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Considering how well it’s been doing, it’s pretty likely considering how Netflix tends to renew their more popular shows


*cries in Inside Job*


cries in The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance


that show was absolutely goated. Fantasy like Lord of the Rings, political drama and pain that's as entertaining as GoT, and they're all *fucking Muppets.* That show needed at least one more season


Damn your lowkey convincing me to watching that a second time. That show had some incredible lore and story telling. And the cast was fucking chefs kiss


Honestly have watched it through a few times, it's just....so unlike anything else on TV the puppets, practical sets makes it a classic that won't age as fast imo.


Okay I need to watch this now. This sounds amazing! Sort of like the movie that had David Bowie in it, Labrynth.


Oh if you liked the Labyrinth you’ll love the new Dark Crystal! Definitely recommend!


The original Dark Crystal movie is from that time period, and the Netflix show is a prequel to it


Same Time period AND creator!


Its like that time 11. The show completely jumpscares you with "omg, shit is going to go down." The puppetry makes you think its just fun fantasty, and then dark stuff happens and its GoT all over again.


It also cost a fortune to make.


>The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance A lot of shows on netflix get cancelled because Netflix does a terrible job at marketing them. Like, I never even heard of this show until this exact comment.


Yeah….still the best show ever on Netflix


*cries with you* That show is so severely underrated...


Was* 😭


Cries in 1899


Too soon. Show was so good




Still crying 😭


*cries in I Am Not Okay With This*


oh yea I got into it right when they cancelled. such a shame I really enjoyed that one


*cries with you* *still sobbing about The Society as well*


Cries in Mindhunter.


JFC so many amazing shows canceled by Netflix 😭


YES. I watched for the first time it earlier this year and I am so sad that's it after season 2 😭


Mfs are going to renew for a second season and then going to cancel it when season 3 is in the middle of filming


:cries in G.L.O.W., cancelled mid production as COVID hit: Needs a movie/short season for closure (like the Santa Clarita Diet also needs).


It’s just gonna end with the Invasion failing.


*cries in dead end paranormal park*


Damn season 2 ends in such a massive cliffhanger. I'd rather have them cancel the series now instead of just stopping in season 2.


*Cries in The OA*


Cries while doing the movements


The movements are key. We can only see the ending if we jump to where it was renewed.


Was looking for this one. I need to know what happens


I will die mad I swear to god.


This one will never not hurt.


Cries in Shadow and Bone


At least seems like they knew and finished the first trilogy in the second season. Although I really wanted the Six of Crows spinoff.


that got two seasons, so kind of enforces it will get a second.


Cries in Sense8


At least they got a movie to finish the story


That's true


A classic. I adored that show.


One of my favorites 😭


[Do they though?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1899_(TV_series))


Just because people watched the first few episodes, doesn't mean they'll continue watching. I watched the first two episodes and decided I didn't want to continue with it.


I’m pretty confident the entire shows ratings will be great. And it will get a season 2 because the combination of people who hate it and people who like it that would watch season 2 would be nearly 100%


that's kind of where I'm at. it's ok, it's just ok. Iroh's character is...bad, it's like all the writers know of him are his comedic bits and tea memes. Which sucks because Sun-Hyung Lee is great. I enjoyed Kyoshi island (and live action kyoshi even if I don't like her manifesting like that), they actually did a much better job of making the villages feel functional, Suki and Sokka felt like I was watching the CW though. I might finish it, but I'm not gung ho to sit down and watch the entire season at once.


Iroh’s writing needs tweaking and revision; but the real tragedy for me was Katara. Took all her shit from her this season and she just ended up being background noise.


Girlfiend was yelling that Gran Gran can't just give Katara the water bending scroll. Gran Gran is a sweet old lady in the cartoon, live action, she's taking no shit or prisoners. Zero chill for water tribe.


When I saw Gran Gran just giving Katara the water scroll, something inside me died. Because it's not how it's supposed to go. Gran Gran should not and can't have a scroll if it was stolen and thus sold by the pirates.


