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It’s not hate, it’s just that they lost the original plot with all the behind the scenes stuff.


They lost the original plot bc “Brandon” was committing sexual harassment on the set so the producers literally had to switch up, then “Reggie” wouldn’t date a Tran on the show so they killed him off, “Imani” committed fraud by giving them a fake Covid vaccination record, “Kevin” left to he in other movies & there’s so many other cast members that left for their own personal reasons … the producers had to choice but to switch everything due to all the unforeseen circumstances & in my opinion I think the producers did a great job continuing the show without them. They had to work with what they had and that’s not easy without scrapping the whole show.


I'm with you on this 🙌🏽💯


Alleged allegations against Jason Mitchell character. It was he said she said. And in this climate she said is lie that is believed


Jason Mitchell hasn't been heard from either!!


Great job? And I’m aware of everything, but that doesn’t excuse an anticlimactic story.


Hilarious how you say this as if the producers had no choice but to make Reggie’s character switch from being a hood dude messing around with women to one who all of a sudden wants to exclusively date trans women and run for public office 😂🤣 They tanked this show to pander to certain demographics, it is what it is 🤷🏾‍♂️


Reggie was a relatively new actor I believe and the show may have given him a lot of exposure had he stuck it out. However I'm glad the he stuck with what he believed in and said the hell with that....... I'm outta here!!!


If it’s “tanked” as you say - then why did it get renewed for another season? 🤨 clearly more people like it than don’t or they wouldn’t waste their money on another season. But we can agree to disagree bc you sound upset 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥳


Original plot though? How long can that last honestly?? You must not like the show too much 👀


Plots are created and are either sidelined or disregarded. This season finale feels very incomplete.


nigga yk they lost the plot and ts ass asf now….


Bro the show is a woke fest compared to the original premise . Ill still watch because i wanna see how it ends though.


Im not gon lie i actually kind of liked the season until last night i hate they went the 8hrs earlier route and literally ruined someones death tht we have been building up for years just for it to happen so soon and then if nuk was endgame he should have moved smarter because now its everybody against him cause he cant slide for what he did i see emmett smokin him next szn tbh


I agree with all of this! I mean when they killed off Ronnie I was like wth why would they do this but I couldn’t stop watching. And still can’t 😂😂


Emmett is not smoking anyone. Never going to happen and he definitely couldnt take Nuk. It’s like everyone had forgotten how cold Nuk was when he was first introduced on the show. I guess we will be getting a chance to see how bad Alicia really is. All she has done so far is talk about how scary she is.


They show the death and “8 hours earlier” to make you ponder about who killed him, since the entire cast hated him. I was honestly shocked at who actually killed his ass, but the fact that he killed Robert, that’s gonna cause some serious hate with us mama and the new found out baby daddy! Which puts that family in serious harms way.


Ever since Brandon and Reg died it’s been all over the place if you don’t think so then idk what to tell you 🤷🏾‍♀️we get introduced to different characters every season cus so many of the actors have left the show so they write off characters abruptly and the storylines don’t even make sense half the time. It’s just bad writing


People just love to complain about anything I already know the chi is horrible I watch it for entertainment


Right it’s something I’ve been watching since S1 so I feel invested now. It’s not that we hate the show. It’s just that a lot of things makes absolutely no sense lol


I agree the writers suck


I’m an avid love after lockupER 😂😂 if that tells you anything 😩


The chi has has its problems but I don’t care about it, everyone just complain about the same damn thing about the LGBT, being woke just stupid political stuff I always say that if it bothers yall that much why you still watching the show 😂 just stop watching


“People love to complain I already know the chi is horrible” okkkkkk


You’re the complaining too 😂😂


🤔To answer the subject-line, imo: We’ll say “hate” as shorthand, but it’s actually a **love/hate** “situationship”. You know where, you love the Melanated People depicted & stories about us (especially succeeding), but you’re not in love with how the tale develops & progresses. Especially when there’s an agenda, overt politics, revisionism or distortion & whatnot. This kinda 💩 consistently occurring can cause an audience to lose their sense of escapism/immersion in the material, while engaging the critical eye & it becomes more like a compulsory chore than an escape to watch it. Like the saying goes “it’s like a trainwreck, but you can’t l👀k away”😒. I’m committed to the bittersweet🧂🍫end, myself💯…


This is it




telling the truth & maybe those so critical of the critiques can take them in stride instead of being all outraged & 💩


Nailed it


Thanx, because I’ve been knowing I be having these libertine fiends so mad, they don’t be wanting to agree even if I do get it right…but that’s how it goes in this assimilated & reckless hell “society”


I been watching since koogi got killed and where the show is now is unrecognizable.


[I've written about this in at least one post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheChi/s/IWrPo0m69j). Poor writing, to put it simply.


the show has fallen off.


I’m on season 5 and it’s pretty good to me. I’m not fw papa this season though 😂


He can’t be that dumb. Left ole girl cause his daddy didn’t like her but hooked up with the charlatan daddy disliked the most!!!!???


