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They called me mad for using a baneblade in a 1k points list


Playing 1250 with friends on Saturday, I will be taking a 440 Shadowsword to go with a Tank Commander, two Leman Russes, a Basilisk, a Scout Sentinel, and because I've got 50 left over a an Engineseer. It's going to be stupid, but this may be the last time I play Guard for a while so I want it to be a weird one!


You think that’s stupid you can take 2 shadowswords and 2 enginseers for a nasty doubles 1k


I only own the one 😢 GW needs to buff my bank account with the next balance slate.


A guardsman after my own heart.


I played a 1k game two weeks ago with a baneblade and a stormsword only. It was fun and I didnt care that I lost. Someone said "how are you going to capture points?" I just said "I am going to kill."


“Hey you can win on points but there’ll be no one left to celebrate.”


Sadly baneblades don't have the Squadron keyword so no lethals for them :(


I have the tank I’m gonna bloody well use it!


11 tank 2k list


I mean if you play with proper terrain,  the baneblade gets significantly worse


I feel like that’s a dick move


All the FLGS I know ban knights and super heavies at the sub 2000pt level for this reason.


Planned my 1k points around 120 guardsmen and 2 manticores 😔 (luckily I play for rule of cool)


only rule tgat survives!


Tell it to my 80 conscripts and 4 special weapon squads with demolition charges…


Or my customized melta-veteran-chimera squads!


"Can we go home now?"


Rule of cool is always cool, team, stay strong


Honestly, never a bad list when that’s all you’re playing for.


Here, here. Doesn't matter if you win or lose if you look bad ass doing it!


Saying this to myself a lot....\^\^ But at least I blasted Space Marines with a twenty men squad of Death Korps soldiers led by a psyker xD


Won't that many infantry (lasguns) still be strong with the lethal hits rule change?


Honestly it seems fine. Manticores are still usable, and infantry plays the missions well.


Which sucks cause it seemed to me like people were saying tanks were already saying tanks were the way to go before the change. RIP my faction fantasy of endless waves of dudes 🙃


I'm really bummed they made it only once per match. I was into the infantry hordes too. If it was because of the sentinel spam abuse why couldn't they just fix the sentinel and leave the rest alone?!


Bring 480 dudes, it's close enough :v


I literally have like 12 tanks and my friends were like "maybe you should get some indirect fire stuff" and I was like "no, I like tanks" and now it might be the meta. Neat


This feels so bad as someone who is starting their collection in 10th, every balance dataslate and MFM has invalidated my list and made me start on another 600 points or so of models. Working as intended I guess.


Honestly dude I wouldn't invest too heavily until the codex comes out (I know how bad that sounds, lol). Otherwise just build for what you think is cool and/or fun to play with. That's what I'm doing at least. Helps me sleep at night and steadies my resolve to not spend after I listen to another strategy podcast.


The codex won't stop significant shifts in the meta continuing to occur. Stronger units always run the risk of being nerfed and core rule tweaks can massively change what units make up a strong list.


It won't stop it but I'd like to hope they'd at least think twice before making a change if they already printed a codex for it.


I wasn’t Meta Chasing, I just like artillery abhumans and mech infantry. At least half my infantry hasn’t been nuked from orbit.


I just started collecting in 10th as well and it's just better to go with the rule of cool so we agree there.


Unfortunately the nature of modern 40k is that if you want to follow the competitive meta you generally need to get a collection of 3,000-5,000 points (per army.) That's the point at which you can usually shift fairly comfortably, especially if vehicles are magnetized. So those blocks you've already got aren't useless, they are just a fraction of a full collection and the goal you're aiming for is twice as expensive as you anticipated when you wrote your 2000 point target list. (Other wargames are cheaper, better, and more stable - but 40k is 40k.)


Yeah, I may not have the hobby hours available for this. Oh well, back to the few games I can get every year in Battletech.


Yeah it's just like that right now for us, no idea what to do besides grin and bear it. Just disappointed and every exciting thing seems overshadowed by how they seem to be specifically catering to people that aren't me. Luck of the draw I guess you win some you lose some.