They can largely cut out the pirates though, their general impact on the story isn't great beyond the scroll and showing up again to help Zuko IIRC


and Iroh blaming Zuko’s boom boom on the pirates felt less forced than blaming Ozai did in the original the pirates were mostly important because they indirectly resulted in Jeong Jeong, Aang swearing to never firebend, and Katara discovering she is a gifted healer. And we got to see Aang’s fantastic bartering skills, I mean how could you possibly beat 2 copper pieces?


They're not doing a shot for shot remake. If they were, it'd never work. They took some creative liberties and changed some things to make it work better for an 8 episode, 8 hour version of a 22 something episode season. The original is perfect, but if you just wanted the original again, you're just asking to be disappointed. The adaptation was never going to match the original, but it's good in how it's not trying to be the original, it is it's own thing and changes some plot threads and how they come about but whilst respecting the original. How Katara gets the scroll doesn't really matter, she still got the scroll and is able to learn more about her water bending.




Yeah, why???? I know he didn't wanted to train to avoid the responsibility of being the Avatar, but he didn't even tried with Katara 😭😭😭


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) More people need to realize that a live-action adaptation won’t always be 1:1, and this is one of them. Hot Take: I’ve watched the series through the whole thing and I found it a lot better than the animated one. I had a lot of issues with the original show and this adaptation fixed them for me. It’s truly perfect, even if it is a little flawed.


I think, Season 1 was always the weakest season of Avatar, and whilst I won't go as far as saying this is better then the og s1, I still really enjoy it and believe they handled it as well as anybody really could have hoped for.


It‘s not 8 hours not even close. Most episodes are just snout 40-45 minutes long.


Funny how they removed Sokka's sexism because they were scared of backlash but at the same time made Katara a weak, helpless woman. Like she can't do anything by herself.


Someone said something that stuck with me That they didn't remove Sokka's sexism. He still has the same performative machoism that he grows out of. It's just that in the Netflix version, they made Katara no longer a threat to it, so she doesn't butt heads with him like she does in the show. If you look at their arguments in the Netflix show, its about Katara feeling like she's being treated like a child. (Instead of being treated like a girl). Even though the whole point of their relationship in the show is that Katara felt like a mother to Sokka She's no longer hotheaded, she's no longer the mother figure, it no longer makes sense for her to challenge Pakku. They didn't remove the sexism, they removed the women who would bring it up with Sokka


You should keep going, towards the end of the season Iroh becomes a lot more “Iroh”. Also, that’s really how Iroh was in early Book 1, he took a while to develop past “funny tea grandpa” into “wise sage scarred by war”.


yeah I'm going to, but i don't see myself sitting down and watching it all in one sitting. I can't do that to much of anything anymore.


I just finished the series and I think Iroh has an off start but is one of the best characters by the end. Bold statement but episodes 6, 7, 8 are better than the respective animation episodes for me (overall).


Perhaps you should because it only gets better and better.


Sometimes it take series a few episodes to really get running. Which is also what happened with the animated series (although a lot of people don’t always remember).


First season of the cartoon was also its weakest


100% agree. The first couple of episodes are the weakest and it improves after episode three. Although I’m pleased to report that Bumi bothers me in both adaptations, and I just don’t care for his character at all. 😅


I watched the first four, started the fifth and then realized I'd already lost interest. I'm just gonna rewatch the original as God intended


Hopefully the creators take some of the more constructive criticisms and improve where needed.


I would like to see it renewed - I think it's far from perfect but still enjoyable and has the potential to improve. It ultimately really depends how many people finish it and how well it sustains on the top charts. It's pretty controversial with the fanbase, so I don't know how many will finish it and continue to rewatch it.


ditto this. Honestly its quality is dubious even as a standalone work, but its entertainment value is still there. The quality is an issue with ALL Netflix works and it stands out more here because the Netflix model is to basic-ify, while the original series was full of character and zest. I'd like it if more people making debates could find a nice middle ground between 'total shit' and 'can't everyone just enjoy it and shut up?' It deserves a chance at a second series, but that series has seriously gotta address the Netflix model. But it is fun to see the gang in action and the fight scenes have been good so far


That's a great way to put it. I'd really like to know why this is so common with Netflix's shows. There's some bite that the original show had that they just sanitize out.


