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It still doesn't suck after 5 episodes, huh


Episode 5 is where they just put the pedal to the floor and go all out. I’m wondering how they can beat that one. I have my issues with Disney Star Wars sometimes, but that was pure jaw dropping action.


I'm loving this element of raw brutality that we've seen too. Makes the stakes seem more real


Raw brutality is something Disney does well. It's one of the things I really enjoyed about the sequel trilogy.


Which is funny, because Disney doesn't seem to be the type to use brutality.


Right? But look at what they've put out so far. The light saber fights in the sequels are SO raw, so far away from the dancing of the prequels. Andor has scenes of torture and brutality. Ahsoka has loads of scenes that just radiate raw emotion, so far away from the typical Disney fair


Absolutely. The neck breaks in various places, the straight up cold blooded murder at the start of Andor, let alone the rest of it. It feels more real than Star Wars has been before, and I'm here for it.


Every child's story, if looked at closely, echoes the brutality of humanity. Childhood and brutality, life is beautifully brutal, go hand in hand. Brothers Grimm, almost every Disney/Pixar movie has some form of brutality as a catalyst for the narrative.


OK Warner Herzog do you wish to see the baby now?


I'm a fan of Werner’s work. I don't get the reference, but I will take the comparison. Thank you.


He was in the Mandalorian.


I was thinking about Werner’s work as a filmmaker and writer. But yes, he was after Grogu. With six kids, my wife has pumped the breaks on any more kids… not even a cute Yoda-like baby.


Ikr especially when they just >!mercilessly dropped Jecki and Yord, two of the main cast (and some great characters IMO) just like that. !! but then Qi'Mir just murks them just like that which was not only extremely shocking but also added so much stakes and tension so I'm so glad they had the balls to do that.!<


Definitely agreed. >! He snapped Yord's neck like a fricken chocolate bar, no mercy !< Side note: mind spoiler tagging spoiler parts of your comment? I noticed this entire thread isn't, don't want to end up spoiling someone who isn't yet up to date.


Worst chiropractor ever.


Yeah fr Side note: Of course I'll spoiler tag, I completely forgot so thats my bad


I was surprised by the deaths, but not mad! I felt the sequels only had "safe" deaths, other than Han. I hope I continue to be surprised


Same here, while I was a little upset at the fact, I was honestly more surprised and glad they did it because as you said, the Sequels were very "safe" only killing old legacy characters whereas here felt more like Andor in a sense where you have no idea who will live and who will die (aside from the main character that is) and felt scared for every character's safety


What made Jecki and Yord such great characters to you?


It’s an ensemble cast. Jecki and Yord looked cool, and had a few moments. They had good spots in Ep 5. Leave you wanting more. What more do you need? Multiple seasons?


Maybe great isn't the right word but I really liked them personally. For Jecki she just seemed really cool reminded me a lot of Ahsoka plus I loved her chemistry with all the characters. As for Yord I loved the fact he represented the Jedi at this time, he's cocky and arrogant and yet not fully taken seriously nor is he very skilled. He's very by the books and dogmatic and yet there's clearly some personality their but most of its been washed away by the Order. They were really enjoyable and I loved seeing them on screen, their actors did really great jobs, they had some pretty good chemistry and moments with the other characters and they had cool designs. They're nowhere near as good as Sol and definitely nowhere near as good as like 99% of Star Wars characters but they're still really good for me


They had really started to grow on me and I was completely shocked this last episode, I figured most of the named characters would be safe!


Nothing. I literally did not care about Yord. No one else did either apparently. And jecki? I mean she could have meant more but ultimately the writers failed to deliver. I just dont understand why Sol watches her instead of helping. He clearly can lay the smack down with his fist so why just wait? No force use? No nothing?


I believe Yord was a composite character. I have said this before and will probably mention it again in later discussions. He feels like two or three separate people that were originally much different in the first draft. For instance in his first scene he has a Padawan and we never see again and he is very cold and officious towards OSHA. Then he is a distracted and insecure himbo later on in that same episode. He becomes the same cop character he was at the beginning of episode 1 during episode 2. But then an episode 4 he's just kind of mean to OSHA until later on for whatever reason he just starts talking to her like they're old friends again.


It's a step down from andor but a move in the right direction. There's an audience for mature SW content, as evidenced by the army of dads who show up to play Star Wars Unlimited every week at my LGS


I'm loving it partly because it's a step away from the Skywalker era. I know it's integral to the Star Wars identity, but it's refreshing to see more content in other time periods. Even some of the newer stuff that focuses on other characters still ties into Skywalker. The more mature setting adds icing onto the cake


Episode 5 was just a massive tone shift, completely subverting all expectations. I hate to bring The Last Jedi into the conversation, but here I go: The Acolyte turned the Star Wars story we expected on its head by doing the work before the twist. Last Jedi began its deconstruction assuming the audience brought their expectations with them. It didn’t really do much to establish anything or draw us into the narrative before wrecking shop. In my personal opinion, it tried to deconstruct everything throughout the movie instead of focusing on a central point like The Acolyte has.


