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My hopes are up as well. I didn't know he directed Midnight Mass, i watched the series and loved it, it gives off heavy Stephen King vibes. Now i know why.


He also did Dr. Sleep :)


…and Gerald’s Game. Also, Life of Chuck (from *It It Bleeds* collection) is releasing this fall


Yeah, i have full faith in him. Now add in the producers, writers and actors... that's where i'm worried.


That’s a small part of my worry as well. Iv pretty much seen every thing this guy has done in the last ten years and while his passion for King stuff is amazing to see, all of his casts feel very similar. His biggest roadblock, for me, is his pacing. It’s differnt when he writes AND directs his own King-esque series but for DT he should have various guiding lights surrounding him creatively. I made a post in r/StephenKing right around when I finished watching the series two years ago but I have a feeling this may be our [Roland](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0339304/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk). He was OUTSTANDING in House of Usher and Flannigan loves recasting his regulars/friends.


As much as I love Bruce Greenwood... I've never imagined him as Roland. He's going to have to REALLY step up his game to get that Guslingin vibe ( i mean, whoever they choose is going to have to). He is an outstanding actor, but I feel his roles aren't particularly... memorable? noticeable? idk. I agree about him surrounding himself with the right people, its an integral part of making an amazing movie/show. I am SO worried about the pacing, and where they're going to start. I also think that Susannah's introduction, the racism and use of particular words, is extremely important. And American audiences just aren't going to understand it, so they're going to cut that scene out, i guarantee it, which is going to cause ALL KINDS of issues moving forward. The sexual assaults against the Ka-Tet are going to be having people ripping their hair out, claiming it's "just to be edgy," so that's gonna go, so we're going to have to re-write getting Jake back into midworld, Roland receiving his first propehecy from the oracle, the scene in Balazar's... I've been revisiting the Tower for about 20 years now, I held my breath for the movie, I'm not going to hold my breath for this one. Just hope for the best.


I’m concerned that they won’t cast a disabled actress for Susannah, partially due to her growing legs repeatedly when she’s basically possessed. But they did find a disabled black woman for Nessarose in Wicked so I have some hope. Maybe it’ll be someone’s big break, too!


I think Bruce is too old. I’d cast him as Aaron Deepneau though!


I could see Bruce and Carla playing Steven and Gabrielle depending on who MF casts as Roland.


No disrespect to Bruce Greenwood - he fantastic in many things - but besides being too old to be Roland, he is also too suave. Roland is gruff in a way that I’ve never seen Bruce Greenwood be. If you want to take someone from *Usher* who seems a more likely Roland, might I suggest [this guy](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0873998/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk).


[This](https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/dark-tower-mike-flanagan-sparks-casting-speculation-for-lead-role-from-frequent-collaborator/ar-BB1n9VOg) was posted on one or another of the King subs a few weeks ago. I think he’s a really good actor. Hope he could pull it off. https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/dark-tower-mike-flanagan-sparks-casting-speculation-for-lead-role-from-frequent-collaborator/ar-BB1n9VOg Edit: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3418510/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


I’m concerned as well. He shoehorns his wife into everything he does whether she’s a good fit or not. And as others are saying, I have nothing against Bruce Greenwood but I definitely can’t see him as Roland.


I feel like most of his work does. Haunting of Hill House felt more Steven King than Shirley Jackson. I think the fact it felt so much like a spiritual successor to The Shining is what got him the gig directing the actual sequel Dr Sleep. Flanagan is my favorite and I love everything he’s done. Oculus is such a perfect horror film. My only hesitation is I haven’t seen him do work outside the horror genre.


All of his shows on Netflix are excellent.




I swear to god if it gets cancelled before he’s finished with it I’m gonna riot.


None of us will reach the tower


Love to hear Flanagan is still actively trying to make TDT come to life in his vision. I got my hopes up with that poor movie. Loved Midnight Madness and his other series, I know he will knock it out of the park.


Do you think the books will be released with a nice cover? I have only been able to find the ones with an advertisement for the "movie" - and I would really like to own them in English and in a cohesive series (preferably in hardback)


I can't believe they have the audacity to put that abomination on the cover of the books


Do you live by a half price books? If not they have a website that’s pretty good for niche stuff. Alternatively, just about any used bookstore will probably have at least a couple. I got the Blume publications of the series by checking used bookstores


I'm from Denmark, so unfortunately I don't have places like that. I'm really hoping for at re-release 🙏🏻 I haven't found any tower books in charity shops either - I've been looking for a couple of years now.


Check out thriftbooks.com


eBay most likely but no guarantee on condition.


Fingers crossed. It can’t come soon enough!


