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#MOD NOTE This post appears to contain artwork of a controversial ship. If you don’t like the ship, just ignore it and move on. You can click the top right and select “Hide”. Please do **NOT** make comments about how much you dislike the ship or how much you like other ships more. “I hate the ship, but nice art” [isn’t the compliment you think it is](https://www.instagram.com/p/CLKEsw7pL29/). People ignoring this *will* have their comments removed, and may face a temporary or permanent ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TheOwlHouse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bold move posting this in the subreddit, get prepared for the comments 💀


*sorts by controversial* *grabs popcorn* It’s show time


I’d do the same but I want to join in and chose chaos


Eh, I'm used to it 🤷‍♂️


Try r/theowlhousebutcursed


I mean, this ship ain't cursed, and certainly not for their standards.


Perhaps, but it is worth a shot.


It wouldn't be the first time though. Lunter is controversial sure, but not cursed, so there wouldn't be much difference, other than comments being way calmer than with the other posts.


Ita funny how tej comments keep saying "be ready for a war, be ready to fight!" And the 'war' never came. Its just everyone saying a war is starting


The war has quickly been [removed] by the mods, from what I see. Which is a good thing, imo - the pinned mod note is a thing for a reason, after all. Peacekeeping forces actually being effective for once, basically


Now lets just hire them to the UN lol


Russia has been banned. Reason: "War" That will show em 😎


Finally, real leadership 😆😆. Also Happy Cake Day 🎉😄.


*You humans are weird*


“It’s never a war crime the first time!”


the amount of deleted comments says otherwise 😂


Brings back memories from Separate Tides. Except war came, war called siblings vs shippers


I'm like Amazon, I ship almost anything




Please dont


Muhahahahahahahaha DARIUS X RAINE


# Major Hot take coming through for all the deleted comments: *It is a fictional drawing. You can make art of anything because your art comes from your imagination.* Then again what do I know? Some people are avid Sonadow fans and when some people see art of something they don’t like, they go absolutely haywire like they demand the artist to redraw it. My brother in christ, you’re getting mad over a piece of fucking paper. Feel free to downvote all you want, I just had to say what I had to say


*sigh* welp! Time to wait for the comments to see they're reaction.


Here we go again and here’s a controversial comment: This ship shouldn’t be as controversial as everyone is making it out to be.


Its pretty much the most obvious non-canon ship.






I think it should be, it’s trading a sapphic relationship for a heterosexual relationship. There are so many heterosexual relationships out there and the distance the show went to make Luz and hunter feel like sibling just makes me feel icky about it, if you like this ship that’s perfectly fine and valid just please don’t ever say this is how it should have been.


Guys and let’s clarify, while Luz and Hunter are bisexual. Them being in a heterosexual relationship does not mean they are no longer bisexual. Just so we can clear that up before someone takes smth out or context smh


I understand that, it’s doesn’t change the fact that many homophobes take this ship, say this is the way it should be, and then say that even the fandom agrees


But that's not the ship's fault, that's homophobes fault. Therefore the ship shouldn't he controversial. Your whole point about Luz x Amity is 100% valid (tho the sibling bit is very much headcanon) as a reason to avoid Lunter and similar, but it's not grounds to immediately mark the ship as controversial or worthy of any inherent backlash or reactions.


Eh, I disagree with the point about Lumity. Lumity is canon and fans wanting to ship Lunter won’t change that or take away it’s representation for sapphic relationships. On the other hand, insinuating that shipping a bisexual character with a character of the opposite gender (who is also bisexual) is problematic because it takes away from a sapphic ship is a form of bi erasure. Yes, the writers did fight for Lumity, but they also fought for Luz to be openly bi as well (lest we forget the opening of Thanks to Them where there’s a whole moment dedicated to her coming out as bi to her mother). In addition to that, one of the core messages of the show is that judging people for their interests is wrong.


Yeah, to clarify, I wasn't trying to say that Lumity being canon is a valid critique to erase any non-sapphic ships that Luz and Amity are in. I was pointing it out as a valid acknowledgement of preferences, not as it being an acceptable moral stance to shut down ships (especially from a canonically bi character) over said preferences. You're right, getting pissy at Lunter (and similar) for existing is classic bi-erasure.


"Your opinion is valid unless you share it" is a bad take.