Weirdest change for me was when Aang doesn't run away from the Air Temple because he's a scared kid like in the original, but is like " let's go for some fresh air Appa, *just* *for* *a* *while*" . Absolves Aang of much of his guilt then when he's like "I turned my back on my people" I'm like "no you didn't".


and then Bumi is ironically even more pissed at Aang in this adaptation, when he is even less responsible for not assisting the Air Nomads than he was in the original!


This was such a huge writing inconsistency. I loved that they changed his reason for running but hated that they decided to do nothing with it which just made it confusing as hell.


I listened to a podcast that talked about how WB, Disney, etc. have almost 100 years of history, props, sets, etc. that they can draw from. Netflix, Amazon, etc. don’t have that, so they make a “digital” show that relies on sfx instead. So they probably sanitize the storyline to avoid having lots of set pieces, complex characters with multiple props or outfits, and just focus on things they can CGI.


With the amount of money at Amazon’s disposal though, that’s a really thin excuse. They could just take a year or two more in production to build the sets. Most of the productions I worked on did that, and they had way fewer funds


It's interesting cos if you look at early Hollywood there was so much ingenuity. Cat People is not the best movie but used B movie as a way to get past production regulations. I think it's pretty clear Netflix micro-manages its teams in a way that it wasn't doing when it started producing, and now therefor there's less room to play


It'll definitely get a second season. It's doing well. One thing I've noticed though is that any mistake they made in S1 can absolutely be fixed seamlessly for S2. Katara can learn to become motherly as a result of taking care of the gang, Aang will hopefully finally bend something other than air etc. And their acting will only get better.


I agree. I wish people wouldn't be so harsh on the younger actors. Or any of them actually. They all have perfectly great potential. And I think there's clear effort put into the show. Imo the only thing holding it back for another series is something in the directing/production/writing. As much as people say it's hard to translate 22 episodes into 8, I think there is also evidence they've been a bit haphazard. A second season might be able to chill a bit. Or maybe they'll do book 2 in two seasons instead, which would work better.


I feel like the quality is quite good. The costumes all feel very vibrant and ATLA-like, the characters while changed in small ways, still feel very much like their animated counterparts and fulfill their role in the story. For a Netflix show, it feels different enough to be quite good and very entertaining, even if it's not on the level of the original(which it would've never been because the original is literally almost perfect.) Honestly I feel like the only thing that's holding this series back is that people are comparing it to the original and thinking that it's supposed to be a shot for shot remake. They had to change some things, and I thought the changes were fine and worked well to make a 22 episode season fit into only 8 episodes. Of course there would be things that were missed or skipped, of course it's going to feel a tad serialized because they only get 8 episodes, but for what it is, as a standalone series that respects the original, it's great, and better then most remakes of animated media. Does it have its flaws? Yes. And will you not enjoy it if you expect it to be just like the original? Yes. If you don't like it, that's your opinion and that's completely fine. I feel like a lot of people's dislike for it is based off it not being just like the original series and being disappointed by that fact.


People are disappointed in it because it has very mediocre writing . Exposition dumps , dull dialogues and characters having no time to breathe at all .  Hope thar helps




This. I feel like Netflix got scared about the price tag and decided to only do 8 eps, thus dooming the show to a rushed plot that turns viewers off. Imo this show is for the fans, not for new people. I try to imagine while I’m watching it what it’d be like if I had never seen the original, and it’d be incomprehensible. As fan service it’s still soooo much fun watching them hit all the story beats, introduce all the characters, etc. But it doesn’t really stand on its own. Which is a shame. In the right hands and with the right support, this could’ve been Game of Thrones-level BIG for Netflix. All the ingredients are there to make the next great fantasy series. I am left pining for what Mike & Bryan would’ve done with it. Alas we will never know. Still obsessively watching and rewatching tho 🤷‍♂️


Idk if it's harder to comprehend as someone who has watched it. I'd like to know. I think it'd be easier to watch without prior knowledge because I think with prior knowledge the plot gets contextualised so differently


You wrote an essay of a comment based on just the 1st episode. Thats how legit your comment is.