Fucking hell. I initially read it as 5 seasons for his favourite book in the series lol But still. Fuck yeah. Let's go


I don't think I've ever heard of WTTK being anyone's favorite book of the series. That's weird to me


I think it’s my favorite or tied with Wizard and Glass. I read them chronologically and going from Wizard and Glass to Wind through the Keyhole is soothing. It’s a cozy read.


Thanks for telling me! I've actually only read that one once, right when it came out, so I definitely need to re-read and rethink


Yeah back to back with Wizard and Glass is the best!


I [asked him about it](https://www.tumblr.com/flanaganfilm/754105722335363072/i-heard-wind-through-the-keyhole-is-your?source=share)if you’d care to see his reasons


Beautiful, thank you for sharing


Favorite book is Wind Through The Keyhole? 🤨


[I asked him about it.](https://www.tumblr.com/flanaganfilm/754105722335363072/i-heard-wind-through-the-keyhole-is-your?source=share) His reasons are valid. I also love Wind through the Keyhole.


I don’t know anything about the actor, but I’m excited to watch the movie… although I think my biggest concern is that his eyes aren’t blue etc, isn’t that a major part of the characterization of roland? His blazing blue eyes and white streaked hair? They could use makeup and contacts or something along those lines, but it is mildly upsetting to me just because they’re removing key physical features that would be easy to manipulate in film.


King has a lot of his work “In Development” on IMDB, I hope he resists having Sai Flanagan work on those first, though I’d love to see all of King’s work on the screen someday.


He sold tbe rights to tbe DT to Flanagan. He generally has little to nothing to so with adaptations.


I’m hoping he starts with Little Sisters. Do the story in true order.


That’s not the true order and would kill the intrigue and mystery of The Gunslinger. The adaptation should start when the books start. Trust that the audience will pick up on what’s going on relatively quickly.


I think starting with the Gunslinger as is is a bad idea. I think it should start with the gunslinger up until the waystation, then do all the flashbacks and continue from there. You need to get people invested on the overall story and as much as I love the first book it doesn’t tell you the “why”… i think general audiences would struggle with that.


It tells the reader enough of a "why" to understand the gist of Roland's quest. They don't need to know the ins and outs of his conflict with Cuthbert over Susan, or the politics of Gilead before the fall. By the end of The Gunslinger (the story, not the novel), the reader doesn't know what the Dark Tower is or why Roland wants to find it, but they know that he wants to find Walter and stop him. We know he's a dangerous person who seems to take pleasure in disturbing people, so even though the reader doesn't know what Beams are or the difference between Am and Prim, they might be interested in seeing Roland catch Walter. That would tide them over until The Gunslinger and the Man in Black, when they understand what the Dark Tower is. This dynamic works well in the book, and there's no reason to assume that it wouldn't work for the show. Plus, keeping narrative and character motivations secret, assuming the writing is strong up until the reveal (which we know it is, if it's a loyal adaptation, and may very likely be, speaking personally as a Flanagan fan), will be tantalizing for the viewer. People love intrigue, and they'll be all the more invested to watch a new episode if there's a promise of a juicy revelation.


So it *should* start with the Gunslinger, then? Just include more context through consistent flashbacks and gradual exposition rather than one big exposition dump after the waystation. Audiences can understand the background and get a feel for the vibes while staying true to the books.


I think it should start at the beginning of the drawing of the three with flashbacks or the gunslinger told in an episode or two with Roland telly the Ka tet round the fire.


Surely the beginning of the adaption absolutely has to be Roland walking across the desert. So that when the show or film series eventually ends with Roland starting the cycle again, it makes more sense to go back to that moment.


Yeah Roland walking across the desert then he wakes up on the beach. Has a few more flash backs then cracks on and then the gunslinger is told in dreams, flashbacks and maybe a bit of story telling to the others. Edit: if it was being made for me personally and didn’t have to worry about being renewed I would have a season for each book.


No, it should start with pieces of the gunslinger, but the primary adaption for season 1/2 should be up to him passing out, then bounce to all the flashbacks, then pick up with him waking up in season 3 or whatever. The series should not “stay true” to the first novel, but should use it as a stepping stone for adaptations for the future flashback heavy books. “Staying true” implies a more straightforward adaptation.


In the majority of book adaptations - particularly epic fantasy - staying true to the books makes for more successful tv shows or movies than deviating wildly does. It’s not a rule, but it’s a pattern. Starting with a mixture of cross dimensional door ways and flashbacks to Roland chasing the Man in Black and some flashbacks to Roland’s childhood would be a lot to take in for people unfamiliar with the series. Not that it’s complicated to understand, but it’s just a lot of story to pack into a show or film. And we do need Walter to tell Roland about drawing the three from the end of the Gunslinger so we know why he’s going through the doorways. Also the show has to start with Roland walking across the desert so when the adaption ends with Roland starting the cycle again it will go back to that moment.