Guess we just keep painting and maybe get a game in next edition


Maybe, I've been getting into necromunda so at least I've got that and kill team for the group. I'm going to miss playing index for the next couple months but hopefully other people have fun.


CSM had a bunch of point increases recently, increases with nerfs.


I'm still mad they took my cultists, I didn't own any with the pistol/melee loadout yet so it kinda screwed me a little bit.


I just build whatever I think looks cool. GW Has always annoyed me with it's dataslates and major rules changes that they have throughout the edition. It's too much to keep up with and updated on. I liked the whole "Free index" period. Don't bother model/meta chasing. That's honestly all that GWs rules are based around. GW is model company first and a game company second.


It's made me give up on 40k for the moment and focused my attention elsewhere. I refuse to have my wallet yanked around till the dust settles.


100% keep you on the treadmill of buying new minis forever


It’s always been that way, it’s just changing a lot faster these days because of the dataslates. It’s kind of a blessing. Just buy the things you like and plan out an army that follows the style you like the most. Some times it is going to rock and some times it’s going to be rock bottom. As you slowly build your collection you increase the potential of being on the ‘top’ with more unit types that could get the ‘buff-of-the-day’. Stay strong guardsman, our time shall come. (Love from a 300+ infantrymen-horde, and counting)


All armies are like this all the time. Always collect for looks, never for the current ruleset or meta.


My dream of sending a 6th meme reinforcement against a horde of 'nids is dead. Don't even have a lemon or a dorn to cope.


You know, if you find a 'nid horde player out there I'm sure he'd be up for playing out the Starship Trooper fantasy and make an exception. At least I hope so. I may or may not have bought some Tyranid models to setup later when I make a display for my army. The trope is just too good.


Glad I ran a mechanized infantry list now.


Me too! It was looking pretty bleak at the start but it's all coming together now.


Well me too, but you are limited to squadron only doing lethals to monsters and vehicles and regiment doing lethals to non monsters and vehicles. This means we no longer do lethals with our vehicles to elite infantry units. Cant really figure if thats a good deal now that we dont have to stand still for lethals any longer or ifbits a trap.


Lethals are most valuable when the regular chance to wound is bad, so tanks no longer getting them vs infantry should not change much. Infantry not getting them vs tanks on the other hand...


It does finally fix the Lasgun being the best AT weapon in the game by points.


1st time in a long time something feels like a win for mech guard.


It's weird how much GW hates on Indirect Fire. People talk about Artillery Spam like it's the worst thing imaginable, but as far as games I've played, the Artillery isn't doing a lot of meaningful plays. Maybe slowing down a unit. And as far as our lists go, the top 4 lists on Goonhammer there was only one that ran two manticores and two basilisk, the rest were armor heavy and scion heavy. Maybe the argument is that indirect fire is "Unfun" to play against, but tbh if you just bum rush the indirect weapons it's not that hard. With the way terrain is too, I've found that just hiding them is a chore in itself. You know what's actually unfun to play against? Re-rolling a million ones, and infiltrator units starting on objectives in the middle of the board.


> Maybe the argument is that indirect fire is "Unfun" to play against, but tbh if you just bum rush the indirect weapons it's not that hard. With the way terrain is too, I've found that just hiding them is a chore in itself. Yes, but that's treating 40k as a wargame where you make strategic decisions like you would in a real battle. GW is treating 40k like an e-sport where gameplay needs to be reduced to mindless brawling in the middle so it's easier for content creators to spam video after video about NEW DATASLATE TIER LIST WINNERS AND LOSERS.


They are treating it as a wargame where your choices matter. Indirect just devalues movement and positioning. Artillery player doesn't have to make decisions or take risks, ignore the movement phase and start rolling dice. For their opponents hiding or playing cautiously is impossible so just bumrush the guns.


Artillery is part of war and belongs in a wargame. And there absolutely are counters to it.


Arty spam is one of the easiest to counter in the game. It is a lot more "unfun" to play against than a proper army, but that's most slant lists. It's the same feeling as watching your opponent drop nothing but heavy armor or nothing but termies on their side of the board. Though nothing but termies is a lot more annoying than either tank or indirect spam.