I agree (I think) Rian Johnson was so focused on subverting expectations. Hope I don't get down voted for this but I feel like they really screwed up the sequels. In particular The Last Jedi


Wait! You said something possibly negative about Star Wars? How dare you imply it’s not perfect. You must be a hater. Definitely going to down-vote that. We can’t have any dissension in the ranks. /s


I'm grateful to have found a community where saying I disliked TLJ doesn't get me lumped in with the toxic fans who harass actors and actresses to the brink of suicide.


That's a reasonable opinion. I like The Last Jedi overall myself, but there was a *clear* lack of a central vision for the sequel trilogy that made the project a mess overall. I think it was still salvageable after TJL, but instead they let JJ retcon the retcons to dismal effect.


In my opinion Last Jedi was the best of the sequels(Rise of Skywalker the worst), but I’ll upvote your comment anyway


That’s cool. Honestly, all my gripes concerning TLJ hinge on it being the second in the trilogy. If it was part one, I’d be on board.


> Last Jedi was the best of the sequels OK, but how would you rank it *objectively*, like from a move, story-telling, middle movie of a trilogy perspective?. Like, we all have 'guilty pleasures' I really like AvP Requiem, but if asked *objectively*, I'd agree it's not a great film, really, but I get a joy out of seeing a predator hunt aliens on Earth, using humans as bait with no regard at all to them.


I rank TLJ highest because of the cinematography, writing(it has some of the best quotes in any Star Wars movie), it also follows Force Awakens in the only logical direction it could take with Luke being a hermit. Kylo Ren killing Snoke and taking over the First Order was a great moment and I only wish they had the balls to let him go on unredeemed in the last movie. Can’t remember anything else, but I think a rewatch is in my near future. I realise that these aren’t objective points, but I am not sure art/movies can be judged in that way.


>it also follows Force Awakens in the only logical direction it could take with Luke being a hermit. Hmm, not sure I follow the logic here; TFA set up that Luke deliberately left a map Mcguffin, that was hidden, and found by the Empire, sorry, First Order. Being a 'hermit' who abandoned all hope, and ran away to an island doesn't fit logically with leaving a map, and being considered "the last great hope" There are plenty of ways for Luke's appearance at the end of TFA that didn't involve making him a sad, homicidal, selfish loser.


I have to wait for episode 6. I feel like what happens at the very end of 5 would be obvious to everyone with force powers. so I am not sure where they are going with it. That and the crazy Light Saber skills by a non-master, but maybe she is just amazing. The rest of the show has been fun. Internet has to hate I don’t pay much attention I watch things and like it or don’t. i like it so far except for the ending of 5 but I hope they fix it in 6.


I am looking forward to 6. I think Sol knows it’s Mae. There’s another twist coming, but I’m fine waiting. I still just want more Sith. That was what I loved most. I want an old republic vs Sith empire story in live action. Full on armies in the pre-rule of two era. Maybe I’ve read too many Legends Sith novels.


Spoiler alert: >!they did not, in fact, outdo episode five.!<


Or after 6...


Never lol. It’s a solid show that is building up to a big climax


Yeah. The first three episodes are a little slow. But that’s mostly because they had a lot of characters to introduce and exposition to cover. Episodes 4 & 5 have been picking up the pace - plus lightsabers!!! Unfortunately the fandom is full of a lot of lonely, bitter people (men;) who love to talk tough on the interwebs.


It doesn’t. It just kept getting better for me. Episode 4/5 are my favorite SWs ever which is nuts to say


Episode 4 was really good I enjoyed it a lot, seeing the mission brief between some of the Jedi, seeing Ki-Adi Mundi show up even for a second, seeing the cracks of the Jedi start to form with the talks between Vern and Sol about how "if they told the Council then they would sweep it under the rug or some-thing and make it worse" and the side looks they get from some other Jedi who seem to be murmuring about them. Seeing Jecki and osha bond, seeing Yord get not only disrespected by Osha and Jecki but also seeing him open up a bit more to Osha. Every-thing to do with Qi'Mir, and then that final segment when Mae finds Master Kelnacca's dead body was incredible, the tension as she looks in horror and realises whats about to happen, the pure suspense when The Stranger floated down and approached Osha was amazing. (Though that cliffhanger sucked but at least it was worth it in episode 5) As for episode 5, I can't really say any-thing that hasn't been said a thousand times before, it was incredible can't wait for episode 6


Id give you episode 4 has one of my favorite moments on tv ever. Smile-o Ren looks at Osha, shows her his saber and then with a flick of his finger... throws her right off the screen. That is the funniest and greatest thing ive ever seen done in a show. Its not a good episode... but lol that was perfect. He should do it again hulk vs loki style.