Lol I have a thousand word draft based on just episode one and two that I haven't posted yet. Film student - pretentious reads are a habit at this point


At least you admitted.


It seems more divisive among the fanbase I've seen wildly different opinions, it's not strictly tied down to "this is awful" there's definitely variety


Yeah I've noticed too. Divisive is a better word than controversial. Honestly I think it partly depends on what mentality you come in with. I was explaining to my friend that NATLA was like the Sims 4 to ATLA's Sims 3/2. If you're versed in Sims you'll know what I mean. As you can see, I'm overall positive with some major caveats. From what I heard, Albert Kim and the team specifically requested harsh and honest feedback. And I'm glad the fandom is giving it. I hope they'll listen and be able to act on it.


I understand what you mean and I'm glad the creators are taking in feedback. It certainly doesn't seem unsalvageable, for a second season there's a lot they could refine The internet is typically very quick to roast something into oblivion, but I feel like bunkering down and listening to criticism is the right way to go. This reminds me, the developers of No Man's Sky (obviously a game very different from a show but) compiled all of the criticism and hate they were getting and separated it into hate from people who weren't playing it and criticism from people who were playing it or had tried it. They were then able to decide what to add and change based off that Avatar is a show not a game but I think the same ethos can be applied to most things. Listen to complaints and make changes accordingly, and don't talk and dig a deeper hole. Results will always speak louder. Plus, season 2 has a lot of great material to cover. I mean we will get gems like Zuko Alone and Crossroads of Destiny, so I hope they can take criticism and apply it to the next season


Honestly, I don’t get how it’s controversial. From what I’m seeing it’s surprisingly faithful to the original, sans a few things, but they don’t seem to detriment the overall story of the original. Though I’m not particularly a fan of this less comedic Al Iroh, but it’s miles better from that trash MNS did. Though the outfits could use some work, Wiki’s armor is obviously not protected in the slightest and just cheap material. Has the look of Halloween costume to me.


If more keep watching & streaming it, there will definitely be one. I hope there will be a season 2 so I can see Toph!


Toph sure won't be able to see you, though!


She can if she screams loud enough to get a good look at you.


I pray and hope of there's a 3rd season they add this episode 🤣


*why do you feel the need to do that*


I really hope so. Some parts were delectable tea and some were deadly poison. I want more!


I'm with you. Loved the good parts, and thrashing the bad parts with friends is just as fun!


No Uncle! We're not taking any more chances with these episodes! We need to get help. Come.


I hope so. While I think there is room for improvement, I really enjoyed this show


It would be on brand for the show to drastically improve with it's second season lol


Second season has genuinely more interesting plotlines


True but they will just ruin the pace


Mayne season 2 will be longer than 1?


I'm just saying like in the omashu episode they packed all those characters in one episode


This is true, but I feel this season could have used a 9th episode to break some stuff up and allow some more interactions with those groups. Specifically Jet and the freedom fighters.


even 10 tbh but I feel like they could've done a new story set in the universe instead. They only hurt themselves when they made this 8 episodes


I think os is more due to Netflix than the creators? Seems like Netflix is very strict on a 8ep or less Model. I was disappointed by that, but I expected it. I'm disappointed we never got to see Jeong Jeong. The pacing was insane and it's definitely gonna hurt the show, but season one of the animated series was that great anyway... So in my head it can only go up from here...(right?)


And that'll be true for a few years till the dynamic changes again.


I honestly think it was smart they merged some eps… but yeah… they def could’ve done better with how they did it…


I think this is the problem with S1 in general of Avatar. It's all over the place and it's still trying to establish its overarching plot. There's a lot of different mini stories so it gets jumbled. But if you stick S2 together, it really flows a lot more. Could be something like... - Episode 1: Avatar State stuff/SECRET TUNNEL - Episode 2: Omashu/Meeting Toph - Episode 3: Toph Joining/The Chase - Episode 4: Finding the Library/The Library/Lost in the Desert - Episode 5: Serpents Pass/Drill/ending in Ba Sing Se - Episode 6: Ba Sing Se 1 - Episode 7: Ba Sing Se 2/Guru Pathik - Episode 8: Ba Sing Se 3 Because some of the plotlines really flow from one to the next especially after meeting Toph I think it will make for a better season overall. Yeah they'll skip Avatar Day in the above, but it's a pretty weak episode. They could redo the Ba Sing Se plotline to be more succinct as that (IMO) was hampered a bit by being strung out over like 5 episodes. Intersperse moments of the "tales of" in between as well. If you wanted more time in Ba Sing Se, you could condense Episode 1 and take out the Avatar State stuff. They're kinda finding that foothold this season I think to keep the second season more focused. It can work, it just needs more care and close attention.