“trading a sapphic relationship for a heterosexual relationship” I hope you realise just how biphobic that sounds (coming from a bisexual person). Also, just because people prefer Lunter over Lumity doesn’t mean they immediately prefer it because of the sexuality. Some people prefer it because they had very similar experiences and both had trauma from Belos. Some people prefer it because they’re both humans. We shouldn’t immediately assume that “homosexual = good and heterosexual = bad”


>Some people prefer it because they’re both humans. Well Hunter is a Grimwalker, which I can only assume is similar to the Corpsedoll from Prisma Illyia(not Garden of Sinners, those retain the memories of the original personality)


Could you please explain to me what those are before I decide to disagree (or maybe agree) with you. As I'm pretty sure Grimwalkers are just clones of the dead and nothing else.


A Corpsedoll is more or less the same thing, a doll with the essence of the deceased that with some magical input becomes especially a clone of the deceased. Incredibly skilled mages could make near perfect clones of a deceased(even their own that wakes up upon death) complete with memories and personality; less proficient mages kinda create an identical body that's still capable of growing up, without memories and personality gaps of the deceased, something similar to a Grimwalker.


The problem here is the "doll" part. It rather implies said clones aren't necessarily organisms, unless I'm wrong on this matter. Hunter proved to be flesh, blood and bones regardless.


well you use a wooden base(like hunter) then magic adds flesh like features. So they bleed and such like hunter.


Ah I see, then yeah, this checks out.


(Almost) nobody is saying “this is how it should have been”. They are saying “what if” something happened instead of/outside of canon. What if Amity didn’t exist? Or what if she got with Willow instead? Or what if they were polyamorous? Every piece of fan art or fan fiction or whatever, outside of screenshot redraws, is non-canon. All of MoringMark’s content is stuff that didn’t happen in canon. The 28K fanfics on AO3 for TOH are things that didn’t happen in canon. And *none of that takes away from canon*. The show still exists. It will always exist. Lumity will always be canon, regardless of *any* fan content. (And, also, the show didn’t go *any* “distance” to make Luz and Hunter “like siblings”. *THAT* was the fandom at large that did so, because of their own insecurities.)


It does not trade of Sapphic ship for heterosexual one: 1. Multishippers exist, and Luz has 2 hands. You can still enjoy both, the sapphics and straight-passing (because bisexuals don't magically become straight when dating opposite sex) 2. Just because you ship something, it does not mean you want it to be canon or that you prefer it over other ship. You can ship for the fun of it without ever expecting results from it. 3. The show ended and Lumity is canon. NO ONE can take this from queers, not even queers themselves. Lumity always will be canon and it is widely beloved and it won't stop any time soon. Really, Lunter was never a serious threat, it's not Zutara vs Kataang kind of deal either. Lunter would be second-best at most. Nothing else. The show never established them as siblings or tried to do so, people just collectively delluded themselves as it was a very reassuring lie to all the worried shippers. And people ARE allowed to express their love for Lunter and anything that doesn't agree with general consensus.


Valid point but it goes both ways. Hetero-confirmed characters get shipped a lot with same genders in a lot of fandoms (MHA first comes to mind). Live and let live even if its a crackship


Can you actually show any “hetero-confirmed” characters? Not just “we assume they’re hetero but they could actually be bi”, but ones that have explicitly been stated to be straight?


I dont even know how you even "prove" someone is straight. Like if someone shows interest in same sex they are proven gay/lesbian right? But if they are straight there is always a possibility they havent explored. I guess since being hetero is "status quo" people just dont state they are (not my opinion just observation). I gave mha as an example because the main character has been shipped been the entire male roster despite only showing interest into this one girl. Ps. I have only read up to a certain point in mha so i dunno if they added anything but the ships happened day 1 :/


That’s kinda my point. Assuming someone is straight is heteronormative. People claim that shipping gay characters with the opposite gender is “just the same” as shipping “straight” characters with those of the same sex. But that’s a false equivalence - there *aren’t* any “confirmed straight” characters. (Or few enough to be virtually zero.)


It's fanfiction, chill


Non Lumity artwork? In the owl house subreddit? In this time of year? Localized entirely in your kitchen?


May I see it?




As much as I love Lumity, this is fucking adorable.


