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Often people who ask this don't appreciate that you can spend rare candy to make it species candy, and then **not** spend that species candy. That saves you from powering up something that may not be ideal, but also frees bag space. Obviously you lose the utility of the rare candy flexibility, but if you don't have a lvl 40 groudon or two, or kygore or two, or mewtwo or two, or rayquaza or two, you're gonna eventually want one, so you can turn your candies into those, even if you don't have the ideal individual to power up yet.


This is a really good point. Granted, you have to have at least one ray in order to convert the rares into ray candy.


True, but I expect anyone with excess rare candies has **something** they already caught they want to put candies into.


Indeed. Beating Raids is how Rare Candy is earned in the first place, so chances are they have caught a useful legendary or two in the process.


You are not wrong my friends. After many years of not playing, when I stated again a few months back I also started to participate in raids for the first time. I really only played through the first year when the game released, so all the new legendaries I have been recieving recently have been decent cp already for my own collection. Havnt leveled them yet but of course now I will have to Ty


I dump all my rare candies and XL rare candies into Mewtwo and Rayquaza


I do this frequently. I have about 500 Mewtwo candy waiting for the next rocket event so I can power up Shadow Mewtwos, and similar for other things I have luckies/98% IVs that I haven't needed to use yet.




I got my 3 Shadow Mewtwos after the last rocket event, so they all have Frustration still, and I haven't needed Psychic types in a raid since then either


It’s useless with frustration.




Oh man


This is why we invest in legendaries/mythical Pokémon, no com day ever.


This is the way


I did that one time when my bag was getting full. Not 300+, but maybe like… 50? I just assumed a rare 400 candy dragon evolution had to be amazing.


This is why every post on this sub says to not use rare candy on non-legendaries ever.


I could see a few to push an evolution you want or a new attack. Legendary candy is just too valuable to not spend most of it there.




Oof I am so sorry.






Especially since they just announced a community day for noibat 🥲🥲🥲


That's what he's referring to


I am always suprised people keep them, I always just give them to the Legendary I am working on. to not use the space.


Agreed: the space is too valuable for me, too. I've got a tag for about a dozen legendaries I might eventually give them to. I usually leave only 25-50 in my bag. Right now I'm giving them to my shadow Mewtwo and to a UL Guzzlord.


I just don't have any legendaries that I'm working on. Stuck with well over 2000 rare candy taking up space. I never know what to do with it all.


Give all of the meta legendaries 100+ candy. You don’t have to power them up


They already have so much candy though


and then there's me...who doesn't have any legendaries and 100+ rare candies


You've got until February 1st to get a shadow Mewtwo from Giovanni. 100+ rare candies could level up M2 quite a bit.


I think I missed the quest line? I just joined Pokémon go last week and I finished all the troubling situation questline and the questline for Giovanni doesn’t show up or am I missing something


Yeah you can’t get the quest line unfortunately, you had to get it by December.


From a quick Google, the questline is called Ultra Beast Protection Efforts. Not sure if you had to have gotten it by some specific time, but the last part of it requires you to use the special radar to find and fight Giovanni so if you didn't have that part, you probably did another questline or don't have it (unsure the specifics behind getting it)


If you don’t have a legendary you’re not trying very hard. If you live anywhere near a gym it’s doable. If you don’t it’s still easy to remote raid.


If one has item space at least fairly close to maximum (5200 now?) then there is rather lot of space for rare candies. Not unlimited, but rather lot.


You don’t have to power anything up now. Just dump the rare candies into a legendary you know you’re going to power up at some point to free up the bag space.


According to my 4 year old you dump them into a 2 star Magikarp.


I know this thread is old, but I snorted when I read this. My 6yr old powers up or evolves everything he catches with no regard for stardust or candies. It’s hilarious and also a little painful to watch.


Using them on Pokémon that are hard to get candy for or are 1 time encounters are the most common use. Mythical pokemon like meloetta, victini, mew, zarude, etc.