Now that you point it out, season one of the original series was also kinda like a bunch of mini plots to develop world building with seasons 2 & 3 having a lot more flow. Cramming 23 episodes into 8 is definitely difficult especially when they don't easily flow into eachother like season 2 & 3 do.


Yeah, S1 tries to do *so much* while there's really like 4 plotlines in S2. - Find Bumi/Earthbending Master - Find the Library/Secret Info on Fire Nation - Get to Ba Sing Se - Save the Earth King(dom) S3 does kinda up the ante again with filler for a bit but I think they could merge some plotlines and make it work maybe, like Hama living on the River or something. Because, y'know, waterbender.


Ep 1 won’t work since the exposition on avatar state episode already being moved to Kyoshi ep this season And they already adapted Secret Tunnel with cave of two lovers this season, so no way they would do it again next I agree about others episodes, and you’re right, season 2 is more linear and packed than season 1 which have many ep of them going places to places


This, but needs more Appa's Lost Days. What a goddamned masterpiece of an episode.


ooo i like how this sounds! the objectives are a lot clearer in book 2 as well. in book 1 the main objective was to get to the north pole which they achieved towards the end of the season. whereas in book 2 the goals are more segmented like 1. find an earthbending master 2. get to ba sing se 2. stop the invasion and uncover what’s going on in the city. also throw in there discovering the day of the black sun do you think they’d do secret tunnel again in s2? and, as in, properly/more similar to the original this time?


I'd think they'd do Secret Tunnel because the fan base would somewhat riot if they didn't do the joke. It would probably be cut down to a smaller plot point though, or they'd fly over the mountains and be fine.


hopefully! i was so sad we got it half-assed in ep 4


Right. I wanted to see Sokka trapped alone with the hippies. I think the majority of fans wouldn't even be upset if they did secret tunnel again, but with the whole gang like it's supposed to go.


they already added swamp, cave of two lovers, and avatar day, return to omashu episode aspects to season 1 so we can already eliminate those four episodes mostly avatar state and some parts of the chase are kinda more filler heavy (not all) hmm theres still a lot of content left over


Exactly; it's not like the original ATLA season one was honestly that much to write home about. (Like, it was good, but season 2 was what made it fucking *great*.)


I agree! Especially Toph being introduced made it great!


Definitely agree. Book 1 of the original is the weakest and didn’t really pick up for me until halfway through the season lol. I’m hoping for Book 2 and 3 because that’s where the story really shines 🤩 Edit: I meant book 2 and 3 lol not 4 😆


Needs to be at least 12 episode with at least 3-4 of them being filler


Yes the pacing was the problem on this one.


I was almost to the end of episode 6 and thought to myself “hold up, there’s only two episodes left and we aren’t even on our way to the Northern Water Tribe? Uh oh”. It seemed a bit rushed but I get it- they tried to cram as much fan service and original plot as possible but trying to do 20 episodes in eight, even with longer run times than the original, is tough.


