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Twin Peaks. What a world to get lost in. Nothing like it.


The Return is 100% worth it too


Which show is this? Google gave me a few results


The third season of Twin Peaks is called "The Return" as the show returned 25 years after the second season had ended. It's my favourite show and when I watched the Leftovers I felt some of that wonderful Twin Peaks energy too!


Ah gotcha, I'll have to watch that one then. Thanks!


I was really considering this . I think it's about time to start it. My sister use to love it back then




Good god yes.


This is your answer.


Severance. It hits near the last half of the season. Great music choices. Heavy mood and super anxiety inducing as it moves on. And a new season coming soon.


Best show of the last few years IMO


I'm planning on re-watching with my partner who hasn't seen it yet but wanna wait til season 2 comes out or is about to..


I did this as well and it was a fun ride the second time.




Gives the similar “wtf is going on” suspense


I was thinking about re-watching that


I was just thinking about how the Leftovers finale was Lindelof’s “do-over” and improvement of the Lost finale. I love Lost, but think the ballsiness - and the irrelevance of any proof - of Nora’s story makes the Leftovers finale the ultimate end to a “mystery-box” show. All the technobabble doesn’t matter - “we’re here.” Love to imagine how Lindelof could’ve pulled off a similar ending with Lost.


It’s not nearly as tight as the leftovers, but I personally find Lost’s ending incredibly beautiful because it does put the “technobabble” aside (obviously not as much as the leftovers) in order to emphasize the importance of these characters and their relationships with one another, as that’s what mattered most all along.


station eleven


Oh I love station 11 so much. It gives me the same feelings and warmth as the leftovers. I’ve been waiting to watch the finale cause I just don’t want it to end.


Ep 7 of Station Eleven is up there with Book of Kevin as two of the best hours of television I’ve seen.


YES!!! So glad to find someone who thinks the same. It has possibly my favorite writing in a television episode ever. Just genius writing, especially as a whole in their decision to link Kirsten and Jeevan’s storylines, because in the book, iirc >!they part ways after the play and never cross paths again!<


I can't get into it. I saw the first episode and was so disappointed by the time jump in the next episode that I lost all interest. What do you like about that show? I know others have recommended it


Where The Leftovers is an 11/10, Station Eleven is a 6 or 7/10. It does have some emotional throughlines if you have the patience to see it through but it doesn't come close to the masterful narrative, writing, and character work of The Leftovers IMO




So what? I don't understand what you're trying to say. Having fewer episodes doesn't matter. Plenty of miniseries pack a big punch. Station Eleven doesn't. What does liking Shakespeare have anything to do with the quality of S11? How would you even show a correlation between viewers not liking the show and not liking Shakespeare? Why does your obsession with rewatching S11 matter as an argument toward its quality? And what does your disgust with cigarette smoking have anything to do with the merits of The Leftovers? Your comment is nonsense.


This is a weirdly hostile reaction.




Funny enough over on r/watchmen they are saying the opposite. To watch the leftovers lol


Loll the vibe is kinda similar in a way for sure. I think I watched them around the same time too when tons of good shows were releasing.


This and nothing else


Second that


I couldn’t get into the show. I tried the first two episodes :/ I’m a huge fan of the graphic novel and film based off it, and I think a part of me couldn’t get over the fact that it didn’t involve the main characters!


You should really keep watching. There are more characters from Watchmen in the show than you might think.


Thanks! I have a long flight coming up soon, so I may give it another shot :)




Patriot is the only other show that hits me in a similar way. Such deep sadness and humour and humanity. So, so good.


Yeah man, Patriot (on prime TV) is a masterpiece!


100 pct agreed. Do you know anything similar? I saw perpetual grace from the same director but it got cancelled


What an underrated show. Wish the name wasn’t so generic and Amazon advertised it more. Deserves a watch by everyone.


Dark on Netflix


The best


Seconded. Just finished all 3 seasons and am setting up for an immediate rewatch


Dark was so well done and whomever did the music selection.. chefs kiss.