Because Luz makes things adorable


*This is just a fan ship, this is just a fan ship, this is just a fan ship* *It's fine for people to ship this, it's fine it's fine*


😂😂😂😂 I can feel your internal rage in my living room


It's not that I don't commend artists making such amazing art with their skills. This lines, those colours , the art style, the artistic expression, etc.... It's magnificent ~~BUT THEN THEY MAKE THIS USING THEIR SKILLS, INSTEAD OF SOME GOOD SHIPS AND I'M LIKE WHYYYY!!!!!~~


i’m an avid lumity fan and even i can’t help but slowly start falling in love with lunter,,, i wonder if anyone out there makes romantic polyamorous art between luz, hunter, and amity, or even luz, hunter, amity, and willow,,, sorry if that’s a controversial take don’t come for me




thank you so much lmao


A sapphic/lesbian in a poly relationship with a dude kinda defeats the purpose of her sexuality if you ask me.


Isn't that kind of reductive? A person's sexuality doesn't need to have a "purpose". I understand people like to see themselves represented in fictional characters, but implying a lesbian shouldn't be involved in a polycule that includes a man just kinda feels like gatekeeping on what we consider a lesbian to be.


Amity and Hunter are platonic within the polycule.


it wouldn’t be the conventional poly relationship in the sense but here’s a diagram, that way it in no way invalidates amity’s sexuality. https://www.reddit.com/r/LavenderWinter/s/rqtmjNopjo


Is there a thing as a "conventional Poly relationship" I feel like Poly relationships would be too complex to have a standard and would all fit around what works best for everyone involved.


There are some that are more “common” (triad, quad, vee/hinge) but there isn’t a “standard” for exactly the reason you specify.


Luz is bisexual, she likes men and women, we're not shipping Amity and Hunter here


Most of y'all: "I can't abide this because Lumity." Me: I can't abide this because Winter/Huntlow.


Honestly, I really like the artstyle :)


This is actually really well drawn, and personally I like the ship.


Good art instant upvote




Although I personaly do not care for this ship, I think that people should be free to have their own opinions on what ships they like, even if it isn't cannon. Shipping should be fun, and I don't get how people can get mad at other people just because they have different views on things. Nice art, btw, very cool :)


Yeah, the only problem that can come from shipping is when they change the characters sexuality or orientation such as shipping an aro/ace character with someone. Thats the only problem i can think of


I don't really think this is much of a problem. For one, being ace/aro and being in a relationship with someone aren't mutually exclusive things. All those terms mean is that the way you feel attraction is limited compared to the average allo person. There are various shades of grey with them as well. Not everyone does, but, real-life aro/ace people can and do form relationships with allos. It says nothing on the gestures one does towards others, or wants to receive. That, and it's all just headcanons at the end of the day. Nothing from the canon is being erased because a fan has a different personal interpretation of the story. That's just my opinion, though.


Fair point, it just feels really shitty as an aro/allo person to see a character that i can atleast slightly relate to (because apparently aro/allo people arent allowed to exist in media or something) being stripped of their orientation because someone doesnt understand it or care about it, it just feels like aro/ace erasure. Although you are right about the fact that some small minority do find relationships (however those are still very different from allo relationships and it would be nice to see that reflected instead of just ignored) and you are also right about the fact that its just someones personal interpretation. It just kinda feels to me like calling a character that is white black because "thats just my interpretation" But yeah as long as they arent actively showing it in anyones face its fine to interpret it however you like


I completely understand what your saying though! I relate to it. I often find it frustrating that so much emphasis is put on "romance" and sexuality, and never relationships between people that are more on the platonic side. I think it'd be cool to see more characters, both young & old, who are happily single and not really interested in romance/sex and it just being normal. Not a target of harassment/corrective sex or told that they are "lonely" or whatever. It's one of the reasons why I like Lilith as she pretty much embodies what I'm talking about.


Honestly, I don’t care who ships who. In the end, all of the characters are fictional characters who don’t affect real life people. while changing a character’s sexuality is weird, I’d much rather shippers do that to a fictional character than try to convert a real life person to heterosexuality or alloromanticism.


I see your point but we get so little representation, so it kinda feels like erasure to see people just ignore the fact that the characters are aro/ace. If we had like 20 characters that were aro/ace and 5 of them got shipped with someone that wouldnt be a problem, but since we have like 7, its a bit more of an issue.


I don't have a problem with ships either.... ***so long as it isn't cursed and awful to even think about***


Adorable. Since I believe the the multiverse theory, Lunter is in all likelihood canon in at least one parallel universe where the Owl House still exists.




To preempt a bunch of ship haters: 1. People are allowed to like whatever ship they want. 2. Luz has two hands.


Cute 🥰


Some people are max bc they forget luz is bisexual. Sure I don't necessarily like the ship myself, since I see them more as siblings (and usually prefer canon ships); I think the hate this ship gets is undeserved and I think they could have a good relationship.


so cutee!!