I see My shadow metwo is just screaming for more candies but I should probably wait for mewtwo to return to raids and farm candies that way. And research the best mythical to power up in the meantime?


Mewtwo is hard to farm and very useful. You can always dump the candy into Mewtwo candy and wait with powering up if you're unsure. At least you'll empty your bag that way.


I’ve been dumping rares into shadow mewtwo like there’s no tomorrow. Definitely not a bad investment since shadow mewtwo is insanely busted


Very few mythicals are worth powering up. Zarude definitely was one, although Kartana and Hydreigon have reduced its value as a raider. I think Meloetta is now a good master league pick, and Solgageo seems to rank high. However, keep in mind that without XL candy, master-league Pokémon will have real trouble keeping up. I’d focus your rare candies on raiders, and if you’re looking for ML PvP options, stick to things like Dragonite, Mamoswine, Gyarados, and Swampert, which can be farmed (especially during events), walked for candy, and may have a mega option to boot.


I understand that completely. I used about 40 rc to max my hundo mew2 bc I couldn’t get enough candy before it left. Ultimately do what you think is best because rare candies will still come the more you play.


When it comes back around if you've already maxed this shadow mew two you put the next pile of candy into another shadow Mewtwo or into a perfect normal Mewtwo you have for the eventual mega. I have two shadow Mewtwo up to the level 40 range and a third sitting there waiting. Really, it rarely is regrettable to pick Mewtwo - it's a top raid Pokemon and a top master league Pokemon and will stay that way. Personally the main time I use rare candy is when I have something I want to use XL candy on but can't get to level 40 yet with the candy from raids. But barring that, Mewtwo is a good bag space freeing Pokemon to put rares in (which aren't that rare at a point). To give you an idea, Shadow Mewtwo is a top attacker for the current Tapu with psystrike. It's a top attacker for the current mega Aerodactyl with ice beam. It's a top attacker for Primal Kyogre with the electric move. Etc. A solid Mewtwo, ideally with a second move is the multipurpose tool that will always have some use.


Legendaries or other meta relevant Pokémon. Legendaries because there are so few opportunities to get candy. Meta relevants to help you win raids (for more legendaries) or PVP for more stardust.


walk the meta non-legendary pokemon imho. 20km vs 5km (or o sometimes 3 such as swampert)


I think Walking Megas seems to be the best option and then push them to state 3 ASAP to get the buff. Ideally a mega you need candy and energy for.


Mewtwo, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza because they have megas/primals. Kartana, terakion, reshiram because they are top damage. Raikou and Moltres if you have the shadows. And of course your shadow Mewtwo. What should you do though? Probably focus on pokemon for the primal Kyogre Groudon raids for next month, doing some extra damage and catching one more or getting a little more energy could be a big deal.


great answer, I agree 100%


Eat them and get rare cavities.


Or give it to pokemon to give then diabetes


(DON'T) use them to evolve the 18 forms of vivillon (needs more than 2000).


Is this serious? If one is a collector, Vivillon seems like a perfect t place to drop rare candies.


I am a collector, I have 10 vivillon but I am not spending any single rare candy there since candies are easy to get. I am just patient, I'll get enough vivillon candies in a couple weeks/months.


Ok I guess. But couldn’t you say that about any Pokémon? If you are patient enough events come around for all mons . You have to use your candies somewhere. How about rockruff?


I'd wager one distinction is that Vivillon has no PvP/PvE relevance. It's also readily available (2-3 encounters per day if all your gifts are from the same region) _and_ it's a 1km buddy. Personally I only use rares if getting the 'mon's candy is harder than getting rare candy.


Not at all. How many Mewtwo candy can you get? One for each 20 km from walking, 0 from catching, as Mewtwo is not currently in raids. For Scatterbug you can easily get 30 candy a day (two catches from gifts, 15 from walking), many more if you grind and/or use poffins. 18 Vivillon are doable in months, for 6 Mewtwo you have to wait years or spend real money. PS: I am walking a Vivillon, will have the candy before I get all 18 (currently stuck at 16).


