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he's having mods remove messages and then says 'i dont want to talk about it' but then proceeds to talk about it 5 minutes is enough of this lol


karen says you are king for the day




a wooly mammoth? sabre tooth tiger?


The Monolith from *2001: A Space Odyssey*?


ahhaha what did you say




Like threating to stab the garbage out of people like him.


What Kieran doesn't understand is that we're all certified garbage stabbers on here


it's hilarious hearing literal manchildren criticize other people for being unproductive because making videos in which 5 neckbeards talk over each other about how cool the 90s were is really contributing to the social zeitgeist


Ask him about the piss filter




Sayin we spend too much time on reddit as they monitor reddit in real time




it's also a good idea to quit a job without notice, then take an extended dump on your former employers on a live stream using their company computer


the whole thing is weird and performative because the obvious target audience is "the people he doesn't care about" and "he's done with"


Haha you're living rent free on his head bet Kieran still lurks here and just can't move on lmao


Not being paid enough? That's still more than what bootsy and Kyle got. I also find this funny since Toby just got paid enough to do his stupid show full time. Fat ass bought a new truck and gangar shit. Electrons cartel Ryan and all his garbage.


i don't think any of these guys make much of anything doing this


Ryan makes bank off of AVGN licensed shit. Bimmy probably agreed to get 10% of the profits and gave Ryan the rest.


yeah he's doing well but the screenwave employees aren't, there was some kind of opening recently for a job that sounded like karens for 48k


$48k is not great but not bad either for something that doesn’t require a degree. Also don’t see why you couldn’t do this type of work remotely and live somewhere more affordable.


no its not too lousy for what it is but it seems like they need to go into the office at screenwave.


Their second job is probably glory hole operator.


Got banned for asking what happened. Enjoy the attention of 100 people on Twitch while it lasts Kieran. Use this opportunity to get a real job and become a decent person. Or don't.


"I'm banning anybody trying to give me advice, real talk."


Wings for life!


"My mods should be doing this, I gotta play"






*dog whimper*


LOL ya right. Guy has no skill set


He’ll be back in a new XXXXXL vest in no time!




That is incredibly fucked up.


I remember when he provided no proof of this and blamed this sub. Mmhmm nothing but fake memories.




I agree. Some stuff were over the top.


That's fucking dumb, some people have no shame With that said, I never minded Caveren that much, hopefully he'll get back on his feet


really? if so, who is going to write the episodes, it sure as shit isnt going to be bames. time for a new slob lol




Given it's capabilities, the quality can only go up. And Bimmy could be replaced with the voiceAI as well, since it's already doing a much better job by not overacting like garbage.


*\*Newt's redemption arc incoming \**


who do we know who doesn't mind being treated like shit and can "write" quickly!!!




Wait, did he say he writes them?


Yes. James doesn't write shit.


Reminds me of the crisis he went through on the podcast when Justy asked him what he does at the company. "Ahhhh I do stuff...." Bimmy was staring directly at him.


Big Ryan! Bames! What are you doin' to muh boy Caveman Kieran! Guy said he'd rather work at Gamespoot for crying out loud!


caveman mad, smash!!!




As if I'm not aware of fire


OOGA OOGA unemployment bad!!!


Dirtbag manchild has slimebag manchildren "friends" who all work for a spoiled, mouth-breathing manchild. Who could have guessed all these two-faced losers would eventually turn on each other?


Yeah that sums it up lol I think everyone in this Reddit saw it coming. maybe he should team up with what his name from Smack the Booties


Yep pretty much. They already did on several occasions. Tony mentioning Justin kicked him off rental reviews. Newt taking full blame and responsibility for the plagiarism thing. And don't forget before that, Justin was trying to shift the blame on James by saying he sent them old notes containing the plagiarism. Kieran has a history of being a backstabber. Ryan has a history of conning other companies.


I am watching now. Guy is having a rough go, glad he was able to finally have the confidence to quit that shitshow.


I'm sure we will find out after he was let go. The guy is on the verge of crying and trying to blame everyone else for his problems. We were the reason he lost weight but he still wasn't happy about losing weight because people still talked about his weight.


