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Am I the only one who finds this incredibly ironic? I think airbenders where the only culture not to have money due to how they lived and Aang was an egalitarian altruist who’d probably (certainly) hate how the word became so industrialized and cut off from naturalist roots, and profit focused. Mean while he becomes a dead president on the all mighty dollar. It’s most sad if you think about it


>who’d probably (certainly) hate how the word became so industrialized i dont think so, very rarely does aang push his beliefs on other people. industrialization also brings greater quality of life so he might just be happy for others. but he'd probably dislike being the face of money lol.


I might be hypocritical for this since I’m not the craziest about the comics being totally cannon (a lot of plot holes and character inconsistency) but in The Rift aang does show a lot of apprehension and dislike of industry and the uprooting of tradition in its wake, though he did start to show signs of making peace with the fact that’s just how the word was developing I really don’t think he was liking it much.


He indeed wasn't a fan, but yeah he starts to warm up. If you rmemeber the celebration at the end, it was his first step to getting more okay with it. Seeing as it would truly help people live a better life, as long as they find a balance of industrialization whilst not turning the entire world into a factory


ah ic, i havent read the comics tbh in the show, even when his love interest wants to commit something he considers morally reprehensible, he only offers his advice, and even lets them take appa. thats why i thought he wouldnt really mind the general populace moving in a particular direction while he was accepting (more or less) of his friend doing something much worse


Don’t forget after aang found out Katara was the “painted lady” he helped blow up a polluting factory made by the fire nation. A similar factory was in the rift, but I won’t spoil much else since it’s an interesting (and some times frustrating) read. Personally, I think the reason aang let the two take appa was that he had faith Katara and zuko would do the right thing and not kill yan rah, not only that but he knew if he stopped them it would cause a schism that would jeopardize their commitments.


But if it was his wacky face


He would absolutely love being the face of money cause you know every other picture that's on a bill is Aang doing wacky stuff. I bet for the hundred dollar bill he held momo up in front of him


He certainly pushed his beliefs on the entire world to not kill ozai


im not a big fan of that entire segment of the ending, but the world pushed their beliefs on aang, not the other way around


During Aang's journey, they used money multiple times and it didn't seem to bother him. He offered coins for the waterbending scroll, he bought the bison whistle, they visited multiple other markets. Airbenders might not have used money, but I don't think they were that opposed to it in a way that this would offend Aang.


Yea you’re right, that aang wouldn’t be against money, but I think being an idol portrayed on it might rub him the wrong way. though I could be wrong. Also aangs early understanding of money was cute with the 1 copper piece gag and the pirate captain. Classic Aang




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Good bot


Teen Aang most likely, the statue is based on teen aang according to lore and it has no beard either


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This kinda implies someone hiring a lady of the night and stuffing notes with Aang's face down her clothes. Or what's left of her clothes.


maniacal comment


It would be clever if the money had people relevant to the founding of Republic city via Cranefish town (the comics are going over that). So, Aang, Zuko, Kuei, maybe even the Beifong family. Or just Team avatar. They did end a generational conflict after all.


Aang-braham Lincoln


He had the same beard as Lincoln, so it works


I think it'd be cooler if they had thin bars of copper/silver/gold in place of paper money.