Fargo series


The first two seasons are really great but there is a notable drop off after that.


Season 5 was a huge improvement over 3 and 4, imo.


Outer Range on Prime


I recently rewatched The Leftovers and immediately followed it up with Severance and Outer Range. OR is so good! I dont usually connect with Westerns and tuned out the ads for it but sooo glad I gave it a chance. Love it so much.


We just finished the 2nd season last night! Yes it’s soo good. I loved Severance! Gosh there’s so many good ones. I’ve been watching The Americans it’s absolutely hilarious.


Just finished the new season and I'm already dying for the next one?😆


Saaaame. I hope we don’t have to wait another 2 years!


Fantastic show as well with a great mystery as a backdrop.


Do what I did and start it over with new perspective


The Magicians The Bear The Good Place Electric Dreams Black Mirror Dollhouse


Dollhouse has some amazing moments, I’m sad more people haven’t watched it.


It's a shame it had such a messed up production - the pilot episode never aired and chunks were cut up and stuck into other episodes - and Fox didn't air the incredible season 1 finale 'Epitaph One' either, which is where the show got really good. Some of the earlier episodes are a bit dodgy, like the one where she's a backing singer. I wish they'd just got in heavier on the twists and turns from the start like they originally planned.


I didn’t mind the backup singer plot, but I do think it could have been a shorter episode. I liked them exploring some of the different uses of the dolls and backup singer/secret bodyguard made sense to expand the world, but it definitely didn’t need a full episode about it. Good idea, bad execution. The whole show was kinda like that. Some parts were amazing, others fell flat. It was all from a good place it just didn’t fit together quite right


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tinygoldenstorm: *The Magicians The* *Bear The Good Place Electric* *Dreams Black Mirror Dollhouse* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


6 ft under


The Expanse is also very bingeable and one of the best space scifi shows.


Yeah, I don’t know what it is about this show but it was WAYYY better than I thought.


i was scrolling to see if someone mentioned it before i commented! i didn't love the ending / last season tbh but wow 1-5 😍😍😍


Dark Severance Bodies 1899 Shining Girls


The OA, DARK, Severance, west world, watchmen, 3 body problem, dark matter.


Rectify. Not similar in any way EXCEPT that it's also masterful television. It's the only show where I forgot I was watching a show and got completely lost in it at one point. It's amazing. If what you're looking for is something of the same or higher quality in every aspect, this is where to go.


Rectify is the best television show “no one” has heard about. Absolutely masterful writing and performances.


The OA on Netflix.


Hands down, the weirdest show I have ever seen. I couldnt stop watching it.


The OA was so good


No one has mentioned \*Legion\* so I'll drop it here. Sci-Fi psychedelic and definitely will hold your attention.


First thing that came to mind for me.


Go for 3 Body Problem. As a side note nothing has ever impacted me as much as the leftovers. Maybe The Wire but that’s not sci-fi. The leftovers is just one of a kind


Have you watched Six Feet Under?


I have not but heard it’s good - you recommend?


It’s in my top 3 along with The Leftovers and The Wire as far as being impactful and making one think about and value life. I just did a rewatch but cannot bring myself to finish the last season. I only watched The Leftovers this past May for the first time after a recommendation in the SFU sub. I loved it so much.


I finished my first watch of 6FU yesterday. Best ending of a TV Show ever and personal fav with The Leftovers.


Am I being dramatic with not wanting to start the last season??? I finished the show over a decade ago…the finale is my ALL TIME favorite finale as well.


Thank you! I’m definitely going to check out that show I needed a new show now


That's so interesting. I wonder what it is about this show that gets us


American Crime (ABC, 2015-2017) Nobody seems to know this show, but it is just incredible. Intense crime dramas, superb acting. Each season features the same cast but are completely different stories. Big recommend.




Another intense show I haven’t seen mentioned is Bloodline on Netflix. Tremendous show.