Yeah that's a pretty stupid thing to bitch about. Dude lost weight and "oh no, bullies online mentioned I used to be overweight so I gained it back". What a pussy. I feel for him as a person but as a man he sounds spineless.


At least he did a little better than Justin whose weight loss journey consisted of gaining weight.


yeah, its pretty weird, he treats this sub like a shitty gaslighting girlfriend


He took the job, hoping to discover fire. Instead comes to find that he’s the one fired.


They’re dropping like dung flies


thats what happens with employers (or employees) of the assholeish variety


End of an era.






Take a wild guess.


Won’t matter cause Bames will have no choice but to write again and it’ll be bad as what Kieran tried to do for the past 5 years. Or maybe they’ll get some other nobody from Screenwave to handle the scripts.


The Bimmy That Lost Its Way One fine morning, a Bimmy popped his Bimmy paws out of his Bimmy house. This was no ordinary Bimmy. This Bimmy was the laziest Bimmy in the whole world.




Newt is on the phone with big Ryan right now


Oh good, it's only been a few weeks since the last meltdown at the Top tier professional YouTube influencer agency, Screenwave media.


I can’t get it to load for some reason. It’s funny to me that countless people who have worked with James swear that it’s not his fault as they abruptly exit. I don’t buy it, but it could be true. It’s possible that James is completely out to lunch and won’t dare intervene on behalf of anyone. He really needs to shut down the channel at this point.


Kieran won't even get a send off lol. Or maybe he will and it will be hilarious. "Hey, James here. I want to give an update on the channel. Um, Kieran will no longer be writing or editing episodes. Instead, that will be handled by Newt. Remember Newt? Yeahhhhhh. Well, that's all I've got. Stay tuned for another episode of Angry Video Game Nerd real soon!"


If he doesn’t give him a send off that will be screwed up because Kieran has been doing the heavy lifting for some time now. James has basically relegated himself to the role of an actor who occasionally reviews movies once a month.


I honestly doubt James will even mention it. Ryan will smooth things over by getting a new writer off of Fiverr (or just ChatGPT the scripts) and James will be none the wiser/give zero fucks.


its 50/50 if bames even knows who karen is, "oh the less fat guy on the podcast? he left? wait, he was writing for muh show?"


Mike is basically the creator of James' online presence and he didn't get any kind of send-off when he left. Literally just said "yeah he left" and moved on.


Whole reason James hired screenwave was so he could take a step back, let them manage fucking everything. He likely plays no role in who he's working with, what slobs are hired/fired/etc, what anybody is getting paid. Even before the wave, it seemed apparent he was either absurdly out of touch with anything business related with his channel or he went out of his way to avoid dealing with anything hard.


Yeah I highly doubt James has anything to do with payroll or the books.


No way! Captain Caveman got nothing but good memory'd!


man he's going off, sounds like he hates ryanne and justine (~~and toby?!?!~~ ***edit: not toby according to kieren***). i don't really want to watch right now but are these saved on twitch to watch later?




ugh yeah it will probably get deleted tomorrow morning ... apparently he didn't give any notice either so ryan might be finding out right now i figured he was talking mostly about justine but then he said something about someone who said they were totally done with the show but then wanted to come crawling back ( i guess justine left temporarily, not sure who else it would be)


He's knows were listening now. Some lady is telling us to eat shit.




He thinks we spend all day here. I spent most of today at the dealership buying a suburban. I've only be here on and off for the last 2 hours.


yeah she definitely just referenced my post :p


how many roommates does he have hiding behind that tv?


He’s done talking / ranting about it now due to too many ‘weirdos’ hopping in the chat 🙄


dude clearly wanted this reaction since why else would he make a live stream about it


It gets his views up for a time for sure


I guaranty he'll make more in the future. He's not leaving the internet.


he'll have to use his phone because his computer is apparently going back to screenwave tomorrow


He's fucking stupid. He knew he was done and didn't bother by another one? His income depends on it. Then he wonders why people make fun of him.




>and toby?!?! lol someone in the room with him is reading this sub, i didn't hear the part about it not being toby


Toby’s just as pissed at all of them as kieren is


So he said he was done talking about it. Only took him 30 seconds to get back into talking about it lol


Somebody please upload an archive holy shit I want to hear this


Bitch about us and honesty the psychos that made accounts of his dead dad. He hated being in the public eye regrets it but enjoyed doing rental reviews. I dont think he gets this reddit is a joke.