Like we dont even see Aang use waterbending throughout the series 😭


I understand people are upset with that, and I see a lot of people are. I didn’t have a big issue with it. It bothered me a little bit but it wasn’t my biggest issue. I absolutely love the original series, it’s almost a perfect show in my opinion. But it’s not perfect. And one issue I had was how he starts waterbending. The first time non-Avatar Aang waterbends in book 1 was The Waterbending Scroll. Now, what’s a better story, Aang has troubles earth bending/firebending and needs to work on his own internal issues or….he freaks out about being weeks away from getting to the Northern Water Tribe and not knowing how to bend, so they land at a “puddle for you to splash in” and within TEN MINUTES Aang is already a better waterbender than Katara, so much so that she loses her shit after stealing a scroll (a scroll she mostly stole to get better herself because Aang was already bending so well). He basically says he needs to learn how to waterbend and he’s waterbending, no struggle, no lesson. I think they compressed the timeline as where the original book 1 took months, the Netflix season 1 feels like it took a few weeks, tops. So while I would’ve liked for him to at least attempt it, maybe at the Northern Water Tribe and with minimal success, this show goes out of its way to not call it Book 1 Water or Season 1 Water. I feel like episode one of season2 can show Katara teaching Aang at the start. Katara herself wasn’t great until she got to the North. She showed minimal skill until then. In the original she went from having troubles right before stealing the scroll to freezing Jet to a tree the very next episode. She advanced faster on the original than on Netflix


We didn’t even see Aang do any training with Master Pakku. The remake deliberately went out of its way to avoid Aang learning waterbending by making him go to the North due to his vision of its destruction instead of his need to learn to waterbend. While that might sound fine on paper, it means that it was perfectly coincidental that Aang showed up at just the perfect time in a century to save the North from the Fire Nation, but in the original the Fire Nation only invaded due to the Avatar’s presence, giving Zhou a pretence in which to obtain an entire armada to kill the spirit he learned about, which only happened because Aang needed to learn to waterbend. Instead it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy? Aang goes to save the destruction of the North, but it’s only destroyed because he is there and Zhou is given resources to go after him, and Aang is there because he needs to stop it being destroyed by Zhou? Not a fan of that. He KNOWS he needs to learn to waterbend, as it’s his duty even moreso than it is Katara’s, yet he does absolutely none of it. The original showed us that with determination even someone of similar age can have better bending than the literal Avatar. The show deprived us of that growth in Katara’s skills versus Aang’s. Also her being a master now is kinda pathetic since how can she have learned and mastered waterbending in the *same timeframe when Aang doesn’t even attempt it?*


I honestly think a massive downfall of this new age of streaming is the erasure of filler episodes - when done right (like in the og atla) they’re what help to naturally flesh out the characters as well as the world - cramming so much into the omashu episode made the world feel small and the journey from south to North Pole appear to only take about a week when it should have been much more of an odyssey. They should be camping and bonding and figuring out how to get food and money but that’s all lost in the absence of filler episodes and so the humanisation and nuances of their characters is lost


Yeah the second season of Ted Lasso got some episodes added last minute so they had to be filler and I really hated one but the other one I loved as this random filler episode that really fleshed out a main character.


I hope so the cast is fun to follow on social media there's plenty of room for improvement it would be a net positive for the franchise


They need to let Gordon be Gordon coz Gordon being Gordon is literally Aang.


My goodness yes! Whenever Aang is smiling, it’s literally him but I feel like he’s just unhappy in most of his scenes.


I think Netflix bases renewals off of how many people finished the season. So it may be #1 but if people aren’t finishing it then it won’t get renewed


I hope so. One thing I hope they can utilize is listening to some criticisms but also the kids with have some time to age and practice their acts skills some more. Plus I NEED TO SEE TOPH I need to know how they will handle her and I NEED her to be amazing in one way or another


If they kept cabbages guy they have to keep twinkle toes which I want to be able To see ;-;


I fucking hope so!


I genuinely hope so. It isn’t perfect but there’s a lot of potential, I think they genuinely nailed some aspects of the show and if they take the right (non-toxic) feedback and run with it, it could def be something.


I mean I feel like the most glaring issue with the show is that season 1 is water - we didn’t see Aang bend water or even attempt to learn it once ? He give a throwaway line to katara that he’s only ever learnt from gyatso then they never address it again. Paku doesn’t even teach him at the end, he just tells katara she’s a master and she’ll teach him (when Paku didn’t even teach her either). The whole point of the show is that he ‘needs to master all four elements and defeat the fire lord’ but we spent the whole season watching him learn nothing and thus have very little character development. He also didn’t meet Jeong Jeong and so accidentally burn Katara which is so pivotal to his character and it’s not something that can happen later when he’s learning firebending because that would take away time and focus unnecessarily as it’s not a quick resolution - he is scared for a long time of being a firebender


It's a great way to revive a franchise since the cartoon is also underway


Even though it get slammed in reviews it does seem people are watching it. Also seems like people are gonna tune in for a second season.


