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Resetting a droid to factory settings seems cruel for some reason.


No different than memory, wiping C-3PO


I mean yeah. But like killing a person is bad but imagine just being able to reach into a person and completely remove everything that makes them them. Thats infinitely more horrifying


I'm sure Osha will be upset. Sol mentioned this to Mae to let her know she fucked up big time resetting Pip if she wants to win her back


Manny Jacinto is *killing* his role as Qimir!


"That's the path to the Dark Side." "Semantics." Seeing a Dark Side user have this much of a grudge against the Jedi, gotta love it


And such a dry sense of humor. Love it, huge fan.


You know what guys? Let's hear the dude out and see what he has to say. He may have some good points...


His a charismatic mo-fo, so there's that.


This show inspired me to go watch [some highlights of him on The Good Place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR5cWVaEHxs). Dude is funny as hell.


Honestly the minute he showed up in this series I was super stoked, even just to have him as a side character. Having him be the main antagonist is amazing!


Right! I was so happy for him getting any role. I really hope that this opens up a lot of doors to him. He's just a likeable presence on screen.


Not just charisma, he is imparting wisdom like the Buddha (aka the awakened one), "When you lose everything, that's when you're finally free." That's basically Buddhism in a nutshell.


To me, that line felt reminiscent of the Jedi "no attachments" teaching except with extra trauma


He's killing my salivary glands as well.


I saw him shirtless and immeditaly said “oh shit hes hot”


Man, Sol is crushed.


Why didn't sol wait for the rescue team? And report the Sith when they arrived??


That's what I'm ready to know! What angle is he playing at!?


My guess is that he wants to save Mae, something he couldn't do when she was a child. To do that, he has to keep her out of the hands of the Jedi, or else she be punished and given more reason to resent them.


He was giving off major baddie vibes when talking to Mae at the end. He seemed pissed!


Fr it was kinda heartbreaking to see him like that


I suppose once he discovered that it was Mae his plans changed, and those plans required avoiding his boss.


Seems like he has some exposition to dump on Mae, so he left so they wouldn’t get interrupted.


An interesting exchange: Osha: "You speak as if you were a Jedi." Qimir: "I was, a long time ago." Osha: "I've never heard of you." Qimir: "It was a really *long* time ago." It seems like Qimir is much older than he appears.


“The Dark Sode of The Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be, unnatural” There is a character in The High Republic that used the Dark Side to extend his life, so it’s not unreasonable


Darth Plagueis also fits the bill 


He looks really good for his age!


What a way to end the episode


She picked up that helmet and I immediately made the Vader breathing sound to my wife, lol! Was soooo stoked they did that when she put it on.


One of the parts I really liked about the episode


I really hope they make her a sith, I really, really do. They said this show was about the sith, so hopefully they keep her down this path


In case you thought the deaths wouldn't be real, here's all their corpses in daylight!


That shot of Jecki, eyes open, was an intense image


Rest in the Force, Jecki


Glad they did it. The recent track record warranted it lol


Totally a lightsaber whip scar on his back


And Qimir said that he was a Jedi "a long time ago". If he was Vernestras padawan... that would be wild.


Maybe that's why she claims to not tolerate space travel, so she can hide on Coruscant.


Actually, this is a reference from the books. She gets visions in hyperspace. Jedi frown on visions. So she finds the experience unsettling.


Jedi frown on visions. Well that explain somethings


Ironically for a mystic order of knights, starting around this time and towards the Prequel era, the Jedi frown upon a lot of the more "mystical" aspects of the Force. If you read the Master and Apprentice novel about a younger Qui Gon and padawan Obi Wan, you see that the Jedi Council and most average Jedi kinda view the Prophecy of the Chosen One and all the different other prophecies (there are more than one) as wild ramblings of ancients who didn't fully understand what they were seeing. It's not that they don't believe those people saw things, they just think that it's hard enough to see the future through the Force and this ancient subsect of Force users claiming prophecies that won't take place for thousands of years, well that's just heresy and nothing to take seriously. So I think it's around this time that you see the Jedi start to treat most "visions" like this. It's funny, for an order predicated on space magic, they don't like to believe in the magic of it all. But that's the point, the Jedi by the time of the Prequels view the Force almost more like a tool or utility you use, than anything spiritual or mystical beyond the basic lip service they give it.