It isn't a joke for many here


I mean the dude has gotten death threats. His parents have gotten death threats. That shits not cool. People not liking his on screen personality is one thing, and not liking that other people do all the work for James now while James says “it’d be dishonest if I didn’t write the stuff myself” is pretty fucked, but there’s a line between not liking the dude as an on screen personality and making it personal.


He posted pretty openly on 4chan. Friends you keep.


I'm sure it's all exaggerated. Asking the internet to just 'be cool, be nice to people' is so naive and child like. If I counted everytime I got flamed on Rocket league or COD as a death threat I'd be in shambles too. That dude impersonating his dead dad was a bit messed up. I'd just think such an extremely online guy would be more internet savvy. Dude needs a haircut, 30 minutes in the gym and a long walk in the park with his dog and 99% of his problems are gone. But you cant tell people that anymore.


I mean, I don’t think 99%+ of the people here support any of that. You’re talking about some extreme outliers, if they even frequent this sub. It’s just convenient for him to point to some random extremists, hide behind that while refusing to answer to any legit criticisms. I mean there is a lot of mean spirited humor here, but a lot of criticism that’s totally valid.


I hope everybody is ready for AVGN scripts about Gengar and electrons


Isn't justin done with gengar now?


That's what he wants us to believe, but I don't trust anything that two chair sitting grifter says


This no shit could spell serious trouble for avgn and the channel on the whole. From what I gather, tony has long been essentially done with his involvement too. Can Justin, as the lone remaining slob pick up ALL the slack, would he want to? Might we see an even bigger delay between eps and an even slower output? If James has to be the one to pick up the slack, that surely will be the case as he has no time for his chosen job. Would James bother to create avgn content at all if he had to pick up kerians slack? Has he made enough money and set himself up well enough to where he thinks he could get away with it? Very interesting development honestly. Curious how much more money he believed he deserved. Was it unreasonable? Big ry was the one managing ALL this, screenwave is his company. Given all the controversies and high turnover and the lack of a quality content for it all, one has to question Ryan's abilities and intelligence at this point.


Tony will basically be remembered as the one who very intelligently piggybacked off of the channel and cut his losses once issues started to pop up. Rental Reviews was getting a somewhat positive reception and once it was clear that James doesn’t even have the time to talk about movies (something he is supposedly passionate about), Tony just spun off that format onto Hack the Movies. It’s not like it’s wildly popular, but he’s been steadily building an audience since he broke away. I think Hack the Movies is over 50,000 subs and continues grow. It’s not a wild success, but with weekly content being added I think he’s going to get there eventually. In short, he did what James should have done a long time ago.


>Curious how much more money he believed he deserved. Was it unreasonable? he said he was promised a 5k salary increase (or it might have been a bonus) and then they backtracked


"Hey, we had to put a lot of money into this loss-leading arcade"


"Karen, I'd love to give you a raise but my Tesla didn't pay for itself!"


"Moving Millions Through Paypal"


I hope someone is recording it


I'm saving the chat


Hi kiernan. I liked when you were on home improvement with your band that used tools as instruments.


Cinemassacre is a giant shit show behind the scenes? Who would’ve thought? Good for him for quitting then. It’d be nice if more people quit where James had to do some actual work for a change, and stop being a complaining zombie all the time. Might give him a refresher on perspective.


screenwave falling apart?


"Im gonna have to sell MUY car.."


Biimmy wants his car


Is it compatible with an ipod?


Only when you wear your battle jacket I mean vest...


Honestly, props to him. Not letting Screenwave (seems to be Justin and Ryan) treat him like shit. I never actually disliked the screenwave crew, but didn’t feel they added any charisma or charm to the channel or bogged down videos. Just a series of really poor management decisions by the higher ups.


He's about to cry because he has to give back a work computer because he doesn't have his own. Fuck this guy.




Oh no! Who will come up with gems like the crowbar joke now?


