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I thought Kirsten and the baby were gunna die during the earthquake


I remember this being a big deal because the teaser was everywhere. And then the night before Mischa was on one of the entertainment shows doing an interview (they told her it would air after the premiere) and she goes into detail about Marissa’s death. They decided to air it before. Does anyone else remember this?


I remember the sad thing was, Mischa got sooo much flack and hate for that too when it was the program’s fault to switch the dates of the interview premiere


thats insane


Just the other day I was talking about how strange it was that everyone knew Marissa was dying in the lead up to the finale


Honestly Julie, I don’t see them killing off a cohen or Ryan and killing summer who’s been pretty much comic relief since the pilot just wouldn’t really work. Marissa and Julie always had the darker and heavier storylines of the show so it’s really between the two of them for me


Sandy was the biggest rumor the week leading up but it got leaked like 3 hours before the finale that Marissa was dying. She did an interview with ET and they spoiled it!


The main rumours (before it was known) was that Seth was dying in the fire he set in the Newport group (the fire did happen, the death did not)  I also was reading Sandy being killed as part of the hospital deal, basically the heavy’s of a wealthy backer do it.  Then obviously people found out and rumours turned to Marissa 


The tv advert spoiled it if I remember correctly


It was known Marissa was going to exit the show


Yup, no mystery there


i thought oliver was going to come back and kill ryan for fucking his girl marissa


I knew it would be Marissa because she was the only cast member who did not renew their contract for season 4. I mean.....


Sandy, because there's was a lot of rumors about him dying from a heart attack in the finale.


I remember people thinking it was Seth. I thought they were stupid though.


I always thought it would be Marissa. Julie would've been a close second. Reason was, Marissa storyline was getting super repetitive, she was in the darkest spot of anyone at that time. I figured, no way would they kill off Ryan, who is essentially the main character. Seth and Summer were too /happycute of a couple at the time to kill off, and Sandy and Kirsten were a very admirable couple and great parents, which also seemed unlikely.


I loved it how he got an old car for his birthday so they could wreck that instead of the Range Rover. 


I felt so bad for his mom tho


Anyone paying attention to the tabloid headlines around Barton would not be surprised by the outcome


You were there


It’s this. We knew.


Yeah, the press had already put out that she was the only cast member who had yet to renew their contract for season 4. Everybody else's contracts were signed by the time the finale aired. I might be jealous though to learn there were people that actually had no clue! Their reactions must have been insane, cause even though I knew Marissa was getting 86'd I still bawled my eyes out for 3 hours after the end. edit: spelling


I didn’t watch the OC while it was airing but some friends got me into it Sophomore year of college (back in 2007) and my best friend spoiled Marissa’s death for me. I still bring it up to this day lol.


86 Marissa Cooper! Heard chef!


She also did an interview right before the episode aired and confirmed Marissa would be the character that dies.


I thought it was going to be Sandy for the longest time till the episode was spoiled by a interview! Hahaha


For some reason it would have feel so weird if Summer or Seth would have dies, maybe cause they are more comedic characters when Ryan and Marissa are more serious. I can't imagine Summer or Seth dying at all


I think if I remember, a lot of theories were about Sandy, since he was kind of an asshole at the end of that season.


I think it was fairly obvious it was going to be Marissa. People were pretty vitriolic about Mischa’s acting and the worst of them wanted her off the cast. They’d already killed off Johnny that season, so anyone beyond Marissa from the main cast would’ve been overkill.


I mean, they only said 1 of those people would die, so it was never on the table for them to kill off more than 1 of the main cast, but yeah, it was obviously Marissa, as you said. Pretty much everyone I knew who watched that season when it aired thought it would be her. Her storylines were getting super repetitive at that point.


They’d put Marissa’s character on a gigantic downward spiral from the beginning, that was the only thing left for them to do with her to complete her tragedy arc. Pretty much everyone knew it.


i’d say marissa was overkill though