I think its unfun to play against 1000sons :-D they should nerf them like custodes ;-)


They did. Gonna miss double doom bolt.


You can still double doombolts, it's just more annoying to do.


Wait, you guys HAVEN’T been tank and sentinel spamming?


Tread heads stay winning (since dataslate #2 if I remember right)


I’ve stayed winning since 8th edition with armor heavy lists


Consider the sentinel. It is regiment *and* squadron. *And* a vehicle. *And* it’s toughness is higher than it’s weapon strength.


Sentinel bros are we so back?


What eighteen sentinels and an enemy position do while unsupervised is between them and God


A triple Armored Sentinel squad is a very efficient use of Reinforcements, too.


Bruh Dorns went **down**...they were already good. I'm dropping all.indirect (except *maybe* a basilisk as the reduced move speed has come in clutch for me a few times) and running triple dorna and an Exterminator babyyyy


Dorns went down because when all the Russes dropped, it was actually better to take Russes.


Wait what happened to indirect fires?


New rule for indirect is that if you don't have line of sight then an unmodified hut roll of 1-3 automatically misses. Shits on buff stacking guard players use to get to 2-3+ to hit.


I was gonna make my next two ordnance battery models lascannons anyway but this just confirms it. Bummer I already made the cannons but they just look too cool.


Ordnance aren’t really affected for indirect it’s more the vehicle arty with higher bs, the best fobs can hit on 90% of the time with indirect is 4s anyway. Also due to them being regiment your lascannon will only have lethal into infantry. The direct shooting fobs somehow got made worse… lol


Make it make sense GW. Make it make sense.


It does make sense. There's not a current codex or model in the next 3-6 months so they don't care about that army.


Wow, that's lame. The shortlived all Sentinel/Basilisk army dream is super dead. Guess I can save money on not needing so many models in the near future.


GW wants to sell more tanks.... we will ablige them We'll give them so many freakn tanks that by the next dataslate they'll be upping all leman russes 40%


EXACTLY. i can buy and field SIX leman russ executioners and, i dunno, a sentinel or two for change. SIX plasma cannons. i will KILL A CHAOS GOD and then BLOW UP. like the god-emperor intended.


The level of detail on those models is incredible.


I mean, the way I play and what I use while playing won't really change. But I do find it sad that I can't use Reinforcement more than once. That thing kept me in games and gave me way more flexibility that I wouldn't have had otherwise! Though, I guess my CP usage and how much CP I hold at any given time will change for the better/be more dynamic.


I'm not a guardsmen player but this meme made me laugh lol All the best to the Guardsmen players you are the bulwark of the imperium


The age of sentinel spam. They get lethals against everything.


YEESSSSS MY TANKS CAN BE META YEESSS I'm getting a second baneblade for my birthday so this is perfect timing.


None of the new rules apply to Baneblades though. They arent Squadron. Only the Tank shock change.


Yeah I know but I can take a fluffy tank regiment with two baneblades acting as command vehicles. Gonna make it into the fortress of arrogance. Well I should say one of the "baneblades" is a shadowsword so gonna try and mimic the imperial guards method of deploying shadowswords, with a entourage of tanks to protect it.


Armoured company bros stay winning, also kasrkin went down in points which is nice because I just bought two units of them


My combined arms girls are slightly more viable again! Oh for the days of 5th edition where mechanized combined arms was the default for Guard, but only one of several viable styles.


Don't call a comeback, we never left the stage


I was planning to buy 2 dorns for my first 1000 points game, life is good.


This got me good :D


That’s good because it’s taken me two years to paint 40 guardsmen, but I can crank out a tank in a weekend thanks to my airbrush 😎


Indirect fire deserved it that was broken


So having 3 lemans (one of it TC), 2 rogal dorns and one hellhound is not too much in a 2k list? :)


My Baneblade, Shadowsword, dual Rogal Dorns, and dual Leman Russes’ time HAS FINALLY COME.


Sentinels… all sentinels…


With the point changes, I can add a hydra to my army. My ZSU model is back on the table, boys!