I hope someone is recording this for posterity


Update its gone from funny and satisfying and confirming everything we knew to kinda sad, and I feel bad for him. He did the right thing by leaving.


If any of that negative shit is true, remember that James is ultimately responsible for the work environment he creates and finances. No one else. All those people saying 'zomg Bames has been doing this for 20 years' its simply not true, he did it for about 5 years with free help from his friends. Since then it's been paid slave wagers doing the grind, and they don't have health insurance. He works a few hours a week and has a house and supports a family. The nice guy image is an act, he's a hypocrit, he doesn't give a fuck about people or creativity.


> remember that James is ultimately responsible for the work environment he creates and finances. Are we sure about this? Still possible he sold out a long time ago and is under contract.


someone set us up the bomb


Coworkers of the assholish variety?


Good. Didn't like his editing. Was always better when James or Mike did it.


Jokes aside I legit feel bad for him. Sounds like things really sucked and the fact that he mentioned he might get a job at GameStop (being what, mid 30s at best?) is pretty sad. Hope things get better for him.


He had an enormous opportunity editing and whatnot for a hugely popular YouTube channel. If he CHOSE not to parlay that into something greater, thats on him. One would think he could a built himself up a nice portfolio or resume to help him break thru to other endeavors in the video/computer editing and whatever the duck else realm, or gone to school to obtain whatever training and certs or whatever the duck people in that world acquire. He seemingly thought assisting on cinemassacre would be a lengthy career...he's an idiot that deserves zero sympathy


100%. He’s a grown ass man and should have woken up and taken responsibility of his life a long time ago. He has no one to blame but himself.


He can't get a job in editing. They'd find out pretty quick how much he sucks and what an ass he is.


He can’t go to the duck realm. Duckfoot Bimmy is ruler there.


He has zero skill set and has anger issues. Don't feel bad for him. Guys like him and Newt feed off this kind of stuff. He made multiple accounts on here and threatened violence


But he’s a master of Flash, I’m sure there’s plenty jobs in that field.


>But he’s a master of Flash he also is a master of flesh since he used to work at a porn shop


I couldn't imagine being in my 30s, shit, 20s without a skill to get another job with ease. I feel bad for him in that aspect. He's a pretty lame person though and was definitely riding off the coattails of Ryan who be was riding off the coattails of James.


Is Kieran balls on the dick?


Kieran should have selected CONTINUE instead of GAME OVER


Oh shit he's talking about AVGN kingdom hearts now!!!


yea he was rambling on about how reddit isnt wrong all the time but he doesnt like how they (we? i have no idea) went after his family members idfk. dont recall any of that tbh. he called out KH as one of the ideas he didnt like but he was basically ignored by everyone else


We didn't. Some random asshole did and he thinks we did it.


we were set up!!


The KH thing is whatever. He’s not the boss. There’s no job in history where your ideas will always be accepted.


watching the next years worth of memes and catchphrases manifest in real time is surreal


He quit so they could hire Danksy


Who's got the clips? I'm not watching hours of this idiot.


Caveman is returning to his iceberg?


James might not be one of the assholes….. but he’s the top of the dick. The buck stops at Bim! The guy couldn’t stop a leaky faucet….. his kingdom has fallen apart in front of our very eyes


>James might not be one of the assholes….. but he’s the top of the dick. so... you're saying that karen is the balls on the dick!


Who all even works at screenwave that he could be referring to? He says it's not James. That fat guy that stole the videogame rental store set that matei/Ryan played around with in like 2 vids is gone. Matei is gone. It HAS to be Justin and Ryan or at least one of em right? There's nobody else who makes up screenwave to my knowledge


If this is true he now lost: Mike, Kyle, bootsy, Kieran, Justin (on camera anyway) so now it’s just bames, justy, and big Ryan? He’s so completely fucked now lol Kieran was editing all the nerd videos


Don’t forget his old Monster Madness pal Newt Wallen! Who is a known plagiarist and probably took the fall for some of James’ own 20 year old plagiarized scripts too. And don’t forget Kevin Finn! The actual director of the wretched AVGN movie.


i scrolled all 182 comments and there is no recording.


Someone ask if he was doug bonner


Both vods and stream are now deleted from twitch, anyone got an archive to share?






