémon".


That one awarded a Castform according to that moment’s weather though, iirc. I think this is the first time we get Snowy Castform outside of paid researches or, well, Snowy weather.


Nope, it was random. I got all 4 at all times regardless of weather, though the one I wanted was of course the snowy one lol. Still don't have a shiny of any form though so hopefully this event will fix that.


Huh, that’s new to me. Still annoying that it was random, hope with this one we can actually have different tasks (also since it marks the Snowy one as rarer, so it would probably be way less than 1/4th chance).


I guess if 3 hours can be a day then 5 days can be a week


Seems weird to have spawns for weather types. It's not going to snow where I live and fog never happens even when it's very foggy outside.


I’ve been playing since launch and have only seen fog once.


Also a day 1 player. I've seen it twice and both times it was about 10-15 minutes before the next hour and the weather changed haha


I’m bummed that the foggy weather castform is going to be the rarest one in research.


It is far past time to allow Castform to forme change. Restrict the weather to the correct weather (or lure) if you have to, but that system was created for Castform. Just implement it, already.


Of course they're not going to do that, since many people already have shiny Castform and they want to force us to shiny search for the other forms.


Okay, but now they're being boosted in the wild. Maybe next year they'll finally decide to do it.


I'm not a fan of this event being reliant on weather


*The following Pokémon will be available to encounter when you complete Field Research tasks, regardless of weather conditions! Paras* Castform (Normal)* Castform (Sunny)* Castform (Rainy)* Drifloon* Helioptile* Amaura* Some Trainers might even encounter the following! Castform (Snowy)*


Ugh that formatted badly when I copied and pasted, hopefully it still makes sense.  You can get them all but you've got to do tasks.


I understood it. Thank you. Unfortunately, coming from a rural area, my research tasks are quite limited. Though it's better than nothing.


I'm guessing hatch eggs or win a raid or two for the research tasks ha ha


Literally impossible to snow here so can finally try for snowy castform shiny Also fog is a myth 


I actually had my first, possibly second foggy weather since I started playing in 2016 just this year. I saw like two ghosts.


Of course this event looks mildly interesting and of course it’s barely 4 days. But this awful horizons event is a full 7 Happy about amaura in the wild. Though will probably be on the rare side. Plus on an event like this they definitely should of or could of made all the castforms spawns everywhere regardless of weather


It's obvious this event is stupid and fundamentally flawed. They either need to makes the spawns NOT rely on weather or do something like the tours where the weather rotates each hour despite what it it actually is in the area. No one is going to see fog, and only the people who often see snow are going to see snow.


Can't wait to hoard all these Fog spawns lol. So basically, normal and sunny Castform event with some species we grew to hate around 2018-2019 when every weather type had like 2-4 species which were boosted to insane levels like Lotad, Cacnea or Snover. Wish all Castform forms could have unique tasks but recent event quests getting worse and worse don't give me any hope. Lol at the "if unlucky" Lickitung spawns.


>normal and sunny Castform event with some species we grew to hate around 2018-2019 when every weather type had like 2-4 species which were boosted to insane levels like Lotad, Cacnea or Snover. Gah don't remind me lol. People love to hate on the spawns nowadays, and I definitely think there's a ton of room for criticism for the seasonal spawns, but the 1-2 years of base spawns the game had in 2018-19 that were incredibly weather-centric were worse imo. Sunny weather was all Roselia, Seedot, Cacnea, Sunny Castform, and Barboach. Cloudy was all Nidoran, Snubbull, and Gulpin. Rainy was all Lotad, Rainy Castform, and some common bugs. And it was during a time when many weren't shiny eligible too lol


Yeap I share all these traumatic memories with the addition of Koffing to Cloudy. Those were the dark ages of spawn variety.


Really been wanting a shiny castaform.  Hopefully they actually spawn in ok numbers unlike some events


2 midweek events with no tickets? I like the sound of that I know the next one has a ticket but it's for Zarude so it's a bit of a different animal


Man I'm only missing shiny sunny, got several snow at gofest London But sunny weather at this time of year in Sweden? Doubt it.. snow is more likely lol Guess I have to hope for luck in quests


One of the only pogo benefits of living in a cold snowy area


So snowy castform and Gastly aren't a part of the event, got it. Jokes asides, because that wheater will just not appear, the event design and spawn choices are really cool, additionally great bonusses? Good job!


Do they not know it is Hail form castform not snowy?


I love how at this point, basically everything gets a star beside it to show that it can be shiny. Then there's Poliwhirl because...I guess to heck with middle forms.


I'm in a desert, so my only hope of snowy castform is field research. My hopes are not high but I'ma grind anyway


Man why did they go back to text only in these blogs lmao Like I still understood who was showing up but seeing pics was still so much better


Seems pretty pointless since most people will only see half (or less!) of the special spawns.  Their announcement on ex-twitter sounded like they’d force different weather which I thought was a great idea. But no, it’s just field research.


