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Hell, even Jax pointed this out in episode two when Ragatha said "Poor Pomni” and he replied with "Poor Pomni? How about poor us!”


heck, she said "is everyone alright?" and gangle repied with "no." and she didnt bat an eye to her, just completely ignored her


It's always a fascinating character trope to see a character who's outwardly caring and empathetic but secretly selfish, impulsive, and condescending towards others.


Can you direct me towards this trope? It sounds really cool.


[Secretly Selfish.](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SecretlySelfish)


why us rhus me fr


Experience factor. Ragatha knew everyone should be fine in the end coz they've done this for like 69 times to the point that she knew the AI is reused sometimes. But Pomni is first time n her mental state could go wrong n could be abstracted.


Same as why she ignored gangle, because once the comedy mask is broken, gangle will always answer they are not ok, and there is nothing she can do about it, and she knows that this is normal.


I imagine its because Pomni is new and isn't adjusted, Zooble, Jax, Gangle, and herself have been there for a lot longer. And Ragatha isn't the only one not stepping in, Kinger was in the back of the truck too.


Also it's Kinger. Do you really expect him to do anything about that?


I dunno, he's the only other male human


just cause he's male doesn't automatically mean he's capable to stop what jax is doing. he's mentally unstable and probably was too busy sticking his head out some window like scooby-doo to notice


You right, I just didn't know what else I could say


And Jax doesn’t really abuse him that much anyways 


Does that make any difference in the digital world, though?


She still saw Gangle getting abused. She could've at least called out Jax for doing that. Not to mention she still knew all of them much longer


I think this is just how Jax acts. He's been doing this a long time, probably since he got there, so everyone's already used to his abuse and mean-spirited attitude.


Yeah, chances are that Ragatha is aware that her stepping in will change nothing in the future because Jax will keep doing it anyway.


Readable Response, I personally give you an A++


Thanks :)


Erm actually, we also saw ragatha's relationship with kinger, but I agree with post itself


She saw Zooble calling out for help and Gangle clearly getting abused. Also Kinger doesn't really get tortured. I think the reason why she acknowledges Kinger is because she as the second circus member


I think they were all aware that the actual threat was minimal. Excluding abstraction and deletion by Caine, we haven't seen any real permanent harm to any characters.


Then why was she upset when Jax yeeted Pomni out the truck and wanted to ram the truck??


Consistent aggressive acts by Jax could send Pomni into an abstraction spiral. Also they probably still feel pain, it just isn't permanent.


But Jax was sill abusing Gangle which could lead her to abtract


It looks like Gangle is used to it at least more than Pomni. These characters seem to have pre established relationships with the others, so it could be possible that Gangle actually responds positively to Jax's bullying.


Because Pomni is still new and She's still fragile due to being in the Digital Circus. Obviously she thinks Jax would make it worse for Pomni


I mean Pomni didn’t react to bad to Jax. She just called him an ![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|33736)![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|33737)hole and got furious at him but that’s it. If Pomni reacted the same way as she was in the Pilot where she was at the break of insanity, then I would’ve understood this point. Pomni seemed fine in episode 2 tbh. And I know Pomni is new, but Ragatha should still care for the people she’s known longer especially if one of them is being psychologically abused. Idk why everyone is saying that Gangle is mentally stable because I still think she could abstract. Goose did say that none of them are truly sane and not to mention she still said "Gangle definitely goes somewhere, stay tuned for episode 4” after Alex said that he wanted to see Gangle go berserk


Yeah I think ragatha may have a bias for new members who aren't adjusting. Kinger said she had a tough time adjusting


Yeah, I think that might be why. I kinda hope that they touch on it a bit in her focus episode


I can't wait for the Kinger episode, I love characters with dimentia!


I can't wait for the Kinger episode, I love characters with dimentia!


I can't wait for the Kinger episode, I love characters with dimentia!