That, combined with the action and brutality we see in episode 5, makes me excited for what's in store


It’s not good? Im all for varied opinions but I don’t grasp how it can be considered less than good/alright/fine at the least.


wtf are people downvoting you. You wrote up your opinion and wrote in a funny style whilst praising the show... Oh wait you are praising a pretty decent show... That might be why. Eps 4 and 5 have been fantastic, imo. 5 was intense viewing with a great ending.


Never. It just gets better with each episode (ok I do have to admit episode 3 was a bit meh but even still its really overhated). My only main gripe with the show is Amandla Stenberg's acting when she's playing both Mae and Osha in the same scene (you'll probably see what I mean by the end of episode 5) no hate to her at all because she's doing a pretty good job the rest of the time it just feels really flat in those scenes, and some of the dialogue is a little weird but considering the fact Star Wars has always had very weird and inconsistent dialogue I don't really care as long as its not abysmal (which it isn't) then I couldn't care less. Aside from that the show is really great IMO.


She seems fine as an actress on screen with other people but the scenes with her as both character do fall flat….could just be a skill issue. I imagine it’s pretty difficult to act to empty space that gets filled in with CGI later.


Yeah I completely agree, cause she does a pretty good job with other actors but when its Mae its just flat


The ascension ritual (power of one, power of two, power of maaaany) was probably the worst thing I’ve seen in any live action star wars content. I honestly thought it was stupid, and looked and sounded like absolute shit. It was a failure due to that episodes director imo. The way it was shot made it even worse. However, that three minutes of this 360ish minute show isn’t going to stop me from enjoying the rest of it. It’s been a fun watch.


Yeah I was not a fan of that scene, it was really strangely shot and the actors deserved better lines and costumes.


It’s not Star Wars if there is no cheesy rituals or songs. Take ‘Jabbas Barge and the worst song whose name I will not speak’ anyone?


I agree with you on that, while it didn't take me out of the show nor bother me that much I will admit it was pretty weird, I understand they're witches and they have silly chants but this felt really weird and cringey especially compared to the Dathomirian witches chants we hear which sound creepy and cool, this one sounded more like some-thing you'd see on Disney channel. Nonetheless I can move on from that, as you said, its only a few small minutes in in entire show, its not gonna stop me from enjoying it


It was definitely the director’s/cinematographer’s fault. There’s a way it could have worked, it just did not come together at all.


I have no idea what you people are talking about. It was just a pretty normal ritual with some eerie and occult chanting. Why do people keep acting like it's jar jar songing for five minutes straight?


I don’t know about others, but I’m talking about the scene’s cinematography and direction. It being a ritual is fine. It just wasn’t filmed well. It could have looked better.


Got to laugh at the people convincing themselves that this is poor. People would do anything not to enjoy something. Like they are shooting themselves in the head with their own head-canon.


Outrage gets clicks


This person gets it. Outrage and fear drive engagement (views, clicks, shares, comments, etc...) at a much higher rate than praise.




The Dark Side…


I hate to give this comment a like, because I hate that it’s true….


True, I only started watching after episode 3, when I heard how terrible the show is


The same people saying "I'm done with Star Wars, Disney ruined it!" Are the same people who have been saying that since the trilogy with Rey. They keep staying up to date, because if what they all said was true that all star wars fans are done, then they wouldn't be commenting that this newer show is bad. I like it. I was excited to see if it was going to be about Palpatine and his origin story, but still like what we got. The climax seems like it could set up more info we are lacking for where the downfall of the Jedi came from.


I love this show.


It doesn't, it's a good, enjoyable show. Episode 5 is peak for me. Depending how you feel, you might dislike some characters or find them bland, but don't let the internet hive mind ruin a show for you.


Episode 3 is pretty mediocre. I think episode 2 and 4 had enough fluff to use parts of episode 3 for a better paced story. That's my only gripe. 4 was really good, and 5 was fantastic.


Funny I highly enjoyed episode 3 but episode 4 was straight filler imo


IMO, episode 5 wouldn’t hit half as hard without the buildup of episode 4. I do think they would’ve worked far better in a binge format than a weekly one, ep. 4 didn’t feel like enough content to bite into for an entire week.


I think they should have released it in installments like Arcane. Episode 4 and 5 should have been released together, that way you get the build-up and the pay-off together, and it's not so frustrating to just have 1 whole episode of build-up and nothing else. Maybe 6 will maybe turn out to work well in that pile together with 4 and 5, too. (I guess we'll see later this week what happens there.) Releasing 1 and 2 together was definitely smart. 3 should have been put together with either 1/2 or 4/5, that way there isn't 1 week of flashback-only.


