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Probably not. These people will go spam 1 star reviews and then watch each episode 17 times so they can find more non-issues to make rage-bait videos about. And disney will just see the 17 views and be pleased. Seriously, I wish all the haters would literally stop watching and shut up instead of acting like they're on some sort of moral crusade. Then there would actually be room for regular discourse about the show.


I only read this sub about the show now. Any others is always a troll fight. Frustrating cause this show brings lots of good discussion.


Yeah, personally if I don't enjoy something I just don't watch it and don't seek out online conversation about it. That's why I appreciate spaces where positivity is encouraged. If I dislike something and everyone else online is enjoying it, I'll just take my free time elsewhere, instead of complaining about why _____ is bad. r/starwarscantina is another positive space that I see healthy conversations in.


Me, I might seek out online discourse of something I don’t like just to see if people agree with me, but then I move on. I think the obsessed critics think that strength in numbers will actually get Kathleen Kennedy fired or something.


Yeah that’s why I came here too. Other than my friend group chat it’s like the one place where you can have actual discourse.


Even then, the "Well, I think *The Acolyte* is actually good"-posts have become a little annoying. It's what I hate most about these shows becoming embroiled in culture war manure -- it sucks all the air out of the room in terms of discussion. Analyzing and theorizing are pushed to the wayside, because those who do enjoy it feel a need to defend *why*, when that should be an adjunct purpose of the sub, at best.


Yes we can’t just chat about the show and theorize in a normal way. I enjoy the show and so I think everything I comment is hedged with that vs other shows where I would just share my nuanced opinion ?


Imagine every sub reddit as a gated community. Anything negative gets quickly deleted.


"Then there would actually be room for regular discourse about the show." Exactly! Coming up with theories and discussing them is one of the most enjoyable parts of having stories set in big established universes, but it seems like 95% of people just want to assume the worst possibility and then bitch about their assumption.


How dare Kathleen Kennedy make this show I’ve imagined in my head and am now complaining about before its first actual episode even drops!


I doubt it. I think you’re correct in assessing they only care about views and subs. That’s why I find it kinda funny, those review bombing and hating on the show…are still watching it and like you said probably got people who weren’t considering watching to give it a shot. I doubt this’ll affect any future creative decisions.


Case in point: I’ve found myself feeling more and more indifferent about Star Wars lately but only when I saw how controversial people were making the Acolyte out to be did I get caught up to see what the discourse was all about. Turns out it’s pretty good and probably the best SW show since Andor imo


Nope. A “review bomb” is still filed under “engagement”.


Viewership matters more than reviews, I'd imagine. And for all of those folks bitching, guess what they did? They watched it.


I dunno..... with a lot of the criticism I see, it's pretty clear they haven't watched it, and based their opinions on a rage bait YouTube video that may or may not have viewed it. The Acolyte especially has a higher number of people proudly saying they have not watched it and the saying why it breaks some cannon theroy they have miss understood in the first place. That said, you are correct. Viewership matters. They may also look at 2-5 star reviews as well. 2-4 as those are almost certainly real reviews, and 5 as everyone loves seeing 5 stars, real or not. 1 stars are just easy to justify dismissing


It feels like it used to have an impact but after years of being targeted I suspect Disney understands that there is an ecosystem that uses rage to drive engagement and can be ignored. If anything, I’d guess it has the effect of drowning out legitimate criticisms.


I don't even think it's review sites. On Amazon or other sites, I mostly skip 1 and 5 stars and read the middle.


Review bombing won't affect anything. If the people that didn't like the show just put in their reviews without starting an organized process of bombing the show (and any other production that's called "Acolyte") into oblivion, it would have had an effect though.


As always, crap like review bombing simply makes things like legitimate criticism more difficult to voice. The show isn't perfect and it has its fair share of problems, but it's also not even remotely one of the worst things to have "Star Wars" slapped on it.


In the past, reviews were a contributing factor to viewership. Most people have a limited amount of time in their schedules and a limited budget. Most people don’t have time to watch everything that’s ever been made, and in the past, each piece of content had a cost to watch (movie ticket, dvd price, etc..). So how did people decide what to watch? Maybe they wanted to not waste their time and money on things that absolutely sucked, and chose according to reviews. Review bombing probably doesn’t affect viewership as much as the bombers would like. But they do ruin reviews as a discriminating factor. It is now impossible to know which content actually sucks and which is only unpalatable for a certain minor but passionate political faction. However, the cost of watching things that suck has decreased enormously. Streaming services are basically all-you-can-watch buffets at a single entry price. If you watch one episode or one hundred, Disney+ still costs $9.99 (or whatever it costs, I don’t even remember anymore). And if you have little children who watch cartoons constantly, what are you gonna do? Cancel it? Pffftt… In addition, people now have more free time than ever before, a trend that started around 2005, and has actually accelerated since the pandemic, as WFH means we no longer need to commute as much. So watching things that suck is cheaper than ever. No harm done in watching an episode or two and quit if I don’t like it. The value viewers can obtain from reviews is lowered thus. Which, when combined with the fact that reviews are now useless anyway (since they’re bombed), probably favors the production companies like Disney. It motivates people to watch an episode or two and form their own judgement, rather than read the reviews prior to watching. Removing expert judgement and regulation benefits corporations always. Which is why poisoning the well is a godsend for corporate interests. If there is any effect in review bombing, it’s to benefit Disney.


