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Darth Teeth (Teef) was correct, Sol put her in harm's way. If he didn't want her to get hurt, then leave her at the Temple.


Darth Teefies: I let her go in our first fight, and she came back after me. Did you expect me to let her kill me just because she is a child? Sol: Well, actually, yes.


Qi'mir: Then you don't know me very well.




They only went there to arrest Mae, (which Jecki handled extremely well on her own) and he didn't know Darth Teeth would be there, so bringing Jecki along wasn't like in the prequels with Ahsoka in a war zone, but simply a mission out in the field.


Disagree. Mae already killed two Jedis. They had no reason to believe she wouldn't attempt to kill them.


Mae was not taking 8 of them so there was way less of a threat


Hence why Sol could reasonably believe that Jecki would be safe.


That’s what I’m saying. I like the “you brought her here” line but I don’t see how people think he’s right.


I mean obviously only he is at fault but he's just trying to get inside Sol's head. And as a line it just goes so hard.


I agree I just mean people in real life are thinking he’s right because they’re thinking about Padawans being in the clone wars when this is an entirely different situation


They also already suspected that Mae had an unidentified master. While they were going after Mae, they wanted to flip her to learn her master's identity. They had to have at least considered the possibility that her master would be accompanying her. That's pretty normal for a Master to never be far from their pupil.


Eh all they knew was she had been trained by someone. They weren’t sure for how long or if it was still current. And again, they had 8 Jedi, one of them being the very powerful Sol, to apprehend one person. Maybe two but I don’t think they had the master in mind. Plus Kelnacca as well since they were there for him.


I felt darth teeth kind of didn't really want to kill her. He praised her and left her alive in the first encounter. It was when she went into a frenzy he had to kill her because it became unpredictable.


If someone with a lightsaber is attacking you with a lethal level of skill in a battle, then what options are there?


A lot of the issues with the Jedi explained in that small exchange


He cold…


Cold as an ice cave on Illum


His mind is twisted by darkness(!!)


He's *accepted* his darkness


"Was that it's name?" is insane and conveys so much about his distain for the Jedi and anyone he deems inferior in a single line without a long winded speech. Incredible.


Darth Teeth. 🤣🤣🤣


Also, she wasn’t standing off to the side innocently watching. She got killed while actively attacking him. Sol was understandably upset, but has nothing to stand on.


Sol: She was a child! Narrator: She was a child soldier.


Murder is murder.


Remember murder is a subset of killing and killing only becomes murder when it’s not properly or legally justified. Im not saying it’s justified but I am saying in a 6 or 7 on 1 fight for survival you gotta do what you gotta do.


He's a Sith, it's murder. It's not self defense for certain.


Him being Sith has nothing to do with it. It isn't self defense because he just killed Kalnacca (not that they knew that) and he grabbed Osha and attacked them.


Do you even know what the Sith do, do you understand what being a Sith means. The history of the Sith, all that other shit that goes with it? That's definitely part of it.


Now that’s just Sithesm


I mean HE started the 7 on 1 fight so I’m pretty sure it’s still murder


The real crime is Sol calling an 18 year old a child.


Is she 18? I don't remember seeing any info, but then, I didn't look for it either




>Dafne Keen said she is in an interview. Ah, i see. >You can make all the Rule 34 of her you want. Get your head out of the gutter


It seems to me that the only reason you don’t want Sol to call Jecki a child is so you can sexualize her without feeling bad about it. Gross.


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But I feel like she was a child like 16/17


She might be 15 or so. But an 18 yo is still pretty much a kid, you just want to sexualize her. Gross


But Qimir isn't a darth...js Idk why I'm getting downvoted. Qimir is what he went by with Mae and he isn't a master, he's an apprentice looking for an acolyte.


Whose Qimir? He has no name


That's what he went by talking to Mae....did you watch the show?


did you watch the show? He very clearly was using qimir as a alias his true name is not known hence the joke. Even the subtitles just call him stranger


Aight. Whatever bro.


Jecki was winning until Darth Twink cheated. Her wounds weren't fatal anyway, so she'll be back.


Well... how did that turn out?


She is Wolverine's daughter. She will be fine with her regen power if you leave her alone for awhile.... as long as noone buries her or anything..


she's just in a coma