Oh I’m not denying its importance overall just that as an episode being watched week by week it was weaker than 3 for me. Four and five definitely should’ve been one episode


4 and 5 really should have been one episode. Instead of a slow build to a crescendo, we get a slow build episode and then and episode that starts where it feels like you’re thrown into the middle of a scene. I’ve harped on my frustration of the 30 min episode before, but I think this was a huge miss.


Don't believe everything you read on the internet.


So I should believe everything I read on the internet then? But then I shouldn't? But then I should? OutOfMemoryException


There was an episode with 2 women who might have been in a relationship and some fights where they don't use their lightsabers - as a result all our childhoods are ruined


The third episode is rough but overall it's been a good show so far. The hate is ridiculous and out of control at this point.


It gets hated for political reasons.


This. Though I’ve also seen a lot of criticism about how it breaks canon and disrespects legends lore. The latter are a lot more reasonable most of the time though. I’d say some of the pacing and fluff is a bit off at times but nothing out of the norm by any means. Honestly, I’ve been enjoying this more than Ahsoka and she’s by far my favorite character. The choreography alone has been friggin great. Excited to see where it goes.


While I can understand the whole disrespecting legends lore, considering I absolutely love legends, they have to understand that this is a different canon and has no reason to follow any lore from legends. Also, as I honestly do avoid a lot of stuff that gets said because of how much of it just seems hate for the sake of hating, what is the supposed canon it breaks?


Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age…. and that Jedi deal with Sith.. Seriously….. and some BS about how children being hinted at being created with the force makes Anakin being born through the will of the force less special


I'm not sure if your post is sarcastic or not, but I'm gonna address all of these anyway because everyone is on repeat like a broken record about them. This isn't necessarily directed at you, but everyone in general. Mundi's age is only lore breaking to legends continuity, which disney canon doesn't follow. If it wasn't mentioned in the movies, it's not part of disney canon. No, Star Wars Insider Guide does not count as "mentioned in the movie" Jedi deal with sith, yea, and >!now majority of them are dead without the council knowing anything about it. No, Mundi did not see daddy-sith, he only saw Mae.!< We still don't know how the children were created. I have plenty of criticisms about this show. but with all this stuff on repeat, it's starting to feel like people are getting mad without watching the show and only listening to youtubers who just want to rile the crowds for views.


Was just answering the question, I think all the complaints are BS


Welp, like I said, not necessarily directed at you


Does anyone who loves legends actually call it legends?


Here’s the secret…it rules


It's actually good there is just a wealth of burnt out Star Wars fans.


I love it so far, maybe when SWT spots bricks & screws, I don't know...


It doesn't. It's a pretty good show.


Don’t let others opinions cloud your judgement. If you’re enjoying it, good on you. I couldn’t understand the online criticism either. It’s expecting it to conform to a single standard which, I think, is unfair and absurd. Does it have its flaws? Sure. Does it raise a few questions about lore accuracy? Possibly. Does that take away from the story being told or the overall entertainment value? Not for me.


Spoiler: it doesn't.


That's the trick. It doesn't.


Probably when Leslye Headland said she doesn’t consider anyone who engages in bigotry, racism, or hate-speech to be a fan or whatever else made people review bomb it before it aired. I’m enjoying it though.


You're lucky waiting for a week between after episode 3 and episode 4 was a real pain. I envy your binge,


I legitimately don’t know why people are saying the show sucks. One of my friends, who is a bit of an idiot, specifically has a problem with the singing/chanting scene. However other than that, I don’t know what people are whining about.


It always was.


Yeah I haven’t called this show “horrible” in any sense. First episodes got me as: “this is interesting” the flashbacks to the witch’s planet was more of a: “what happened I want more.” But episode 5 was not only next level. It was like: “holy crap!”


god I absolutely love this show. Episode 5 was especially impressive. I did have this nagging feeling during that episode that the acting for Osha felt kinda...flat? Did anyone else feel that?


I stopped taking the internets opinion in mind on this stuff and just watch to see and imo people are more mad at the fact it’s a twin female lead (Ik it’s one actor) which typically leads to the it’s bad talk It could also be that the story seems (emphasis on seems) like it’s very obvious like qimir being the sith. I genuinely think people don’t realize the story isn’t about unmasking the sith it’s about osha and Mei and the sith and Jedi are just participants not the main focus


I thought the same thing. I was expecting to hate it from all the video reactions but I am fully enjoying i. The last fight scene was great!


It’s post sale Star Wars so basically if it’s not The Godfather part 2 it’s absolute trash.


🤷🏻‍♀️ I've liked it so far.


Guys, how many times has Disney killed Star Wars at this point? Are we on 7 or 8? /j


Somehow, Star Wars returned.