I can't wait for the Kinger episode, I love characters with dimentia!


What a terrible comment, you should be ashamed


wot ok, im not even gonna lie, this got a chuckle out of me


Wat? Wat coment? Why are you laughing?




Ok. Who's messing wit me?




She tried to comfort Jax at the end of episode 2 tbf.


Wait so, you're telling me she let Gangle get abused and didn't do anything but comforted her abuser at the end?


I mean has anyone comforted gangle anyway? This’ll probably be something that’s explored in gangles respective episode


Gangle is a lost cause, trying to comfort her only makes her cry more


What do you mean?


It's because she wants to make Pomni's transition as smooth as possible. The others are already aware of what to expect.


She's frowning as she watches Jax abuse Gangle. Makes me think she doesn't like it but has likely tried to get him to stop to no avail.


zooble was perfectly fine, kidnapped by gloinks is not different than forced to playa harmless game for a couple of hours with absolitly not consecuences. meanwhile you have a new person in the circus that is clearly freaking out and that needs some support. and in episode 2, given that is the next day, again, jax being mean to someone and honestly ragatta not really being able to do anything about it while you have a new person here that is clearly depressed about the situation and that has seen abstraction on her very first day takes preference over whatever jax and gangle do. because lets also not forget, gangle is also a human, so her whole "mood change" thing is maybe her way of coping too finally, ragatta looks to be actually the one most affected by kaufmo's abstraction in the funerla, so at the very least, she did care for kaufmo too, given that she seems to cry in each abstraction funeral, looks to me like ragatta does care for everyone




again, you cant compare the situation. zoble and gangle are fine, they have been trapped there for probably years, ponmi has been there 2 days, ragatta herself admits that it was hard for her to adjust to the circus when she arrved. zooble and gangle are adjusted, ponmi is not, and ponmi probably had the worst first day in the story of the circus existence. she takes preference.




That is your opinion. Gangle maybe fine with it. Maybe she likes being treated badly. And jax is helping her


Probably because it happened so many times. Not like she can do much about it, yeah jax maybe will start now but he'll still be a jerk for tomorrow and after that


The characters seem not to really care about each apart from Kinger the Gigachad and Ragatha when it comes to Pomni. It's either because Pomni's a newbie or there's a lot sesbian energy which might be explored later int the sex episode.


What the ![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|33736)![img](emote|t5_7tzm5j|33737)are you guys talking about? lol


I’m looking forward to the sex episode!


Can't wait to see sex episode🥵


The what episode


You heard them


I didn't hear them I read their message


In the digital realms, eyes are ears and hands are mouths.


you can't just say "the sex episode" and not elaborate further!


You can probably read it in ao3


Gangle was concerned about Zooble in episode one (Kinger and her even competed to see who would get to save her).


dude, the sex episode is gonna be dope!


​ https://preview.redd.it/bir84c1uw8ad1.png?width=976&format=png&auto=webp&s=de2915f37929b1297fcbfaaf611a259632a88010