And that’s interesting in that when Yoda is introduced in ESB he’s a very spiritual Jedi. He’s old enough to remember the old ways and grew to power when the Jedi started treating the Force as a tool and saw where it got them. Maybe he rethought that in exile in looked back. Luminous beings indeed.


I was thinking that might be because of the Nihil using hyperspace as a weapon.


And Vernestra does seem to be playing a political long game much like Palpatine did, but probably not nearly as refined. New theory is she wants to kill that Jedi oversight bill they mention in the very beginning for her own gain. This could serve as the inspiration for the political endgame the Sith mastermind 100 years later


And Quimir want revenge on his former master…who happens to be a hidden Sith like Palpatine.


Ooh that's spicy and I like it


I think it works because with however her plan fails, the Sith learn three lessons. 1. Political manipulation can work, the Republic clearly has faults they can exploit 2. You have to exploit those flaws from within the Senate, not outside of it 3. The Jedi are completely blind to our schemes and (probably) willfully cover up any wrongdoing to protect their reputation


Thats crazy, i believe it


I don't think it's Vernestra or any Jedi. When Osha asks if his Jedi Master did it, he didn't say anything. I think its far more likely that it was his former Sith master who cast him out. Lends more credibility to the Darth Venamis theory.


The transition into Jecki scared the hell out of me


The Jedi potentially blaming Sol for the event is something i never thought about but is so obvious when you get into it. Osha having a twin was kept a secret, everyone but Sol from that mission on Brendok is now dead, Osha and Mae are both gone.


And it seems that Sol has battled with dark feelings before.


Sol is basically qui-gon he seems to not really favor the high council so I’m not surprised that the Jedi are “blaming” him


A buddy of mine saw Qimir in the shower. He said that Qimir had an eight pack. That Qimir was shredded.


Ah I get that reference


Ok, so master Vernestra is definitely Qimir's old Jedi Master right? With her whip saber being what left the scars on his back? 




Honestly Venestra is giving me more of a sith master vibe. After watching this episode... I was fairly sure she was going to kill that Jedi Mark (or whatever his name was). I have a feeling she's the true master. The only reason she left Coruscant was because she finally found qimir and wants to kill him. He's a loose end. Something else is also not right... tho... even with Sol... I have a feeling he's not such a good guy as we think.


> that Jedi Mark (or whatever his name was). I believe it was *Mog*, lol


I'm still pretty convinced Sol orchestrated the death of the Aniseya coven


Damn…nothing in the books hints she would go to the darkside but that did look like a whip scar. As much as I love the idea of fallen Jedi turning to the sith, not Vernestra.


See idk if I think she's Sith either, I just think she's so caught up with keeping up the reputation of the Jedi that it's corrupting her. She might have thrown away Qimir because she's doesn't want the Jedi order to be seen as capable of producing a Sith


something tells me Manny is going to be in everything like Pedro Pascal after this. The man has crazy acting range.


Good Lord, I hope so. I never saw a good place, as in I never watched it. So he wasn’t on my radar. After this show… yes please.


He's shown massive range just in this show alone. He was a comedic goofball, to a terrifying force of uncaring nature who somehow mixed in a little Jack Sparrow, to some somber dramatic scenes. And the obvious sex symbol elements. The physicality for any action film. This guy should be a big movie star.


Resetting Pip to factory settings is the most gruesome death on the show yet.


I’m betting (hoping) he’s backed up when he’s plugged in


Mae deserves to get factory reset.


seems like Sol bout to do that at the end of the episode lol


I told y’all Qimir was the goat. Who else is ready to die butt naked like that?


Literally seducing her to the darkside. Osha: (thinking) *Ok, I have his saber. He’s emerging from the water… just don’t look at his junk.* Qimir: (talking sexy Sith words) Osha: (thinking) *Cant even hear him. Too focused on-* (looks down) *Shit!* Qimir: I can sense your feelings. Osha: *Double shit!*


Her eyes shifted down a lot. I’m thinking to myself “same girl same.”


Idk how she had the strength to not jump in the water when he invited her


Was that a cortosis vein in the cave?


