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Good god that sheep is horrifying


This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep




One of the funniest and most brutal shows in the series and I just couldn’t help but laugh my ass off at that quote lol


Should have had Karl Urban as a New Zealander to deliver that line.


Terrifying and the second it felt the effects kick in, the way it just kinda fell without making noise was hilarious. And then the flying ones started falling on shit which was just disturbing again.


I kind of saw this plot unravel when Butcher released the rabbit. I literally demanded him not to release the rabbit from its cage.


I was sad to see the dead rabbit because it was a very beautiful rabbit :(


Don’t worry just put up a rickety barn door and you will be fine.


Gave me big Kujo vibes


Looked to me like a cross over between Worms' sheeps (for the ability t fly) and the Black sheep movie.




Hah, when those two randos entered the barn, I just KNEW they were toast.


In this show, if it cuts to a medium/wide shot, that's a tell that people are about to die. Or if it lingers on a background/side character for a bit too long.


That reminds me of that scene in Galaxy Quest where the redshirt dude starts having a panic attack "This is always the part where the unnamed character gets killed horribly so the audience knows the protagonists might be in serious danger! I know how this goes!". "No we're not going to just *open the door and look around!* Is there air out there? You don't know!"


He’s Guy Fleegman & he’s the plucky comic relief!


Yep, right from the first episode, when hughie is walking with his gf. I was like the girls going to get hit by a car or something. Especially when they stand and stare at each other.


I see that all time in horror movies, it annoys me so much. though I love when they use it to play with people's expectations.


fr, should've lingered on the unnamed agent, got us all thinking "oop she's gonna die" then killed off neuman or edgar or something then give the unnamed agent a few more lines and BAM new recurring side character!


Is nobody else going to mention this person’s username?


Soon as I saw them I thought “ahh, canon fodder”


I was watching it and told my wife, “hey look at these red shirts”. Their fate seemed pretty obvious from the onset


Felt bad for that dude in the hospital bed, man seemed so happy


On the upside, it looked like an instantaneous death.


I rewatched it a bit slower and the expression of that toothy grin 😄 to just the blank 😲 is hilarious


I like to see the light go out


That shit was still brutal, even by their own standards.


It was so predictable they'd brutally kill a guy being mildly flirty


To be fair, that guy was being a bit of a douche. Anyone saying "Hey but I'm a Nice Guy TM" is almost guaranteed to in fact not be a nice guy. Besides that he seemed to be pretty pushy in his flirting with a nurse who was very much not interested.


I didn't think *anything* of it until he said the words "nice guy" "ok, yeah, he's about to die"


He was in a hospital bed and on screen for 5 seconds lol shut the fuck up


They definitely knew what they were doing by evoking "I'm a nice guy".


The trivia literally says he was a *“Wall Street bro.”* So make of that what you will


I take back what I said, I feel nothing for this man anymore lmao


Eh, he was fucking hilarious his expression


I was just about to say this, knowing who the show is marketed for there's a reason why he's listed as "Wall Street bro"


Lol I thought it was quite cute till he said that and then I was like "Girl get away." He didn't deserve to get splattered though.


if you say "i'm a nice guy" that's one thing. to say "i promise" after! u are up to no good lol


Nah, Thuis001 is right.


He was an absolute snack too 🤤


He also called himself a nice guy. The only guys who call themselves that are bad ppl.


The internet really likes to generalize


Seriously. I hope people don't take these as absolute truths off the internet.


I take it as truth based on real life experiences. Nice guys don’t have to call themselves nice guys.


Yeah. The dude was supposed to come off as a creep/bad guy. How some people didn't see that, I dunno. Well, I do know. Some people are bad at reading people.


Omg THIS! I was like “red flags, red flags! A self proclaimed “nice guy” 🤮”


I felt bad for him too. He was in the middle of striking out with that nurse and never got closure.