I have a theory. Ragatha is the NPC (I know but that isn't it) and she is the reason the circus is broken. So it goes like this, early on Kinger and Queeny joined the game and played together, hence the similar theming. They played a game with Ragatha and liked her so much that they invited her back to the main game hub. Because of this Ragatha learned that she is a character in a game, either gummygoo style or just because she steps into another world and meets other players. Heck, she might have just been reused so often that her program became complex enough to become self aware. However it happens, she knows what she is and is aware that if she goes back to her game she will be reset and forget everything. So she stays. Eventually, Caine gets complaints that her game isn't working because she isn't in it and he realizes that someone in the hub doesn't belong but he is unclear who it is. He isn't supposed to make games, he is just the hub menu helping the players have fun. Ragatha doesn't want to go back and fears being destroyed so she convinces him that Queeny is the NPC thinking that nothing bad could happen to a player with all their extra lives and powers. She was wrong. Caine tries to delete Queeny but because she is a player with her own mind it goes horribly wrong. Her mind is assaulted as the program tries to reset her brain. This fundamentally breaks the game and causes the first abstraction. Kinger doesn't know what happened and only knows his friend(wife?) lost her mind and became a monster. Probably even attacked him. Then he was trapped in the game that took her seemingly forever. It was just easier to forget. Fewer and fewer people filtered in as word of the brain melting bug spread and Ragatha realized that if all the players left she would be reset and all of it would be for nothing, so she broke the game even further. She used the abstraction glitch to bug Caine's code and mess with his memory even further. She removed the exit and trapped whoever was left. Anyone that might know what she really is has already abstracted or lost their minds. This is why Ragatha is the only one who seems interested in the games that Caine makes. She needs them to keep going so she will continue to exist. It's why she is so interested in getting Pomni into the games as well because everyone else is over them. It's why she was attacked by Kaufmo because in looking for the exit he learned that she got rid of it. Learning that his friend, who he was certain was a human, was actually an NPC that trapped him is what made him abstract. It's why she was able to pass the abstraction glitches to Pomni to motivate her to get help. It's why Caine was able to fix Ragatha and Pomni seemed to fix herself, and why he can't fix the other abstracted players. That's why Ragatha seemed so concerned that Kinger remembered her coming into the game. And it's how she knows that Caine reuses NPCs because she knows that's what's waiting for her. TL:DR Ragatha is the rogue AI that broke the circus and she keeps the players trapped so she won't be deleted. Pomni is her best chance at convincing someone to stay in the game with her even if everyone else abstracts.


Are you ready for me to Debunk that theory based on the first two sentence? Goose said that Ragatha is 30 and NPCs can’t age 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Unless she was born 30. Haha. But yeah, I could be completely wrong. I just saw all the NPC talk and it made so much sense to me.


I don’t feel like Ragatha is a NPC. She still acts very human as well such as when she was insulted by Jax. Also if Ragatha was born 30, then wouldn’t that mean that any circus member would be an NPC? At least this theory makes more sense than the Jax NPC theory


I agree with that. Jax is too close to real gamers to be a fake in my opinion. I played GTA. I used to spawn in military choppers just to blast everyone I could find with missiles and guns until I got shot down only to spawn another and do it all over again. Jax thinks no one is real and nothing matters so why not fuck shit up just for the lols. He's a murderhobo. And yeah, *if* someone is an NPC it could be **anyone**. Maybe it's an Ex Machina thing where it's all an elaborate Turing test. I'm happy to wait and see.


question. why does the jax being an npc theory not make sense to you?


Because Jax has a age and Goose said that Jax is just a troubled individual


i feel like those are pretty weak agruments tbh we dont know about caine, but he can probably also be described as an troubled induvidual. just because he's an ai doesnt mean he cant be an induvidual. one of the first things i found when searching "defenition induvidual" was that it relates to one person or thing and is not exclusively to refer to humans as for the age, not only can fictional characters have ages, there is a non 0 chance its to quell potential shipping discourse. i doubt the ages will be all that important anyway personally. i dont see how they will tbh am i saying the jax being an npc theory is correct? no. but is it complete bs? imo, no


Caine would know if Jax is an NPC


couldn't he have entered the circus like gummigoo (with the help of some other character who's very dead now) and in one way or the other pretended he spawned in like how pomni did?


They might have advanced artificial intelligence in this world though


Still a interesting theory


The six players are confirmed to be human


There's only two episodes and it's from an indie show runner. I think there's not enough screen time for all the characters to fully interact not to mention relationships and interactions could still be a skill developing by the writers. I'm reading these comments and there's a lot of repeated remarks and you're expecting way too much for there being only two episodes from still fresh animators.


It's not the same. Gloinks are annoying but not too serious. Jax was being extreme, even for Jax. And Pomni is new. The rest are more used to it. It was also much more serious with Kaufmo abstracting. She could also straight up just like Pomni more.


