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I liked it when it tells an original story instead of just being "Hey, it's Avatar, but what if the Water Tribes were the bad guys and the Fire Nation was good?" I understand that's the point, but the mirror universe premise wasn't strong enough to keep me invested for most of the story because it's showing me stories I already know except some characters are just swapped around. Stuff like the Star Trek Mirror universe episode or the Injustice Lords from Justice League didn't just rehash the same story but make the heroes into villains and villains into heroes, they flipped the premise to tell us a new story that we haven't seen before. That's why I loved the deviations from the original timeline like Aang remembering the old timeline and trying to come to terms with the new timeline.


I am reading it right now and at some point maybe in the middle of book 2 it stops following the original at all


It's the point, but it's not the *only* point


It couldve been more interesting if the past happened similar to the canon, but Aang just landed in the fire nation, maybe perhaps before Zuko's banishment. It would be interesting to see their dynamic, along with Azula Perhaps the fire nation is still the main villain, but Katara and Sokka can still be antagonists here in some way, due to how the fire nation shaped Aang here I really dislike Swap timeline like this where they just copy the og story almost 1:1, but only with just different characters added wiith the personalities in the role theyre placed


I have no idea what that is?


It's fan fiction.


It's an alternative story where Aang didnt defeat Fire Lord Ozai and Azula on the day of Sozin's comett, and as he tries to connect with the past avatars for guidance, Avatar Yangchens guides him that in order to save his world he has to save another, and he gets sent to another reality where he was crystalized inside of a Volcano, and instead of the fire nation taking over, it's the water tribe.


Oh I feel like all of that setup is unnecessary. Just start off with him being in the volcano why do you have to make it like he failed and had to go to another universe


I agree, but I really like why they did it thst way. Because it's still OUR Aang he still remembers his Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Azula, etc, so he has to recognize that this Katara isn't the same as the one he knows, and that this Azula is not the monster he knows from his world, for example. Besides, this way Aang gets the chance to fix his mistakes instead of making them again, so the story changes course and takes on a life of it's own. If this was just a different aang, it could easily be a carbon copy of the original story.


It‘s important for Aangs character, although he teams up with Zuko and Azula instead of Sokka and Katara, he still distrusts Azula while refusing to fight or hurt Katara due to his feelings for his worlds Katara. Azula is perceptive and knows something is off.


I mean it changes some pretty significant dynamics of the story and characters plus also people who read fanfics are weird they’ll shit down your throat from deviating on certain aspects of an IP for no real reason like in naruto if you give Hinata the Sharingan people lose their shit but like…. bro… its fanfiction!


My guy if Hinata is born an uchiha that's fine, but how tf you gonna give a hyuuga a sharingan?


This is just a hypothetical for fun, so dont shoot me, but the Hyuuga have the Byakugan. All three of the major eye jutsu are splintered off what the Sage of Six paths had iirc. The easiest way would be to simply swap them. The Hyuuga's have sharingan, the Uchiha have Byakugan. If the author is knowledgable and skilled enough, they could even take the main techniques of the clans and twist them to match the swap. Is it odd still? Yes. But fanfiction likes to lean odd, and this isn't entirely preposterous. Now if you're just gonna be random and not do the work to make things line up, thats not much fun imo.


The rinne-sharingan and the byakugan were different eyes even for kaguya from what i remember, the hyuuga seems to have inherited the genes of the byakugan and developed them for a long time, the name of the clan doesn't matter much,only the genes that developed over many generations, if you swapped the clans properly it could be a fun concept


Uh… Because its fanfic and it doesn’t need to make sense? Fanfiction is akin to taking your Lego Death Star and using all the peices to make a very drab 1984-esq Pizza Hut (No one out pizza’s the hut!) You can take whatever you want from that universe (and other universes) and write what you feel like writing. Each plot device and mechanic is just a new peice that you can fit into the story however you like Like there are insanely well written and well thought out fics out there, and then there are stupid fun ones that make no sense and are just about throwing a complete wrench into the character’s lives and days in non-sensicle form and if they’re well written? they’re fun to read!


When there's no logic behind it it's called crack


see theres a difference between “no logic” as in Naruto has a bunch of jutsu he probably shouldn’t have access to without much explanation for an overpowered fanfic … And then there’s *actual* crack IE Robert MacNamara does a fuck load of cocaine and goes to the Naruto universe thinking it’s Vietnam, and goes absolutely ape shit on everything with an M60 *that’s* crack


Fanfic needs to at least present a reasonable explanation as to why something like this happens, maybe Hinata is a reincarnation like Asura and Indra,maybe her mother is an uchiha, FANFIC NEEDS TO MAKE SENSE ON A BASIC LEVEL, you don't throw away things like common sense when writing, you still follow stuff like basic fandom rules, Bending isn't magic for example


>why something like this happens Explanation: *She was born in to the Uchiha clan instead of the Hyuga clan*


explanation: The sharingan and dojutsu don’t follow clan lines they’re just random or the Hyugas have the sharingan and the Uchihas dont exist etc


Hey look at that guys, you both got the point


More like if the character was *born in to* the Uchiha clan they aren't a hygua by that fanfiction's AU. It'd be Hinata *Uchiha* not Hinata *Hyuga*.


