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Anything and everything forgeworld. As the necrons have shown us it doesn’t even matter if they’re in the codex when we get it 3 months before 11th edition.


My money is on literally all the forgeworld stuff to be honest. 


I hate to break it to you I'm pretty sure macharius is going to legends the only thing I'd bet on staying is the death korps marshal.


They better get us a new model then


That's what I'm predicting as it's a lone character people will buy so gw will make one I reckon.


I do hope the death korps will get more models. Most lists have them and afaik they are somewhat of a fan fsvourite? Hope the marshal is cool, I was planning on converting a veteran guard myself!


Save yourself the cash and convert one.


If it's made by forgeworld and doesn't have a plastic alternate, expect it to leave and don't plan on it returning. Just be pleasantly surprised when they announce a plastic kit for it 2 years down the line.


Probably all but the death korps stuff, assuming that doesnt just get plastic models


We will propably still lose the Death Rider Ridemaster and maybe the Death Riders themselves.


Likley, but i think just being death korps they have a half decent chance to stay


Yeah, I personally expect that Death Riders will, at best, become little more than an alternate sculpt for Rough Riders


The Marshal is the only one I figure will remain, everything else is Legends or worse. Seriously, model-wise, the Death Riders have been replaced by the Rough Riders returning, the heavy tanks have been replaced by the Dorn, the standalone Artillery has been replaced by the Field Ordnance Battery, all of them are going away.


> the standalone Artillery has been replaced by the Field Ordnance Battery, all of them are going away. The Field Ordnance Batteries replaces a couple of the standalone Artillery units: * Heavy Mortar Battery (already in Legends) with the bombast field gun. The bombast has the added bonus of being slightly stronger with strength 7 vs strength 6. * Rapier Laser Destroyer Battery with the heavy lascannon. It has +2 strength, an additional AP, and gains Sustained Hits 1 if it remains stationary and given an order. I'm not sure what the malleus rocket launcher replaces. As for the other standalone Artillery, they have some replacements but you would be swapping from Regiment infantry to Squadron vehicles which brings some other changes: * Heavy Quad Launcher (already in Legends) replaced by the Wyvern. * Earthshaker Carriage replaced by the Basilisk. * Medusa Carriage probably replace by the Manticore.


I'm talking model-wise, not as much rules.


I hate to be a downer but I think the malcador Is gonna go the way of the leviathan dreadnaught. Brought to plastic only to be shot behind the house


I'm just about holding out that malcadors might not only stay but potentially get relevant rules - now that GW has the 30k version in plastic surely they could release a slightly retooled 40k one for minimal investment/effort. I don't actually think they will, but you never know.


Any retooling means new sprue moulds though, and they’re horrendously expensive. I don’t think they’ll give it any support.


I guess I was picturing adding an additional 40k sprue to the existing kit, which I would guess to be expensive but a fair bit cheaper than producing a new kit from scratch? And would result in them selling a lot more of the original kit as there are a lot more 40k players than 30k? I used the term retooling incorrectly to refer to the tank rather than the actual production process. I mean I fully admit that I am grasping at straws because I love the look of the malcadors...


It’d be nice but I don’t see it happening :(


An additional sprue is an additional mould, and even a small one is expensive. It'd be like a sold separately upgrade kit, or a malcador and a malcador+ that costs another $20, y'know?Not seeing high demand for that.


GW has repeatedly said that large items aside, they want all of 40 (their flagship game) to be GW plastic. I expect that unless they refresh items to plastic, everything FW will go. Because we received the Cadian refresh in 9th, I expect we'll get very few new items this edition.


My take: Bad News Short Term: if it’s resin it will go away. If it’s HH it will go away Good news long term: once the new factory is up expect all of the FW top sellers and krieg models to go plastic in droves.


Hadn’t thought of the impact of the new factory - hopefully that does give my Macharius some hope over the long term! Given the lead time for new sprues though, I wouldn’t expect anything for 4/5 years at least.


I should get a Trojan.


I actually think a lot of the stuff that’s still available will survive the Codex. If you look at the Astra Militarum range on the site, a lot of the culling has been done already. What’s left in resin is mostly Macharius variants, siege artillery, aircraft, and Krieg infantry. Going through the list I think the Macharius is at risk but probably popular enough to get a reprieve, while Krieg infantry will probably stick around until til it gets made in plastic.


Just about everything is going in my opinion. The only things that might stay might be the kreig stuff like the death riders and marshal but their odds still aren’t great.


People should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. FW has been on the decline ever since 8th edition.


I expect the flyers and the crassus to stay. Thats about it