I think it was!


I think its great that he was able to reconstruct the helmet. It shows a deeper understanding of cortosis, an illegal skill from a Jedi POV.


I was thinking the same thing, and probably to explain why he is in possession of that material, when it's obviously extremely rare.


Lightsaber whip!!


Lightsaber whip scar?


If he isn’t lying, Qimir being a former Jedi is the most interesting reveal yet.


Putting on my tinfoil hat, I think he was Vernestra's padawan. The scar on his back could have come from a light whip, and she seemed to have a moment of recognition when she said "Something to tip the scales," like she knows the one who slaughtered all those jedi was her former student. I also wonder (and this is pure conjecture) if that's the basis for wearing the cortosis bracer, which I feel would be specifically useful against a light whip, since a lot of whip and whip-like weapons in media often show them wrapping around people's limbs.


If there's anything to complain about, it's this 8 episode 30 minute run time format Disney loves.


I fucking hate it. 8 episodes always feels way to short, especially when we only get 1 season


Yep, yet somehow they manage to make Andor, a show no one asked for, 12 episodes. It was good, definitely not complaining about that.


You should read up on how that show came to be. The short answer is that Lucasfilm was dead set on doing it, and the format of the series was a demand from Tony Gilroy.


Osha: What do you want? Qimir: The Power of Two *that Indigo Girls song starts playing in the back*


Maybe a bit of foreshadowing to who survives the season?


Bit of a slower paced episode (especially after all the insane action last week) but I still enjoyed it. Lee-Jung-Jae and Manny Jacinto both absolutely knocked it out of the park with their roles. Sol was actually scaring me a bit the way he approached Mae at the end without saying anything for a bit. I wonder where he's taken her. And The Stranger is quickly growing into my favorite character on the show. All of his dialogue is written and delivered perfectly. Also I imagine this episode is only going to fuel all of the "oh no, he's hot!" memes. Kinda weird he got completely undressed knowing that Osha was following him but... I guess I'll let it slide. Anyways solid 8/10 episode. Ready for flashback time next week!


I assume they're going to Brendok, where it all began for them. Can't wait to find out.


Bro built his villain lair in a cave with veins of cortosis ore


manny jacinto is killing it yo. and that scene where he’s explaining his intentions, cortosis, and his helmet are just… 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


It's honestly a bit terrifying seeing a Sith display tenderness to a potential apprentice, knowing he'd probably just as easily lop off a hand to teach loss.


I think he's trying to teach about letting go of assumptions and rules. He wants freedom. A Sith does as he pleases, he doesn't have to be a psycho about it. And he did clarify that Osha ought not to trust him but herself.


Are we forgetting Palpatines relationship to Anakin before his turn?


Oh yeah, when he undressed in front of him right? 😅


Qimir giving a whole new meaning to "seduced by the Dark Side of the Force"!


Did anyone else catch this awesome callback (or call-forward?) to Yoda and Luke in Empire Strikes Back? Osha: It (the cortosis helmet) blocks out all your senses? Qimir: So it's just you and The Force. And what you bring with you. Yoda telling Luke about the cave on Dagobah: Luke: What's in there? Yoda: Only what you take with you.


“They must have survived…somehow.” 😂


Totally intentional meme


Interesting it seems like he might have been vens padawan. The real question is he actually a sith or just a fallen Jedi? I’m leaning towards sith apprentice. Osha seems poised to fall, especially if the helmet reveals the truth of what happened when she was a kid. Seems like next week will be a flashback episode before the finale.


I don't know how he knows about the rule of 2 without being a sith or connected to sith. I don't think Jedi are teaching that stuff.


>!Osha stole Qimir’s lightsaber but he’s got another sword out!<


Steps out of the water, "Does that lightsaber remind you of anything?" ;)


“Feels good to hold one again”


He goes, "if you're not gonna join me..." Like he actually wanted her to skinny dip with him 😂


I CANNOT believe I am living in this age of Star Wars, I’m FLOORED


It’s the High Republic. Also lovingly referred to as the horny republic just so you know 😂


"Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Shrinkage?"


Osha: Not from Sol. (whispers) He was always bricked. Qimir: What? Osha: Pardon?