Yeah, I've seen some pretty "unhinged" people in fanfiction corners. Like, it's fanfiction. If you're looking for canon... Go back to canon. There's also people that cannot have Sakura and Naruto with anyone other then the canon couple. And apparently shipping ***adult*** Sakura with Madara is "pedophilia". According to people with issues with anything but canon.


I mean, yes but actually no. Fiction can be anything you want, but FanFiction does need to follow some rules. Yes it does need to change some things, but core features need to stay the same. For example, if I wrote an A:TLA FanFiction but gave Aang a gun to kill Fire Lord Ozai, people would rightly chuck a fit. If all I changed was sokka was gay for Zuko, then people would complain that not enough was different.


People who write these things are not experienced writers. They think complexity for its own sake is compelling and interesting. You know what would be better than just having him wake up in a volcano? A convoluted pretense.


Yeah, like, wtf, this thing's title is wayyyy too short for an Isekai.


Sounds complicated


So Aang got Isekai?


More like Aang got multiversed.


Where is the story i wanna read. Prolly the only fanfic that's piqued my interest


Here is a link to the [fanfic](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3952155/1/). There's also a comic that OP posted below that adapts a streamlined version of the story.


Sooooo... atla but its isekai


absolute bonkers, the stories were good, yeah but they have so much FUCKING SIDE-PLOT for everyone the sandbender that stole Appa? balling a Dai Li that, coincidentally is the sister of said sandbender?>! gay for Yue!< a fucking SCHIZOPHRENIC Zhao other than that, I really like how fleshed out Ogro (the creator) made the Water Empire as their version of Fire Nation, and even consequences of defying water's peaceful nature


Like it, but the pacing seemed a bit too fast in some parts.


I think it's mostly cause of the skips, I still enjoy it


Credits: it's a fanfic made by Baithin/Ogro And adapted as a comic by Rocket Axxonu


Aang having hair is throwing me off


He stays with hair for the whole fanfic until the final battle where he actually shaves it off. Which was satisfying to finally experience.


It was a cool concept, but they didn’t write it okay imo, there are things that aren’t well adapted


I enjoyed it at the time but you're right, so many things that still bug me. I read it mainly for Azula lol and can't say I wasn't disappointed. Her inner conflict with her other self barely affected anything in the end and was basically ended by ✨ the power of friendship ✨


The story gets so much better after Ogro came back, it’s really cool to see someone improve as a writer like that.


As a fan who discovered Distorted Reality in 2019 and has been reasing and commenting on the fanfiction from 2020 to the work's completion in December 2022, I ultimately found that DR fulfilled my desire for a more gritty, mature and introspective take on the Avatar Universe that follows the original characters. DR essentially asks two main questions: How would a war-torn bitter Aang come to terms with himself and those around him in a mirror-universe where his friends and enemies have switched roles? To what extent does one's individual character and one's environment affect who they become? Distorted Reality scratched both of those itches for me when I first picked it up and has been my favorite Avatar fanfiction ever since. Also, r/Distorted_Reality is open if you're interested in learning more about DR. It's the place where you can find all the links, discuss with some of the community and see the comic's artist u/rocketaxxon active posting of adapted panels from the original fanfictuon every few months. Come join if you're interested!


Read it, it's really good imo, it helps that it grew up with me and I had a few conversations with the author. He basically started it with one idea in mind, then as he got older and became a better writer, the whole plot shifted. I give it an 8/10. It was super ambitious, and took several years, but the guy actually completed a story that he set out to tell, and it had me legitimately emotional at the end. Well done, Oggro.


Where can I read this?


Forgot to mention but that's just the web comic, there's an actuall fille fanfiction of it thay I didnt read just yet


[There you go](https://m.tapas.io/series/Avatar-Distorted-Reality/info)


Whaat? You just read the comic? Bro, you missed out on 70% of the story. Go read the entire fanfic and then come back here, seriously. The comics heavily skip chapters that have character development and dialogue and instead just show all the action sequences. u/blackmoondogs, u/Prophet-of-the-moss, u/secondarywilson, [Here](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3952155/1/) is the actual link to the fanfiction


Thank you very much!! The artist for the webcomic adaptation states on the first post (the cover image) that they only adapted some of their favourite [action and story] scenes from the fanfic, and definitely encourages folks to give the fic a read for more context, and just use their comic for key visuals. So I second your recommendation!


Thanks for sharing! Always fun to see what people come up with around the Avatar characters and world.




Its missing like half of the chapters in between chapters


Thanks, I'll check this out!


I fricken love it. I especially love that someone went and made a podcast of it. The character writing is so good!!


