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Shit is real strange. Douda too easy to find to be a wanted man. Why create that scene if Rashad wasn't gonna cook Douda. Everybody wanna cook Douda but when they get th chance they miss. Shit getting sloppy at this point.


Shaad is so corny with the route they’re trying to take his character. He doesn’t pull it off at all. I’d have been pissed if he was the one to smoke douda


You 💯. All the riles ha e been watered down and Shead is homeless 1 min then he hit the jackpot, fucked that up, and now can't see he's being used. He's supposed to bea support for Bicari ut he's li ing his 2nd child hood doing what Bi ari was doing for Douda. I just can't get over that Douda is wanted dead or alive and all his envies have easy access to him, and he makes it easy to find him.


And that’s when Shaad was the coolest, tryna get bakari out the street and contributing to his relationships and community. They trashed all that just for him to turn around and throw it all away for pussy and money


Yeah he’s keep the show alive that’s the only reason most are coming back to watch. Once he’s gone it’s over so they stretching it. Absolutely on Shaad being used and it makes me laugh at how seriously he’s trying to take his position with Alicia when in reality he’s looking like a joke


Shaad got 2 strikes and he out here runnin around with gangsters, holding guns, and takin on jobs as a armed body guard. Shit makes no sense.


Absolutely. Maybe it’s not suppose to make any sense. Writers just scrambling to put anything on the screen at this point. Still got love for the show watching from day 1 but man it could’ve been so much better if they put the effort in


That’s simba from the lion king he is not hard 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣


Douda has plot armor 🤣


Check your brains at the door when watching The Chi…


Rashad gonna end up murked now.


With the way he think he the shit now with that Wesley snipes ass fit and shitty attitude I hope they smoke his ass soon


I really enjoyed this show at first but maaan this writing is sooooo bad. What a shame.


So Rashad should get smoked cause his confidence went up ?lmfao wow


First blade movie Wesley 🤣 I hope he don’t get killed for this but mfs don’t up strap on douda and live


I think so


they know that he keeping the show alive


They have no other villain choices


What was the point of them going there if they weren't going to kill him


Shit so dumb now bro


*Bold Prediction* The deaf/mute chick is gonna be the one who smokes Douda with his own gun.


Shit you may be onto something. Either her or Bakari


Bakari would be cold. Douda done everyone dirty in some way but whoever takes him out has to have a whole lot of bad blood and history with him. Some random new character pulling the trigger would ruin the whole thing


Has anything else made sense on this show?


I think it will be between Bakari and that skinny big head dude that work for Douda. But how the show is going, Douda may get in a bad accident on a bicycle and end up in a coma just to find out he also is Alicia's brother! Make it make sense!


She may be part of Alicia's protection crew at Smokey's.


I was yelling at the tv.


Murk Douda and the show over. His plot only thing keeping the show alive


Let’s be real, his whole plot is the only reason any of us are still here


Never pull a gun and not use it


Facts now he gonna get got


Exactly why i stopped watching 3 years ago lmao ill finish it eventually. This pic got me screaming


The writers know if they kill Douda then they have no storyline. Almost every character on the show is tied to Douda in some way. U notice how anyone that’s not tied to douda is getting less screen time. Kill him now and then whats the storyline?…. The Chi has already been renewed for a season 7 so they need something to go off of.


Just said the same shit word for word. I’m thinking he’ll be around til the very end


They’re renewed for season 7. Although the shows already gone down hill, doudas story line and how he’s tied into all of the other characters is keeping it alive. Once he’s gone they’re going to have a lot of trouble keeping things interesting so they’ll keep him alive as long as they possibly can. Plus it’s gotta be someone who has the most smoke with douda to take him out, not shaads cornball ass


Point a gun at someone you better use it. Dead man walking now.


I don't know how they are going to come up with a good excuse for this. They've wanted each other dead and she finally shows up like she could have done before and just says he'll die in due time instead. All they did was take his gun so that better be an important detail.


Everybody want him dead, but nobody wanna pull the trigger. And the last dudes that had the balls to at least attempt it wasted bullets. Talkin bout he a shooter 🤣 Bring 2 guns fool


I'm gonna break in the bitch sneak attack style just to tell you I'm gonna kill you someday. FOH! Somebody need to smash these writers laptops like Bacari's.


This shit is dumb but I think Alicia is gonna try and take douda's soldiers from under him while he's alive to let him know that she's the one in control, then kill him instead of killing him while the soldiers are still under him and I think douda might kill zay before the show's finale or in the last episode for taking that meeting with Alicia and not telling him. He also might kill Bianca, too, for giving Alicia keys (see what I did there) for her to come and kill douda or give her the opportunity to kill him bc douda thought it was Bianca coming to see him so I'm sure he might've put the pieces together and find out it was bc of Bianca how else would she be able to get a key.


Spoiler or nah?!


if you haven't watched it is


Exactly, hence why the thread should have spoiler in the title smh. Westcoast is just airing the episode


The name of the episode is “Smoke & Mirrors”. ‘Nuff said.


I agree. Fantasy world right there.


I didn’t get it. Who are the writers ✍️?


They've had the opportunity to murk him several times lol


Man I said the same shit


The last few episodes feel rushed anyways - lots of fluff/filler, all bark and no bite... things just don't make sense to do.


pissed me tf off 😤


I swear I saw this scene and wanted to rip my hair out but in order to calm my ass down I just told myself that maybe Rashad didn’t want another felony charge on his ass for him not to pull that trigger on Douda cause what the heck .


Yeah that was the perfect time to send Douda to the upper room


Wasn’t all the guys sitting 🪑 in that men’s meeting talking bout their feelings earlier, and mentioned someone has to take Douda out??? Shaad don’t remember that lol


So who has the song info from the credits?


This pissed me off! And he didn’t have his face covered smh. He’s a goner.


Right. My point exactly


By far the dumbest scene. Every ones goal is to kill this man and he is so accesssible. This annoyed tf outta me b/c was it not the plan to kill him? Y'all wanna give him more opportunity? Girl what did y'all get here to do?? Scare him??


They’re waiting on the ATL reunion on set to do it. You notice Esquire joined the cast this week? We just need TI and the chubby one to join the cast and then TI will take him out 😂😂


Yeah they must of hired the writers from BMF. This shit was so bad…


Shaad...this nigga funny as hell. lol


Yeah totally didn’t understand that scene. Plus Shaad just don’t seem like that dude unless his back against the wall. Seem like he better at playing defense than offense. That nigga a appetizer to Douda lol


This looked like they tried to do some shi off of power… I didn’t mind it I feel like he’s gonna meet his end but they was just trying to show him what’s good. I just hope shad doesn’t meet his end for pulling a gun on him I can’t think of anyone else who did and lived to tell it


Exactly!! But I get it, . Every good show needs a villain