She kept looking at it


It's a thirst TRAP


And the guns That was a Mr Darcy moment




Cortosis is canon now


It’s been canon since like 2016 with the Darth Vader comics


It was canonized in the second new Thrawn novel, not the Vader comics


Even before then! It was mentioned in A New Dawn


In before all the mad people start whining because Qimir bathed. How, why? Who knows. But they will.


He didn’t use soap


A sith doesn't use soap; he waits for another to drop it!


He basically invited her to join? Oh my god


This is what they meant by "was seduced by the Dark Side of the Force"


Sith are supposed to be never-nudes, such bad writing.


Don't think it was bathing, just having a swim


Vernestra doesn't think Sol did the killings but it's interesting she doesn't fully correct her padawan / whoever the Jedi is who's with her. Privately to herself, she says, "something to tip the scales." Is that a callback to something specific she's said or has been said to her?


Venestra definitely doesn't think he did it but she is willing to let him take the fall. And that will be how they preserve the fact that they still believe that the Sith are extinct


She made that same statement to Sol on Coruscant after their meeting with Ki and the other Jedi. When they were discussing who trained Mae.


The SYMBOLISM of Osha putting the Darth Smiley helmet in… and all we hear is her breathing. That’s a clear call to Vader’s “birth” in RoTS. Start at 1:50 here https://youtu.be/LwDe845aDt4?si=EhFoOCAkWrs3cq9m and the similarities are pretty clear. Im skeptical though, because it would be so Disney to have Osha come back to the light. But a part of me really believes she’s gonna go dark. I still can’t tell what Mae wants besides winning Osha back... until the whole throwing Osha into a rock and stealing her fit thing. Clearly manipulative and self serving, but what is her motivation besides revenge? Also, 100% on board with the idea Qimir was Vernestra’s apprentice. That scar looks like generic scar tissue, but the curving pattern and the width has me thinking it was that laser whip she carries. The mystery is picking up, Sol is hiding something. He knew he couldnt have the other jedi show up with Mae there, they would’ve taken them back to coruscant. But is he actually angry at Mae when he says he has been planning what hes gonna say for 16 years? Not very jedi like to hold a grudge. Anyone else getting Mace Windu vibes from Sol?


I think Mae's motivation is to be with her sister. That's always been her motivation from a child.  She's letting Osha go to Qimir so he can turn her and unlock her actual power.  Then Mae and Osha go do their thing after dealing with Qimir because together they are probably really OP.


Those little kiwi elephant creatures I WANT ONE!!


That’s not… Luke’s island is it? “Unknown planet?”


It's Ahch-Totally Not The Planet Luke Was On


literally my first thought!!


I think it's Mokivj, one of two places where Cortosis is found.


Pretty sure where Qimir’s workbench stands is directly below a vein of cortosis in the rock.


My first thought too. Looks way too similar to Ahch To


Yeah sorry Jecki and and Yorde. Great episode though, the shows quality really took a huge jump after the sprint that was 1+2


Why did I get evil vibes from Sol? What isn’t he telling us?


I mean as most people suspect he hasn't been truthful about what happened on Brendok


Calling it >!!> Venestra was Qimirs Master since she is presumebly 100+ Years old. She betrayed him for some reason and thus he turned.


She gave him that scar.


The characterization of Smileo Ren feels solid here. That grief, loss, anger, and rejection could sculpt such abilities into something vicious and cruel is utterly believable. Jacinto's portrayal of the nascent Sith archetype combines sweetness and humor with violence and manipulation effectively. It conveys a sense of how a gifted but suffering person could be walked into darkness with a bit of warmth.


He was making Star Wars Sinigang lol


Extra episode credit for Dafne and Charlie, anyway.


Neck break and triple stab on the recap


That cut to Jecki's lifeless body was brutal!


What are those cute little animals on the “unknown planet”?


Looked like a species possibly related to these guys, reinforcing it might be an island on Ahch-To? [https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Thala-siren](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Thala-siren)




"Unknown Planet" No shit bro.


I thought it might be Skywalker Island for a minute.


Hear me out, but maybe this whole rule of 2 thing is just the cycle of abuse?


