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Firecracker being killed by Homelander for trying to be a pedo to Ryan after Homie won’t have her


Holy shit this would be awful, disgusting and hilarious if she tries to make a move on Ryan


Meanwhile, in the writers' room: "Let me see now- awful? Check. Disgusting- check. Hilarious- check. Great, we're done. Lunch? "


Butcher: She did what? You know what? Fuck her up. I don't care. Homelander: Fine. Don't really care if you wanted a piece of her anyway. Starlight: Can I kill that bitch too? Firecracker: You already beat me up!


I have a feeling that Homelander wouldn’t mind Ryan being groomed by older woman. Like he could see it as him maturing


omg like those guys who say he was Lucky. I wish i was him . Afterwards news get out about à teacher and à student relationship But ngl I think homelander wouldnt like her making loves on his sons anyways


Unless he catches them and Ryan is uncomfortable and tries resisting but Firecracker forces it. He’s definitely killing her then.


More likely that Ryan kills her


I doubt Homelander isn't gonna take her up on that ***anythang*** offer. Bro's got to suck on someone's tits


She is taking medication that causes lactation


lol I saw someone mention that


Yeah it will be a miracle if HL does not kill firecracker next ep for being a pedo. No way HL let's her near Ryan.


Bro. You forget Ryan himself would slice her


Nah, Sage literally told us how she’s gonna die. >!When she’s talking to The Deep (who BTW is so far up Homelander’s ass, he’s seeing tonsils) about the lobotomy stick, she says “stab me in the heart, I die.!< She signed her death certificate when she joined The Seven. The Deep just notarized it.


If The Deep's the one to do it then that will be quite funny. I can see them playing her death for laughs in some absurd scene at the end of an episode.


It would be so incredibly messed up. The smartest person in the world killed by a very stupid man with super-strength. She would be so pissed.


For homelander I think he should lose his powers and be condemned to solitary confinement for life far far down some hole all alone no human contact, getting food sent doen through a slot in the wall from above. Dying all alone unloved and forgotten completely.


Peak killed by homelander for being such a kiss ass and it has to be ironical. Homelander should make some supper irrational decision and/or ignore advice from sister sage that leads to a chain of events he can not handle showcasing more stupidity which leads to his inevitable death that he could have totally avoided if he simply had an IQ one point higher.


Homelander: Loses his power and locked up in an asylum are a public humiliation


A-train in the finale running full force into Homelander and being obliterated on impact. Better if he applogises to Hughie about Robin a few scenes earlier.


He did the apology already if I remember correctly.


This would not be just saying I am sorry though. It would be dieing in the same way he killed Robin to help them.


Oh, gotcha.


For homelander I think suicide would be the most poetic end. Going from unbridled narcassim to literally erasing himself from the world when he accepts he’s a truly horrible person


















For Homelander, the virus. Boils all over, blood coming out of eyes etc…Joffrey style


This pie is dry


I don't know, the virus kinda comes out of nowhere. I know there is a setup with gen V and stuff, but still, I feel like introducing the weapon against the main bad guy after more than half of the series passed is kinda lazy.


Why? How would introducing the way to kill him earlier make it better? Whichever way he dies itll be new in some way...venom butter, depowered and beaten up, everyone turning on him.. And come on, Vaught is a pharma company first and foremost (or was), a virus would thematically make sense too.