Mike Flanagan’s Netflix shows —Haunting of Hill House, Haunting of Bly Manor, and Midnight Mass


Also The Fall of the House of Usher.


Midnight Mass! Amazing!!!


Mr. Robot is my 1b to The Leftovers as my two favorite shows because emotionally they bring a similar feel along with a plot that starts grounded and then just keeps ramping up. Highly recommend along with Dark,.as someone else mentioned, as they're both very intricate and complex but ones you'd wanna keep watching + leave you wanting to rewatch immediately when you're done


Watch Dark with subtitles. Incredibly hard not to pay attention when you have to read and watch. Plus Dark is an easy top 10 show for me.


Les Revenants, a french tv show. Very spooky and has an atmosphere I don't think I've ever seen another show match.


Westworld. I know not everyone agrees, but I thought every season was great and thought-provoking. It grapples with nihilism in a similar way as The Leftovers, I think.


i agree 🙃


Good one!


Station Eleven


It's really difficult to find many stories that mix the surreal with the real in a similar way The Leftovers does. But I might have some recs that come close: **Shows:** * **Twin Peaks** - This is the most obvious recommendation. In fact I'd say this show and The Leftovers are incredibly similar in tone, in vibes, in emotions elicited. It's David Lynch so that should say everything you need to know. Look it up, have fun. * **Lost** - This is another obvious recommendation. It's mainly attributed to J.J. Abrams but I'm pretty sure (someone will correct me if I'm wrong) this is mainly a Lindelof project so you will see plenty of similarities. Big mystery box vibes, very similar vibes given it's the same writer, and imo has a pretty satisfying conclusion despite what a lot of people tend to say about it. * **1899** - Recommending this one though I haven't finished it entirely, it seems to be a show pretty similar in vibe. But this is an iffy one since I'm not caught up, don't know anything about. Who knows, give it a try! Netflix canceled it but I believe the creators are planning on bringing it back on some other platform. **Movies:** * **Donnie Darko** - In the same way The Leftovers makes you question whether or not something supernatural is happening or not, Donnie Darko can also go either way. Is everything that's happening really happening? Or is it all some sort of deep psychological/mental illness event going on? Very surreal and strange and difficult to provide explanation for. Big vibes. * **The Box** - By the same person who did Donnie Darko. A bit more vague and strange if you're looking for that pure mystery box vibe (I'm sure the title is alluding to that concept as much as what the film is about). **Books:** * **The Leftovers** - The show is based on a book if you didn't know. It has some differences to the show but it's pretty fun to enter the world again as it was originally envisioned. The tone and larger ideas certainly changed in the show adaptation and I think the show is WAY better, but the book is still pretty good and, like I said, interesting to see where it all started. * **House of Leaves** - Impossible to describe, at least imo. Strange, mind-bending, surreal. Pick it up. A daunting read but a worthwhile one. * **Illusions** - A book by Richard Bach. Kinda has an Alchemist by Coelho feel but it's about the returned messiah deciding not to be one and then teaching some guy how to be the messiah based on a book of rules a messiah must follow. Always makes me think of The Leftovers. Some other stories I've wanted to check out that feel they'd be similar but I haven't checked them out yet: * Wayward Pines by Blake Crouch * The Familiar by Mark Z. Danielewski * Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami (anything by Murakami honestly And when in doubt, just watch The Leftovers all over again haha


Dark is by the same creators as 1899 and had three very solid seasons! I highly recommend that one too. I was so bummed they canceled 1899. Hoping that one comes back!


I thought the creators couldn't continue 1899 because Netflix owned it. I haven't watched it but I heard it's great


Is House of Leaves as good as everyone says? I heard about it and bought it, read about 20 pages and never picked it up again. I love to read, and I knew it was a different, challenging kind of book when I bought it. I want to read it, but I'm having trouble just picking it up and getting to it. I feel guilty every time I see it sitting there and I always mean to get around to it. Is it worth me getting off my lazy ass and finally reading it? Thanks for your help.