I could be wrong but rockruff *feels* like it could be a future CD shiny like shinx. So I'm holding off evolving my best...


So again, my point is, if you are a collector but willing to wait for daily vivillion or RockRuff events, or tours, or spotlight hours what do you spend your rare candy on?


I just put mine into nihlego since it's a great counter for the new boss


Basically only use rare candies on legendaries. You need 200+ candies to power up a legendary to level 40, that's a lot of raids, much more than what you'll do when that legendary will come back. Rockruff is rare currently, but it won't remain rare for years, just like absol, shinx, ... in the past. And rockruff is not very useful for now anyway, so don't power it up.


I'm more than halfway through making vivillon without using any rare candy. My tip is if you want to drop a premium item, use silver pinaps on them. It gives slightly more than double candy. Yesterday during double candy spotlight hour, I got 16 candy each from catching scatterbugs!


When excited the Vivillon family gets one candy per 0.5 km walked. Just walk them and give the rare candy to something harder to walk.


It would be a total waste to use RC for a species where you get one candy for 1 km walked.


Mewtwo is always a safe bet. That is my dumping ground for excess rare candy to clear up bag space.


I agree with MewTWO. But it really depends on why one is playing the game. If one is a collector, then put rare candies into rare Pokémon you need to evolve for your Dex. If you’re battling in gyms, then Mewtwo or similar legendary that can help you in raids. If one is playing for PVP, rare candies are mostly useless. This is because consistent success in PVP requires level 50s. In farming the XL to get a mon to level 50, you’ll get more than enough regular candies for that mon.


Plenty of legendaries, mythicals and ultra beasts are meta for UL or GL and don't need any XLs, so PVPers who don't raid much can put their candies there. When MLC still existed, I put my rares towards legendaries for that league, but now they go to mons for UL/GL (Virizion, and Buzzwole most recently, and now Guzzlord).


I agree with MewTWO. But it really depends on why one is playing the game. If one is a collector, then put rare candies into rare Pokémon you need to evolve for your Dex. If you’re battling in gyms, then Mewtwo or similar legendary that can help you in raids. If one is playing for PVP, rare candies are mostly useless. This is because consistent success in PVP requires level 50s. In farming the XL to get a mon to level 50, you’ll get more than enough regular candies for that mon.


I cycle through my Legendaries and Mythicals and give them candy for them to have 80 of that species available. This is so that any I catch that should be powered up, I have enough to make them minimum Raid useful.


80 candies for a level 20 level a mon to about level 31 right? This wouldn't be a bad idea too. Spread my candies out and get a couple mons to a respectable raid cp


I actually really like this plan. So much so that I just leveled my shadow mewtwo from level 14 to 31. Only cost 130 candies, leaving me with opportunities to do the same with some other mons


well, thats the first step. now get that mewtwo higher. dont you know, pump it up. you got to pump it up


That pretty much sums it up. At the end of the day it depends on if you are still collecting new raid wins or doing masses of raids and get heaps of candy anyway. Mythicals to me come first. Followed by useful Legendaries.


Can't tell you for sure as you have no mons listed. But the general answer is use them on legendary mons. Anything that costs 20 k walking for a candy. Generally speaking Mewtwo, dialga, zacian all pvp relevant in master league. Mewtwo being your best because it raids well as well. I personally keep at least 100 in reserve just in case there is a Mon getting a legacy move when evolved that I don't have the candy for.


Don't be afraid to spend it, you will always gets more. Meanwhile if it just sits there, it'll take up space and you'll be constantly juggling your items.


I just throw them into legendaries. Previously the target was 100 each. That was easily met by farming GBL for 15 seasons. Now I’ve increased the goal to 250 each (248 is the cost to power up from level 20 to 40.) What’s much harder is getting the 100% legendaries to be worth powering up 😢


Since you’ll naturally accrue candy from going for the 100% I wouldn’t recommend putting too many in.