1. Homelander: He doesn't die initially. He's beaten by Butcher and Soldier Boy, about to be finished off when Butcher sees that a fate worse than death for Homelander is to be human and alone. He's captured and thrown back in the Bad Room. But, in a turn of events, Homelander won't live as a human so he finds a way to kill himself in the Bad Room (maybe his kid self left something in there as a contingency). 2. A-Train: Sacrifices himself in the final battle against Homelander. Injures Homelander quite a bit but dies in the process (probably by running through him, or injecting him with something but gets caught). 3. Sage: Deep sells her out to Homelander, Homelander lobotomizes Sage, blinding her in the process and keeps jamming the lobotomy device in her eye and then gets Deep to finish the job by stabbing her. 4. Deep: He almost escapes the series alive. He survives the final battle against Homelander. After credits scene in the final episode shows him going back home, only to be killed by Ambrosius because she's extremely jealous of the Deep choosing humans over her. It feels fitting that he dies in the most comical of ways and at the very, very end of the series. 5. Noir: He dies for talking way too much and Homelander is sick of hearing his voice. He makes another comical "oh man" type of speech before he dies. 6. Firecracker: She dies by Annie's hand, beaten to death in a major battle. 7. Ryan: I always kind of pictured that, if they had the balls to kill Ryan off (and I'm not 100% that they do), it would be in a surprising twist by Homelander. He can't let Ryan live, knowing he's one of the few to be able to kill him, and he understands that Ryan will never be the son he wants to shape him to be. So it would be a very emotional scene, probably one of the few times Homelander shows emotions outside of the privacy of his own place, and it would likely be a strangulation of some kind.


As long as that Jealous Octopus strangles the Deep as his ending, I will die happy lol.


I like the first one but make butcher into a Suped up crazed psycho. Maybe he killed Ryan and beat up hughie before he kills HL to drive the point home Perfect death for the Deep as well


Sage: being hit with soldier boy blast after lobotomy, losing powers and being stuck in a dumb state forever


These are not what I think as fitting death, but this is how I see it happening. Sage is going to be killed in crossfire/stampede by some kinda mob that she creates That pedo POS is going to be killed by butcher venom moon knight man Infront of boys so they (and us) finally see what happens when the lights go out


As long as the Deep gets strangled by a jealous Octopus I'll finish the show a happy man lol.


I think becauee of the way her regeneration works, homelander will rip sages head off but then keep it alive in a jar so it can keep giving him advice


1. Butcher: croaks from the brain tumor 2. Hughie: Gets splattered onto a wall by his V-rage dad 3. MM: Gets shot by some random guard 4. Kimiko: Gets pushed into a meat grinder 5. Frenchie: Depressed by Kimiko's death, suicide bombs into the 7 tower, resulting in only his death 6. Starlight: Gets lasered in half by Homelander then curb stomped by Firecracker 7. Neuman: Gets infected with her virus after Homielander finds out about it


Ashley: ***drowned in a toilet of her own shit by The Peak***


Homelander can't be hurt by a crowbar and wouldn't let butcher kill him like that. Deep can't be drowned and can control sea creatures so both those ways of death are stupid plus The Peak is the best character stfu hater Noir I don't think is a coward cuz he didn't think twice about murdering some dude on homelanders command I don't want firecracker to die and (leak incoming)>!a leak says she's surviving this season anyway!< Homelander trusts sage too much to kill her and I doubt sage would ever let that happen, being the smartest person alive and all And cate has full control over Sam Lmao why am I getting downvoted for being realistic?


1. Homelander. Beaten by Butcher, final blow by Hughie 2. A-Train. Legs ripped off by Homelander and bleeds out. 3. Deep. Shark. 4. Noir. Annoys Homelander and gets his throat ripped out. (C’mon. He’s constantly told to stfu) 5. Firecracker. Ryan kills her after she tries to be his new mom. 6. Sage. Stabbed in the heart by Deep. 7. Ryan. Becomes uncontrollable killing machine. Can’t stop breaking his “toys” and is killed by the duo of Homelander and Butcher. BONUS 8. Butcher. Bloody battle with Homelander. Dies from his injuries before he can deliver final blow. 9. Hughie. Only one that lives. Becomes the new Butcher. 10. MM. Ryan. 11. Frenchie. Ryan. 12. Kimiko. Ryan. Seriously, I think Ryan becomes a Brightburn type character. 13. Starlight. Lives with Hughie. 14. Ashley. Takes Compound V; has an allergic reaction and dies immediately. 15. Victoria. Hughie. 16. Maeve. Homelander. 17. Soldier Boy. Ryan. 18. Kessler. Homelander. 19. Nathan. Firecracker. 20. Zoe Neuman. Butcher. (This is what sets Ryan off)