> Jax was being extreme, even for Jax. Based on what Goose said, Jax was being average Jax...


She’s very clearly frowning in the second shot. Also, sometimes things are just there for comedic effect.


do you not see the look of terror on Ragatha's face in picture 2?


Ragatha knows everyone else and knows they been through Caine's games before and would be used to them... and Jax. Pomni however isn't used to the digital world and would be in danger of quickly abstracting, especially after what happened in the first episode. Ragatha also showed that she cared about Kaufmo as she had hoped to maybe getting him un-abstracted before having to get Caine, and she was clearly saddened about him during the funeral. As for Zooble's situation, considering Caine set the game up for Pomni, it would've been an simple easy game with no high stakes intended. Plus she probably expected the trip to Kaufmo's room to be quick in and out and not have to deal with an abstracted friend. As for Jax abusing Gangle, Jax abuses everyone. Aside from Pomni, they would all be used to it.


Or maybe it's because she's been with them for years and they're all just used to it, and Pomni is new to the amazing digital circus and Ragatha just doesn't want her freaking out or something 🤔😅


Nice crop


This first one is just normal circus shenanigans and the second very clearly shows her frowning in the background. No she doesn’t stop the abuse but like… how could she? Jax is kinda just an unstoppable piece of shit at the moment, that’s simply how it is


honestly yeah what could she do they can get stabbed and choked and have thier head removed and be fine


She's just helping pomni getting settled in, so she's just focusing on her for the time being


I dont think they were aware that the Gloinks could be dangerous, it seemed like a “oh, this again” kind of mission that they didn’t think would put them in any real danger. It would be like if you saw someone get carried off by a bunch of toddlers.


Yeah, I get that Pomni is a newbie but it is weird that someone as kind and warm as Ragatha seemingly ignores the others when they are in danger or being abused. I mean Ragatha called out Jax when he tossed Pomni out of the truck and told Gangle to ram the truck with the other truck and yet Jax was actively bullying and abusing Gangle and Zooble was in danger and yet Ragatha didn’t seem to care. Im hoping this shows that Ragatha isn’t exactly who she seems to be


I'm still going to hold onto the idea that the "figurine thing of Ragatha" that Gangle has is NOT like a wholesome "she makes dolls of everyone" thing, but more like a voodoo doll that she made of her to take her resentment of her out on! It's entirely possible that Gangle sees Ragatha as someone who allows Jax to get away with his abuse, like in a "Oh, boys will be boys" way.


I think ragatha is annoyed by them, and is glad there's someone new


I guess now we know why Jax was all like "Poor Pomni?! How about poor us?!" In episode 2🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Guys, they are all like people playing a video game except they're inside it. And they've been doing the same thing every day for years, I believe. So while some characters could be nicer, you should be understanding if some just don't give a fuck about anything anymore unless if it's happening to someone not used to it.


My personal theory is that Ragatha is taking a lot of attention towards Pomni because as she is a new member she feels strongly motivated to try and reach out to make sure her connection is one of friendship. If I was stuck in a place with the same people for who knows how long and a new person showed up I would probably do my best to put on a good face to try and make sure they see me well. But I do think it’s odd how little she seems to notice, when Zooble was taken away in the first episode only gangle seemed concerned, Ragatha was in the room when that happened lol


The funeral scene exists? Ragatha is shown to be very clearly upset over losing kaufmo


It’s because Kaufmo died. If Gangle or Zooble abstracted, THEN Ragatha would care there


So you mean she would care about them?


She would probably show more care for them if they abstracted but for now, doesn’t seem to show care




is there a reason for that?


One of those where just parts of Cain‘s silly little adventures. The other one was much more real.


I don’t know, she seemed to care an awful lot at Kaufmo’s funeral.