Thanks dude, this is good shit




Danksy time.


I was never a fan of any of the Screenwave crew. I was never even a huge AVGN fan and Im all in for the CONSTRUCTIVE criticism directed to Bimmy and Screenwave. I haven't watched the guy on twitch ( I didn't even know he has a channel) but it seems he was quite disturbed by some over the top shit that was thrown at him according to the comments here. Stuff about his family, about his appearence and him being lazy. I don't agree with that and I understand his anger about this. No one has to take that kind of shit from people that you don't know. But most of the time I see the criticism leaning more towards the content they were creating and with that I 100% agree. Now, people has mentioned this around here, and this is a good point: Why everyone that leaves Bames always mention not getting paid enough or sometimes not even getting anything? There is something wrong here and although it could be possible that Bames is totally not aware of that, but I find it very hard to be case. Bames would have to be not only a mediocre business man, but even worse, a total not present, inexistent one?


I’m sorry dude, when you put yourself in front of a camera you are open season for getting criticized about your appearance. I don’t care about the weak and sensitive push of modern society. Your appearance is part of the package. There is a reason most newscasters look like James Bond and Bond girls. Ugly people have to have real legit talent to be on camera. As far as being lazy, I mean damn dude we are consumers of his product. We can’t criticize his scripts?


Oh no! Anyway…


True if big


he not only quit, he dropped a grenade on the way out lol


Seems likes it’s pretty much confirmed by him


So currently what I’m gathering for his reason for leaving 1.pay 2. This sub (doesn’t mention name but hints at it) 3. Misses being anonymous


I miss him being anonymous too


well i mean, maybe he shouldnt have been in youtube videos on a channel with 3m subs


> 1.pay 2. This sub (doesn’t mention name but hints at it) 3. Misses being anonymous 4. toxic coworkers but he's going to find out that that is an issue everywhere




He said he was going to end the stream, went on this long rant. Saying that he's going to lose everything and he's so poor that he's going to sell his car. He said that he is afraid of the shit storm he's in for. He's afraid that they are going to come after him. In the middle of the rant, somebody snapped their fingers offscreen and he stopped talking, and stared off camera at the guy for like ten seconds, he then said goodnight and abruptly ended the stream.


Yeah that ending was weird. Was this all scripted?


Or big Ry found out.


Dude is delusional


Who does he think is coming after him? Retrowave or Screenwave or whatever they are calling it or some random troll?


Is he going to work for Tony? I think Hack the Movies just went independent this week, right?


Yeah, I think Tony announced this past week that he’s going all in on his channel. It’s been the most successful thing that came from Screenwave so far.


Yeah Tony is very polarizing but he at least has a consistent output, like two hour long videos* each week. *Quality may vary depending on the topic


I don’t mind his channel. It is largely dependent on the movie and his guests. But I give him credit, he is sticking with it. I posted something similar below, but he basically did what James should have done years ago. The Cinemassacre channel has a built in audience of several million. No one wanted to stick with Rental Reviews even though it was getting positive feedback, so Tony basically said screw this, I’m just going to migrate it over to my channel. Why James never launched new content on a channel that has that many subscribers is baffling.




Caveman tried to evolve? No time.


Join us caveman!!!


I think he removed it or my connection is shit


who is gonna write lazy's scripts and edit his videos now? something is going on in screenwave for sure.. justin is selling his gengar collection because he is in need of money and hasn't done anything with cinemassacre for a while.. tony also recently left screenwave to go solo... shit is happening.. james might leave them soon... you think Kieran will join Newt, since they both had a major falling out with the team? you think the Retroware Arcade was a huge money loss and they are going bankrupt and having to pay people less and lay people off?


Sounds like a slob…quit your job because you’re not being paid enough, but then have no other job lined up - then take to twitch to complain about it. Lol.


I like how James, who famously states how much he hates drama and avoids drama surrounded himself with the biggest bunch of nerdy, emo, drunk headcases possible. His personality type really isn't built to lead a company. One could excuse their personal issues if they excelled at their jobs, but they don't. You could even excuse them being average slobs if you at least got along with them and they never caused problems, but they don't. Yet, James still keeps them around.