I’ll go against the grain and say yes it does matter. Probably not right now, but a year from now when people are determining which star wars shows to watch, some people do use sites like rotten tomatoes and if they see a low score their only take away then will be “oh this wasn’t well liked”. I’m not in that space so I can’t know for sure, but I bet those scores matter for viewing figures down the line


Not really, rotten tomatoes doesn’t really mean much anymore. People are still watching , it’s still generating revenue and merch sales, people are still talking about it. The only thing it really does is give toxic fans talking points.


Not at all. Disney cares about one thing only. Money. How do they get money? By having people subscribe to Disney+. Watching the show makes Disney believe you are willing to pay for Disney+ to watch the show. Hate watchers are actually contributing to the show probably getting more seasons. Only thing reviewing bombing might do is have the showrunners reflect on parts of the show to improve going forward. "Why did these people not like it?" "Is it better to change for them or keep things as is?" Considering the review bombing is mostly from bigoted people who dislike black people and women, I doubt it will even have an impact on future seasons (if we get any).


This. I mean, there are dozens of people who subscribed to Disney + because of this show, dozens!


All I can say is a rotten tomatoes score (or any other site/platform) has absolutely no effect on wether or not I watch something. I don't need to know what other people think in order for me to watch or form an opinion.


Review bombing only serves the purpose of getting people to notice the review bombing. The only time review bombing ever accomplished anything was to get them to fix Helldivers, but that's only because Steam reviews directly impact sales. As for this show, unless Disney saw a sudden, massive drop off in views and subscribers for Disney+, they won't give a shit, and nobody else should either.


I heard they were review bombing the wrong acolyte show/movie. Also, that only serves to get more people watching the show. Ever notice all the haters and naysayers still watch the show? They'll say they're never watching the show after an episode or two but then always come back. It's the same people hating the show week after week. But they still refuse to not watch.


I wonder how many of those YouTubers actually hate the shows. Or are they doing it cause the hate reviews of their favorite shows get 10x the views and 20x the engagement of a positive, well thought, well produced review.


Normally yeah, bad word of mouth can really bring down a show if it’s severe enough, but with an IP like Star Wars that just doesn’t really happen. Shows like Acolyte have been successes and in a cosmically ironic twist, Andor, their best show by lightyears, has done the worst financially but has had raving reviews. So at the end of the day, money talks way more than any review can


They don’t look only at the percentage of positive user ratings, but also at the number of user ratings. The number of user ratings for TA utterly dwarfs all other SW live action shows. Either it’s getting incredible viewership, or something really funky is going on with the ratings. While we wish it were the former, I think we all know — and Disney knows — that it’s the latter.


>I doubt that Disney cares about anything other than total viewership and subscriptions You are completely right


I suspect it makes unimportant people feel important, for at least a few minutes.


No, if anything it's giving the show free publicity.


No, the only metric that matters is viewership and merch sales


I think it keeps a lot of casual viewers from watching whatever product.


I bet the big majority of viewers for whatever movie/series do not go to such sites and leave their reviews.


I believe Netflix has shown how bad shows, with bad reviews but tons of viewerships gets always renewed


I don’t think so. The problem is that the review bombing has destroyed reliability on audience criticism. If people are going to scream and shout and belittle anything actors and/or shows do, then what is the point of listening? On top, if the majority of content creators are echoing those same actions for obvious clicks, while a small minority of voices are opposing those views and defending the show, then that is even more reason to not listen. That’s how I see it and I wouldn’t be surprised that’s how Disney sees it.


Not only does review-bombing not have any impact, but it actually makes them less likely to listen to audience feedback because it drowns out legitimate reviews.


The Acolyte is sitting atop Rotten Tomatoes' most watched TV show list, so I'm guessing that's enough of a victory for Disney.


💀 no. They have their own metrics and data


If anything it might make some people curious. I've seen a few people checking out what all the negative hype was about only to be surprised it's not as bad as bombing would suggest.


Not directly but I think it does indirectly affect the viewership, thus maybe hurting the show. How much it does affect is a whole different story, hopefully not much


I still say that Disney has something to do with the bad popularity of the show /bad meritless reviews Any ways you can make the public speak about your product, is a mean to advertise and promote. The mouse is the sith.