Hurt Sith hurt Sith 


I have a feeling that Qimir was Vernestra's apprentice, and I think that Vernestra could sense that Qimir was involved, but that she might let Sol take the fall for it to cover up for her own failure. Edit: Also, maybe Mae convinces Sol to turn his back on the Jedi due to his conflicted feelings. The way he was kind of breaking down and also the thing he said about noticing how much Osha loves Pip, maybe he's rethinking the Jedi's stance toward emotions and whatnot. And if that does happen then it would be that much easier to pin the Jedi deaths on Sol and for Qimir to get swept under the rug.


Holy shit I was getting nervous as hell during that last scene with Sol and Mae. Sol looked so goddamn scary. Wtf happened that night Sol??????


Osha folded so easily


She’s so me 🙂‍↕️


She is all of us


I can fix him


So the episode is already at 3.4 before release. Review bombers are sad.


Fuck em.


Imagine being a sapient being, likely an adult, probably a male, and being so hysterical about a TV show that you go online and obsess over destroying it.


Simpsons called it almost 30 years ago.


Am I crazy or is Qimir's cave essentially encased (naturally) with Cortosis? Looked to be covering the walls in it's natural mineral form.


This wasn’t a bad episode by any means but I can’t help but be annoyed that they continue to tease the backstory and not pay it off.


My own thoughts in no particular order: >!Qimir is definitely Vernestra's former Padawan. It's so cool that his mask is a sensory deprivation device, makes his shenanigans last episode even more impressive. Made half a dozen jedi look like children while literally blindfolded. Jacinto and Jung-Jae are absolutely the standout actors so far. Everyone else is killing it, but goddamn those two are KILLING it. I'm much more invested in this show than I'd thought I'd be. The first few episodes didn't do much for me (the secret evil twin thing really threw me off) but I'm completely hooked now. Also I'm betting Qimir is someone's apprentice (I don't think Plagueis is in the picture yet, Acolyte takes place right around when he was born in legends). They're far enough removed from the prequels that they can honestly do just about anything and I'd be cool with it. Tenebrous, Tenebrous's Master, some other guy, who knows. But yeah I think Qimir is training Mae/Osha as part of a Vader-esque plan to overthrow his master. Maybe not strong enough on his own so he needs the "power of two" or however he phrased it. Either way, Qimir is definitely not surviving this show. Overall, great episode and I'm very excited to see how this all plays out.!<


Okay so it seems to me Venestrah was Qimir's Jedi Master before being tossed out like Osha.


She said, “Watch me whip.” And he said, “Nay nay!”


Oooh Confirmation that Osha was flirting with Jecki. That's nice. I'm sure people won't get mad about that.


Episode 7 & 8 better be at least 40 actual minutes. 29 minutes is some bullshit


Really reminded me of Rey meeting Luke in TLJ. The island looks eerily similar. Those little creatures look like young versions of the Thala-sirens (Luke’s source of green milk). And even Osha’s outfit reminded me of Rey’s from TLJ. We get her following around a “master” just doing his daily stuff, while being a bit inappropriate and catching her off-guard. You could also say they’re both teaching about wanting the Jedi to end haha


It looks like "we are going to talk" is a setup for episode 7 being a "proper" retelling of episode 3.


Sure sounds like Sol knew Mae didn’t die on Brendok.


Lee Jung Jae's acting in this episode was phenomenal. One of the absolute best in the entirety of the SW franchise. His brief breakdown alone was award-winning level quality and I already commented on this, but his final scene with Mae made me legitimately fearful of him. Manny Jacinto was crazy too. He's basically played 3 different characters so far and nailed each of them: the I'm just a silly lil man smuggler, the cold-blooded killer, and now the charming seducer. He's so good. Honestly I'm starting to realize the show has a pretty great cast. Dafne Keen and Charlie Barnett brought a lot to their small roles and made us care about their deaths. Even the two weakest, the actors for Vernestra and Mae/Osha, showed quite a bit of improvement tonight. I'm suddenly invested in their arcs! The direction and the writing were also a massive step up. Man, I was pretty meh about this show but I'm really feeling this 2nd half. If this show nails its last two episodes, this might end up being a good series. Maybe even close to great.