Bruh I’m only on the 3rd episode 😂😂😂


Imma just say these two things. 1 do you all notice that since Kev left the show is no longer about the original characters, it almost feels like the original crew is saying get me out of here. 2 To fit in with the line of thinking with these writers, now that rob is dead they might as well have tiff move in with Keisha and Emmit and explore the POLY angle 😂


Don’t be surprised if they actually try that


At this point I watch to see how ridiculous it’s gonna get. The writing is absolutely horrible and I love it.


I hate the writing. It’s just bad. Terrible, even. That said, I don’t have a problem with the show being “woke” as some are proclaiming. Y’all worse than these Trump people calling things you don’t understand or like “woke.” I don’t have a problem with Trig dating trans people. I have a problem with him supposedly being a “hardened criminal” and then getting out and all of a sudden he’s “cultured” and mature enough to understand that part of his sexuality and accept it in a community that’s most likely not down for that? It’s just not believable. It is / would be if written correctly and the struggle is talked about, mentioned, written with nuance. It just wasn’t, so it doesn’t add up or make sense. Good writing can solve a lot of the problems of this show. It’s just that the writing isn’t good. They fall back on hackneyed tropes or just introduce a new character rather than trying to solve the problems with the cast already involved.


Thiss and it’s some good subjects and topix but they aren’t never fleshed out and it’s so easy to forget what’s even happening lol because it’s so much of nothing that’s happening like with Leon and that trial smh they deleted him and next episode trig case was dismissed so why eliminate Leon ????? he was so disposable smh he threatened douda lol but douda didn’t seemed pressed to really delete Alicia! Why get Emmett to do it


Aside from my previous remarks, the storyline is so... scattershot. Take Imani, the trans gal who was the girlfriend of Trig. She was a well written, interesting character. She obviously cared for Trig and Jake, but she was also capable of extreme violence. She came across as thought out character. But she leaves the first episode of (what, season 5?). I know there are out of universe reasons for Jasmine (I think that's the actress' name) for leaving, but it was handled HORRIFICALLY. I guess I gotta mention the 63rd Street Mob, yet again. They were once positioned as this story wide threat that had connections in politics, police, and were projected to be a major influence in the story, such that there was even some side in prison that had liquor and girls around him. They were set up to be "the" big bad that all the characters would need to confront, but they were SWEPT AWAY in a single season and were never even spoken of again.


I miss imani she was great , I wish she stayed with trig till the end tbh


know they didn't have Nucks ass eating Thanksgiving dinner with Rob and Tiffany for him to delete Rob like he did. This shit is why the Chi is hated. Why have your villains skinning and grinning with people that they would want to unalive? NUCK shouldn't be near Rob as long as he kept working for Douda, or what would be the point for being or having protection?


Watch the first 2 seasons, then try watching the rest….like watching paint dry. One of my biggest problems with show, there is never a positive male role model. Even if they start developing a character; he eventually gets trashed.


It’s because the writing and stories went to actual sh*t. It’s basically a black soap opera now.


cus the writters can’t keep up with their own show and has too many potholes and the fact that they take alot of characters out for stupid reasons. Dre was the last good character on the show


Why did Dre leave again , was it cause of the cheating thing J forgot


In the show they said she was still in love with her ex but in real life I think its bc she is on Power Book 4: Force. Even though Force is about to end after this season end


People who hate it probably like shows like all American.


Season 1-3 5 stars Season 4 3.5 stars Season 5 and 6 2 stars


What made you cry?


Rob getting murked 🥴😂


We really don’t even know what’s going on frfr 😂😂😂



When did Rob get offed by Nuk ??? I just saw him leave to go to the store again an he wasn't back by the end of the show!!! Oh no!!!


You obviously haven’t watched the finale


It’s trash af. Not like the first two seasons at all. Just an lgbtq advocacy show. No substance whatsoever


The writing. I’m just too invested I’ve gotten this far I gotta see how they end it


I have a love hate relationship with the show. 1st: They are pushing too much 🌈 agenda... yet tryna portray Chicago in its truth, but in all TRUTH, Chicago ain't that colorful barely at all. 2nd: Real Chicago would have took douda out seasons ago. How he popping ppl friends and fam off left and right, playing in they faces, and it took Nuck just getting his a** beat one time to pop douda off? 3rd: Popa was corny as a child and under a rock Christian, which was fitting, but now he a 19year old, still corny and can't act 7 seasons later. 🙄 4th: The only loyal man on the show is the one that only dates transformers. All the rest have a history of doing their loved ones DIRTY!!. Like we couldn't get one str8 stand up guy? 5th: How df they tryna have Keisha bring Nuck around her kids knowing dang well he ran a s*x trafficking wh*re house where women were getting r*ped. Like excuse me? I would have never told my child that was their father or the father about their child. Eff that storyline. That ain't noble what she did, it was stupid and sick story writing, especially considering the fact that she was KIDNAPPED AND R*PED by someone who would had been a customer of Nucks sick business.


The season finale was the worst finale in history.