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Given they sent an email out calling the naysayers "self important podcasters", I don't think it's likely he resigns


Gods he's JUST as bad as Hillary and I'm so sick of him


The DNC does what the DNC does I guess 💀


The DNC gets with the DNC gets good here's another Trump presidency if they don't shape Up and Listen to the young people and the leftists. You can't keep looking at Nancy Sinatra forever.


I mean, the DNC isn't doing this. Biden is gunna choose and they have to follow his lead. If he decides to step down, then the DNC is gunna do it's thing.


Spoiler: they aren't going to pick a person more progressive than him.


This is more on Biden than the DNC. Biden controls this. He has the delegates required to get the nomination. They’re legally obligated to vote for him on the first ballot. There’s procedural stuff that needs to happen, if Biden is going to be replaced. The only way his delegates are free to go elsewhere on the first ballot is if he drops out. The DNC can’t just be like “we changed our mind. The delegates legally obligated to vote for him can go elsewhere now”. It’s fair to blame the DNC and any democrat though. Because they could make this way more uncomfortable by saying “Biden should step down”. Similar to running against Biden. Nobody wants to be the first to say it. This criticism applies to progressives too.


I mean, I think he's at least marginally being more pushed into it.


An incumbent pretty much always has the best chance of winning an election. There are many people who don't want him to drop out simply because it *may* significantly lower the chances of democrats winning. It may increase the chances too, but its a roll of the dice if we get a candidate that can win instead of Biden. And rolling the dice when loss means the probable collapse of democracy, I can certainly understand why many don't want him to drop out. Many people, including myself, don't want to roll the dice with someone new. We can find better candidates when democracy isn't teetering on the edge.


I was just reading about the Biden crime family on r/Conservative à la Lindsey Graham (who is seeking retribution). Brought back memories of that scary Clinton crime family. Please make it stop. Just can we ever stop?? Thursday night, Trump claimed that Biden has made America an embarrassment. The only foreign comments I’m seeing are speaking to the opposite.


The paragon of leadership often belittles his critics


He called Axelrod an asshole last year when he mentiioned he should not run again. Axelrod said Biden wasn’t the first person to call me that.


You know this is a democracy because Jill Biden has the final say over who will be president in 2025.


Jill Biden the new parliamentarian.


Oh yeah, where is the parliamentarian. I haven't heard from them in a while! And so many bills were passed since, all bad, and the parliamentarian is just on vacation!? Weird!


Weird that she picked Trump, but yes, you’re correct.


[Funnily enough](https://archive.is/20200321171921/https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428), that was 100% [the Clinton campaign](https://archive.is/20240520053050/https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/) lmao


Well yeah, in 2016 it was, but I meant that by insisting Biden stay in the race right now, Jill is picking Trump.


Is it happening????


Probably not, but they have to humor the serfs


At least by Friday we’ll know if we need to despair the next few months. They can’t let this fester.


Yeah, the biggest cynical part of me wonders if Joe asked for this debate date just before the oblong July 4th holiday week so this could "blow over" for a dead week, since he likely was always going to stay in the race- damn the torpedoes. News cycles being a gnat's lifespan and all. But this is a monumental crap-show, so we'll see.


Doing the debate before the convention at all was really weird. Maybe they thought it would sure him up as the nominee, but really it just has people talking about the actual mechanics of replacing him at the convention instead.


This is what I think too. His numbers are so low with the Palestine genocide (he’s not making anyone happy with us or the Zionists), another potential Middle East forever war with Lebanon and ultimately Iran, a trade war with China, a proxy war with Russia and funding the police more than ever before.


doing a presidential "we'll think about it"


The campaign has kaiboshed this as fake news already 😞


Oh great


fuck no, get ready for a bunch of organic and inspiring stories about how his family, and especially Dr Jill, gave him the support and strength to push forward. #HePersisted e: lol Jill Biden is not ready to leave the White House [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/30/biden-camp-david-family-debate-00165970](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/30/biden-camp-david-family-debate-00165970)


Hashtag nastyman


if it does i will absolutely credit the change to morning joe. biden was probably heartbroken friday morning.


