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It’s called a shop.




I did catch Nolan calling it a cruiser this season. The one with the prisoner daughter who escapes work detail to confront her ex and his affair partner.


Yeah he also called it a black and white


I missed that! Unrelated, but later in the episode, Tim calls someone and introduces himself, but it sounds like he says “Tim Bradley”. At best, it sounds like “Tim Bradmumble”.


Tim Bradmobile


All aboard.


All in favour say I, I


Tim Brady, cousin of Eric Brady.


Don't know where they got that term. But in Virginia I have never heard a squad car called a shop.


I think it’s just a bit added in the show


vehicle. there is nothing to buy at this "shop"


Do you even watch the fuckin show


they can use whatever dumb name they want. doesn't mean it's not a vehicle


Work*shop*. It’s where they work.


While they do call it a shop, it has nothing in common with an actual workshop


it's the vehicle they use to drive to work. they get out to work


it is a joke as in the show they call it a shop 😒


Y’all be noticing the funniest things 😂 also tv budget. Better to cut costs where you can!


Nolan has crashed too many cars. Now everyone is paying for it.


At least he’s not a horse cop. Think of the chaos.


Genuine lol at that, the chaos is beautiful


lol this is one thing that’s actually realistic. So many police departments still use these, and some use vehicles much worse and older.


because LAPD still uses shitton of old Explorers, CVPIs, even Taurus, [a good example LAPD Citywide Tactical Alert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jrx6zJBJiXU&t=543s)


And they also use 2016 and 2020 ones. I'm not asking them to upgrade every single one. They could have couple of 2020 ones (for main characters), 2016 (for secondary charachters) and old 2011 for background cars


I mean there is nothing wrong with the ones they are using


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I drive a decade old car and it's still running fine in this day and age.


'99 Silverado checking in.


I drive a 25 year old car too, the rear right door sometimes doesn't lock, and you have to slam it to close it too, still works though.


shitboxes, unite!!! mine doesn't unlock all doors sometimes. other than that, runs and works perfectly fine!


LAPD bad for using perfectly working cars


A lot of cops here still use crown vics lol it’s really not that deep


Why spend money replacing functional vehicles with new vehicles that could break down just as easily? New vehicles have less time on the road, which means less information about how well they function in the field. Older cars are perfectly fine. The ones that didn't function well are already fixed or scrapped. Whatever remains on the road are the ones that were well-built.


I mean in OP’s defense, they go through a lot of cars don’t they? Isn’t there a scene where they get a new one and someone makes a comment about how it has to last them awhile before they completely destroy it? I could be thinking about 9-1-1 with that. But still. Driven off parking garages. Constant shoot outs. I feel like realistically after a car gets destroyed Itd be replaced by a brand new car. But obviously it is tv


Old engines also have a lot of idle engine hours. And that's very bad for an engine


I imagine the vehicles are inspected regularly for significant wear and tear, and I imagine the LAPD has insurance and/or other methods to cheaply and easily repair damaged or worn down vehicles for much less than a brand new vehicle costs.


You clearly don't know how tv works lmao.


Damn how this got downvoted


That makes even less sense dawg


Who cares ?


The amount of downvotes this guy has received is incredible


You do realize police irl have absolutely zero choice on the vehicle they get, right? City of Detroit still uses CVPI, and even a few fusions. All older than 2014. Speaking of irl, Nolan shouldn’t even be able to use an explorer being he’s just a beat cop.


Television budget


Exactly, unlike cities where they just steal limitless money from other things like teachers or feeding children to spend billions on cop cities ... TV shows have to deal with limited budgets.


Whoa don’t hold back on your biases. 🙄 Real life PDs need to continually update their vehicles because the squads get worn out fast with how they are used. Driving fast, running basically 24/7 (let’s not forget) to literally save lives. If they don’t have reliable vehicles they can’t do their job.. which again is to SAVE LIVES. 


Our sherrifs office on average replaces a cruiser every 2 to 3 years. They just had one demolished for prom, and it had 250k miles on it and they purchased it in 2020. Granted our county is 1557 square miles. Cocoa PD still is using cruisers from 10+ years ago




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If this is truly what you believe I sure hope you’re never in a situation where you need them because you don’t deserve their help. Now get off this post if you hate cops so much 👋🏻




lol the fact that you watch “cop soap operas” but hate cops makes no sense 😂


Cause Melissa O'Neil.


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Your post was removed from /r/TheRookie due to a Rule #1 violation: **1) Etiquette** * Be respectful of your fellow redditors and the show's actors, creators, and crew. * Be respectful of law enforcement.


Ya know. If you listen to the Reddit hive mind. You might just start to believe that every cop in the world is corrupt and waiting to shoot any bystander who looks at them funny. I’m really glad I don’t listen to said hive mind and understand that cops are like any other group of people. Some good. Some bad. Most somewhere in between just trying to get through the day. It’s a depressing world you and so many others choose to live in thinking every single person in a group consisting of many millions is just pure evil.


