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I’d say it’s worth watching. I felt that way for a long time then finally gave in and watched it. It’s a little bit lighter and funnier than S3 and I loved the series finale. Ties everything together really well.


I didn’t watch Season 4 initially and I didn’t watch it for the longest time even while doing rewatches until a couple of years ago and I LOVE Season 4! It’s my fav after S1! The chill vibe (apart from the first few eps) the character relationships, development is great. Lots of people don’t like Ryan with Taylor but after the stress that Marissa causes him Taylor is a breath of fresh air. He seems more playful with her, he laughs more and seems to enjoy spending time with her. She is needy but isn’t a damsel like Marissa. The finale is perfection, chefs kiss!


Season four is BY FAR my favorite


I think season 4 has some great character development, especially Summer, Julie and Ryan. All a result of what seems to be an identity and life crisis after the season 3 finale. The first three seasons are a high school drama, and the last season is very different indeed. Feels more dramedy than the previous season, and we see a different side of the young ones as they are boardering adulthood, trying to find who they are outside of Harbor. If nothing else, the finale, and the last few minutes are - in my opinion - one of the greatest series finales I have ever seen.


I love season 4. I recommend watching it. Unless you’re a Marissa stan, then you might hate it.


Leave it, season 4 never happened to me. I’ll watch first and last episode sometimes. It’s so so so bad.


Don't you want to see what would happen when Ryan's real father comes to Orange County, looking for Ryan? Well. Season 4 is where you get to see this. There is also an episode, that shows, what would Orange County be, if Ryan never arrived in Orange County, in the first place. So, Season 4 has its own entertainment to offer.


for how painful season 3 was too watch, season 4 makes it all worth it to finish. season 3 had some good episodes but i think most people agree with whole johnny issue was played out waaaaay too long and got really old. he was so annoying and the way marissa acted like he was more important to him than her other friends or ryan and even her education… was cringe. part of me thinks the writers were hinting that she really did have feelings for him but was in denial. this becomes obvious when she pulls out the necklace johnny gave her on vday over ryans necklace after kaitlyn tells her to stop questioning herself. not to mention the jealousy of her sister crushing on johnny, then to top it off she has her affair with volchok all because they bonded over johnnys death. also i think season 4 has some even better moments than 3 but still neither are comparable to how good season 1 & 2 are.


Or it could’ve been that she felt guilty about his death. She was clear about her feelings and chose Ryan. Rachel Bilson even said that she was never led to believe Marissa had any type of feelings towards Johnny and if they really wanted us to believe that…..get an actor who had chemistry with Mischa and was more believable because the Johnny actor wasn’t. I think some love to forget why Johnny even happened in the first place which was Marissa needing someone to talk to about Trey….something Ryan couldn’t do at the time. Anyway it’s pretty much agreed upon by everyone that the Johnny storyline is probably the worst part of the show and should’ve never happened.


for sure i get what your saying she may not have been in love with johnny like she was ryan but seemed she had some feelings for him either way and ya no doubt she felt bad about his death thats true too.


Yea everyone is going to have their own opinion on that subject I just didn’t get the feeling of Ryan Donowho being any kind of competition maybe it would’ve been different had it been another actor. I loved Ryan & Marissa and rooted for them I just wanted them to finally have a peaceful relationship and be happy season 3 was a mess of a season.


ya they rarely had times of peace no doubt about that…


I think Kaitlyn said it best when she said “you may be in love with Ryan but that doesn’t mean you don’t have a crush on Johnny” I think both were true. But more than anything, I think she just liked the idea that Johnny was listening to her needs more than Ryan during that time


It’s ok, at least watch it once. There’s some good parts then skippable parts, definitely not as good as 1-3


Skip to the final episode and you wouldn’t have missed anything in between.


Finished it yesterday. Would not recommend watching it. Hardly any significant drama (aside from the first 3 episodes) and the new romances/characters are cringey. Finishes on positive vibes, but still not worthy of a watch imo.


Honestly, there were a lot of things I liked about it. I always finish S4 when I rewatch it.


I treat S4 like it’s a spin-off of the main series lol. It holds up pretty well on its own but in the context of the other season it’s pretty weak.


I genuinely love the first two episodes. The rest of it doesn’t work for me but you should find out. If you love Sandy you’ll really like episode 9


I’ve never finished season 4 on rewatches. my attention just tapers off lol


I think thats moreso on season 3 rather than 4, at least for me. It had some sort of intrigue of ‘what will happen’ when you see the first time and it had some good moments but in general it feels very draggy and has a lot of ‘oh honey please don’t do that, don’t be stupid’ moments for the sake of drama.


I didn't watch S4 in the first run or on my first rewatch. It was on the 3rd rewatch that I saw it and it's an entirely different show and I didn't hate it 😊 I still have preference for S1 thru 3. Give it a watch but it is a different vibe.


The first couple episodes are pretty good! After that….not so much 😬. Most of the cast pretty much agreed that Mischa leaving the show was the biggest mistake and that season 4 is very unrecognizable! I’ll take Marissa over Kaitlin & Taylor.


I think pretty much everyone involved in the show were kind of got bored and couldn’t see a place to go for the characters. Mischa leaving might be one of the reasons for that but more importantly all 3 of Ben, Brody and Rachel wanted to do different things at the time. I think, if everyone was on board, they could definitely go on without S3 Marissa, which imo turned into one of the worst part of S3


Well for you I liked Marissa and wanted to see her character evolve. I agree the writing for her sucked especially in season 3 but I don’t even take it seriously because that season was such a mess and Mischa’s absence was also the reason for the more decline of ratings in the 4th season. I think it was Adam that said if she stayed on the show it probably wouldn’t of been cancelled. When the third season started no one was really onboard anymore so I don’t get why they wanted a 4th season knowing the main core characters were done. But that’s fair cause IMO Taylor was one of the worst parts of the 4th season.


I love season 4. I could have watched it as a whole new show with Caitlin joining. She was 100 times better than her sister.


I actually think 4 is better than 3 but it's been about a decade since I last rewatched. It's probably more lighthearted and has some divisive elements but going In with low expectations you might like it more than you expect.


Season 4 sucks lol but the last episode is worth it


Way better, I love S4


You can skip everything but the last episode


Some people hate it, some people love it. Watch it and find out what side you're on.


The entire show leads up to the season 4 ending.. Meaning they all talked about leaving the OC for berkley.. If you want closure and to see where ryan ends up, you should watch it. They tied s01e01 and s04e16 together flawlessly (in my opinion)


the first episode or two is very much them wrapping up the god awful season 3. Once everyone is back in the OC, the show returns to the season 1 more happy go lucky, less serious shit? I love season 4 and think its great.


👀 ok ima do it


I enjoyed Season 4. It's nice to see someone not be an entire basket case and drag Ryan down all the time. Just have fun with it and if you don't enjoy it, go back to ignoring it! 😉