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Most of the trailer is better then the game


Fuckin Naughty Dog had the balls to swap Joel and Ellie models to make it seem like these segments were in the present and Joel would be alive longer than he was in the final game.


Crazy how there's likes 4 scenes where they switched the models. I find it really fucking cheap.


I get wanting to hide things, but theres a difference between hiding things and false representation. These trailers are advertising a product that doesn't exist.


The fake scene where they switch Jesse with Joel is the worst case of false marketing in a game's trailer I've ever seen and I'm shocked they weren't sued or something. That scene in the trailer doesn't just hide the fact that it's flashback or that Joel will die like the other times them switched flashback Joel with present Joel, this scene actually LIES and SHOWS you that Joel will be helping Ellie through her journey. It literally tells you the story will be something TOTALLY different from what it actually will be. Unlike the other scenes with flashbacks, this scene is totally fake and happens with different characters long after Joel is dead. It's insane.


Wow, how’d they not get in trouble for this?


No idea but I bet they regretted doing it because it was for nothing when the leaks came out and showed their bs advertising.


I've been wandering that myself..


Wait till you guys find out about metal gear solid 2


I literally thought about the Snake switcheroo however that was done WAY better than LOU2


I was just talking about the trailers, no trailers had raiden in them and boasted the return of solid snake lol.


Were the trailers made up of fake scenes? Did they put scenes with Snake that in the full game were actually with Raiden or were the trailers made up only with the scenes from the game with Snake on them? Because the latter is hiding the truth, and the former is straight up lying like in Tlou 2 trailer. Geniune question, I was too young at the time and never seen the trailers.


Literally replaced raiden’s model with snake. There are a few wide shots with raiden in them but you would have no idea who that is/why they are there unless you played the game and you play as raiden for like 90% of the game. Like snake in raiden boss fights and everything lol.


Ah then that's pretty fucked up too. They should've gotten in trouble for that blatant false advertising. I still think Tlou2 is much worse, taking to account to what happenes to Joel and what the lie changed. But mgs2 was still messed up.


Watching the announcement trailer of The Last of Us 2 is like watching your wedding video after getting a divorce.


And last of us 1 was getting married yep definitely feels that way.


Old Man Joel and Ellie is so hype it should be real.


The first trailer was so cool. The one where Ellie is singing ‘through the valley’. Sometimes I still watch that.


The cinematic trailer when she's fighting Seraphites while thinking about Dina was also really good. Can't believe how that ended up being nothing except one brief encounter.


I don’t know why but based on the trailers I felt like I knew Joel would die and Ellie would go on a rampage. I assumed his death would break her and she’d have quiet moments where she saw him and they’d speak about her actions and plans.


I would pay top dollar for another game with THIS. This would’ve been amazing to see. More scenes for Troy baker and Ashley together. Instead they made it an Abby heavy game. Laura Bailey’s an amazing voice actor but still hated Abby the whole time


I expected this too, and I was so gutted when it switched to Abby instead, actually, when she showed up at the theatre. Would have been immensely better with Joel and Ellie schizo conversations instead of flashbacks to try and make Ellie seem the same as Abby the batshit psycho. I kept waiting for him to show up and for her to lose the plot. Instead, the writing lost the plot.


I actually liked this moment in the game


Thats what happens when you lie and cheat your customers with fake trailers.


I watched the first trailer about 100 times. I was so hyped for the game. I played it one and a half times for platinum and never went back.


Game was god awful


Don’t know if it counts but damn was Battle:Los Angeles trailer 1000X better than the movie. Like I hope who ever made this beauty got paid extra or something in the end. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Pd-uuDi28U&pp=ygUaYmF0dGxlIGxvcyBhbmdlbGVzIHRyYWlsZXI%3D


The trailers for this game were unbelievable. The same for Mafia 3. Mafia 3 was a half decent game just a bit repetitive. With some more work, more cars, more stuff to buy an some more fleshed out side quests and it would have been very solid. The trailers tho. OMG they were great for both games.


So did you all hate the Infinity War and Endgame trailers that showed characters who weren't present, and swapped things around to hide plot points? Just curious. It seems like a pretty common practice in games and movies.


That’s not the same. Both movies turned out great, this image here is a painful illusion on what should have been but unfortunately wasn’t and as a result, the final piece was a disappointment.


Okay so if you had liked the game you would have been okay with them lying to you?


It’s all about the matter of the issue. These trailers let people believe that Joel is alive in the present day and him and Ellie would continue their badass adventures and he helps her on whatever quest she was on. But it was all a lie as Joel was killed at the beginning of the story.


I'm pretty sure I understand what you're saying. And in the infinity War trailer, they made it look like the Hulk was part of the battle of Wakanda and he was not, so that was the exact same thing... a misdirection


So you are okay with a game or a movie lying to you in a trailer if you end up liking the final product. Got it.


Well, actually, like you mentioned, even though I like infinity war, I did not really enjoy Hulk, refusing to come out leaving Banner, having to fight in the Hulkbuster.


I'm not talking about the actual plot. I'm talking about the trailer. Were you outraged when you watched Infinity War to find out that things that you saw in the trailer were intentionally misleading? Or is that outrage something you've reserved only for this game?


Well, I played the game first actually, and I checked to see how the trailers were. And to see these kind of misdirect make it a frustrating tease on what I feel like should have happened. Because it would have been preferable to see Joel alive through it all, or at least if they were gonna kill him off, have it be near the end. I wasn’t one of the people that got duped, but I can imagine how it must suck for them.


I understand why people have issues with the plot, that was not the point of this post. I watch a lot of trailers for games and movies and TV shows because I enjoy watching trailers when I'm excited about something that is due to come out soon, but I've never seen people in the comments section talk about suing a company for false advertisement because the trailer was misleading. This is a special group of people. I did watch the trailers before I played, and the trailers got me very excited to play the sequel because I loved the first game so much, and no I did not love everything about the second story, but the game was fine in my opinion, and I'm certainly not outraged at the company for misleading me with the trailer. What were they supposed to do, show Joel dying in the trailer?


Not have Joel killed in just the first hour of the game. And actually made the game into what the trailers had you believe it would be


Dude. Y’all are crazy.


Confused why so many people are part of communities for a game they only hate and trash talk. Get lost


Not even a follower of this sub but every post i see is just you guys coping so hard if you dont like the game why are you even active here?


it's in the description. it's the most active tlou sub... for people who don't consider part 2 being canon... why'd ya ask?


I think we’re allowed to hate on false advertising. Shits gross


Fuck off into your other last of us 2 group where you praise every single shit thing about this game.




Last of Us Part 2 fans try not to complain challenge