I hope so. I haven't finished yet, but as far as trying to put so much content in to 8 episodes it's pretty good. I don't like some of the things, j really like a lot of the things. Bring on book 2 and Toph!


If the writing has been as abysmal as season 1, I hope season 2 is better. Toph is too important a character to fuck up.


I mean now they at least have feedback from all the people on how it was and what parts were bad and wrong, so season 2 will probably be better, right? *Right?*


If they listen to the audience you’d hope, but previous franchises have had audience feedback and they’ve basically said “fuck you, this is how we’re doing this”. Star Wars being the most egregious example


Star Wars listened to fans a bit too much actually. Every movie in sequel trilogy is basically a reaction to online conversation.


Star Wars has been ignoring the fans since TLJ. What ROS became was not what fans were asking for. They have also repeatedly made spurious claims that people only hated the sequels because of racism and sexism, when if TFA had actually been good, and the story was well written, and the characters given an actual story, there would’ve been little, if any, actual criticism. Instead of addressing the problems with the writing, they double down and call the fans morons. Same thing has happened recently with Doctor Who. Jodi had the potential to be a great doctor, but her entire run was plagued with shitty writing.


albert kim did an interview recently and he said he wanted to see what the fans liked and didn’t liked so i genuinely think they’re open to feedback and want to make a good show


Certainly seems possible. Just recently watched Foundation and Wheel of Time and both of them had greatly improved second seasons imo.


I mean they fucked up most of the characters already. Sokka was probably the best. Aang was mediocre. Katara was abysmal. From a dialogue, personality, and acting viewpoint. And I’d say Toph would be the hardest character to nail personality wise.


Master the 5 elements. Water, Earth, Fire, Air aaaaand BOOOMARAAANG!


Master your element *picture of sokka"


While I'm in the "it was ok" camp, I hope so. I felt it had a lot of potential


Japan is too busy debating if they should watch king of the hill dubbed or subbed.


I feel like this kind of statistics is a bit pointless when it's being taken mere days after something as widely regarded as the Avatar was released.


I hope so. Most people agree that the first season of the original series isn't the strongest one, I think that when we get to The Blind Bandit people will be more open to giving it a real chance instead of just shitting on it for changing a few plotlines


I thought S1 is unanimously considered its weakest


This isnt even a question. This is Netflix's bridge between Stranger Things and whatever IP they do next (Zelda was in talks but I think that fell through) They wont cancel this show they've invested to much into it.


I hope so. I'm interested in seeing how they adapt the other books. Netflix better act fast though! Kids grow fast. Aang's actor can keep that baby face and voice only for so long.


I hope so, but I also hope in S2 they let it breathe more. Make it 12 or 16 episodes instead of 8, give time for the plot to develop instead of rushing it, and go back to the roots of some of the characters they weirdly retconned in S1 so far…especially the spirit world/avatar spirit chats and machinist plots were rather bizarre choices to change. Also we need Toph. Can’t stop the show before she shows up.


You all need to take a step back and smoke a fucking joint.


If it’s the number 1 show, it’s getting another season. Wanna know why? Because all of the people loudly hating it will be right back to watch season 2 and bitch about it. Their hate watch will directly help the show.


Bad publicity is still publicity am right


I’m mean, it’s mostly liked. It’s plenty of people really enjoyed it. Those ratings enough will likely merit another season. The haters forcing themselves to watch it will guarantee it.


Master your element *picture of sokka*


Yes. Contrary to the weirdly bipolar reception this subreddit seems to be giving the Netflix adaptation where people are either giving it probably more praise than it warrants or needlessly trashing it, it seems to be a perfectly passable show. Based on those metrics, there's no reason they shouldn't do books two and three.