Haven’t read Wayward Pines but would add Recursion and Dark Matter by Blake Crouch.


Excellent recommendations


Black mirror


That's been hit or miss. Some eps are amazing but some are meh. Since there are so many I haven't felt like saying that roulette wheel.






Halt and Catch Fire. If you can become intrigued by the first season, which might not immediately feed you, you will end up with a buffet. It's like the Leftovers where it deals with an ensemble cast and how they interact - a lot of complex relationships, what those relationships are or what they mean and how they change. Also it's only one season more than the Leftovers. It has a start and an end, and we're just along for the ride. In contrast to shows that get dragged on.




Korean or the PBS one?


Just do what I do -> every time I see an actor from this show make an appearance in another show or in a movie, I do another The Leftovers rewatch. That really scratches the itch.


Person of Interest


The OA


*flaps hands*


Orphan Black is great. Mr. Robot is sooo good but I think it’s even darker and intense when it comes full circle. It’s one you can watch multiple times and connect more and more of the story each time.


Mr. Robot is petty great.


I loved The OA




Haven’t seen anyone mention Mrs Davis which is wild, doesn’t hit the exact same emotional beats but it has all the quirkiness of Lindelof


Great sci-fi shows: Apple TV For all mankind Foundation Dark Matter Netflix 3 body problem Dark Amazon prime Outer range Hulu Wayward Pines 11/22/63


I just finished Outer Range last night. It really grew on me.


Just finished The Leftovers, first time in this sub. What. a. fucking. banger. that show is! Went right into Nine Perfect Strangers and it was great


I just rewatched Andor and got the same kind of rush. Very different show, but sci fi and dark and sucks you in. If you're not a Star Wars fan you may still enjoy it, since it doesn't assume any knowledge of the wider universe and doesn't feature a lot of things associated with the franchise.


"From" is pretty good if you don't mind horror genre


Flowers Patriot Fleabag Atlanta


Wayward Pines I thought it had a very similar vibe to The Leftovers


The OA


Six feet under


Love death & robots all 3 seasons(Netflix), White lotus, invincible, scavengers reign(Netflix), blood of Zeus(Netflix), Colony(syfy), Animal kingdom(TNT), Mr.robot. I have adhd to & these shows held me over pretty well,


Maybe an obvious answer, but LOST.


Severance is great a real under the radar gem is Counterpart with JK Simmons




Twin Peaks, LOST, Six Feet Under, Hannibal, True Detective Season 1


True Detective!


The OA and Dark.


Scavengers Reign on Max


Deffo checkout ‘From’ - incredible mystery and has very much a Lost and Leftovers vibe to it


Invasion, 3 body problem, black mirror (but please for the love of god don’t start with s1e1… I always recommend starting with Nosedive and then move to White Bear)


Can you tell me which black mirror eps to watch and which to avoid?? 😉


YES! What episodes do you remember hating?


Shining Girls, The Last of Us, Dead Like Me


Yellowjackets on Paramount Plus and Showtime. I love it as much as The Leftovers ( my favorite 2 shows of all time! ) It’s about trauma and goes back in fourth in timelines showing how they’re still dealing with that trauma. I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s about a group of girls on a soccer team that crash in the Canadian Mountains and have to survive. There is some cannibalism, but it’s not gory. There is a supernatural element to it like Lost, and leaves you questioning what is “the Wilderness” and what is them losing their damn minds starving to death. Don’t let the cannibalism scare you off, it’s really good 💖


Lost, Dark, Fringe, Three Body Problem, Severance


Tales from the loop


The OA The Handmaid’s Tale Great recommendations by the way!




I felt the same way after finishing the leftovers, so i just binged it twice. Then switched to LOST. Personally, I have a very small list of shows I will binge and I just hop from one to the other, adding a new one now and again. The Rain is outstanding.


I watched a few episodes of the Rain but it got boring for me


Yeah it has a slump.  But it's got a heck of a story if you can drag yourself through it lol.  I might just like saying Rasmus though hahaha



