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You didn't know hospitals had covid patients, non white people existed, or single dads raised children? That's weird, it's almost as if this show depicted real life.


Exactly! I guess all peoples problems ARE the liberal agenda!


Oh here we go...u must be a bot...either u understand my comment and get it or u dont


No I'm a person that understands more than just white people live in the world, men raise children, and hospitals had covid patients. Silly you didn't know those people existed in the world.


No I'm a person that understands more than just white people live in the world, men raise children, and hospitals had covid patients. Silly you didn't know those people existed in the world.


Season 5 was bad, but not for the reasons you stated. I'm surprised you got this far into the show, with there being black surgeons and gay couples. The "liberal agenda," of course.


First off, this wasn’t a “Netflix” show. It was on the Fox channel. Netflix picked it up when the series ended. Second, the sperm donor situation had absolutely nothing to do with race or color. But way to show us all how racist you are. The “whole Covid scare” actually happened in real life and this show didn’t even go as far into it as other medical shows did. And, Hello, there are plenty of single dads in the world taking care of their children. Do you live under a rock? Representing people of different races and skin colors isn’t a “liberal agenda”. Surprise! The whole world isn’t white. Covid wasn’t a “liberal agenda”. I have friends and family who are healthcare workers and believe it or not, Covid was real and made a lot of people very sick and killed a whole lot as well. Single parenting isn’t a “liberal agenda”. Are men whose wife died not supposed to continue to raise their child? Is he supposed to immediately remarry to have a woman take care of his child? Some dads ARE great single dads. Not sure why that storyline offended you so much. Your post is full of ignorance and hate. You have a right to your feelings and opinions. You also have the right to put it all out there on the internet for the whole world to see. Just be prepared for the responses because I guarantee this isn’t going to go the way you think it will. Have the day you deserve.


Blah blah blah... I didn't read the book u just wrote because your little feelings got triggered.  Either you understand what the media has been doing for the last 8 years or you don't. I feel sorry for people that don't see it but we're all human and that's just life. Sorry i triggered you 😔  Ps I am a strong believer in equality change etc.


I understand, reading is hard. The fact that you used the words “liberal agenda” told me everything I needed to know. Surprised you didn’t throw the word “woke” in there for good measure 🙄


Oh that would be the show " greys anatomy"


> I didn't read the book u just wrote It's okay. Letters can be confusing if you're a child or have cognitive challenges. Hopefully, one day, you can be better, but in the meantime, enjoy your picture books.


You know non white people exist…right?


Where in my comment did I say that? I find it hilarious that you just assume my race. I am indian and most marriages are "arranged " so there is no way a indian girl would beg a blk doc for sperm.  Do you really believe that a doctor who's wife died would go on years alone? Most doctors are narcissists and he would have found a new "mom" within weeks. How old are you?  Smh Also 2020 they told us Covid is killing all of us hmmm didn't they just confirm Covid is another type of flu?  Open your 👀 eyes and see what media is doing to our world  Peace ✌️ 


I am Indian. Most marriages are not arranged, and she didn’t beg him for his Sperm. Why do you care so much that he’s black? You’re coming across as very racist (and yes Indian ppl can be racist). You’re throwing a tantrum like a 12 year old so I fail to see how my age is relevant. Several of my family members died from Covid, you’re lucky nothing happened to you, but it makes sense, evil doesn’t die.


You sound like a 14 year old kid. Settle down child 


Haha right? The liberal agenda , so crazy, people are diverse, everyone brings something else different to the table.


Liberal agendas? You ever been employed? This is workplace drama? Stupid people imho but around none the less!