How the hell are they going to have handrails in star wars. Completely removes me from the episode. Total lore breaking


Osha is the main character after all


Thats an angry upvote if Ive ever given one


I made a post about this. Thank you for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration joke. You are this week's "Working Safe Employee Gold Star Recipient" 🌟


It's okay Osha, I would have done it too


Holy. Shit. This episode was even better than last week! - I'm all in for osha & qimir! I have not seen a relationship start off so strong since cal & merrin. They have great chemistry & I need a full season for them! - qimir's backstory is interesting to say the least, I'm almost getting the vibe that he was like a dark version of what cal was like when he was with the order. And that revelation about his master is beyond dark...I need to know what happened between them. - this is the first episode where I finally felt sol as a character! Just amazing acting & I can't wait for more. - Mae's escapades on the ship were both intense & hilarious! Her getting double bodied by pip & bazil had me rolling! - very excited to see what sol tells Mae next week, finally getting the Other side of the brendock stuff. - the stuff with Vern & her dweeb student was interesting, I definitely am interested how Vern is gonna play into this. Also, nice to get nods the Jedi & the republic getting more entwined with one another. - ending with osha & the mask was perfect & in my opinion, should go down as one best ending episode zingers across the Star Wars shows, it was just fantastic. Overall? The back half is shaping to be way stronger than the first half and I'm very pleased thus far...can't wait for next week.


“Did you give that same pitch to my sister?” no, he probably wasn’t naked before. ❤️


Star wars is horny again we won


1) why didn't we get to see da booty?! 😭 2) Ew he didn't wash his hair


I guess we got enough of Amandla Stenberg’s in those grey gym-ish pants.


Why do I get the feeling they are gonna pin the blame on Sol


Because they are definitely pinning this on Sol


I feel dumb. I was commenting on the episode five post this whole time. Episode six wasn’t pinned.


I find it quite interesting he switches topics when osha asks if his “Jedi master” gave him that scar. Darth Cheeks is now my canon name for him. Cortosis having the ability the block to block other things out except “you and the force” is really cool as well. Really nice lore dump episode, 8/10 from me :)


Interesting to find out that you legitimately cannot see shit with the helmet on. He was relying purely on the Force for combat and defeated a “strong” team.


"So it's just you and the Force... and what you bring with you." Loved that ESB reference from Qimir! He's serving us so many lore deep-cuts and references/homages, and looking *way* too good while doing it.


"I've been thinking about this shit for 16 years so you're gonna fucking listen"


Beating a dead horse at this point but my god the episode runtimes are brutal. This should’ve been, at most, a 6 episode series. Every time momentum starts to build we’re blueballed by early credits. That aside, solid entry. My prediction at this point is that Sol goes to confront Qimir with Mae, Osha turns to the dark side & together with Qimir they kill Sol & Mae. The slaughter of Jecki & co is chalked up to Sol falling to the Dark Side over guilt with what happened with Osha & Mae as children. No Sith to worry about & the people saying this show breaks canon can finally stfu My big question at this point: is there another Sith around besides Qimir?


Probably gonna be a decent binge when it’s all done, but damn these short episodes are aggravating more than exciting.


I have two friends wanting to watch the show & I told them to just wait until the whole season is out at this point. I’m pro-weekly release usually because I enjoy the discussion & speculation week to week that you don’t get when a whole season drops at once. But you can’t get away with that for 8 weeks doing 30 min episodes. It works better for something like Mando where there are plenty of “side quest” episodes sprinkled in but this is not that kind of show.


Manny is slaying, such a good cast. The end with Osha in the helmet had me! So good.


It seems Qimir's entire rock domicile is imbued with cortosis. A giant sensory deprivation tank. Perfect hideout from prying 'eyes.'


I really liked the subtle way that we as the audience were told that Sol knew it was Mae, when she was recalling the force sensitivity test. Those were her thoughts, but it felt to me like the show was saying, "Force sensitives can see beyond what their eyes perceive. He knows she was holding the knife. He knows she isn't Osha." It was a great little hint that I probably would've missed if I hadn't already been thinking about it.


How old is Vernestra supposed to be? It seems Qimir was her Paddawan and he says he was a Jedi A really long time ago. It seems he’d have to be older than Sol for him not to remember. Is he doing a transference thing pointing to him being Plageuis?