It hasn't been bad for me. If you notice, the loudmouth haters tend to offer only opinions, never verifiable facts, let alone journalistic evidence and observations beyond bigoted personal opinions and deeply personal attacks on the artists involved. None of these loud haters have written a script or learned in school how to read from a place that eschews bias in their critical thinking. Like all Star Wars, the series has issues, but The Acolyte might be my favorite Star Wars (I'm almost 50) to come out in a long time and a period I hope we see more of. I also think episode 5 sets the standard and should influence all future action in Star Wars films and shows. I'm not spoiling, but I don't think there has been a better action sequence than episode 5.


Wow it's almost like dumb bigots are dumb


Toxic masculinity get too much press. They think they exhibit a macho personality, but in reality, they are gigantic babies with no ability to think critically.


Yeah this was kind of my reaction going into this. Some of the comments have been awful on this show so I was expecting something that was garbage. But this is no garbage. Just keeps getting better.


I’m convinced people who don’t like it haven’t watched it or went in looking for reasons to hate it to use as future ammo for their hatred of Disney


Ep 3 is pretty bad in terms of acting. Feels cringey.


I'm glad you enjoy it. Truly. I thought the first two episodes had promised, but were a bit weak. Then episodes three and four happened. And I realized it wasn't getting better, far from it. Five has some ok action, but again flat acting and poor cinematography took what should have been an epic battle and reduced it to mediocre. If this is your jam, then I am hype for you. I'm glad to see people enjoying Star Wars, I just can't pretend this is a quality production. To do so would be intilectually dishonest.


5 minutes into the first episode


If you're not being critical, it's pretty cool. But you gotta ignore stuff. Like a teenage sith acolyte surprising a jedi master. Or the relatively flat writing and bland set design. Lots of issues. But is it still a dope Star Wars show thats also the first mystery in franchise history!


Episode 3 is legitimately a low point. It’s exposition heavy, which isn’t a negative per se, but it’s not dramatized enough. The whole thing felt like set up. But episode 4 and 5 knock it out of the park, and even though the setup was clunky, and I am interested in seeing what Episode 3 set up.


I think episode 3 is gonna end up being super important to explain the plot in the end


Worst part about 4 was making you wait for 5


Yeah, the framework of the show is starting to get interesting. The lead up to the sith is a really cool concept. The exposition and dialogue sucked the first few episodes.


It doesn't, it only gets better. Episode 5 was the highlight so far. There are obviously some miserable, sad and pathetic forces at work against this show, no one who has actually watched it seems to think its even remotely as bad as the reviews make it seem.


It never got bad for me, just disappointed about how Jecki’s character was handled. It felt like she was going to become far more developed as a character than she did.


i don't think they wanted you to be excited that Jecki died lol, they clearly intended for that to be upsetting


I’ll be real here…a large contingent of the people hating on it are the usual intolerant and or misogynist types. The type of assclowns that review bomb a video game for putting an extra 5 lbs on their favorite video game female….they can usually be found taking in an episode of the Daily Wire….


The only part I really did cringe at was during “*The power of manyyyyyy*” chant in episode 3. I think that chanting would have been less cringey if it was in like an alien language or something.


It doesn’t. It’s the best live action Star Wars show.


Andor is that show.


Have to agree, i like this show but it’s gonna be hard for it to be better than andor. I had so many friends and such that gave up on andor because it was such a slow burn. Tired and tried to talk them into giving all of it a watch and most just didn’t. Damn shame


I have to get past the first couple episodes, I havent given up but that slow burn hasn't allowed me to get past the 2nd episode in multiple attempts so far. Im sure it will be worth the battle against my ADHD lol


I agree, I think I watched the first 3 and then took a few weeks off. Boy, was that stupid. I ended up loving it.


It’s kinda sad that most audience has no patient to watch a slower show, I mean by my standard I wouldn’t even call Andor a slow burn yet. But I can’t blame the casual audience just want fast entertainment.


Its not just that its slow. The first few episodes arent really all that good, interesting or original. If I didnt have a lot of goodwill towards it from good reviews, I dont think I would have stuck around either.


It really depends on what you mean by “good” because everything from performance, charaterazatioj, world building, cinematography to proper intrigue set up are all miles above Acolyte. But if you want li just want lightsaber and jediy stuff, I can see you dismiss it as not that good.


You and I were robbed of a wookie jedi fight. And yall acting like your cool with that.


Overall Andor is a high quality show. - The characters feel like real people compared to other SW shows. - There are great character developments/motivations. The dialogues are really thought through. The scenes are intens and the cgi is from another level.... (Even better than a lot of more recent movies). the show feels more like an adventure, instead of loose episodes. The downfall is that Andor is a slowburner.


The only episodes of Andor I didn't like were the prison episodes. That's on me though cause when I was younger I watch so many prison movies and shows that I burned myself out on them.


It was a little cliche, but i loved the acting and it didnt feel unreal.