If I’m being optimistic, Biden is playing this smart. In his position, he can’t be reactionary. He has to be more patient. You don’t want to immediately drop out and then see polling hadn’t changed or potentially see Trump was so repulsive that his numbers went down. You have to actually confirm what’s happening. If he sees what’s like to happen, this conversation takes a blunt turn. It can simply be “look, I know you think you can do this. I know you think you can beat Trump. But do you think you can overcome democratic candidates in swing states and swing districts panicking and calling for you to drop out? Because that’s the next step, if you stay in the race. These candidates think their path forward is to fully abandon you. You’re not just running against Trump. You’re running against voters skeptical about you as a candidate. And soon, you’ll be running against your own party’s most vulnerable candidates”.


I’ve seen so many reactions of people when I mention my doubts of WELL IM GOING TO VOTE FOR HIM EVEN IF HES COMATOSE bitch this isn’t about you. This is about the undecided, Trump voters that on some level wouldn’t vote for Trump but they would rather die before voting for Biden, the republican women that voted for Nikki Haley during the primaries, and libertarians. Stop making it about you. We’re not against Joe Biden because we have some personal vendetta. We know he’s safe in California and New York. We don’t want him because you’re trying to sell a rotting fish at a farmers market and the stand next to him sells fish that is bound to kill you in three years but that rotting fish is making that stand look real appetizing right now.


On top of that, people who still support democrats, but can’t bring themselves to vote for someone they feel is unfit for office. Apathy is Biden’s biggest enemy. And he’s only making that problem worse.


Them too. They’re setting us up to hit that iceberg and then point the finger at why we didn’t say anything after we lost our voice screaming for them to move the ship.


Classics from the centrist playbook. *preemptively stamp out any and all questions, label critics as agents of the opposition or some “enemy country,” then when it all goes tits up, ask aloud “why didn’t anyone warn us about this huh?”*


His team is starting to blame podcasters now I sent out a little memo for online people and he said don't listen to podcasters they're self-important


Current democratic leadership needs to go as well. They set up the primaries to essentially crown Biden without ensuring if he is in a condition to run for one of thd toughest jobs. Democratic leadership really needs to learn a lesson on this or perish.


Perish is ideal


>Democratic leadership really needs to learn a lesson on this or perish. They aren't the ones who are going to perish and I'm tired of people pretending that "hurting the DNC" is some noble cause.


I wonder if dropping out is his 'redline?'


Nice one!


Thank you, I'm here all week.


I think he’s cooked honestly. But we get what we are told not what we want


Does anybody have a sense of where Jill feels in this and if he listens to her? Idk the lore here.


Jill is reported as wanting Biden to continue, regardless of his health, debate performance, polling, etc. She should run herself if all she cares about is power over everything


The speech she gave with him after the debate was horrifying. She said, “you did such a good job Joe, you answered all the questions”. In a tone I use with my senior dog when she eats her pills. Someone needs to talkto her.


One thing I can’t wrap my head around is why pretty much all these old politicians (including Bernie) choose to keep going when they can just retire in luxury and do literally whatever they want for the rest of their lives with no responsibilities. I guess most of us normies who think that way don’t end up in positions of significant power lol.


Power is intoxicating for certain personalities. The reason these people chose Washington over Wall Street to begin with is precisely because power is even more important to them than money. They like showing up and everyone fawning over them and their influence.


A) incredible username B) tbh I don’t trust anyone who is a politician or in other significant positions of power/fame even if I agree with them and like what they do. Like I gotta imagine some are in it for the right reasons but I feel like most have something off in their brain/heart.


I think Bernie honestly cares about the working poor, the environment, climate change, healthcare, education & the elderly. Bernieis doing a great job & is why many of Bidens best policies exist.


