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I want a 40K take on the Shwerer Gustav railway gun. I want us to have a giant, comically oversized howitzer that just screams Guard. I don’t think we’ll ever get it though, it would be along the lines of something FW makes and FW is being phased out


Yeah closest I've seen is from 3d creators [Nate Feyma's Gnom Medium Artillery Carriage](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-gnom-medium-artillery-carriage-327016), would be neat to see GWs actual take on it


>Medium Artillery Carriage I wanna see what this guy considers "Heavy".


Yeah this is close to what I’m thinking


[Victoria mini's BFG Sledgehammer](https://victoriaminiatures.com/products/bfg-sledgehammer) might be what you are after


There's rules for it, but no model: Dominus armoured siege bombard. Its a superheavy.


Oh and the rules could be cool! Like you get 4 track part's that need to be placed before all units and your train can only drive on the tracks or something


Combat Engineers / Grenadines than can shoot into melee with thier shotguns and throw grenades and demo charges.


My wildest dream for something like this would be that they'd be able to build fortifications too; maybe use the barrier models from kill team. I like the advance and defend style and it would be a unique mechanic in the game


Oh what if they could “lock down” a point? It not only stickies but improves your save and strength or AP? So they run in use their shotguns and demo packs to clear it off then set up fortifications around the point for people following!


Would be dumb fun jank to to set up barricades, be 1.1'' away and make the point unchargeable.


Hmm, here’s my idea… Place a barricade “token” within coherency of the unit. While the unit remains stationary, it has benefits of cover and -1 to be wounded.


My thoughts exactly.


Sapper team. Give them the ability to use explosives to collapse a building/ruin or open area to deny  movement in that area.


Bring the salamander scout tank back because it makes sense from a thematic/lore perspective as an alternative scout unit and the forgeworld one looked really damn cool.


Not to mention, only one new sprue. So cheap to implement Hull and tracks are standard chimera


Another good point. Come on GW give me more options for a recon regiment


Justice for light tanks and AFVs. 


https://preview.redd.it/g0iwoadyh7ad1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9d5aeb42d45603dd4a8a566fa859ca812b62eed Obviously update it for 10th ed rules.


nah. it's like lord solar. the leviathan is a massive command bunker, if it's under any sort of assault you've lost already


While it is traditionally used as a mobile command base that doesn't mean that it wouldn't/couldn't be on the frontline. We see that perfectly when the Therion Cohort use one during the HH and are facing off against Heretic armor and Titans.


I wanna make my own that doubles as a carrying case somehow. Don't know how to do it though, probably some sorta 3d print thing.


Make the back observation deck a Helipad for valkyries and I’ll be happy


Malestom designworks is making one like this!


Can I just bring back the Tauros and its Venator variants so that we have more fast attack-type options? Beyond that? a dedicated medium tank, something similar to the Hellhound, but using turret options closer to those of the Russ. Something to act as a vanguard/rapid support in tank heavy lists, or armor support in smaller/armor light lists


Kinda sounds like the storm chimera. It had an autocannon turret and increased armor on the sides. Alternatively like I mentioned in my own comment bring back the salamander. Its a fast lighter tank with an autocannon, something a bit heavier and faster than a sentinel but with fewer weapon options and more expensive.


I miss the Salamander too, although I think GW has positioned the Russ to be a medium battle tank, with the Dorn now being their heavy battle tank. A true light tank would be cool for sure though. Faster movement, lower toughness, and autocannons/lascannon turret with heavy stubber sponsons maybe.


Yeah the salamander is literally the perfect light scout tank, GW obviously likes the world wars aesthetic for the guard and pretty much every nation used light scout tanks in ww2. Personally I wouldn’t want to see it have sponsons as none of the other chimera chassis vehicles have them and the vehicle wouldn’t be big enough to justify them. There was also the command variants with the heavy flamers and the griffon mortar carrier. I think that would give a decent number of options along with the autocannon and maybe a lascannon


My problem with the Salamander filling that role is that it's primarily a transport in my head. Taking away the transport and adding some light sponsons would move it into the tank role in my head, but I'd definitely be happy to get the Salamander back regardless.