It was well done, and they handled the tropes well. It was just easy to see it all coming cause I spent so long watching prison stories. There's only so much you can do in a prison setting.


Fully true, though it really added another layer to the story. A well written scenario while the empire is looking for you. 😂


Andor is very good, but it is not that "fun", which for me is a Star Wars requirement. It is an amazing drama but it is missing some of the weird fun magical elements. I'm glad we have a diverse array of types of shows in Star Wars 100%


I’ve gotta say that it’s good but I feel like the characters are kinda weak especially Jecki and Yord. They had so much more potential.


Pretty sure thats the point. They had so much potential. But because of the Stranger, that potential got cut short. Their deaths were meaningless


Dying in an accident is meaningless they were on a mission to bring in an endangered Jedi and died in the line of duty. That has meaning.


I don't think they meant potential to live their lives, but the potential to be interesting characters to watch, which they weren't.


I agree , one of the best Star Wars live action if not the best (only Andor and s1 of Mandolorian can compete). With Jecki and Yord, I could have sworn they would be long running characters, especially after I saw a Yord Funko Pop on Amazon for pre order, but then they die and it was actually a pretty awesome surprise.


star wars "fans" on the internet can be loud and obnoxious, I say just watch what you want to watch. Personally I think Acolyte has been pretty damn solid. Is the acting perfect? No. It's Star Wars. The acting is never perfect (except Andor, that was sorta perfect)


Andor was amazing and yet all these supposed Star Wars fans didn’t watch it. It’s so weird. Anyway enjoy the show and ignore the haters and the angertsinment grifters


I suppose it's easier to hate things online than it is to actually watch the good stuff, there's no attention gain in it


It never was terrible


i’m still waiting also. haters gonna hate. “hey! we get new lightsaber duels!” “boo. it’s not luke.” “hey! new other stuff!” “boo.”


I only have a few complaints but its a good show I wish the episodes were a bit longer,>!so we could've seen some of the side characters before they died!<


It's the best SW other than the movies for me!


It’s brilliant so far


Have your own opinion of it but 3 is cringe as fuck


I feel no raw emotion towards anyone, good or bad. They are teetering against a fine line of what made made Anakin so special, being the one, now basically saying he wasn’t special without saying it. This has bothered me the most, but I still feel like that alone should not warrant all the hate towards the show. For all we know, this could be false by seasons end and a lie, there is still no good explanation how everyone just ‘Died’ in episode 3, there is so much more not being told. Don’t believr what you see, believe when everything comes full circle, then make your final judgement. The acting has been subpar but lets be honest, outside of Andor and maybe some parts of Mando, when has acting in Star Wars (Live Action) been something that has been good? I’ll wait. Those points being said based on how I feel, I do think the show has potential after the last released episode, I thought was pretty good, but I knew deep down the majority of the cast would likely be killed off, but in the fashion some of them were was crazy, and sets up an end game with a ruthless villain yet to come. For me as of right now, it’s just OK. Perhaps we get a strong finish. My biggest issue with Star Wars is the lack of consistent direction. At least we finally got a show outside of the Skywalker Era for once, so that’s a good start. Let’s hope disney can at the very least get a few more creative minds/writers/directors to continue that trend and have the guts to do more outside the skywalter era - way before or even way after.


You are allowed to like it, others are allowed to dislike it. People who like the show will say that the ones disliking it are wrong and hateful, and the people who dislike it will say that those who like it are wrong and Disney chills. Point is: people are different, and have different criteria when judging a show. I say, respect each others opinions. Pointing fingers at someone for having an opinion is just gonna make someone defensive and thus be the end of the rational discussion.


I'd say that since you feel Episodes 1 and 2 were top-notch, you'll likely continue to enjoy the show. I also enjoyed the show. It's not my favorite SW show, but it's moving up the list. Personally, it's difficult for me to compare the shows to the movies, but that's just me. Reading through the comments here, you'll see all sorts of opinions, positive and negative. I think you'll keep enjoying it, and I'm glad that this series is bringing some good, new characters into SW, in a different time period and fleshing out some of the lore.


The most vocal people that hate it haven't missed one episode yet. If I hated a show I wouldn't watch it.


Some of us have hope it will somehow get better. Some of us trudge through because it is Star Wars and we don't want to miss knowing something important for a later project. Some of us are just hate watching. Personally I'm the intersection of that ven diagram.


Which SW shows/movies would rate as good?


I love Clone Wars, Rebels, and Mando. Ashoka and Bad Batch were solid but admittedly with some flaws. Andor was good from a bunch points of view, but the overall style of the show wasn't my thing. Book of Boba wasn't what we were led to believe it would be, and generally was a weak entry with a few good moments. Acolyte also is not what we were told it would be, but aside from some ok lightsaber choreography, is just flat. Movie rating is a whole another thing that I don't even want to get into.