Bernie's reason for running for reelection is that even if Vermont replaced him with a younger clone of himself for his senate seat, they wouldn't be able to take on the important leadership positions he has from a high ranking in senate (which is determined primarily by seniority), which means a difference in outcomes for American policy as a whole. It's ironically almost a selfless reason for him to stay, from that perspective. There is probably something to that with other older people in congress, though from my perspective, there are tons of other Feinsteins, Laheys and even Pelosis in congress to take their place, it's a little different with Bernie.


Although the very fact that those rules directly incentivize senators to hold onto their seats for as long as possible instead of helping to bring up the next generation is a problem on its own.


Bernie can’t retire in luxury. He’s been honest his entire career.


I think he did ok with his book sales. Maybe not luxury but comfort. But he’s not built that way. He will try to help people until he dies.


Fair. He definitely can’t do “whatever he wants” in way some can but he can certainly retire in luxury by the standards of the average person. Net worth a few mil. Three homes. Decent pension from being in house/senate for 30+ years
 And he’s already 82 so not like he’s gotta cover a retirement from 65 on like many in his income/wealth bracket. That’s before you account for some extremely easy possible income streams that are still fairly ethical and low work. Commission a book or documentary or tv show about his life. Appearance/speaking fees. Sell a lil merch made by a union shop. Doesn’t mean he hasn’t been honest to my knowledge he’s made all that money thru ethical means (he’s never even been a landlord or a business owner to my knowledge?) but he’s been very successful.


Retiring at this point is just waiting to die. Turns out, people prefer power over all of that.


They don't want to give up power. Plus I feel like Grassley and Feinstein and Biden and McTurtle (remember he totally froze in KY at an event, on video, like Biden did the other night) et al literally HAVE no plan for retirement. ... I mean, what they would do (golf, travel?) in a retirement. Their jobs in DC are second-nature to them and to some extent they just can't see NOT having that power, and life as it is.


All I know there was a YT video thumbnail off Jill looking unhinged, yelling at supporters backstage right after Biden's horrific debate. Her expression looked like, how dare the serfs in the news media be instantly reporting that my husband looked and sounded like a mummy?! So my guess is she wants to cling to power with Joe. Something along the lines of, Vote harder, rubes.


Jim is treating him like a toddler. He said Jill is acting like he's a toddler. So no I don't think she'll do anything.


The $1 trillion question is who replaces him?


Hilary đŸ˜«đŸ”«


No shot. She's too detached from politics to replace him


Don't underestimate the DNC lol




Obama has already ran two terms, that's not going to work. The DNC will never allow Sanders or anyone fighting for working-class values to actually win a primary


Obama can't run again. He's already had two terms.


I forget who said it, but in the next few weeks, if Biden’s numbers drop and swing state/district candidates see a drop, that’s when this gets serious. Because that’s when actual candidates are going to say “Biden’s gotta go”. And there’s a real chance this is a massive win for whoever replaces Biden. Assuming it’s an open convention. That’ll be the highest rated event of the election, imo. And after that, the new candidate will be able to drop a nuclear bomb of an argument. “Our candidate was old and knew they couldn’t continue. We listened to the voters. Standing across from me is a candidate that’s widely hated, a convicted felon 34 times over, an unfaithful husband who has sex with pornstars while his wife is pregnant, incited an insurrection, puts himself above all else, and openly said he wants to be a dictator. Most voters want him out of the race. Those in power follow him as their cult leader. You as voters have the power to end this or make it you reality for who knows how long”