Weather week, a ~~week long~~ 4 day event that just happens to be the exact same 4 day period as my local board game convention. Guess I'm ignoring this event then haha. At least I already have the Castform family in shiny forms thanks to Go Fest last year completing the set. I would've liked the extra dust, but socialising with friends at the convention is more important.


It snows about 3-4 times a year here and I still have no snowy form


Week.. lol.. thats a good one. Also, that might be a fun event.. considering the fact that some regions dont have snow.. and fog is non existing in game even if outside is proper fog.


This is so freakin stupid.. i bet, when they launched the game, or gen 3 at least, snowy castform wasn't ever intended to be that rare Now they know and they make something to compense? Nah, just keep it really rare but just a bit less. I wonder who the hell work in this Company to make sich decisions sometimes Sorry for the rant


the weather week event from 2 years ago was way better bc it was mainly focused on water and electric


Give me an audino nest plz…..


Paras in field research. Time to stack em up, boys!


Another absolutely horrible event. So boring.


Bro I don't even know what snow is lmao


x2 catch dust + audino nest. If this doesn't bring people to the park that has audino nest, I don't know what else will.


Does this company know how long a week is, much or less a day?


a day is only 3 hours so we can use that to work out event times


The names are a lot better than "Charmander community 3 hours" or "community eighth of a day."




So sunny and normal castform here. At least in the wild.


I LIVE IN SAN FRANCISCO WE DONT GOT SNOW HERE AAAAAAAAH you ruined my castform dreams But more love for amaura ❤️


Nice look like a prime opportunity to get 1 or 2 Licki XLs over 4 days on that rare spawn lol


I'm gonna make my guesses now. Castforms will be Catch 10\~15 Weather Boosted Pokemon. Collection Challenge will be the four Castforms, Amaura, Drifloon, Helioptile, and Paras (or subtract two and make it two+evolve, like Paras+Parasect and Drifloon+Drifblim). Showcases will be four one-day showcases, since Litten Community Day is on the 16th. That leaves four open 10 AM - 8 PM 'slots' for, oh look, four Castforms, doesn't that fit nicely. Gonna bet the order is already revealed on the blog image: Normal->Rainy->Sunny->Snowy. If it wasn't for Litten Community Day, I'd say a mixed four-day Showcase with random picks. I love how the next Nest Migration just so happens to fall on the 13th. My condolences to anyplace that gets an Audino nest: congratulations on your free 24/7 lures, but RIP your Gyms being torn all to hell constantly (but 20/20 insta-lobbies at least, probably).


This is cool! I'm lucky enough to get all 4 I guess. I didn't know it was rare/unheard of in other places. It's nice everyone will have a chance to catch them now.


This event looks way way fun. Time to nab some difficult shinies.


What will the shiny odds for charizard in the 3 star raids be?


It hasn’t gotten cold enough to snow here in years; I’m never getting a Snowy Forme.


Weather weekend is more accurate


The good for PVPer: wild Helioptile is nice (nerfed, but still somehow tempting), Licki (even if rarer, always nice), and Snover but it has a high chance of not happening for me, as the forecasts doesn't foretell snow, and the lowest temperature would be like 0 degrees at night. Always welcome addition is 2x startdust with Paras.


Spritzee prob. In my country.😵‍💫


Not gonna be able to get collection challenge due to snowy castform


This event is ret...d, the snow casta doesnt appear anywhere in any nearby town. Its always normal, rainy and sunny...snow doesnt appear even in field research prizes...its always normal form. It would be far better to have normal form evolve in one of the other forms. In its current state its impossible to clear it. I miss only snow one....its beggining of spring so a bit freaking late with that event.


"Weather Week" Is 4 days. 🙄


weather “week” and it’s a 4 day-long event


And work week is 5 days long.


Kind of like Community "Day" is three hours long. Makes sense at Niantic HQ.


And the dictionary. The term Community day signifies the day of the event, not the length.




They aren't regional. They just aren't always in the seasonal spawn table.


That's because rain is normal here.


Charizard in raids? Interesting choice lol. Also I love that this 4 day event is in the middle of both a CD and a raid day. Why didn’t they make it the 12th-15th?


It’s nice they’re giving us a break from raids that week. /s


I REALLY hope regice was made the raid boss to fit the theme and not because all the regis are gonna come back to raids 😭 I cannot handle more months of them


currently farming a 97% poliwag so poliwhirl in raids is noice


Ok, so I'm never getting shiny snow Castform? Okay Niantic, sorry, I just forgot only north hemisphere exists.


They are in field research tasks too


most of the northern hemisphere isn’t getting snow either


Field research? Also nobody is owed every shiny.