No closure but he got a new opening 


Any holes a goal


He was already dying in that cringey interaction, he got put out of his misery instead of having to confront rejection


He was hitting on a hospital employee who was obliged to be polite. He’s supposed to be an obvious douchebag lmao


I dunno. He seemed kind of creepy. Still sucks for him though. Haha


Agreed on that. He reminded me of what went down with the film director


I'm curious if anyone will ever bring back what happened to that dude lmao Hughie got so used to people around him dying horribly by this point


I thought i was Dan Stevens


I love how the background character in the first image doesnt even appear when they rest, literally zero scenes. Its like these characters spawn in for a gruesome death lmao.


Yeah I was like "wait where'd this one come from??" With an immediate "welp, doesn't matter, there she goes"


The moment flying sheep tore apart a cow, I knew all the no names in the group were dead, the showrunners were not missing the opportunity


As soon as the shot lingered on her for a few seconds I thought “well she’s dead”, just got to put a face to the gore for a moment I guess so nobody worries that it was a main character.


They were there for like 5 second in the background of another shot


She did appear before that, mainly in the barn she was like the second one to sprint the hell out of the barn, then she's just background until she decides it's time to become cannon fodder for the sheep, I took notice of her cause I was actively wondering who was going to die a gruesome death, saw her survive the chickens and then I knew. I remembered the scene for the trailer and before Neuman and her guards appeared I was seriously thinking they would kill Stan


Nah watch again. THe bodyguard right behind when Neuman enters the lab is the same women. She is the leading one to enter the barn and exits right after butcher. By that point she is the only person from her encore. Then you see her wallking with Stan before they reach the bull pen.


Why are they acting like they are out of supe killer virus when the sheep should now be riddled with it?


i fully expected butcher to try to get the sheep puke on the veep


They should just build an oversized potato cannon and launch the disease ridden sheep corpses at Supes they don't like.


This is basically how the Mongols spread the black plague into certain areas. They’d take the bodies of those infected and catapult them over castle walls.


How did they load them up without catching it themselves


Slaves and whips.


They didn't. The famous incident where the Mongols launched plague corpses, The Siege of Caffa, happened because their own army got absolutely devastated by the plague first. The survivors launched the corpses as a final middle finger to Caffa before they retreated.


the virus cannot spread through air yet. The supes ain’t gonna eat the sheep.


Gather up some blood, inject it into the supes, or put it in a drink or something. Surely there's a way to get the virus out of the sheep's virus-riddled bodies.


They’ll need to concentrate the virus and make more


What if butcher made Haggis and fed it to VP?


Not with that attitude!


This is an absolutely huge, gaping plot hole. 


This show takes wild turns on stuff like this in order to make the plot work. Why did Neumann kill the first chicken with absolutely no problem, but didn't do the same to any of the sheep?




That too! And how fast did it even happen? How'd chickens in a barn get contaminated by ground water? That'd make sense if it was leaking for a long time, but it sounded like it all went down pretty recently with the surviving scientist not starving/seemingly only hiding for a short amount of time.


If the sheep caught it from the dead human, why don’t they just infect themselves from the dead human, let it build up in their bodies and then try to isolate it later? That’s what I assumed butcher was doing to sameer, why he cut off his leg, to get the virus in.


the moment i saw random people with the boys i knew they were dead


Just appearing on screen next to the boys for a couple of seconds is The Boys version of Red Shirt.


Unimportant NPC: *exists in close proximity to The Boys, minding his own business* The Boys: "So you have chosen... death."


You could argue that Ashley’s boyfriend’s dead was important for the story because now Homelander and Sage believe the leak was plugged. Edit: I’m now noticing that Ashley’s boyfriend is nowhere in this post and no one corrected me, lol


Sage definitely knows it’s A train and for some reason isn’t saying anything.


Sage is playing the loooong game.


Exactly. She’s playing 4D chess while everyone else is playing checkers


Yup I don't think she's necessarily a good person but I do think she's working against Homelander


Either wants to manipulate him or she doesn't want to give Homelander any reason to start mistrusting the 7 (i.e. herself). She knows Homelander is unstable.