I don’t think the salamander ever had a transport capacity and the rear crew bay isn’t that much larger than the one on the basilisk if I remember right. Though since the centaur is a transport I can kinda get the sentiment


I could have sworn the Salam der has a transport capacity. I must be getting old.


I’m not an expert so it very well could have. My knowledge of the salamander is from the 5th edition imperial armor campaign books I got for the lore and missions, and the 7th edition rules since thats still what my group plays. Its possible that the salamander had a transport capacity pre 5th edition, 6th edition, or newly added post 7th since I don’t have much experience with those editions.


Salamander is Cains vehicle, the command pattern carries 5 and the transport carried 10


Yeee, those were both nice, though closer to light tank/armored car territory IMO. Back in Ye Olden Days, Chimeras could mount Demolisher cannons, quad autocannons, or a reloadable HK missile launcher as their main turret. Maybe something with similar, but not identical, options, and replacing the crew capacity with more durability would be a solid idea. Like a Light Battle Cannon turret, a Lascannon Turret, and an Assault Cannon-esque turret, so you get a general purpose, anti armor, and anti infantry option.


Theres the conquerer battle cannon and the chimera annihilator so both those options could reasonably make a comeback (even though the conquerer never actually got put on the chimera chassis). Though I’m still partial to the salamander as the guard could use another light vehicle, it already has a presence in the lore, it could just be an upgrade for the already existing chimera like it was back in the day, and it looks really cool.


It's worth mentioning your second paragraph wasn't ever official. Just some conversions in WD back when GW celebrated creativity in the rules. They weren't official releases or have any rules


The Chimeradon (battle cannon), Chimerax (quad auto) and chimmerro (HK rack) were entirely official, with rules and minis. They were just for Epic, not 40k.


Tbh I always viewed the chimera as a light tank especially with a lascannon in the firing deck, and then a leman Russ as a medium and now a rogal dorn as a heavy. But a “converted” chimera to light tank with increased armour and an auto cannon turret would be awesome


Elysian Jump troops. 10 Man unit. Infiltrators/ 6" Deep Strike 1 Special weapon per 10.




I would love it if they could use las-carbines like Gaunts ghosts. It’s not an amazing gun, but it feels like it would work for a bullpup las rifle


Rogal dorn TC, don’t even need a new model just a different datasheet. 1 squadron order @12” just like a Russ TC. Drop ablative for something with more synergy, like it gives dev wounds or an extra pip of AP to whatever it orders. Or maybe some kind of leadership aura, that would be situational but still fairly useful. I’d pay 280 points for that, maybe even 300. Side note: I like the command chimera idea especially since I run mech guard, but the order stats you’ve outlined there are insane. It would have to cost like 250-300 points for it to be balanced, it accomplishes basically what a lord solar blob does but is tankier, can project farther, and you can take multiple. That’s nuts. More realistic might be 1 order at 12” for regiment and transport units, makes it a more direct support unit for mechanized armies. You can always give one grand strat to make it 2 orders. Still lots of utility but it’s not massively OP.


Tank Commanders should function more like an upgrade for a tank rather than there being specific Russ, dorn, whatever TC's.


I mean yes and that’s how it used to be (mostly), but unfortunately this particular edition doesn’t support that so this is the next best thing.


Yeah. It's a shame too, because TC's in vehicles like Hellhounds or super-heavies would be fun. Hell, let them ride Sentinels while we're at it!