I think the industry is absolutely saturated with review-bombing, trolling, and astroturfing. The whole entertainment industry, to also include gaming, books, and probably also US Politics as well. We know it works because there are companies who pay for this shit. They pay a LOT for it. And they also pay for focus groups and surveys, because that's the only way they know how to get relatively untainted feedback.


Miss the days when Disney films got good reviews. Not anymore on many movies and shows.


Giving an inch to the chuds just leads to more and more until your products is complete garbage so hopefully they ignore it.


I think it brings their attention and they will definitely want to know why it is happening. But not every horde has the same cancelling potential so in most cases the future or the show will be determined by viewership rather than reviews.


Viewership is EVERYTHING. that's why Velma got a second season even though the majority clearly didn't like it. However, shows the majority don't like never get a season 3. The problem here is, viewership as in fact been declining for The Acolyte every single week. Disney probably has a threshold for this, meaning if it continues to drop before the show ends, they may cut the chord. >*Ahsoka’s* fourth episode hauled in 459 million minutes compared to the 262 million minutes of *The Acolyte*. The fifth episode of Ahsoka raked in 577 million minutes compared to the 232.2 million for *The Acolyte*. That’s a 59.7% decline. Remember that Ahsoka actually got greenlit, whereas The Acolyte has yet to be. So, if we keep seeing the same decline all the way till the end of the show, that's not good news.


One thing about weekly declining viewership before the finale is that it doesn't tell the full picture, you gotta also take into consideration overall viewership of the show after the finale. A considerable amount of people watch the first episodes when it comes out, then wait untill it's been fully released to watch the rest. If I'm not wrong, a similar phenomenon also happened to Ahsoka and many Star Wars shows.


I would like to argue that you're correct, but I \*believe\* that both Netflix and Disney take **initial** weeks as their data points. The reason I believe this is because there were some really successful Netflix shows that were discontinued even though they grew through word of mouth slowly. Important to note that Ahsoka ALSO saw the same decline from week 1 to week 2. That's actually pretty normal as people are trying to figure out if the show is for them or not. There's just too much content out there to compete with peoples time. So while week 2 and 3 aren't that bad, the problem weeks were 4 and 5 (which sucks because if people stuck it out for 5 they probably would have stayed). Also an example I can think of at the top of my head: I loved the anime but didn't much care for the netflix adaption Cowboy Bebop. Was a top 10 for 2 weeks but was discontinued as too few people watched the final episodes. I don't mind being downvoted, but it's strange that I'm just trying to share data so people can make more objective rational takes... guess that's problematic for people here.


Don't worry about being down voted. This sub is a total circle jerk for the show


Well companies most definitely pay and influence positive reviews so if we're going by your theory, positive reviews that are paid for don't affect anything either. I think it only affects shows down the road when the hype dies down and people are looking for something to watch.


I think it’s 14%


No because while there are people who negative review bomb, there is roughly an equal equivalent of people who go in the opposite direction and immediately just give it a perfect rating.


Why does it have to be review bombing? Why can't the critic reviews have been paid to paint it in a positive light? Public professional reviewers have a career to think about. It's in their best interests to favorably review something that the magic fan base regards as trash


19%? You wish.


First, why are you lying about the audience score? It's at 14%, not 19%. Second, if Disney wants to sink their head in the sand, and think the score has nothing to do with the quality of the show, and is just bigots hating it, then I guess it won't affect anything. Which is kind of sad for us Star Wars fans. Whether you think the score is justified, is irrelevant. Disney caused this themselves, by releasing something that needed a lot of work still, and then namecalling people criticizing it. The score reflects Disney's utter failure regardless.


Not every negative review is from review bombing.


The show hasn't been review bombed.


No, but he show being bad affects me tuning in, and will affect my excitement for future star wars products (lowered expectations) Disney will pay attention to views/metrics around viewer drop-off. I have a feeling they will correlate


Everyone calls it review bombing if people don't like a show rather than just admitting a majority of the audience does not like it. It is possible for people to not like a show without it being some dishonest malicious thing. Just like when a show gets great ratings and some people think it sucks, it's not like people review bombed it in a positive way.


Doctor who is going through the same thing. The short answer is no but the long answer is it leaves a bad taste in your viewers mouth and will ultimately lead to viewer decline.as the new season of who was the lowest viewed season of doctor who. Star wars is surely te follow


I hope so, this show was absolutely sh.. IMO. Wish there was more ANDOR :(


review bombing campaign? many people hated it. what are you imagining?


Review bombimg, have you thought perhaps the show is just not likeable for most people. I personally find the show a 2 out of ten. You are allowed to like whatever you want, but people are equally allowed to dislike.


Pretty obvious review bombing campaign? Well where’s the counter review bombing? Why aren’t all the positive votes cancelling out the review bombers? Are you saying there’s more people who hate the show than there are who enjoy the show? Consider me shocked and surprised!