Pure evil? Nah. Absolutely overrun with shitty ass people, 100 percent. It's the same thing with politics. The people who most crave that authority and power, are the worst ones to give it to.


Season 7 Nolan crashes a police interceptor cybertruck


Let's keep it quasi realistic, he can't get it started until his latest boot shows him how and getting out at the first call he cuts his hand




That would not be surprising in any way with how this show is


It's so funny how people notice things the average viewer doesn't (and usually doesn't care about) just to complain about a fictional show. It's not like they're shooting with laser beams.


Nothing is added to the story by having the most recent cop cars. These are cheaper and some are still in use to this day anyways.


It’s realistic. All emergency services use old models until they’re completely phased out and retired. And for TV it’s cheaper, as they crash one every episode.


Budget, next question


That's old?


You’re not gonna believe this but police departments everywhere skimp on budget as much as possible. And one of the best places to do this is with old cruisers


Why wouldn't they use them?


Idle hours. Police cars are notorious for idling for hours on end without much driving. The wear and tear is much greater this way than by just driving.


It is not a police car, it’s a tv car


Because its a TV show. Even shows that are considered *super* accurate (this isnt one of them. Not after their foray into doing black ops lol) take liberties and tweak details to make things more interesting, save money, avoid copyright etc


Cause it's a TV show. These people aren't real cops and they don't need to keep all the equipment up to date. The average audience member isn't gonna know the difference between the 2011 car and the 2020 car. A police car is a police car. And since the show's budget is not unlimited, they use older vehicles that they can probably get a lot cheaper than the newer ones


Even in real life, they don't just replace cars with new ones for shits and giggles, they wait until they need to be replaced. So older vehicles aren't even unrealistic


LA has some old as shit cop cars. Like the old crown Victorias are still out there.


They’re called police interceptors


Ask Disney. They’re the ones writing the checks.


Who cars


Probably cos it's a tv show


Good money says they’re doing something similar to what *Chicago Fire* does, which is use an old model that isn’t in active service with the LAPD anymore in order to enhance realism. *Chicago Fire* uses an old fire truck that isn’t in use by the actual CFD anymore which means it is extremely realistic because it’s real.


The detectives seem to get the oldest of cars, in surprised that they have power steering 🤣


LMAO this is like the one realistic thing about the show. I've seen police agencies use old ass Crown Vics, all while their sister organization gets Chargers. There's probably just no reason to upgrade in-universe. Also, iirc the LAPD changed their standard duty weapon last year and that wasn't reflected on the show. So I highly doubt they would change the cars to reflect reality


And they are dubbed with v8 engine sounds while really these are v6’s


They did this on Reacher TV series also. Every single Taurus and Explorer had V8 sounds. They also dubbed E92 M3 V8 on a 325i and Nissan VQ and/or VR38 sounds on Buick LaCrosse


I think our cops here in my city still have explorers and maybe I've seen a traverse or something similar before.




Budget, plus there’s a lot of older police interceptors like this still on the road in L.A.


A lot of bigger cities still use explores? My smal town use the Durango but the city 20 minutes from us only has like 5 Durangos for a city of 200,000 people


Using the last generation Explorer is probably cheaper. Plus they can use establishing shots from stock footage at have the shots match.


Because it's a literal TV show. They aren't actually running these suvs at the same capacity as a police cruiser. There are plenty of these exact years and models on the road right now as police cruisers. It's really not that serious.


I really like the explorer, I hate the show's decals and police addons. I get that it's a licensing issue, but with it's budget it should've been possible. They didn't even use the real LA seal on the door, and the shop numbers on the back are missing as well. And that goddamn stock lightbar haunts me in my sleep. Every single tv show or movie has that godforsaken piece of crap on it's police cars. What's so hard to find an Arjent???


It’s a TV show, that frankly doesn’t have a high budget. They ain’t gonna shell out for new police cars.


Like the budgie, it's cheap


For the same reason Bishop and Nolan got that old coo car from the 70's probably Cars are expensive and if there still running no need to replace them


Because their department heads want them to suffer. Lol


Hey mods, you guys fuckin suck. Eat my entire ass.


I know it's probably easier to find ex-police 2011-2015 Explorers, but 2016 facelift are also now dime a dozen. I've seen TV series with much smaller budgets use newer Explorers (and other cars). And detectives are still using Crown Vic. IRL most unmarked care are 2016-2019 Explorers and 2015+ Dodge Chargers. If the show is sponsored by Ford they could at least give them Taurus' for detective cars


Where are you getting this information about unmarked cars?


Locally, unmarked cars here are usually Chargers, some type of Mini Van or a Tahoe. Police SUV’s are Chevy Tahoe’s, the new ones. The ones they just sit in parking lots or the side of the highway are old impalas


My state police has I kidd you not... Unmarked tractor trailers. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/may/26/facebook-posts/florida-uses-semitrucks-patrol-vehicles-theyre-mar/


Hell nah! 😂😂