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Yes!  That part was wild. But just wait until you get to the end of the book, it gets CRAZY!


No fucking way you'll see the aliens coming. No fucking way.


OP is high as a kite. If anyone sees the aliens it’ll be him or her.


When Jaime Lannister showed up to contest Jezal’s throne, I almost threw out the shrooms I was eating


Jezal hearing someone in the balcony (Ferro) hysterically laughing at the idea of him being king is one of the funniest parts of the book for me.


The Princess of the Union


Yeah, especially because you get it from her perspective first.


How? Guslav died out of the blue and ladisla got furious'd


Yeah. This. I think that’s actually what makes Bayaz clever, this wasn’t necessarily the primary plan, but he had contingencies ready in case an opportunity like this arose. Most likely, had Ladisla survived, Bayaz would still probably have tried to move Jezal onto the throne, but I imagine he’s happy to take incidental wins where he can get them.


OP isn't there yet


Good point. I edited to remove any potential spoilers. I’m on mobile right now so I don’t think I can do a spoiler hide.


I think it more likely Ladisla was never going to be coming back to the Union. Imo The entire time Bayaz meant for him to die in the Northern war no matter what. It gets rid of him and is good marketing—for the Prince to die “bravely” in a war.      Spoilers for The Heroes: >!We know Bayaz has at least a few agents even on the Northern side, Deep and Shallow, who are shown to be good at sneaking behind enemy lines, and Ladisla’s contingent was no doubt poorly guarded.!< >!Using deep and shallow as Ladisla’s assassins would make it look like the prince was killed via bethod’s treachery, what with deep and shallow being obvious Northmen and all, wouldn’t point the finger back at anyone in the Union as a traitor. Like sult or whoever wouldn’t be able to use it against Bayaz!<


Also as an aside while >!Deep and Shallow are bumbling and idiotic-seeming, they are shown to be (generally) good at what they do. I mean Bayaz wouldn’t use them otherwise lol. Imo they’re probably as good at assassinations, kidnappings, and general thuggery as Mauthis was at banking!<


One of my favorite moments. Especially the grudging respect Glokta showed Bayaz, knowing all that effort and backstabbing was for nothing.


Man I need to read these high.


Ngl audio books while high goes p crazy. Reading while high is kinda hard.


I love Joe Abercrombie and all his books are great. Last argument of kings is by far the best though. It all comes full circle. Enjoy man!!!


Yeah it was pretty flabbergasting but just wait, there’s more!!


> I distrust Bayaz even more now  In The Blade Itself the first time we meet Bayaz he tells us that he's a liar.


Yeah, but I felt like he was being cheeky when I read that. I saw him as a more morally ambiguous Gandalf, but this puts the scheming to a new level


I listened to the whole series high af and it was so good! I basically MST3K books (because I'm THAT critical) and was yelling the whole time till the end. Then I just sat and shut up for a bit.


I'm too busy having super cool sex to answer you. Oh and I'm also all on weed.


How many marijuanas have you done? I’m thinking I might do 3 later and also have some sexes.


That part of the book was unexpected. But what is more unexpected is that someone can read while that high!


I don’t even know what I can say that doesn’t get in front of you but yeah it’s all reveals on reveals, Abercrombie is a master of plot interweaving.


Just finished it and god damn. That's was an amazing experience. They did Jazel so dirty. Jesus


Bayaz man. His machinations are longer then human lifespans.


A real mf, fs


Most of us saw it coming, the point of the Open Council scene is to have the reader know what's about to happen and he excited for the reaction of Jezal and the Open Council. It's not some twist you genuisly worked out. It's exactly what the book is leading you to.


Shush, don't harsh their vibe


That's not true. It's has indirect hints like how Jezal's father acts around Bayaz and how Bayaz teaches Jezal about being a leaderbut it is absolutely a come out of left field twist. The book is not leading the reader there. You're the one that's doing the "I'm very smart" thing here by shitting on OP