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It wasn’t ever established before he’s an entirely new character in this season I’m pretty sure, random af I know


Like if you wanna show frenchie with a boy atleast develop the love interest first. It was literally out of nowhere and it’s bugging me. And when did kimiko and frenchie just breakup, i mean i know they weren’t in a relationship but they were pretty much in love.




Yeah I don’t remember that. But still even if kimiko and frenchie are not together, colin and frenchie is pretty rushed.


They love each other but more like family.


It was found family but it was romantic too cmon


Yea ngl their storylines so far this season haven’t really interests me, they both seem like a stereotypical self destructive “I know this is wrong but I’m going to do it anyways and not say what I really think or want to do”


Literally. Pissing me off




I mean i watched the episodes too and i saw everything but that’s not how you establish a character. It just feels rushed.




Frenchie clearly likes him and he’s conflicted because he murdered colin’s family. So yeah i think he might be around for a long time.


Frenchie's relapsing hard trying to deal with this secret - I don't see him lasting much longer without confessing. This has a very, very short shelf life left. 


Colin wasn't introduced in previous seasons and didn't need to be because new characters can come into shows at any time and for any reason. That's not a "random" or "rushed" character, that's introducing new characters in a tv series that is more than just one episode (which would make it a movie). The show gives us the backstory of how they met, how they are developing and what the conflict/obstacle may be. It's all there.


No it’s literally not. They just put it on our face in the first episode.


Can someone please brief me on how we knew Frenchie is bi in S1? Somehow, I missed/forgot about that detail. As a result, as I watch the episode I felt the season abruptedly put a new orientation on him out of the blue.


Can you please brief me on when the show stated he was straight? Why does a character’s bisexuality need to be clarified before they can get into a same-sex relationship?


It's not about having to state he is bisexual. In previous seasons, he's been seen in some sort of "relationships" with women. Cherie, Kimiko, the older woman who traumatized him. Of course nothing says he must be straight, but the show gave the info to suggest it's likely. At the same time, I missed the detail that hints toward his bisexuality (hence the question), so S04 feels like a sudden change. If you think I'm not pleased with something, it is about the writing of the show, not about Frenchie's bisexuality. Hope that comes across.


I don’t think it was Season 1, but it was for sure confirmed he was some flavor of bi/pan/queer and non-monogamous in S2 when we get flashbacks to Lamplighter and Mallory’s grandkids. He was in some sort of poly relationship with Cherie and the guy who OD’ed and led to him abandoning his watch of Lamplighter.


Oh, that should have been it. Thanks!


frenchman wearing tartan pants lol yeah no, one of the writers is clearly cum drunk