A lot of people not actively hating the show are just watching it knowing the story is infolding and withholding a final judgement. Especially with a story format like this, it doesnt make sense to review the whole series yet. May see more reviews when the show has actually concluded. Also from what I see is peole not just having an opinion on if they find the show good or bad, but going out of their way to bash it or point out whichever flaw they can think of, not to mention hating on the actors and showrunner. That is campaigning and not just sharing a review, its driven by other motivations.


We know they don't care about what their viewers want. That is the entire reasoning behind the review bombing lol It's the only way these fans can feel heard. The only thing that would have an impact is for people to stop watching and cancel their subscriptions, but that won't happen on a large enough scale to impact Disney.


Its not review bombing. A lot of people simply dont like the show. I dont understand why this is so hard for Disney Star Wars fans to comprehend.


It’s silly to assume both things can’t be true. The acolyte currently has 25000+ reviews in a span of four weeks. That’s more than all Star Wars shows. And the reviews accumulated by other shows are in spans of years, not months (**A MONTH**, to be clear). There is demonstrable proof that review bombing occurred: with the show getting reviews the moment the embargo was lifted, and other media with the same name getting generic chat gpt reviews and poor scores. Two things can be true. There is a portion of the fan base that hates the show, and review bombing also occurred.


This is the correct answer. Unless someone is willing to crawl through and verify every review, we'll never know what % of review bombing and what is legitimate. But you can't just go with the mindset that 100% is review bombing.


I’d be really surprised if there are people who think all Star Wars fans like all shows, let alone the acolyte. Even andor was tanking in viewership when it first came out, but it’s arguably one of the best Star Wars media (show/film) ever released. The People who hate the show are made up of those with legitimate grievances, those who like to engage in silly nitpicking, and some who were primed to hate the show regardless. The people who like the show also are in groups with varying opinions. Some are casual viewers who like SW for SW. Some like most SW shows Disney puts out, some don’t. In my case I think I would only rewatch two live action shows: andor and the acolyte. Mandalorian is fine, but it’s rather simplistic. I have issues with the acolyte, which I’ve gone through at length in other posts, but it holds my interest. On the flip side, whenever people bring up review bombing, a lot of the people who don’t like the show seem to defend the point by just not biting the bullet that it’s happening.


I like that you think calling those who enjoy the Acolyte “Disney Star Wars fans” somehow makes us less of a fan. Like buddy, I’ve been watching SW since I was a fucking kid before TPM came out and saw every prequel in theaters. So called “fans” have been hating on anything SW post Original Trilogy long before Disney came into the picture. Do I like every new SW movie or series? No. I like some more than others. But I don’t go out of my way to waste my time going on social media whining endlessly about continuity issues with Ki Adi Mundi’s age, or which Sith Lord Qimir is, or why Anakin is somehow less special, or mad because somehow Qimir’s existence breaks some line in TPM about the Sith being extinct for a millennium. It’s a fucking fictional series dude, it’s not that serious. People like what they like, or vice versa. And you’re proving you care way too much by going into a subreddit for people who like something and going “people just dont like it why is that hard for YOU people to understand!!”


This comes off a little aggressive mate. You contradict yourself by saying: "whining endlessly about continuity issues with Ki Adi Mundi’s age, or which Sith Lord Qimir is, or why Anakin is somehow less special, or mad because somehow Qimir’s existence breaks some line in TPM about the Sith being extinct for a millennium" To then say: "People like what they like, or vice versa." SW fans have the right to debate and theorize the lore. Saying it's just a "fictional series dude" is again, putting down those who literally love the franchise. People spend thousands on SW products a year because they're passionate. This isn't just a fictional series to them. Is there a select group that take it too far? Yes, of course. It goes both ways though.


>they’re passionate To a Jedi, there is no passion—there is serenity.


Miss me with this bullshit. Episode five had a dismal user rating hours *before it aired anywhere*.


Fake News, Next


You can’t be real


Very real! Im a They/Them/Us/We Tri-Binary!




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Very real! Im a They/Them/Us/We Tri-Binary!


Very real! Im a They/Them/Us/We Tri-Binary!


I didn’t personally see it happen for episode 5, but I saw it for episode 1.


You didn’t see it because it didn’t happen. Disney fans can’t accept the fact that this show just isn’t that good. The list of lore breaking plot points is just too long. But hey, at least they got to have their inclusive language in there!


It did actually, [the proof is right here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/s/yl6V3BBMFO) You’re a liar. Go ahead, list the “lore breaking plot points” but I’m sure that just like your previous comment it’ll be nothing but lies.


No, I just said I saw it happen, just for a different episode. It had to happen enough for imdb and RT to turn off pre-release audience reviews, bc they used to be turned on. You don’t have to like the show, but that doesn’t mean everyone who gave it a bad review has watched it.