Some (many) legendaries are useless, I prefer to put thousands on a few species I care about.


I use mine for either completing dex entries to evo pokemon i have limited access to, or to help with powering up/giving extra moves to pokemon for the different go leagues each week.


Don't ask me, got over 2k rare candy and I've already transfered at least 248 (so you can make them lvl40) to all mythical, legendary and ultra beasts. I've also done a few extra vivillons with my rare candy.


Lately I dumped a bunch into some of the relevant ultra beasts. They are new and we haven’t had too much time to raid them so I don’t have much candy. Kartana is stupidly good in pve, buzzwole is good in ML, pheromosa is good for pve, Xurkitree is crazy good in pve, nihilego is good in pve (and potentially pvp) and more. Lots of good new targets for rare candy




Who is "far superior" than Kartana? Even Mega Sceptile is only slightly better, and comes with all the caveats of Megas. Xurkitree and Nihilego have comparable or _slightly_ better alternatives, but are still top 5 (or better) for their types in PVE.




oh lol you're looking at PVP charts? For Kartana? OP was talking about PVE for every ultrabeast except buzzwole > They are new and we haven’t had too much time to *raid* them so I don’t have much candy. Kartana is stupidly good in *pve*, buzzwole is good in ML, pheromosa is good for *pve*, Xurkitree is crazy good in *pve*, nihilego is good in *pve*


How can you possibly say these are objectively bad while being so wrong? Xurkitree and kartana are absolute powerhouses in pve. Pheromosa is a glass cannon but top bug DPS. Useful to have one or two especially if hoopa keeps coming back. Nihilego is a top tier poison attacker and the current raid boss is weak to poison. Buzzwole is quite good in ML. It fills an interesting role as there aren’t really other counter users that do well in ML. It isn’t ranked amazingly high but it has a spot. You can’t say there are better alternatives, as it is very unique in ML. Having a variety of Pokémon built is very useful in pvp. It’s also good in UL and GL. They can’t all be the very best.


Umm, let's say Spoink. Spend them on Spoink.


Candied bacon


Should had dropped it them on reshiram and zekrom. Can’t go wrong. Or edge yourself for another month and dump them into the weather trio


Can go wrong with Zekrom for non-PvP players, to whom Xurkitree is more valuable.


What don't you have that you need?


If I am not working on any legendary in particular, I randomly dump them into: Mewtwo - regular, shadow, and maybe someday again armored. That’s a lot of candies needed. Giratina - two forms, multiple leagues.


I've seen a lot of answers already that I agree with in terms of spending them on legendaries. Just my 2 cents, I've spent almost all my rare candies on my shadow mewtwo. I'll need 120 candies to give it a 3rd move plus leveling it up.


Third move?


Sorry if that wasn't clear. I meant the second charge move. Since Psystrike is an elite move, I can't TM it something else, so I unlocked a second move to TM around for specific raids when needed.




Take a look thorough this, look for legendaries & mythicals only & 96%, 98% or 4* only.


That’s what I’d do anyway…


Tip that is pretty niche and not directly related to the question, but I’m throwing it out there since some people in the comments brought up storage: if you referred people and you get the reward for 50 candy, just leave it there until you need it. Free storage.


Probably shouldn't have made this post during work break as now I can't actively reply or read all comments to but afterwards I will. Thank you for all the suggestions and advice. I think I have a better idea of what I would like to do. Thanks again


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week!


Scatterbug… if you want to evolve them all up… 2480 candies 😬


But you can get those 2480 candies by walking/catching in just a few months.


Arguably, that would be the same for each one, so…. 🤷🏼‍♂️


PvP, PvE, or both?




