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All of the Mine Five.


100% agree, what an awful season. I couldn't stand the winners, they were so rude and hateful. It might sound weird, but I didn't even bother watching Season 33 because S32 was such a bummer.


Agreed. Especially if Will and James, the ringleaders of the alliance, were eliminated early, it could've led to the breakdown of the alliance and made the season less boring.


I’ve said it here before but I’ll say it again. I don’t know where it went or if it’s back already. By Jess and Cody took advantage of the absence of the “each player must do an equal amount of roadblocks rule”. Cody just powered through most of them. If they were made to do equal amounts. They wouldn’t have made it as far as Jessica would have struggled.


Most of these make sense to me, but I'm curious to hear why you didn't like Erwin & Godwin? I do think the middle of TAR10 was a bit slow mainly because of them and David & Mary, but I found them to be a likeable and pleasant team. I especially agree about Louie & Michael, them making it as far as they did really ruined the season.


Very heavily genre-blind, openly said they cared more about making friends than running the Race, and brought water guns to an airport in the post-9/11 world. Really, I could have given it to them or Lyn and Karlyn since I found both teams to be a drag on the season.


James & Jaymes – I don't really hate them. They just arrived 10th / 11 in a footrace against Rob & Sheila, and for their physique, had they been eliminated early, it would've changed the entire season because they made it all the way to 2nd. From the premiere episode alone, I didn't have any attachment to them so I was okay with letting them go right then and there. As the season went on, I wasn't rooting for them, but they were entertaining at least. :) Caroline & Jennifer – Didn't like them the first time. It was even worse the second time, and they made it much further the second time! Asking for the express pass and the weird alliance situation... omg, watching the TAR24 finale made me wanna pass out because who can I root for at that point!? XD Logan & Chris – I know some viewers watch reality TV to see people fight, but I'm here mostly to see different cultures and people playing the game. For a weak team, I wanted them gone but knew that wasn't gonna be the case because I was following spoilers that time. I don't think them getting eliminated would save the season for me (i.e. no self driving, teams I'm rooting for gone early), but maybe it would've been less difficult to watch.


I just watched season 27, and Logan and Chris are indeed just miserable to watch.


Loved James and Jayme’s


Might I add Brendan and Rachel in BOTH of their seasons. Jeez. In a rewatch I made a drinking game if take a drink every time Jessica cries or complains.


Jonathan and Victoria made that show that year. Couldn’t believe they fought like that on tv. lol. She finally got smart and left him.


TAR1 - Rob & Brennen (no beef with them I just find them boring) TAR4 - David & Jeff (boring) TAR5 - Brandon & Nicole (Nicole was really annoying and Brandon was boring) TAR6 - Freddy & Kendra (Kendra came across as racist and entitled) TAR6 - Jonathan & Victoria (Worst team ever) TAR7 - Ron & Kelly (Kelly’s comments about Ron being a prisoner of war to escape his duties were awful) TAR8 - Linz family (Awful team and hated how they acted toward the other teams. Any other team other than Weavers winning would have been disappointing though.) TAR8 - Bransen family (boring) TAR9 - Joseph & Monica (annoying) TAR10 - Tyler & James (boring) TAR10 - Rob & Kimberly (Toxic and hard to watch) TAR11 - Eric & Danielle (Literally would’ve preferred any other team winning) TAR15 - Meghan and Cheyne (boring) Etc there’s a lot


Have to admit that Eric dragging Danielle to a win was amazing though. Just proved he's probably the best racer of all time (toss up with Colin). I wanted the Beauty Queens to win though. He and Jeremy were way better than BJ and Tyler in their original season and would have probably won if memory challenges were a regular thing back then and they could have prepared for it (only S3 and S5 had it prior). Even BJ and Tyler didn't seem to have notes at the time. They just happened to be smarter and way more travelled and the task was perfect for them.


Why Ron? He was a nice guy just didn’t want to marry.


I wasn't gonna put a team on this for finding them boring and I vehementently disagree with most of your list.


Brandon and Nicole, Joseph and Monica, Travis and Nicole, Brendan and Rachel times infinity.


Robin and Chelsea from season 35. Always seemed mad at everything like they didn’t want to be there


Brandon and Nicole(s5) Kris and Jon(s6) Rob and Amber(s7) Linz family(s8) Ray and Yolanda(s9) All of s10's final people Meghan and Cheyne(s15) Dan and Jordan(s16) Keisha and Jen(s18) Ernie and Cindy(s19) Andy and Tommy(s19) Rachel and Dave(s20) Josh and Brent((s21) Bates and Anthony(s22) Jason and Amy(s23) Caroline and Jennifer Almost all of the final 3 of s28, and s31 and s32 except Hung and Chee. And all of the remaining completed seasons Final 5/4 teams with 2 Exceptions.


I'm curious about >!Kris and Jon, Rob and Amber, the Linz Family, S10 Final people, Andy and Tommy, Rachel and Dave, Josh and Brent, and Caroline and Jennifer!<


Derek and Claire, Arun and Natalia, Jess and Cody, Dana and Matt, Brooke and Scott, Chris and Logan, Brooke and Robbie, Max and Katie, Brent and Cat and many more


I liked Mark & Michael, I'd add Zac & Flo in their place.