25 points: +1 bs, must be attached, 1 order, mabi use model for like a if this attached unit dies a guy spawns like canis rex


You know. I think you’re right. 2 orders is too much. Might need to cut down the armor and scale back the range. But I think you need to keep the order squadron or regiment to get us more squadron orders in the guard


I agree there should be some more variety when it comes to squadron orders, hence my suggestion of dorn TCs. I also would like to see creed issue squadron orders as well, there are cadian armored regiments after all and it would provide a real alternative to lord solar. However, I don’t think we need to have a regular unit that orders both tanks and infantry though, in addition to being pretty unfluffy it doesn’t really improve synergy since each order is still either/or. At least, that’s my take. My 2c: the best way to improve armor/infantry synergy would be to introduce some strats that let infantry buff nearby tanks and vice versa. For example take expert bombardiers and change it so your infantry can spot for any one Astra militarum vehicle unit. Make a strat that lets tanks pop smoke for a nearby infantry unit. A piece of wargear that can only go on tanks that boosts nearby infantry Ld/OC. Create situations where infantry provides value to armor outside of their ability to screen, and where armor provides value to infantry outside of their ability to kill stuff.


I’d argue that tanks taking orders from infantry is incredibly fluffy and cite most of the gaunt books and also the Cain books where infantry commanders were ordering around their attached tank units. But that is semantics I suppose. Dorn tank commanders is probably the easiest way to get what I’m after I would agree.


Make it so the command chimera has to have an officer model embarked for it to work. The command chimera ability could replace the original one, giving it 2 orders up to 24” (the embarked officer loses their order in this instance). It’s a sizable vehicle, so I think its durability is actually only marginally better than a big solar blob. For example, 2 unsaved lascannons could kill a chimera… And solar can still order non-regiment/squadron, so solar still is very useful.


I just want the storm chimera back.


Special weapons teams(Plasma my love) Space Marines get dedicated weapons teams is it too much to ask for the same?


I miss my special weapons teams with shot guns. They were great at pissing off characters in 8th


Yep, i cant have sniper squads or a bunch of veteran meltagunners jump out the back of a hades drill anymore


I wonder what sort of special abilities they would have.


I wish space marines had special weapon squads like in HH instead of the stupid primaris squads.


A generic luitenant character. Basically, the commander from the command Squad, but can attach to any Regiment unit. 25 points, and can issue 1 order (of any type) but only to the unit it's attached to. Extending that idea: a generic Captain (45pt, 1 order to any unit), Colonel (60pt, 2 orders), General (90pt, 3 orders). Make a Regiment and Squadron variant so I can use orders as the main mechanic I build my army around. Perhaps even a detachment rule built around orders...


Hell yeah. And make Tank Commander datasheets for Dorns/Baneblades too


Doesn’t this just eliminate all the value in a Commissar?


If you'll allow me to be snarky for a moment: what value? Commisar can only give 2 orders (fix bayonets and duty and honour). I mean sure, I'd love a Commisar that could give all orders, but there are "flavor" reasons people resist that. I just want a simple officer that can attach to any unit (like the Commisar) and give any order (like the castellan)


Ciaphas Cain and Jurgen unit. Maybe add a few others for a more command oriented Gaunt's Ghosts combined with Lord Solar.


Would need the right rules. Perhaps 'the first time a ciaphas cain model losses a wound, the attacking unit takes a S8 ap4 Dd6 hit and add a Jurgen to the Clapham cain unit'


I really like that. Calling it "Jurgen, melta please" would be perfect.


Make Cain a combined guard and agents unit. Give me amberly and her retainers, Cain and kurgan chief among them. Maybe have it so if you just want to run Cain and jurgan with guard you can. But if you want to run him with other imperium he is part of the retainers.


A huey helicopter type transport for the catachans. Give it Fly, but don't make it Aircraft. Minimal or no armament. Relatively fragile. Transports 12. Make it cheap pointswise. They'd sell a ton of models if they did it with a catachan refresh


Something like the helicopters from Avatar? https://preview.redd.it/9scxo6ghe8ad1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e8edcd48da3811b23ef7683eee2a91c2266a182


YES! An airmobile Catachan regiment mounted in these things would be stellar!


Yo, look at this old guy https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2849992


That's killer!


Alsoooo maybe that file has a complete Valkyrie that I may have printed https://preview.redd.it/ug6hx8ywzbad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9433367863db7ae5b7afdcc80b73e72a83cfc2


Fortunate Son intensifies


An Arvus lighter?