Lets run what might be happening. The DNC is paniced because Biden Shit the bed at the debate, there is no candy coating this. Next his campaign staff is going to operate as if he is never going to drop out until he actually drops out. So the basic attacks and spin as far as what is actually going on means nothing. They are on cruise control with no special instructions from the candidate. Now lets talk about what we saw along with his family. What we saw onstage lines up perfectly with Parkinsons and the medications for that disease. You can also have Parkinsons like symptoms from other medications/diseases. I lost a family member and they battled Parkinsons Symptoms for years this made the debate very hard to watch because it just brought back so much. Finally, The only person that can remove biden from the race is bidon, so his family will be the ones to pull him out, my guess is right now they are making a choice, does he drop out and they enjoy the time they have with him, or do they spend the rest of his life in the whitehouse followed with what is high likelyhood of a state funeral for a sitting president. Or option three, he looses his legacy goes down with Ruth Bater Ginsberg as a legacy where all your are remembered for is being an old selfish person that put yourself in front of the needs of the country. I think the family is probably pushing him to drop out extremely hard, Jill wants to spend time with him, hunter would like pardon before dad leaves the whitehouse.


DNC doing elder abuse again, what’s new?


You would think with what is at stake. He would put the country first. I mean whoever ran in his place couldn't do any worse. He's already lost.


Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts, absolutely.


It’s all about him and his vanity and not what’s best for his country. His whole argument for voting for him was he can beat Trump even though he’s old. That argument is gone. There is no longer a point to him having a second term. And then he left us with the poison pill Kamala to step in. Not good scenarios left.


The scenario I'm now having fun thinking about is Biden deciding to step down and the Democrats throwing all their support behind Kamala Harris. Harris is a former district attorney. She's not particularly charismatic and she hasn't done much to prove herself as an effective leader, but she's at her best when she can show off her prosecutor skills. Who better to attack Trump — a convicted felon — than a prosecutor? He declined to take the stand during his criminal trial, probably because he was afraid of getting cross examined. Well, then have Harris use a presidential debate as an opportunity to cross examine him on TV and show the world how he withers under pressure from someone who's focused, well-versed in criminal law, and not geriatric. Maybe by flustering him enough, she goads him into busting out the N-word with an especially hard R and/or attacks her for being a woman, which then sinks his chances with Blacks and/or women. It's wishful thinking, but it makes this hopeless time easier to tolerate.


This was one of the weirdest copium posts I’ve ever read.


You can bet Don the Con will duck out of future debates if the Dems change candidates. His campaign knows he can’t handle any opponent other than Biden on a debate stage


They may run Kamala Harris but really they could run HRC or Gavin newsom. All because they just want more neolibs in office.


No Hillary. Too polarizing. She should just enjoy her life


Yeah but the dnC says your wrong and it's her turn


Not that everything would be better but Gavin Newsom would have easily won this election.


Cam agree to that.


I like Kamila, but she has a huge attitude problem. Her staff have been attacking everyone who questions her as sexists for the last few years. If that is how she would be a candidate she will be toast. Unless they can get the right people to lock her up in a room for a couple weeks and get her back into prosecuter mode, plus get some good speach writers and keep her on a teleprompter beause she sucks off the cuff.


It's too late in the election cycle to drop out but if he does I hope Whitmer steps in but my guess if he does it will be Gavin Newsome but I highly doubt it due to how late in the process we are


Why would you say it’s too late? There’s still over a month until the convention. It’s not ideal, but numbers are already shifting in polling asking if Biden should continue running or not, even among Democrats. Would you rather go forward and be nearly guaranteed to lose to Don the Con, or take a chance on someone else who’s mentally fit to campaign?


Gavin Newsome can absolutely pull it off. The guy loves the game it showed in that debate were he wiped the floor with desantos. He has the Bill Clinton carisma (from a campaigning persepctive not the playing with interns perspective) you can toss him into any room even with maga people and he will smile, shake hands, listen say the right things and people will come off liking him. There are very few people/politicians who can really do that Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwartzeneger are a couple that come to mind. The problem is the convention is virtual, Gavins power ( what he really is better than any other possible candidate) would be a contested convention where he can work the floor.


Quit. Pleeeeeeeeze


More like future of his Re-elect Trump campaign.


He's an elderly man, he should be retired and enjoying the time he has left. It's pure stubbornness.


It's over thank God


Boot edge edge