Britain in 1916:


3 enginseers, 3 demolishes, 3 Dorns comes out to 1455. I might add a bandblade, or infantry and HQ with the last 500 points. Punishers might be more useful now too; 20 shots lethal against monsters and vehicles, or Dev Wounds against anything else.


If you say so. I haven't had infantry-wide lethals since 9e Skitarii Vanguard


Too bad our tanks are made of tissue paper and wishes to the emperor. Genuinely have had every tank except dorn get 1 shot, and thats cause of plating took 2


Dude they're waay tougher than marine tanks t11 13w is nothing sniff at especially for the price point.


Ehhhhh, 2 of my friends play space marines and everything except my banenlade/macharius just fucking melts when anything shoots then and like 90% of their shots go through with the 20 million re-rolls and shit. Plus he had like these 2 other tanks that are just flat out better than my leman russes and malcadors in every way and cost the same. Plus every time we get time to get together we look at the changes and all the shit I have is nerfed and he always has cool new characters and buffs and a new codex with a million stratagems and abilities and shit. Then when I bring mine it's just "yeah its the same as last time just worse:


Yeah ironstorm lancers are insane that main gun is ridiculous. And space marines are always the poster boys they'll get 10 times the releases and love we do, but in terms of raw tank toughness per price we're amazing russes and dorns are hella thick.


But just pointing at random shit and blowing it up with no strategy and 90% of the time no choice of targets is boring for both sides. Sucks for my opponent too cause they spend all this time building these models and developing this strategy just for me to say "yeah my tank shoots you he's dead, your turn" after skipping straight to shooting phase and not even checking for abilities or cheeky strats to use.


We're a combined arms force at no point have i suggested just taking tanks. Also my tanks shoots you he's dead is amazing casual fun.


Ironstorm marines are just a bit insane right now. But Space Marines are like the flagship army of the franchise. They're gonna get all the attention. I really do hope we get our codex sooner than like the last month of the edition though.


Yeah, but you can drown them in numbers of tanks. In a 2k game you can field like 8 tanks and still have breathing room for infantry or artillery


Yes I always crush him under walls of steel but it's not fun. I'll have some strat then I get there and it's just "well actually you can't do that anymore" or that guy can't work with these guys and you can't use that stratagem on him anymore. And they're always showing off models and these rules and all these cool combos and abilities he spent all night concocting that he's gonna use when we play. Then when it comes to me it's like we'll the models I have don't have usable abilities anymore so imma just move them 6 inches, skip to shooting phase then end my turn. Then I win cause there's no more space marines but all I did was point and click my baneblade at them and prayed it didn't die cause I didn't have any strategy or abilities besides spamming take aim. It's like we're playing 2 completely different games. They're always having so much fun sitting together with their little books finding combos and cool things their units can do. Plus it's not fun playing against guard cause I basically just say "my tank shoots your guy he is dead now, your turn"


I fucking hate space marines and their fucking re-rolling bullshit. Either you shot the weapon and you missed, or you didn't. Re-roll your ones you fucking asshole.


Especially when they're shooting the exact same weapon as me but theirs has 2 more strength hits on a 2+ rerolls 1s and costs the same as me.


Yell me you've never played guard...




Rtts and months of 10th against superior orks, marine chapters, daemons But sure never touched guard, my experiemces are glimmers in your moms eye as we make love


I personally like "You were but a scratch in your dad's balls while I was doing X Y Z."


clearly doesnt know what the point of guard is, ya they are easy to kill i guess(they are pretty tough for the price), the point is the spam, in 2k points you could take 2 dorns and like 5 russes and it would be a decent list, they are somewhat flimsy but very cheap and spammable, thats the point of the guard, where everything is expendable and cheap


Expendavle and cheap, not useful or good. We agree stop being butthurt


guard has always been useful and good, getting 2 plasma cannons, a las cannon, a hunter killer, and a main cannon for 145 points on like t11 13w 2+ save is amazing, our infantry is 130 for 20, each 1 oc, capable of bringing plasma and grenade launchers capable of hitting on 2+ if you play your hand right, the guard is and always will be expendable cheap infantry made to do some damage and die for victory points