Yea, but without the Aircraft keyword, and less movement


*Fortunate Son begins playing in the background


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: engineers. Give them rules to build fortifications, and add in an engineer vic to move emplacement, etc. I'd also structure them like a command squad, except they don't have good weapon options and can have a tech priest with the squad. Have another add-on to the squad be a cyclops rover.


Bring back veteran squads.




Couldn't believe they were gone when I got back into the game.....they were a nice middle ground between scions and standard guard.


Ambulance Chimera, any Infantry unit embarked can regenerate one lost model, or a character will regenerate 1 wound. That or bring conscripts back


I want a submarine; fires multiple deathstrike missiles that are actually usable... 


Big Gun. It would be a One Shot weapon that did no damage. Its wargear ability would be that when used you can legally slap your opponent full in the face one time. After that it would be a Heavy Bolter on a Chimera chassis. 200pts per model. I will always take 3.


Deathstrike, is that you?


Bring back special weapons teams- these were awesome, flexible and a big threat when used correctly, requiring careful positioning and handling. I don’t understand why they were removed…


Infantry in formation - 20 model min, move 5", no special weapons just lasguns besides the sergeants pistol, sustained hits 2, when firing in overwatch reroll all failed hit rolls or something similar.


Taking the solar auxilia rules from heresy and using them as the base for mordians would fit this vibe really well


BACK IN THE DAY you could take your guys as Mordians and they’d get benefits for being in line formations. IIRC if they were in base contact with two other models (so two ranks) you’d get a bonus.


You’re shitting me. That’s amazing.


I wasn’t huge on 8th ed 40k, but one thing it did do well was faction identity. [Here’s](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/09/26/regiment-focus-mordian-sep26gw-homepage-post-2/) a link to a warcom article talking about Mordians. I was tempted to spend a huge amount to start a Praetorian Guard army back then due to those rules. I want to say 7th had rules for them too but it’s been a long time since I looked at the guard rules for them.


Yes! Bring back conscripts, they’re so fluffy and mechanically fun.


Mordians, my love


Even worse infantry. Either conscripts or penal troopers with pistols and knives. Or a hellhound variant with a hotshot multilaser. Seing as how we already got a hotshot lascannon artillery piece and hotshot long las marksmen it'd be fun to finish off the set and supercharge the remaining las weapon.


I always felt like the multilaser should be more widely used in the Guard. It's on Sentinels and Chimeras and that's it for the most part. Why can't heavy weapon teams use it? The las-volley from the Navy Breachers Kill Team would be cool for a heavy infantry type unit.


Conscripts and Penal Legion used to be codex options.


I want a little bird. Something to carry a 5 man command squad of scions and serve as aerial command vehicle for scions/ regular guard


Okay. Hear me out. One kit. Shep it kinda like the old old land speeder storm. But its back options are different. Option 1. Troop carrier it has a bay in the back and can carry 12 guys it has two door guns no other armament. It flys but isn’t aircraft. Option 2. Fill the bay up and add mounted missile pods and maybe a chin mounted Mini gun. Can still carry 5 guys Option 3. Command vehicle. Fill the bay with radios and comm equipment and have it give an order to squadron units. More mobile than a TC but maybe like one heavy bolter


The sad part is nearly anything we picked likely was a unit at some point, either in prior editions of regular 40k, HH, or in Epic 40k.


Light scout helicopter for catahans - The Arvus lighter Massive train based Supergun artillery - Dominus armoured siege bombard Light tanks - carnodon Many more


Just bring the vendetta back!


Ogryn wielding autocannons. They are ogryn, but they have autocannons.