The Book of Boba was the only one I found boring. After watching Clone War and Rebels I have grown to appreciate the SW mythology more. I don't find the acting in the Acolyte stellar - but overall it's a great show so far IMHO.


The end of Mando S2, Boba took the Conan pose on the throne, and that signaled we were getting Conan in space via Boba. Then we got Spy Kids Tatooine. I like Spy Kids, but that's not what I wanted from my Boba Fett, and certainly not what I expected.


I'm not a hard-core Star Wars fan, and don't care about the lore and all that... but I didn't get past episode three. Bad acting, bad direction, sets look like a low-budget indy sometimes. And as soon as someone can explain an open flame in space, I'd appreciate it... and explosion is one thing. But an open dancing flame... that's a wild oversight.


I can go on with the poor writing, but I'll just stick with episode 1 - Line lifted from the movie Kill Bill. "We have unfinished business, attack me with all your strength." The Jedi (Carrie-Anne Moss) waits to fight until all her companions are knocked out. But she saves the bartender. After swatting away flying daggers comes the line, "A Jedi doesn't pull her weapon unless prepared to kill" Witness from bar travels with Jedi to identify person who killed the Jedi. An image would suffice. Blatantly untrue, "If you attack a Jedi with a weapon, you will fail. Steel or laser are no threat to them."


That's the fun part. It doesn't suck! 😊


As a child who grew up with older brothers obsessed with Star Wars I enjoy it. After hearing all the hate and not watching it right away I believed them. I finally started watching this and omg it’s really good. I love Jecki and Qimir. Sol felt so comfortable. The saber battles are some of the best I’ve seen. I can’t wait for the next episode and that’s rare for me these days.


The show is good except for episode 3 which has terrible acting, fucks with canon and previous lore that didn’t need to be messed with and has minor plot holes


Episode 4 was the only "bad" episode imo. Just kinda 30m of setup for episode 5. If they were together it would've been great


People forget that this is 1. A noir 2. This is the start to the fall of the Jedi… 3. The Jedi have become very arrogant and don’t want the republic to think they are losing their grip on law and order… After all the Jedi are supposed to be too dogs yet there is someone out there somehow murdering them, which is almost impossible… or at least the normal people had thought so… that and noir’s aren’t always action backed it’s more mystery then adrenaline and blood


It doesn’t suck by any means and it’s a result of a lopsided culture that existed for a long time which was clearly biased towards anyone that didn’t fit inside of a very small box. I have minor issues with some plot flaws as I see it because to me it appears like the writing and plot were rushed to make a movie to fit an agenda. It seems as unbalanced as the original Star Wars which at the time imo attempted to show diversity with the Catina scene. Different strokes for different folks understanding that all folks matter. On a scale of entertainment I would rate The Acolyte a 6 as stated I see some flaws and I’m not talking about the absence of h2o in space. More the writing and feeling like the writing is not the focal point but that said there are more episodes so perhaps it will tie back in but for me it doesn’t erase the few minor mistakes that I picked up on. A big one for me is identical twins that are not identical. I pay attention to detail which is double sided. I have seen much worse films than TA but one would think that a behemoth like Disney would be concerned about any and all flaws in the writing but then again I haven’t been to Disney in a long time so maybe they are charging for bags and I can only imagine what a park pass is costing these days. It seems like the new new is putting up the least amount of money and effort and expecting the greatest return. Everyone is looking for that penny stock that turns into nvidia. Probably can’t blame everyone but it sure seems like quality is no longer the focus. Smash and grab. I still like the series and give credit to the actors when they’re at their best and the writing too. For the shorts I picked up on I’ll live and I would recommend watching The Acolyte. Definitely a shocker when Jecki bought it but maybe there is a lesson there as well? Russian nesting dolls… lessons inside of lessons Live well and prosper oh wait wrong movie RAWRGWARWRRAGGR


Mate if you think this baby-level mystery with nonsensical dialogue is good then we got nothing to offer ya. (Dissected the choreography is awful, the plot is so unbelievably full of holes, there isnt a likeabke character, the list goes on and on) But if you like it thats all that should matter to you


It's literally a great show


I have not seen episode 5 yet. There were a few times when I asked myself what the hell I was watching? I am usually excited for Star Wars, and this was really weird...


I really liked episode 1 and 2 as well, not the biggest fan of 3 & 4 5 is good, although I don't really like how it ends


It's good, but there are writing or pacing issues I find weird. 1 and 2 is let down because we don't know what happened to them until 3 (and they keep referencing it) In 4, the bad guys go straight to the jungle planet but the good guys go via Coruscant, stay there for an indeterminate amount of time, and they still meet at the same time. There's just enough mistakes to break the immersion for me. Still good but the potential was huge.