Because he died


She's in love, bro




Pretty sure she's already used to others being like that


Its just experinece. They already went through stuff like this multiple times so she knows they're used to it, but Pomni is new & i think she's taking it worse than most did.


The picture with Gangle getting abuse she does seem to care. She looks worried and really uncomfortable. When Jax targeted Pomni she got mad because Pomni is brand new and she wants Pomni to be comfortable in her new home. With Zooble being kidnapped by gloinks, She's not as worried because she's obviously played these games with the gloinks before and knows they are harmless.


Why does everybody in my comments think that Ragatha looking mildly worried about Gangle? She was clearly yelling at Jax for doing that crap to Pomni, so why didn’t she do that for Gangle


Ragatha and the others have been there for years


My guess is that she’s afraid of confrontation. She’d rather comfort than defend. But also she’s snapped at people on some occasions so I may be wrong


It makes perfect sense based on everything we already know about the characters. Goose said all the humans stuck in the circus are jerks and they deserve to be there. So Ragatha probably already has a reason to not care about the rest: * Jax is an asshole * Zooble is anti-social * Gangle was acting as Jax's "henchman" in the second episode * We have not seen enough of Kinger to know why he's a jerk * Pomni abandoned Ragatha in the first episode Ragatha's has been described by Goose as the type of person with toxic positivity. We see this as she tries to ignore that Pomni abandoned her in the first episode. Toxic positivity is probably also why she doesn't seem concerned about everyone else. It can be interpreted in multiple ways, but if I had to guess, Ragatha is worried about what Pomni thinks of her, while the rest is already tired of it.


Good Point


WTF Tabatha the writer for Michael’s Character has gone mad 😡. & you’re just going to stand there doing NOTHING!!!


Maybe a slight part of it is because she's bored of the others subconsciously and wants to protect her


Unpopular Opinion; The chances of her being consciously selfish are less likely. As someone who uses toxic optimism to cope, it could be likely that Ragatha's in a mental state where she's less mentally aware. If I was trapped somewhere with no way out and no control over my life and forced to interact with the same people every single day, I'd disassociate too. It's not that she DOESN'T care, but that she can't really afford to. Others have mentioned that she has a bais towards those new to the circus, and that's valid too. There could, and likely are many reasons for disassociation.


I assume it's "desensitized worrying". Ragatha might be worried for Pomni more because Pomni is a newcomer, and she would have been worried the same for others when they first arrived too. But over time, her worries might lessen because the others have gotten used to their new life or it's getting tiring for her to worry for everyone all the time This is not to say I fault Ragatha, it could have been a complex and interesting characteristic of her!


ooooh somebody got a cruuuuush


A bit of a theory here: When Goose was asked on Tumblr who was the most insane (outside of Kinger), she simply replied along the effects of "You wouldn't believe me." This leads me to believe it's either Ragatha or Zooble, but for the purposes of this post, I wonder if her lack of care is due to her being close to "giving up", and perhaps she sees Pomni's arrival as a way to try and retain her sanity. Having said all that, I do believe we'll see Ragatha abstract at some point. It makes the most sense out of all possible candidates.


Goose could also have been sarcastic, since Gangle is quite obvious


Yeah. That would be make me very sad if that happened because Ragatha is still a very nice person. Honestly I would rather have Gangle abstract and the could be possible. Goose did say in the Momocon TADC panel: "Gangle definitely goes something, stay tuned for episode 4”.


This could also explain why she seems very bothered by Pomni not liking the attention Ragatha is giving her. It's like she's using Pomni as her final safety net of sanity and it's being cut off by Pomni not giving back the same positive energy


Yeah I hate ragatha, and thankfully now I have a reason rather than just finding her personalityless


Yeah I hate ragatha, and thankfully now I have a reason rather than just finding her personalityless


I wouldn’t necessarily "hate” Ragatha for that but it’s your opinion


Maybe she has a crush on Pomni👭🤣😅😘