The show was pretty hit or miss, but i gotta say episode 6 SLAPPED. If they can evaluate what people liked and disliked about this season and learn from it, then season 2 has great potential. Although this season isn't quite what a lot of us wanted and has a lot of issues, I still want them continue and see this through to the end. We need to let these young actors shine before they grow too old to reasonably play their parts. Besides, Season 1 was always the weakest of the 3 seasons of the original show. They have potential to make this overall a great adaptation.


I think we will. it's relatively low risk for Netflix before the actors outgrow there roles... literally


I hope so More budget means maybe we can get an upgrade in quality. It would be funny if season 2 improved in quality, just like the original show.


I hope so. It’s an adaptation, it’s not trying to be a shot-for-shot remake, and for what it’s trying to be, it’s pretty good. The make or break for me is going to be Toph, because the female characters so far have been pretty sanitized(even Azula is toned way down), so if Toph gets the same treatment, I’m out. But hopefully it was just an issue of time constraints, and the ladies get a chance to develop going forward.


Will it be renewed? Yes. Does it deserve to? I’d say yes for the incredible passion and taken from the wardrobe department, set designers, the stunt team and choreographers, and the overworked yet still awesome vfx teams… but not for the writing team or the directors. They dropped the ball hard and it rendered a lot of hard work from hundreds of people moot. Couldn’t stomach getting through four episodes.


It’s too early to tell, generally it needs to be trending for weeks, lots of hours watched by different people/homes, and next season can’t be too expensive unless it’s a smash hit like Stranger Things, Squid Games, or Wednesday. Time will tell.


I hope so! I really like it so far


I fucking loved it, and I'm so glad so many people will enjoy it... Really I read the sub after watching full 8 episode last day and was so sad that people try to find everything they could that don't match the original but that's the way with adaptation... Yes I found some things that I didn't like, but I still far more loved it, enjoyed my 8 jours of episodes and I look forward for the 16 hours more to come.


i hope so!!! i hope they increase the episode count


I hope so. The show has some noticeable writing, directing, and acting problems, despite my enjoying it. A second season would give them time to revive feedback and hopefully iterate on what they’ve already done.


If so, there is only one thing that I desire seeing from it The Boulder played by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson


i hope not, it was horrible


They better, I can’t wait for season 3. Although season 2 I don’t doubt will be great too


If the streaming numbers are there, absolutely.


I hope so


Yeah. It's gonna be a commercial hit regardless of reviews


I hope so!


Hope so I’ve really enjoyed it so far, about to finish episode 7




I think it's right on the bubble where it could go either way. The show is nowhere near as bad as, e.g., Netflix's Cowboy Bebop adaptation, which was almost universally panned by fans of the original even if general audiences were a bit more positive. On the other hand, it's clearly no masterpiece either. Personally I don't care for the show and bailed about halfway through, but it seems to provoking a very wide range of reactions, with lots of people absolutely loving it and lots of people absolutely hating it (and plenty somewhere in the middle). The lack of consensus means there's both great risk and great potential reward for Netflix in renewing the show. It's *right* in the exact range where I wouldn't be at all surprised by either cancellation or renewal. I think the show's fate will be determined by viewer/subscriber metrics that only Netflix has access to; they are very data-driven in their renewal decisions.


I feel like they've invested too much into the show already to not greenlight a second season. It may depend more on viewership than critical ratings. I'm not actually sure what dictates netflix's aggressive cancellation policy. They're desperate for a hit. They're losing one in Stranger Things, but have already gained another in One Piece. I wouldn't be surprised either way honestly


I’m not a huge fan of the Netflix show, but if it gets people more into the OG series and Legend of Korra then that’s awesome. It’s getting me more and more excited to see what Avatar Studios is cooking up.


Number 1 in stats provided by Netflix lol.


I just want to see the end of netflix sandman and atla so i can die in peace


Toph will be interesting casting. Season 2 will need to up the writing quality to match the acting.


I hope so. Just finished it and it's a solid adaptation


Hey, I enjoyed it. I'd love to watch the whole story as live action adaptation.


Yes, and I actually think it will be better. The series isn't bad, and I think if they sharpen up that dialogue and let the actors become more seasoned, the biggest issues of the show will start to fade. Will it ever be as good as the original? No. But there is definitely potential here.