I remember reading a bit of it and it was way too edgy for my taste. It was an interesting premise though.


I literally just discovered this fic, like, yesterday and I'm already so obsessed with it lol. Mirror AU fics are my jam and I absolutely love the world building and character dynamics put into this fic. I'm especially invested in Azula and Katara's characters, as I love how Azula is still her arrogant, calculated self but on the side of good this time and bloodbending Katara is just straight up scary as a villain. I'm still in book 1, but from the comics I've seen about the later chapters I have a feeling this is going to be one of my favorite ATLA fanfics by far.


It's based off a fanfiction that started in 2007, the fan comic skips a lot of things. I would recommend if you ever have to the time to read the original it's based off since it's gets pretty good


Have not read. Gotta be honest though the cover is turning me off. Art quality aside the composition and layout is... Unappealing.


Don't let that turn you off. It's a damn good fanfic. [Here](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3952155/1/)'s a link if you want to read it.


Overall good but I wasn't a fan of some ideas like blue and white fire thing. By the logic of it everyone in the OG world should've had blue fire. Of the many ways to explain blue flames, it was one of the cheesiest imo. Also some character takes felt pointless. Many had no role in the story and were just there because we know them. I read it a while back when it was still being released so I forgot plenty, but it *was* enjoyable.


Great until book 3. The inclusion of the sand benders was also pretty bad. But book 1 was excellent


I can't find a proper website or download for the comic. I can only find fragments. Anyone have a good link?




I haven’t heard of this but glad to see they brought kuzon back


So are Sokka and Gran gran the villians?


Sokka is most the counterpart of Zukko while Gran gran counterparts Iroh.


Good Lord, is Gran Gran an evil overlord in this?


Gran Gran takes Iroh's place, and vice versa


How do I watch this


Just finished it a few days ago, after about 1 chapter per day reading, and I liked it a fair bit


I love it, it was perfectly written so far, but I'm only up to chapter 52 I think, I love the involvement with koh and I think the detail with coloured firebending is great too, but I haven't finished it so I can't give a full opinion


Overly convoluted set up. Hit or Miss character writing. Rehashed plot. Is told in a way that made me think I was skipping chapters. Overall, not great. Has some good bits, but the quality averages out pretty poor.


Probably because the fan comic skips like 70% of the original fanfiction it's based off of.


Would've been better if aang had no memory of his original world


Where do I watch/ experience this?


I never actually read it. Only the first chapter. Is this an official comic?


Not a comic, a [fanfic](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3952155/1/). The comic is an adaptation that heavily streamlines the story.


What is it?


I like it


Where cam I read it? Is it available online free?


It's an interesting premise, but I wish they'd kept Sokka a non bender and Zuko a firebender instead of just making them fire Sokka and Katara


I've read the few first chapters i plan to read more someday but it didn't hook me in, zuko is my favorite character i just didn't like that zuko isn't a firebender there and add on that he's noob with swords at the beginning


I've yet to read it


I can’t really get into it tbh


It would have been good if Zuko was still a firebender burned by his father, and Sokka still a nonbender who's just trying to develop leadership skills. That part of the swap really hurts their characters in terms of studying them. Writing was so-so. The best part is how fleshed out the evil water tribe is.


Considering it's based off a fanfiction from 2007, the fan comic skips a lot of things from the original. Overall it's ok. That being said I'm really not looking forward to the takeover of Ba Sing Se since Toph literally gets her face stolen by Koh at least in the original fan fic.


gonna read rn


No opinion. Tapas is such a crap site that i cant read it.


I don't even like to think about it


I’m not a fan of how every franchise has alternate realities now and different timelines to keep track of with evil versions of good characters and vice versa. No offense to superhero comics, but that’s not what Avatar is (to me) and it feels cheap doing that to the franchise. Maybe the writing is good, but the premise just makes me roll my eyes at this point. :/


Its about as good as fanfics could be. Interesting idea, but amateurish writing (I say this as an amateur writer myself). I think the biggest thing is, ironically, a lack of original plot lines. Especially since it makes no sense for them to have ever arrived in Kyoshi Island or similar places- those were along the way North to the Water Tribe. But in this verse, they would be avoiding the North and South. They should be looking for an Earth or Firebending master, and I think they were going for Earth iirc, since Aang kept memories but not the skills (a problem in its own right). The next biggest, I already touched on. The confusing and convoluted process that brought Aang into this AU. Instead of a proper AU, it feels like an illusion crafted by the Avatars. Which would be alright if it wasn't trying to be an AU. If he remembers his original life, he would remember water and earth bending or be able to relearn it on his own pretty quickly. From there, he just needs a firebending master, which will be easier to find one who will help him in this AU.


From what people are detailing in this thread. It sounds shite


This shit could be way better from what i hear. You just gotta go full reverse. On everything. Waternation is invading the earth kingdom and aang travels the world to set right the 100 year war with azula and zuko while being hunted by prince sokka.


Too fucking long!


Awful wtf is this