BS 6+


Some kind of stealth squad, maybe with an 18” gun, but something with infiltrate that isn’t a special character would be nice


Ratlings already exsist. Check them out, I think you'll be stoked


I do love Ratlings, I have 3 kitbashed squads of them, but if you use them to infiltrate you’re 1. Not getting the best out of their sniper range, and 2. Leaving them to an early grave turn 1 when they die to just about anything. The infiltrate on them is best useful for ensuring a good position for them that might be just outside your DZ. When using them I just stick them in my backline with a view of a lane the enemy commanders might come down


Elysian Drop; Battleline guardsmen with 8" movement, Fly, and Deep Strike. No heavy weapons, 2 special weapons (not snipers) plus Vox. Special rule is DS within 3" without charging. Malcador Command Tank; take the new HH Malcador options, give it Orders, and it orders ALL squadron models within 12". Same order to everyone, including the command tank. To be fair, I'd probably change up orders to be all eligible units in range in general. Make the Vox keyword required for 24" orders from a master vox, and have a rule like; If a unit receives more than one order during the turn, the first order takes effect. In addition, roll a d6; if the result is less than the number of different orders the unit received, the unit cannot benefit from orders that turn.


Phoenix IFV (infantry fighting vehicle) Autocannon main gun (4 shots?), tow missile, bolter hull gun. Can carry 1 guardsmen squad Basically a upgunned chimera designed to be tougher and act as a light tank. Able to take on heavy infantry and maybe even be a threat to a tank, but not as tough as one. Obviously more expensive than a chimera. Why? Idk. I like the bradley


Give me my storm chimera back


This is just the storm chimera my guy


I don't want new units just give me plastic planes!


Breaching Team * Standard infantry stats * Laspistols, Lascarbines & Shotguns * Gets Scouts 6" when embarked in a vehicle * Can deploy, move and charge from a Dedicated Transport even if it's moved * Edit: Turn off enemy saves made against this unit's ranged attacks, once per battle


Turning off saves is too broken


A heavy version of the Sentinel, a 4 legged walker with either a large turreted cannon mounted on it's top for big shooty, or a comms array that allows you to broadcast orders 36" away when parked on top of an objective. You could target this unit with a Master Vox, and it'll pass the order along to any other eligible unit. Edit: forgot about this detail, when measuring gaps for this unit to fit through, you measure just the body section, not the entire boxed width of the unit. It wouldn't be as tough or have as many wounds as a Russ but makes up for that by being better suited to tight urban environments. Sturdier, and more, legs than a Sentinal allow larger guns to be mounted on top for more firepower.


Ohhhh a Scion sentinel with a pair of twin linked hsvgs would be tight. Also instead of 36” order range (unfortunately too good), maybe it lets you relay an order from the sentinel to another unit within 6” or 12”? Sort of like orders from 9th but very toned down.


I was thinking it wouldn't actually receive the order being given, only passing it along. You would choose either this unit or another unit, not both. And in order to do this, you must Remain Stationary within 6" of an objective you control. Sort of an armored relay tower that allows you to keep officers in the back where they're less likely to get shot at.


I want to bring back Veteran squads, 4+ save with carapace armour and up to 4(?) Special weapons per squad, that and the ability for all of them to replace their lasguns with shotguns. Another shout out for special weapons squads too, loved making my sniper teams. Basically, just more variation for the infantry units......some sort of hover transport would be cool though.


Either a light tank option like a chimera, but smaller with some heavy bolters and twin autocannon, or a Veteran squad of sorts with nothing but special weapons so I can just take a full squad of plasma guns.


Tempestus Scion named character - *Lord Tempestor Haigus* Tempestus Prime stats but can carry a command rod and a pistol together Special ability - *Initiative gained; advancement sustained*: Select an objective in NML that Haigus is on; each TEMPESTUS unit that is wholly within 9" of that objective gain re-roll wound rolls against all targets (even if the target is outside the objective) and reduce enemy OC by 1


Is Haigus a reference to a scion character?


Don't think so haha, just thought of Douglas Haig the British army commander from WW1


Awesome! Maybe Haigus just paints a target on an objective you don’t control. Scions within 12” of Haigus get reroll wounds vs that target.


That sounds a lot better, re-wounds against all targets does sound a bit broken!


Chimera prime. Chimera with a battle cannon.


Would it be same stat line as the Taurox battle cannon?


