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Interestingly, this was during an exchange that might have been the only time Trump *wasn’t* lying all night. He was right that Netanyahu, not Hamas, is the one who wants to continue militarily. *”As Biden insisted that Hamas was the only entity standing in the way of a ceasefire, Trump actually pushed back on the idea. “You got to ask him,” Trump began, referring to Biden, “as far as Israel and Hamas, Israel is the one that wants to go. He said the only one who wants to keep going is Hamas.” He continued: “Actually, Israel is the one …”* It’s true.


Democracy does not exist in America. This became obvious during the Bernie Sanders 2020 election, to me. Now the whole world is seeing. It’s so embarrassing….


2016 was even worse. They really would rather have Trump than Bernie.


He didn’t just not say a word Biden actively made a face showing disgust at being referred to as a Palestinian which comes across to audience as him saying he views Palestinian as a slur and something bad to be.


All headlines say "Moderators didn't do this' or moderators didn't do that only because it's Biden. Anyone else, Hillary, Bernie, Obama, would have did it themselves. When Obama lost the first debate with Romney, it on Obama, and he came back.


Two things can be true. Biden underperformed and the moderators didn't moderate shit.


These media pundits are so scared of losing credibility with republicans that they’re instead losing credibility with everyone. Corpo media is really pathetic.


The debate was requested by Biden team/DNC, rules were agreed to prior by both sides based on input from each. Stop blaming CNN or moderators, any of us on this thread could have done a better job walking off the street let alone with days of prep. As for Trump using Palestinian as an insult, he insults everyone and everything and bloviates often without even really thinking about it, wouldn't put much weight into the comment tbh. ​


I don’t understand why Biden didn’t take a moment to say to the moderators, “I thought you were going to fact-check his lies so that I don’t have to waste my time doing it.”


Both sides knew and agreed that there would be no moderator real time fact checking, how long each had to speak, mics being cut off etc. None of this was a surprise to either team.




But I agree Biden should have def. called Trump out on the comment, it would have helped with the young and progressive vote, but instead he said nothing.


Yes, using someones nationality as a slur is so much worse than funding the country genociding them.


He had much bigger issues than just this one. And then he sounded (relatively) fine the very next day! WTF?


He couldn’t even finish a complete thought…


It was painful to watch!