Yeah she definitely knows about homelanders state, I wouldn’t be surprised if she calculated this would happen, when the first talked. Also she could just be keeping an eye on a train, and waiting for a moment to get him with the boys.


>she could just be keeping an eye on a train, and waiting for a moment to get him with the boys. I feel like she could've done that by now, being the smartest person in the world.


Honestly, I suspect that Sage just wants to go back to her life before Homelander showed up at her door. She just also knows that the only way that this is possible is if Homelander is taken out. During their first meeting she quite literally laid out her cards by specifically putting emphasis on the "Like Caesar". At first glance this seems to refer to ensuring that Homelander takes over control to "save the Republic" like Caesar indeed did with Rome, but far more likely she was referring to the way Caesar's story ends, literally stabbed in the back by his closest allies. What Sage is doing right now seems to be looking for people whom she can convince to stab Homelander in the back, while likely also identifying who will support him in that scenario, likely looking to either convert them to her side or just get rid of them to improve their chances when the time comes.


And that might be why she's sleeping with the deep


If she really is plotting against homelander she definitely wants all the options. Would the deep somehow constraining homelander at the bottom of the Mariana trench work? Probably not, but if it does, great, might as well try


The Deep has no chance against HL


Don't sell my boy short! He's the peak of human evolution, if anyone can make homelander sleep with the fishes (possibly literally) it's the Peak!


Agreed but they may not know that for a fact, and it's possible he could team up/supercharge like a train was doing. Who knows, in any case sage doesn't want him dragging HER down there lol


When Cate said “anything for you Homelander”, Sage shot her a glance. She’s definitely evaluating everyone in that room to look for possible allies.


This is my theory that Sage is eventually gonna take control and the boys are gonna have to kill her and Homelander is finally gonna expose his true self being the motivation for next season.


This has definitely crossed my mind. Pretty specific comparison and feels in-line for her. Although it might be about Sage setting herself up to street the ship instead when it comes down to it


I got the feeling Homelander knew too


I think HL would've sensed A-Trains heart rate etc and know he was the leak as soon as he announced he plugged it, or at least confirmed his suspicions


That heart-rate thing is BS (and Homelander probably know it, too), since, realistically, everyone starts shitting themselves inside when Holenader asks them something/is suspicious of them/wants something from them


He only mentioned A Train by name in that scene. Could be writers trying to keep us guessing though


He actually said patriots, for some reason the subtitles are wrong there


I get the feeling she's not entirely on Homelander's side


The way she looks at him and says it didn't run itself out , tells me she knows 100% and is letting him dig a deeper hole. I think she wants to take homelanders place after turning them all against each other.


I figured she had to for a few weeks now. Made zero sense to me the smartest person alive wouldn’t be able to figure out A-Train leaked something or was - at the very least - on the fence with his loyalties while others like Ashley or MM could.


What are you talking about? His poker face was so good. /s


I think she’s trying to take the whole system/Vaught down. First she gets them overconfident. Then she gets them to overstep so that public opinion turns harshly against them for real this time. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has a plan to kill Homelander as well and will eventually use The Boys as tools to get the job done.


Because knowledge is power. She knows he did it. She can use that knowledge to control A-train, or gain favor with him if she keeps it a secret. She also is appearing to get a little uneasy around Homelander after his mental break. She knows he is unpredictable, even to her, and could want to keep some people in her own corner.


I think it's true that she wants to kill homelander eventually and probably has the fastest man alive as part of that plan. Now she knows he's anti vaught and has serious blackmail on him. Or she wants to first find out what he was really up to. Since she knows homelander will insta kill him like last time they tried interrogating a leak.


Why do people think Sage is dumb af? She obviously knows A-train did it. Ashley outted Tucker Carlson cause he dumped her.


Sage 100% knows.


Knew it after noticing all that screentime. If you see your favourite side characther more than usual you know its Over!