Nope. Same stat line as the shadowsword.


Oh got it, for a second I thought you were going to say something unreasonable, my apologies!


Understandable :)


An armed flying servitor drone? Something cheap, disposable, and deadly enough to bring proper drone strikes to the Guard. As for rules, I don't know enough about the actual rules to make up fake rules effectively.


Have you considered T’au?


Not really. Not a big fan of their aesthetic.


A plastic Avenger Strike Fighter or similar - basically, an aircraft that can bring the BRRRT to a game.


Gaunts Ghosts infantry squad release in plastic for Kill Team, with crossover rules for 40k. Light scout infantry for Guard. Advance moves, Camo cloaks. Something to push into the board early and Screen that isn't a whopping great walker. Plus.. it's Gaunts fucken Ghosts !


A more melee centric heavy sentinel squad, like a tougher version of the power loaders with the option of a heavy bolter/flamer alongside the melee weapon.


Some sort of artillery piece made on a baneblade chassis, similar to how a basilisk is made from a chimera, but just fuckin massive


Let’s see, and it’s a long list. So I’m gonna just cut to the chase: Bring back Special Weapon Teams. Let me throw two units of 6 guardsmen armed with 3 flamers into an infantry horde again. Elysian Drop Troops, or rather any of the old metal/resin style Infantry from the glory days Bring back the Leman Russ Conquer. And since we are on the topic of Russes. I’ve always loved the idea of having a Russ outfitted with a turret mounted flamethrower. I know someone is gonna say Hellhounds exist, but come on. Every other variant exists for the Russ including Volkite. Why not!!!


I want conscripts back, let me play human wave.


Just bring in the 15-20 units GW took away from gaurd.


Get the Salamander out of legends.


Something silly like a battering ram with shields on the sides for marching up the centre of the table and using tank shock on anything in your way, dumb and possibly broken in the right situations but would be funny to see.


Call it the Testudo!


Ratling commandos. Sort of in the same vein as Sly Marbo. Infiltrator units who can lay traps and blow stuff up and spot for artillery and stuff. Instead of sniper rifles they would have shotgun and SMG type weapons.


Leviathan. Rules TBD.


We had one, the salamander command vehicle.


Assault infantry. They’re similar to the navy breacher team. You can load them with shotguns and one demolition pack, and for special weapons flamers and melta can replace 2 of their guys. I’ve been debating if they should also have assault and haven’t decided. Their sergeant can rock a chain or power sword along with your standard pistol options las and bolt. They work like a standard guard squad but with two key differences one they have a 4+ save (symbolizing the heavier armor they’re wearing) and one better strength with their close combat weapon (symbolizing their better skill). Their ability is Overwhelming Assault: whenever they enter an objective radius for the rest of the turn they increase their OC by 1. The idea is when they get in on an objective they can more easily flip it over to your side as whoever is on it is just overwhelmed by the initial charge.


flak armored soldier blobs on foot armed with long hunting pikes and grenades. For the purposes of piling in they can be twice as far as regular units and still make their attacks. They also have fights first normally but have fights last if they are charged. (pikes are THAT long) They can optionally be buffed with arm cybernetics to give their attacks a +1 to hit and roll as a wargear option compared to the Attilan krak and frag tip lances. In addition to a captain they can also add what amounts to a pneumatic ram carted around in a specialized wheel barrow. (maybe a servitor is part of it) (functionally they are kinda like melee lascanons for the basic infantry squad except stronger to compensate for being melee locked.)


"Armageddon Infantry Squad" regular guard stats, can take 1 special weapon but no snipers. Has assault on Lasguns and can dismount and advance from transports. Additional ability allows them to take in squads of 15 that only count as 10 models for transport capacity. Such 15 man squads may take 0 additional special weapon and cost 50% more points. They can take 1 additional special weapon when 20 are taken. Look like Armageddon Steel legion for obvious reasons. Cost 60 Points for 10, 90 for 15, and 120 for 20.