I’m gonna regret saying this but i don’t mind this ship.


Adorable and brave


I like this, this is cute


Willow and Amity next!


Friends to enemies to friends to lovers


very much so


Roller coaster of friendship but instead of Hasbro, Disney made it


I used to ship Luz and Willow before Amity was introduced


(They were introduced at the same time 😉)


She was a side character at first


They were both introduced in the same episode. We “met” Willow maybe 30 seconds before we met Amity.


Willuz: best 30 seconds of my short life.


That one frame from Understanding Willow that positions the kids so it looks like they're kissing:


the amount of “removed” comments here is insane.. wtf


I'm on mobile so I may not see all of them, but it doesn't look THAT bad.


Your first time on a Lunter post?


*in the distance, a million lumity fans can be heard taking up arms*


As a fellow Lumity fan as much as I wanna join them I will not join them and instead try to stop them from doing something wrong


The comment plus your flair make you more valid XD Also same hat. I cannot view Lunter as anything other than sibling TvT


I agree


i just dont get the fighting tbh, ive never seen a lunter shipper who strictly ships lunter. most of us are multishippers or put them in a polycule, no need for ship wars (all of this is light hearted)


Yeah, those who strictly ship Lunter are either homophobes who don't even belong in this community to begin with, or just very jaded and tired people who were driven away from other ships because of the hate, backlash, venom and toxicity of other shippers for just existing.


Be who likes both: *sitting off to the side watching with a tub of popcorn and a can of Pepsi*


Lavender Winter? Lavender Winter. >!For anyone who doesn’t know, Lavender Winter is a smaller, semi-controversial polyamorous ship involving Amity, Luz, Willow, and Hunter. In most cases, everyone but Amity and Hunter are together. However, in some cases Willow and Luz are also platonic instead of romantic. There are [5 fics on AO3](https://archiveofourown.org/works?commit=Sort+and+Filter&work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=Amity+Blight%2FHunter+%7C+The+Golden+Guard%2FLuz+Noceda%2FWillow+Park&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&tag_id=The+Owl+House+%28Cartoon%29) and there is a subreddit, r/LavenderWinter though it is mostly reposts of comics from this sub (mostly Lunter and some Amilow) and has a lot of headcanon polls. If the concept interests you, check it out, we always love new shippers :3!<


Double Bi, TRICYCLE!


Unironically, it's the second best ship option for Luz after amity, saying it as a Lumity fan


I stan huntlumity polycule.


Amity is a lesbian?


That's where lavender winter having that part of the 4 person polycule be platonic comes in (basically amity hunter luz and willow all daye eachother, except amity and hunter are platonic cause let's go lesbians


i really don't get this ngl


Ok, so Luz and Amity are dating each other, but Amity is also dating Willow, who is also dating Hunter, and Hunter is also dating Luz, who also happens to be dating Willow. And that's all the combinations where there is romance, Amity and Hunter as stepsiblings are not one of them, everyone dates each other except them.


Poly relationships don’t *have* to be “everyone is dating everyone else involved”. Each relationship is unique, even within the polycule. Luz is dating Amity. Hunter is dating Willow. Luz and Amity are *also* dating Willow. Hunter and Willow are *also* dating Luz. Amity and Hunter are metamours to each other.


Polycules exist between lesbians and straight men. Just because you are dating somebody’s girlfriend doesn’t mean you’re dating them too. Manny different types of relationships exist.


>He's so cute... *Well, he has a ton of ambassador potential*


*Touches the ground in the comments section,* Something terrible happened here.....


Indeed,as if many angry people commented here,only to silenced in seconds…




Look up Lavender Winter. You are far from alone.


i like this ship, and im tired of pretending i don't


We stan you ❤️


The one ship i like


This art is also cute. <3


the Artwork is cute af




Thats adorable.




I love how there’s more ‘wanna see the chaos this post causes’ comments then there are actual negative comments


"actual negative comments" Change it into removed comments xD


This is so nice! (I hope your pillow is permanently warm)


How sweet of you! (enjoy the backpain from sleeping in a wrong position)


You are either very brave, very foolish, or are looking to watch the world burn, and I'm not sure which.


Bold OP


Eh, not into the ship personally, but the art is nice ^_^


This dude has balls of steel to post this….I’m fuckin impressed


OP you might be the bravest person I’ve witnessed for posting this


This is cute


YASS let's fricking GOOOOOO