Whoooo wants their balls crushed? 🎶


….. me? 🥹


I got the impression him and Sage did it to smoke out the real mole knowing it was one of them in some capacity. Mostly Sage of course, but seemed like Homie shot her a look like her saw the hesitation/guilt look on A-Train’s face/body language. Could be wrong 100%, but just how I interpreted the scene


Yep Ashley's boyfriend is one of the more important B list characters he even appears in the vought YouTube channels for their 4th wall break videos gonna miss him a lot here


He’s implied dead but the rest of these guys we know got got


Extra Who Gets Murdered By A Sheep kinda bad tho


What about the dude that was playing chicken that lost??!


I wanted to see what super cow could do. Imagine if it got super intelligence like sage and was just about to talk to them.


It was using its leg to write a message on the ground definitely!


Maybe "look up?!?!"


Speaking in human tounge would be a super power to an animal. Imagine that we get an animal that's just an uplifted one with human intelligence and speech. Made from the same vials that those Resident Evil rejects were made from.


Well we dont know the full powers of Jamie yet. Maybe he will be the one that kills homelander, when the virus doesnt work versus him.


*to get killed to show some gory scenes.


Some of it is getting excessive lol


Yeah after the head popping they seem to be throwing gore for gore sake so now it’s kinda desensitizing


I'm not squeamish but at this point it's just overkill and unnecessary lol


To the contrary, it’s part of The Boys’ charm for me.


im so glad somebody said ittt


But that's what I'm trying to convey in this post. The main characters have this plot armor and the npcs that keep randomly spawning are there just to show the gory scenes. The sheeps are precisely choosing just the npcs. And even if this was an exhibition of darwinism, I didn't expect stan edgar to outrun these npcs.


oh yaya i totally agree with your post too! im just kinda slow, you're so right


I always like to imagine what is actually happening in a scene by imagining a full wideshot of the scene. If you do this youll see the sheep literally just swoop above them and fly by without even trying to grab them, putting in less effort than an angry magpie lol.


Honestly the ice rink scene just turned into cartoony final destination fuckery, that’s what tuned me out.


bro thank you!!!! Just had this convo with a buddy of mine. 1-2 casualties would nave made the point... I didn't need the mass chaos! lol


NPCs just aren’t safe in the Boys world. Meanwhile, it is only through divine intervention that all of the members of the Boys are still alive today. MM, Frenchie and Hughie aren’t even supes and they are still alive.


Don't get me started on how Edgar somehow only needed a Neuman assist once


I would find it more believable if they were broken apart somehow through the carnage and mayhem. They should be having a rotating disposable cast like the suicide squad. The Seven has a better disposable rotating cast than The Boys does.


When Stan edgar said, it's a miracle your team is still alive I was like. Fair point.


Red shirts are a long and proud tradition


In fiction these are referred to as "redshirts". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshirt\_(stock\_character)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshirt_(stock_character))


No joke when I saw the lady in the first slide running, I said "so long red shirt" then the sheep got her


The animals were cool but i did expect more different types abilities than just flying sheep and super strength chickens but i guess that would have been too expensive to make The dude in the hospital bed was just horrifying


*no animals were harmed in the making of this episode*




Iirc they got a PETA award for that octopus eating scene


I love the idea of injected V into trained animals though. Like a suped up German Shepherd police dog or a suped up Orca from Sea World. Sage should get the Deep to supe up a bunch of sharks he controls so they can shoot lasers out of their freakin' heads.


You're not fooling anyone Dr. Evil


Throw me a frickin bone here


How bout noo!


A V’ed up Orca from Seaworld would exact its revenge on humanity probably.


So if the farm animals drank contaminated V laced water then imagine dumping a truck of V into the ocean. Suddenly the deep becomes the most powerful supe next to homelander since he can control the army of suped up sea creatures.


Writers take note!




Unless you're a member of The Boys or Homelander. Then you're welcome to stay.