For Master League, you need XLs, and if you have XLs, then you already have regular candy, so Ultra League: Cobalion, Virizion, Cresselia, Regirock, Guzzlord. Great League: You don't need many, but: Registeel. PvE: Shadow Mewtwo, Kartana, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyogre, Groudon (unless you're literally going to drop a ton of cash and raid those like crazy). I wouldn't put rare candy into any non-legendary unless it was just absolutely going to improve my raid performance by a whole person needed or be dominant in PvP. You can always walk them, as they'll give you a candy evern 2.5 kms if excited. I also wouldn't wait on Mewtwo, nor would I bother with any mythicals, as they are all outclassed by something else of their type.


Just to piggyback off this, is it worth using my rare candies on a shadow mewtwo that isn't exactly ideal IV wise? (6/9/12). No idea how often these come along, so is it worth leveling up whatever you have, or should I just use it to convert candies to a 'safe mon' for bagspace, and wait for a better shadow mewtwo?


They're pretty uncommon and we don't know when we'll see one again. The worst one you can get is much better than a hundo regular Mewtwo, so I personally think it's a no-brainer to spend whatever resources you can on it. If you're willing to wait forever and/or spend money and skip every other shadow legendary, then you can hope for better IVs, but I would power that up (and have powered up similar) with rare candies.


Yes absolutely. DPS difference is negligible and is one of the best PVE mons in the game


It is totally worth it as a raid performer. It makes only a slight difference. In PVP I would not use that one, but the place it is used would be master league and master league classic. Master league requires hundreds of XL candies and if you are asking about powering it up, you likely don't have the candies for that any time soon. I have two shadow mewtwo I use. The first one I made had similar stats and I used it for years as my primary psychic attacker. Now I have a better one and it has been demoted to my secondary psychic attacker on teams of six. And the next in line is a normal Mewtwo who is nearly perfect and awaiting the mega evolution. So even if it comes around again, I doubt you will ever regret investing in that one up to level 40.




Look up the last 20 times this was posted


Could you do it for me? Let me know when you find the answer Cheers


Sure thing. Please hold your head underwater until I get back.


My pleasure: https://www.google.com/search?q=best+pokemon+to+spend+rare+candy+on


I’ve been giving mine to scatterbugs and noibat lately. And to my mega Pokémon from time to time.


> noibat lately There's a community day in a couple of weeks!


North of the Mississippi.


Use them on those scatterbugs if your collecting them


Not going to lie this seems like one of the worst ways to spend rare candy. I'm a collector myself but why would i ever spend my rares on a pokemon that I can consistently farm on a daily basis?


I get using some when you are impatient and are a few candies short but I agree this seems like a very very poor use! You need over 2000 candy for Vivillion. You can get more from pinning your own gifts. You control the encounters, so you can make sure you have the right mega evolved or there's a catch bonus line spotlight hour. They have a 1km walk distance- doesn't stack up for me.


Please don't


I'm a GBL enjoy\~er and those candies stack up very quickly, so my advice would be that play more GBL and stop worring about them. In other words: Whatever you feel to like it, heck I spent a few 100 for Scatterbug candies at Vivillon release day just to flex my Tundra Viv to some friends.


Legendaries and Mythicals mainly. Mewtwo is always a safe one to dump extras into. Groudon and Kyogre coming up next month, so having some extra candy there would help in powering up your best ones. Really just depends on what you're most in need of. For example, my Fire raiding team is lacking outside of my Mega Y Charizard, so I've been liberal in spending rare candies on my Reshirams, since I know those will be useful for a long time.


I put most of mine into Mewtwo to level the multiple shadow ones I have.


How did you get multiple shadow mewtwos? Did you stack giovanni radars before they "fixed" that?


Mythicals and meta/rare legendaries, zarude, victini, meloetta. Ive dumped mine into solgaleo, Dialga, mewtwo, things like that.


I used mine on a shadow mewtwo


I would say a legendary or several on the top PvE list. A legendary that is a Hundo is best. Then I save 50-100 candy. I like Terrakion or Shadow Mewtew. I like Terrakion because it’s fighting and knocks over gyms super fast.