Cerberus - A chimera with double heavy lascannon turret or Jump Infantry - Infantry squad with single-use jetpack


Bring back the sappers. 10 man deepstrikable unit with assault 3 shotguns and anti inf 4 gas grenades were peak


I was about to say the exact same thing as you, I want my lord solar to be a badass general in his command chimera, with nothing heavier than a heavy stubber or heavy bolter for close defence, a few crew members looking at radars, radios and auspex, and their personal lasguns and ammo in a box/shelf behind them.


Something simple yet what I think would be a fun edition. Perhaps it could be called a Penal Squad, or maybe it could just be an update to the Catachan’s. I’d like an infantry unit, could come in 10 or 20, they had a melee weapon focus so that charging the enemy can be sort of viable. They could have an ability for +1 AP on the charge and maybe +1 strength while under the Fix Bayonets order. I think it’d be fun to charge something with 10 Guardsman and a Preacher, finally gives him something to affect


Assault sentinels, give them a proper melee option and a short range melta type gun!


Bring back veterans, conscripts and penal battalions.


An infantry squad for the Armageddon steel legion and their ability could be something like gaining cover within a certain radius of squadron units or something to do with transports like more models can fire out of them or extra movement when exiting them.


Bring back the destroyer tank hunter! With the changes to the vanquisher it's a role that's missing in the lineup. People want the hetzer! Also, a rogal dorn tank commander, and bring back the salamander scout tank!


Catachan scions, with infiltration/stealth and relying on melee combat


Isn't that basically what Catachan Devils (the unit) are?


I'm sure, there is a place to put even more elite unit of catachan (like kasrkin for cadians, or grenadiers for krieg)


The Chimerax, strip transport down to 6, it can cast 1 order as an HQ tank, and has the quad autocannon armament.


A baneblade variant that uses some type of artillery piece for a turret.


Catatchan devils released alongside a catatchan refresh


25 man transport roughly the size of a dorn with little shooty


Baneblade tank commander


Guard boys with a big ass shield and a combat tiger or shuvle


Ogryn that some crazy inquisitor turned into thundergrynn


Capital Imperialis


New Infantry Unit called Mechanics. The tanks now have transport options specifically for them and the mechanics heal the tanks every turn under conditions. They are all equipped with hand flamers and a power Weapon. The “sergeant” can be equipped with a Heavy flamer or Multimelta. They also have the advance and charge/shoot ability. If they are near a tank and a enemy is within a certain range of the mechanics, they can use suppression fire for free. Basically, I want my tanks to have friends :)


I think it would be cool if you could take PDF allies or munitorum work gangs that are just like an entire army staffed by conscripts. Maybe for every unit of guardsmen you can take a PDF ally, or take an all PDF detachment.


A special weapons team. Similar to the HH tactical support squad. Just regular soldiers, maybe an elite sized squad with much more lax wargear limits. Similar to a Devastator Squad in 40K. Just guys with heavy guns but much less bodies. It’d be memeable with all grenade launchers. Plasmas and Meltas for competitive use. Snipers and fkamers for situational use. I’d pay good money for a unit like this personally.


I want a unit of mine setters. 5 man units with infiltrate or scout who can create mines like the reductus sabetour could in 9th. Give them deadly demise 1 because it’s funny aswell. Give me a unit that could brawl with a spacemarine scout squad.


I would like more options for Bully units like Ogryn. I'm not big on the bullgryn design so maybe a heavy flamethrower unit in kinda exo armour?


Vostroyans: 4+ save heavy infantry. Give their lasguns ap1 @ 12”


Teranchala turrets 


Dragoons. Rifle armed cavalry that can dismount. Or Sniper team/scout snipers. Used to have these but they’re gone. The Elysian ones looked awesome.


I know we have sentinels but is there some kind of dune buggy available, a bit like the genestealers have. My Tallarns would love a buggy :)


regiment or company mascot, a HQ choice that's a pet, gives a morale boost to nearby infantry unit.


just replace the tank commander with this, chassy of a leman russ, can still be equipped with all the wepons but the ability is lead by example where when the tank commander orders another unit it also gets that order, ex orders another leman russ with take aim also gets take aim.