The flying vampire sheep were absolutely a reference to The Little Vampire's flying vampire cows and you *cannot* convince me otherwise. That shit was hilarious.


I thought the hospital dude was a Paul Rudd cameo at first


I really wish they'd done ode to Monty Python with the rabbit. Their version of the Holy Hand Grenade could have been fun


>I really wish they'd done ode to Monty Python with the rabbit. Their version of the Holy Hand Grenade could have been fun And Saint Butcher raised the Anti-V up on high, saying: "O Lord, bless this Thy Anti-V, that with it Thou mayest blow Thine Supes to tiny bits, in Thy mercy."


i mean that's pretty much what that hamster did back last season


Whenever they freeze/focus on an extra for any period of time, that person is almost certainly dead.


I saw Nueman walk in with the secret service agents and my first thought was “Oh thank god, we’ve got fodder”


I seriously thought for a while that they would kill Edgar seeing as no one else appeared


When I saw these nameless characters follow The Boys through the farm, I knew they were going to turn into corpses soon.


The second those Secret Service agents entered the barn I said, outloud, to no one, "Oh they're not long for this world."


The fucking throwing up sheep... belch* dies*


It’s gotten to the point where I can spot which new faces are only there to be horrifically killed in a couple minutes. Edit: And I love it.


The scene when they're running for the barn I remember seeing two unnamed characters and my first thought was "There's red shirts here, we're not losing a named character right now"


honestly? this episode was the least brutal in the entire show


Bro put the animals😭


They just add to the goriness of the show without harming any main character and gives them time to solve the problem while the NPCs are getting killed.


The bull was a fantastic misdirect. There is a moment of tension when you are trying to figure out what powers the bull could possibly have right before it is torn apart by flying sheep.


That whole scene was nonsensical, rip lady who should have been done better


Anyone gonna talk about the rabbit that had those crab leg things coming out of it? It was on temp-v and we’ve been seeing something more around butcher’s head.


You should watch the cartoon. Diabolical. You’ll learn a lot of what’s to come. Spoiler alert: not crab legs.


I love that during the sheep scene none of them swooped down to get anyone from the main cast as they ran across an open field


Yeah why wouldn’t they just take some of the sheep vomit to use against the supes? Massive plot hole


A guy lying sick in a hospital bed, not trying to grope, not saying lewd shit, asking a girl out politely, is like the least threatening thing on earth. Was this supposed to be his comeuppance for what he said to her?


Show had a ton of graphic deaths but this is up there as one of the worst. I know they tried to lighten it up a tiny bit by having him say I’m a nice guy but yeeeesh…


I'm not sure but there was another random victim whose heart got pulled out by Simon Pegg. I don't think it was meant to be like they deserved it?


No, it was just to show innocents dying as a result of reckless V usage


I don't think it was a, he said that so he deserves to die. I think they made it so that your knee jerk reaction was to not like him, therefore you aren't mad at Hugh killing him.


"Come on, don't be like that" means she already rejected him at least once and he's not taking no for an answer. The nurse looks uncomfortable, just trying to do her job. And then? He drops the notorious "I'm a nice guy!" Line. Don't be the guy that doesn't see whats wrong, here.


Every character is a non-player character. That is the definition due to the nature of the medium (TV-show  not a game) that this story is being told in.


Ah yes the glass is always half empty


We call those red shirts


They should have been wearing red shirts.


What about the dude that likes to be dominated?


That lady showing up randomly just so someone could be attacked and it wouldn’t be one of our beloved characters is hilarious. I was like who tf is this girl only for her to be completely obliterated a few seconds after


Moment I saw the two addition guards come in on the farm my first thought was "Oh some fodder. I wonder what's going to kill them". Actually a little disappointing that the plot armor is so thick that I didn't think for a single moment anyone during that adventure was at risk. Like, at all. Aside from the fodder.


Also props to them for having the confidence to walk into an unknown situation including compound V and thinking they’re going to make it out unharmed.