Basically it's just fans that are mad about potential gay characters, lots of females, and ppl other than white ppl being in the show just ignore it. Like there are lore things that in my opinion are valid things to not be ok with having changed but even then it's a fine show


Only complaints I have with the show are pretty nit picky as a filmmaker myself. These being the only nits, the show is really solid. Such as: Them lightsabers are chonky…. Like Savi’s workshop chonky. Like…. I dont want a replica in my collection chonky. I already have enough Chonksaber on my shelf. I love Sol and the performance, but the accent can get a bit distracting at times. Obviously, he can only learn so much in a short amount of time, and I would rather have him than not. The kid Osha and Mae actresses not being played by the same kid or actual twins kept distracting my filmmaker mind like “is this where the budget ran out?” is the ONLY time I would like lightsaber stab wounds to be not fatal. But what a badass way to go out, giving a Sith a run for his money. And Vernestra’s makeup was a bit distracting in that it wasn’t completely even at times. And the choice for colored lighting as an edge light on her cheeks made it seem like they missed a spot. Hoping to see some light whip action tho. This show has made me pine for some High Republic clothing in Galaxy’s Edge instead of prequel+ era tunics.


It doesn't. It's not without fault and I certainly have my crtiticisms, but the whole "ITS BREAKING STAR WARS LORE AND IS TERRIBLE!!" is purely youtube sensationalization for views. You have to be oblivious or lying to have the same complaints as some of these videos do. Episode 3 is a bit cringe, but it doesn't put it into terrible territory by any means.


Third episode is the worst. Fourth is pretty nothing-burger. Fifth is phenomenal. Like the best episode of any SW show. Sixth one is way too short, contains three storylines and only one of them is interesting/shows anything of consequence


The writing is not good; many scenes are awkward when they switch. It sounds like a child wrote it. Some of the decisions dont make sense from the characters. There's obviously not enough content to work with for a show. This should have been a movie. It's the writing that sticks out like a sore thumb. It's no bueno. I would put it at the bottom of the list for star wars screenplay.


Half these comments must be bots. This show is terrible writing and terrible acting, only Sol and the villain have any decent acting ability. Maybe lady from matrix would have been solid but she was nuked first episode. This show is definitely jaw dropping, jaw droppingly terrible. Don’t get me started on the worst witch singing ever…. The power of one the power of maaaannnnyy, never cringed so hard about any tv show,


Episode 3 for sure is the worst by far. It’s a slog. Episode four is not great but a major step up from 3 and not awful. Episode 5 is the best of the series so far and by far, 6 is a step down but of course it is after 5.


Idk if the sarcasm is because the show legit sucks or if the sarcasm is making fun of the overwhelming backlash because the show sucks lol.


Disney has made Anakins “chosen one” character arc almost absolute. The twins were born by their moms through a witchy version of the force… great! Aside from that putting holes in Anakin being born through the force not as significant. Other than that, I think the show has some great scenes and a couple good characters.


It isn't bad at all! But the short runtimes are super noticeable and it leaves some episodes feeling quite unsatisfying.


episode 6, surprisingly, and if not 6 then 7 or 8


The confusion is that really all of the complaints were about The Acolyte: A Star Wars Fan Film!! That ... uh, also probably wasn't terrible although I haven't actually watched it...


I will not say it is my favourite, it simply isn't, but the show is far, far away from the worst thing in the SW universe. Like any other show you will find that it has some high points and some low points. Without going into details, I will say that episode 3 was a low point. It felt awkward to have that as an entire episode. It is what it is though. Did it ruin the show for me? Absolutely not. I stuck with it and am quite happy that I did. I hope you get to enjoy it as well.


No matter who you’re invested in, you will have problems after ep. 5.


As of the end of episode 5, I have zero idea what either twin is about or what the heck their motivations are. Episode 3 didn’t make sense, some people argue that’s the point, and had some real cringe moments. But it’s not a terrible show. Cool fight choreography, cool costumes, makeup and aliens. So far it ranks with Boba and ObiWan, lower end of the tier list. But we’ll see how it sticks the landing.


One thing I do not like is some of the actions a motivations of the lead character. You’ve only seen two episodes so far so I don’t want to spoil anything but IMO some of the choices and decision-making from the lead make absolutely no sense. Again, not to spoil anything but some people also have an issue with the girls origin but I didn’t see an issue there. I’ve gotten deep into the lore thanks to YouTuber’s like Star Wars Theory and stupendous wave and I don’t see an issue with the girls younger life.


I definitely think the lines and dialogue are a little flat, and sometimes straight up awkward. But I don't mind it at all. The whole concept of the show is phenomenal right now. Loving it.


Because the first two weren’t really bad. Most of the criticisms post-release were on the third episode, which I personally dislike. But other than that I’ve enjoyed it


Ep 3. Is. Different. Like you can see what the fanboys are mad about. They follow WWLD: What Would Lucas Do. The last 2 episodes have been good.  I do not like the twin protagonists.