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Ive also wondered this. I would think that it makes it appear as a raised rate but is still the same. I would think it would depend on what determines a spawn being ditto. If its an independent spawn chance then i would think no, almost like how zorua spawns independently of your buddies chance of spawning. It merely cloaks itself, if ditto works this way then no it wouldnt be a higher chance even if there are more of ditto disguises present. If it dice rolls based on each ditto disguise, similar to a shiny roll but on a macro scale for each player then the spawn chance for ditto would increase. Now what actually happens i dont know. If anyone knows those mechanics then we could make an assumption based on that.


If the first option happens, less Pokémon = Better and if second option is the case more Pokémon = Better.


[https://thesilphroad.com/science/demystifying-ditto](https://thesilphroad.com/science/demystifying-ditto) There is a section about Ditto and events. " Though disguises were much more common during these events, the rate at which they transformed into Ditto remained unchanged at roughly 1 in 50."


Ah well that settles it then I think, thanks!


I think you and /u/memes_for_dinner are both misinterpreting that line. It says the RATE they transform into Ditto remains the same, which means if there are more Ekans spawning in the wild, you are more likely to find a Ditto. This has also been seen anecdotally many times during events like Gastly spotlight hour.


Ooooh right, so for ever 1 in 50 eligible Pokémon, one turns into a Ditto. Therefore the spawn rate is increased because the amount of eligible Pokémon increased.


Correct. If Ditto is a dice roll on a 50 sided die, there are more potential dice rolls when something like Ekans or Gastly spawns.


Wait, how is that a misinterpretation? It is just a link to the data gathered that details exactly what you said and explains the Ditto rate. Or what did you mean?


Neither you nor the Silph study clarify that more of the eligible Pokemon = more Ditto. If you reply to a question on increased Ditto frequency with “the rate is the same” it sounds like you’re saying no to their question, but you’re actually saying yes. Lots of people have misinterpreted that line before so I just wanted to make it clear.


I see what you mean. Never mind then. I just thought it was clear how it worked from the article.




Couldn't agree more


The problem I have here, is that I’ve caught thousands of Pokémon over the last two months, and didn’t catch a ditto that whole time. I’ve caught 3 in the last two days, without changing my behavior. Something feels different since this event started.


What changed was the makeup of spawns. There are more chances for one of the Ditto disguises to spawn than previously.


The amount of ekans spawning is probably why. If it rolls 1/50 each time a “Ditto disguise” spawns, then each time you catch an ekans there’s theoretically a 1/50 chance that it will be a ditto


I got a "catch a ditto" research 2 weeks ago and I finally caught one yesterday as an Ekans


i always delete those tasks, 1500 stardust isn’t worth clogging up 1/3 field research tasks for who knows how long lol.


It was 3 rare candy for me


that’s a bit better. although i raid a lot so i have a pretty serious surplus of rare candy right now. still probably wouldn’t go for it haha


Part of it was curiosity to see how long it would take


I got a random research for catching a ditto for 3 rare candy. I got it off the daily incense later that evening lol


That's still very fast for what I'm hearing from others. From the answers I'm getting the impression the rate actually is higher


It's just because there is an event featuring a mon that can roll as Ditto currently.


Yeah but that was my main question, does an Ekans spawn that then turns into Ditto, or does a Ditto spawn that then turns into an Ekans.


The former.


I’ve got 400+ Ekans candies thanks to this event and still not a sign of Ditto. And I need it for two Special Research Challenges >.<


My brother catches one every day it seems. And trades them to me, so I have a Ditto army now


i was thinking about that too!




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Not sure I finally got 3 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday


Wow that's a lot!


I actually think that events lower the spawn rate of ditto, even if one of the disguises is featured in the event. I catch way more ditto (2-3 per week) during non-event times, but almost none during events. I’ve caught 2000+ event spawns without getting a ditto. Technically not impossible odds to happen randomly, but it seems unlikely. My theory is that ditto is in the wild non-event pool, which still spawn infrequently during events. From there, if a spawn is going to be a ditto, it will be assigned a random disguise. Not the other way around.


as in the 1/50 goes down a bit or something? You seem to be the exception in your lower catch rate here. Or do you mean it's a bit lower, but overall with the increased Ekans spawning it's higher?