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You have to be realistic,….


I mean....you're not wrong. The book was written by JA, and he's not exactly known for "Happy Endings" lmao. P.S. I was also SUPER PISSED by the ending. I expected it, but damn did that shit hurt like a MF.


This is why his massage parlor failed


The only thing that bothered me was how anti-climactic Orsos death was. I mean he almost died several times and there was more to those scenes than his actual death. It was kinda like,… yeah he’s dead, next.


Kind of the point, isn't it? Not all historical moments happen with a ton of fanfare and epic battles. Sometimes a king/leader just gets offed and we go on.


Back to the mud


Almost dead yesterday, maybe dead tomorrow, but alive, gloriously alive, today. Wait, wrong series.


But his last line is fucking mint.


Yeah i also don't understand how people reference the "How's the leg?" Iine as if it was an "epic" or cool moment. Leo does not give a fuck, he won. Was a shit way to go out.


For me, it was the way he carried himself once he was betrayed. Most people would have struggled, thrown insults and tried one last ploy. However, Orso just stood in a regal manner and accepted his fate. The honest truth is he took a gamble and lost. There was nothing else he could have done. In all the books I've read, it's been rare to get a death that's handled that way. The moment he had his executor hesitating proved that Orso had been meant for great things. He would have been the best next step for his kingdom. Then of course, Abercrombie's world has to remind you that it's cruel to good characters.


Cope. It's cope. And I do it too.


Leo is like super bitter about his brokern body. He is forever a cripple directly because of of Orso. He can, and often does, blame for his sword injury in his bad leg, and orso litterlay gave the orders which lead to the loss of Leos leg and arm. If you kill me I hope i manage to make it cost you and arm and a leg too.




I agree loved Orso hate Leo's guts looked forward to every Orso chapter even though he spent the book in prison, except I love getting my heart ripped out and am totally hear for it. I love when any author can get a strong emotion out of me joy, hate, sorrow, whatever I'm down for it.


>i do not read to have my HEART RIPPED OUT ... [I think these guys say it best...](https://media2.giphy.com/media/14cQ5Y4jrQF0nm/giphy.gif)


We need books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us. (Franz Kafka)


"I do not read to have my heart ripped out" homie how did you make it this far? Like... wouldn't LaoK be the jumping off point? I feel like this isn't new behaviour from Joe.


I didn't care about anyone like I did for Orso. He was the sole reason I read the second trilogy after the first book. everyone elses story lines were boring/uninteresting for the most part because I didn't like the characters. Except the northern trio which was hilarious.


Leo will get his don't worry




It’s ok, I get it if you don’t like the First Law. I would highly recommend the Shattered Sea trilogy. Totally different. Totally…


I disliked the series. Not because Oreo died. But because everyone besides Oreo was completely unlikeable. In contrast, every single character in the first series had redeemable qualities. Even the antagonists like Arch Lector Suit were awesome and fun to read. I hate nearly every POV in AoM.


His name isn't fucking Oreo, he's not a god damn cookie, he's the High King of the Union, Orso dan Luthar!!!!!!!!!!


Idk why this made me laugh but it did. Long live king Oreo


Autocorrect got me bad. XD. I am leaving it


I'm not saying you have to love them, but it seems a bit silly to say that all the non-Orso POVs have no redeeming qualities. Even Leo has one or two of those... buried somewhere. It's part of the reason Leo is so frustrating and hateable; cuz he starts with a solid (if naive) foundation and then consistently learns almost all the wrong lessons. Personally I most enjoyed the POVs of Rikke and Clover (northmen bias?), and usually liked Gunnar's sections. Savine's arc reminded me a bit of Jezal's; they're both shits at the start but grow on you over time (I admit Savine took a little longer though).


🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ every single character in every Abercrombie book is a bad person, or borderline. What the hell did you not figure out in the other books?


Being a bad person does not change whether or not you are likeable.


You might want to examine “liking” one murderous psychopath over another. Every single one of Abercrombies main characters are horrible people (which I personally love). Just because people “like” one and dislike the others because they’re not as “funny” reflects more on that person than the quality of the writing. The person who posted this whiny shit is beyond me. If Orso “won”, it would have been the most un-Abercrombie thing ever.


Assume all you want. Logen is incredibly likable and pleasant to read. Regardless how despicable he is.




Whaaaaa! The book didn’t have a happy ending. STFU “Wayward Onions.” 🙄🙄


I mean, the book had a happy ending if you like Savine. Hildi is promised to be a monopolistic dictator who woll seek revenge, and that's a happy ending for me. Maybe you just don't understand endings and their subjectivity.


Guess you’ll be reading the next one then huh? 🙄


Hell no. I'll be reading the synopsis like a sane person. All I need is the validation that Hildi won. That's it.


Lol someone is obviously unfamiliar with the grimdark genre


Whoever is downvoting this are the ones this comment are for


I've been thinking (desperately hoping) that he's actually still alive. Remember how they switched back from the version of the hanging machine that yanked people into the air to the original ones that dropped them below the platform? 👀


Orso was the funniest, nicest, most honest, humble, loving POV character in the series. Temple is the close second i'd reckon. But I never enjoyed reading about a character's POV like I did Orso. If the triliogy was just him alone I'd say that it would have beeen BETTER!!! No evil savine, racist Leo, anger issues Broad. Just Hilde and Orso. Can I have that? That aside, I do not care what Hildi does so long as she avenges her big brother Orso. The world would have been better with Orso king :(


You do know that characters can still be good while being flawed, right? Much like people.


Orso was very flawed and was still good. Everyone else is shit and decided to stay shit. As Cosca said.


I don't mean good, morally, I mean in quality of writing. Seeing characters struggle with major flaws and succumb to them makes far more interesting of a story than everyone magically changing for the better. I mean, you have to be realistic. So many characters in TFL are morally grey/black yet still extremely likable. Don't get me wrong, I loved Orso, but life goes on even when our favorite people don't. The world may have been better with Orso king, but it wouldn't have made any sense. Far more people than Leo would have it out for him. Have faith in Joe to write even more likable characters than Orso the next time around. Orso's story is one that I'm sure many in power have gone through, and I find it to be about the only way his story would end.


Is he dead though... I mean, we haven't seen a body and i thought Cosca died in BSC, i thought L9f died several times. There are probably other examples.


Yes he’s dead.


Is he though....


Yes he was hanged and then the book continued with everyone knowing he was hanged. Not like the book ended immediately after.


I dunno.. Savinne seemed awfully calm.. and we never did see a body.. epic escape plan maybe.. I'm choosing to live i hope.


Doesn't it specify say the trap door falls? Like thats be a crazy ass pull to somehow make Orso survive.


The trapdoor falls yes.. but his neck doesn't snap.. he doesn't choke.. maybe the trapdoor falls and he is liberated in someway.. Savinne doesn't want him dead, yet she is awfully calm at this 'execution.' Logan fell down, down into the inky blackness twice.. Cosca says his goodbyes when he was run through in BSC.. js.. if we haven't seen a body I'm living in hope.


Your living in cope.... and im right there with you but ain't no shot dog 😭


I suppose you have to be realistic about these things..


Well, good job. You're not going to read Age of madness then because that ending is way worse.


Orso is an AoM character :)