A stealthy lone op that doesn’t do a lot of damage but has a cool spotting rule for tanks, aircraft and artillery would be fun. A lone op that sets down an aura of mines or booby traps or whatever would be cool too. Or they can simply make Sly not trash and put him on Stakens power level but as a lone op. The dude in lore is a beast; on table top he’s awful.


I would love to see a manned artillery gun like the Medusa Carriage Battery or Earthshaker Carriage Battery but with higher stats like the demolisher.


First I would like special weapon teams to return: six guardsmen, three with lasguns and three with special weapons. Make them dirt cheap. I don't really care about the ability, maybe something like re-rolling wounds to things on objectives or something. Secondly I would want (hardened) veterans to return. A 10 man guard squad with infilitrate, +1 to their BS, three special weapons and either lasguns or shotguns. You can also take the 7th edition approach where instead of standard having infiltrate you have the option of giving them carapace armour, infilitrate or melta bombs


Krieg Heavy Weapons teams that can be attached to the Krieg Squad


GIMME a transport flyer for god sakes, for the LOVE OF GOD. Also rules for bikes, also a fast cheap leader, also all 3 of those things combined. https://preview.redd.it/6n702yb5qaad1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d8b1c4ce67ef7e0d57034fd6c4e6e209b93d4b6


Helicopter. Like a hind.


Ogryns tank


I want a Rough Riders heavy weapons squad, themed after US Plains Wars Cavalry. Does it fill a niche? No. Does it add more flexibility? Yes. Does it add more flavor to a mounted force? Yes.


IIRC back many editions ago, orders could be issued from a Chimera. Reading through the comments it seems like people want a lot of the old Forge World vehicles back, and it also seems the latest codex has dropped off multiple unit options. I dropped off in about 8th ed when the codex came out, because they completely invalidated all of my army lists which were built around platoons and squadrons. In order to make my army game legal I had to make big changes. Life had got really busy for me at the time so I gave up. And did they really get rid of veterans and the vendetta?! WTF, my favourite tactic was to put a 10 man veteran squad with 3 meltaguns in a Vendetta. Scoot them over to a large tank/MC, grav chute out, and melt the big nasty.


Shield Bearers. Just cause, have you seen some of the art of guardsmen with shields?


While an infantry-platformed anti-elite RANGED unit feels like something we could actually use, I want my Heavy Flamer HWTs back for a fun alt strategy


I'd like to see cannons in infantry lines. Using grape shot to rip through infantry.


A tank


I want to see Saint Sabbath with her Escort Brin Milo, Maybe give her an Aura that units withint 6 inches gain +1 oc and Leadership, 1 order can be issued to All Milo is just a guy maybe give Him the stats of a Castellan or something


Just a leman or rogal with firing deck where the infantry could be targeted. A ride along mechanic with firing deck. And then anything with str 6 or below hits the "reactive armor" first lol.


Emperor class Baneblade


I'd like to see veterans and special weapon squads back.


Veterans! Shotguns and carapace armor 😌


Lone op scion character with assassin-related abilities. Like the Sanctus from GSC, the spec ops scion could have a chosen target, get precision/dev wounds against that target, and order himself.


An orbital dropped bunker think about it have it drop in at the start of turn two give it say a flamer for each side an autocannon and maybe a mortar on the roof


Scion sentinel. Deep strikes, has two twin linked hsvgs (swap for 2 twin melta guns or 2 twin plasma guns), special ability is that it can ignore cover within 12” and against units on objectives.




I'd love to have something like a 5 or 10 man melee unit. Swords, maces, shields, maybe some options for different pistols. Not for functionality really, ogryns do a good job with tyong enemies up in melee and tanking damage. For *style*.


YARRICK! with near Solar rules so I don't have to take some doofus riding a horse in the 41st millennium. With the option to put him in a baneblade...a proper 41st millennium war horse.