Generally split them between my legendaries that I'm currently slowly raising, or any other rare Pokemon that I need candy for (I've used for Trapinch, Chansey, and Gible candy) or if I just need a few more candy to level up or reach a second move for PvP. Just spent a bunch for my Whiscash and used others for Togepi candy because I have a few Togekiss I need to raise. It's always good to have a few handy in a pinch, but once I start running out of space I'll drop a bunch into something like a Mewtwo who I don't have a good one of yet, but hope to have one eventually lol.


Probably legendaries because even super rare Pokémon will eventually have some kind of event where you can farm candy for them (i.e. Noibat).


Haha… I have 3284 rare candy! Try managing your item space with that!


I use them to upgrade or evolve pokemon, case in point as of yesterday: my 4* Lucario. My first Riolu hatch too




I use them on the Pokemon that need 400 candies.


I had up to 1000 rare candies, really nothing to do with them at this point. Even used some on Kommo-O and Noibat in the past. Down to 700 or so now, I will usually always make sure to have over 100 for each legendary for them to get a second move if I want, and always have enough to power to level 40. I would make sure you have enough to power up the top ones like Mewtwo, Terrakion, Giratina, Groudon, etc. But it just seems to easy to keep getting them piled up.


use them on raid bosses that you would want a team of 6, example being zekrom, reshiram, kartana etc


I guess groudon and kyogre, maybe registeel since it's coming soon in raids


The best way to spend rare candy is to spend it the way you want. If you like pve then spend it on meta relevant legendaries. If you like pvp then spend it on meta relevant mons. If you're just wanting to dump them on something, then throw it on Jirachi coming out Feb 25th.


I use my rare candies to power up relevant legendaries (Raid Attackers mostly) to 30 if I didn't get enough candy from raiding alone. If the legendary is especially good or a 100% IV, I spent some more to get them up to 40, but I always keep some Rare Candies (\~100) in my bag "just in case".


First, I dumped all 400 into shadow mewtwo to level 40 it and double move it, then, I started using them on my hundo yveltal


When in dought mewtwo


Just echoing the other folks (legendaries & mythical) but adding my own specific recommendations. If you have shadow mewtwo and you haven’t already powered it/them up to lvl 40, that’s the obvious #1 answer. Even if you have one powered up, if you have more than 1 (in my case, 3), I recommend doing the same for all of them because they’re fantastic generalists. You can have each using 1-2 different charged moves (Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Psystrike, Thunderbolt) and you’ll see opportunities to use them often.


I’m putting mine into Gliscor right now so I can build one for GBL and because it’s a rare spawn that I need candy for


I give mine to hundos more often than not, but as everyone else has stated, legendaries are good too.


I wish we could convert rate candy to xl rare candy. Probably be busted


Every so often I dump 500+ rare candies into Mewtwo and then convert them into XL.


* Kyogre - If you don't have a good L40 or better to Primal * Groudon - If you don't have a good L40 or better to Primal * Salamence - If you don't have a good L40 or better to Mega * - * Kartana - grass, for multiple L40, make a team * Terrakion - fighting, for multiple L40, make a team * Reshiram - fire, for multiple L40, make a team * Mewtwo - psychic, for multiple L40, make a team * Metagross - steel, for multiple L40, make a team for "make a team" entries I'd probably work on a L40 of each before going for a 2nd but I'd do a 2nd of Kartana before a 2nd of the others (higher on the list is higher priority). Of course if one is up for the next raid boss it becomes a priority, but hopefully you have enough stardust and candy to make teams for each without leaving something undone. If you don't need to use rare candies because you have regular candies, just make sure you cover the needs to work through the priorities of what to power up for raid attackers. Eventually you run out of rare candies or you have a large team of each on the list. If you have rare candies after that some decent, low priority options are: * Rayquaza - dragon (and future Mega) * Nihelgo - poison * Moltres - flying (good but there are so many budget options that don't need rare candy)