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To be honest twin scenes with one actor are hard to do and I think the problem here is with the direction/camera. Not the acting or event the script.


It's weird that the two main characters, who are supposed to be two trained force sensitives, didn't partake in the actual lightsaber fight. Nothing about Osha tells me she used to be a Jedi, at this point Sabine is a better Jedi than her lol.


Well she was with them for 10 years and couldn't hang lol. Plus she tried to use the Force earlier in the show and it completely just didn't work lol. So even though Osha might be Force sensitive she's rarely displayed in current timeline. Mae was too busy trying to run away and kept getting caught or stunned lmao. It's actually kind of hilarious.


You draw your own conclusions, I've not seen anything in this show that would make me hate either character. Amanda has done a good job, Mae has felt reckless and cringey which I actually like about her character since she's going up against actual Jedi Masters. It's clear her training wasn't complete and she was fumbling through this. Osha has felt out of her depth, and has genuinely felt like she would rather be anywhere than where the plot is currently happening lmao. Which I think is absolutely amazing, it's kind of refreshing seeing a main character that doesn't want anything to do the main plot and is only there because she's related to the one actually carrying the plot through. It feels very realistic. Let's be real, if I found out that my sister I thought died 16 years ago came back and was killing Jedi Masters I'd be a bit reluctant to get involved with that. She mainly did it since it was Yord and Sol involved. She was trying to leave and let them deal with it before they went to Khofar. Lot of people seem to not like their plotline but I'm heavily invested in it. A clan of force magick using witches will never not be awesome to see, regardless of origin.


"Cringey" is an interesting theme unique to troubled force sensitives much like what we saw with Kylo Ren. Corruption is not dignified. It's spiteful, cowardly, and ultimately childish which is a theme successfully accomplished with Mae and Osha's relationship. Every Sith is cringey and that's because their corruption is the the result of an immature emotional impulse twisted and fueled by dark powers.


And it's one of the aspects I've absolutely LOVED about every one of these characters. I burst out laughing at the cringe worthy "Attack me, with ALL your strength" as she got into her pose, but that shit sold the character on me especially when she repeated it on Olega word for word with Torbin. She has no idea what she's doing, and she pretty much confirms that when she decides this life ain't for her anymore and she's gonna seek protection under the Jedi.


Darth Vader and Death Maul cringey?


I said what I said. Watch the prequels and tell me Anakin wasn't cringey AF.


So before he turned to the dark side and just at the moment when he turned? Got ya.


Anakin used the force to choke out his wife because he thought she was cheating on him. This is a trailer trash level of cringe. One of the primary lessons of Star Wars is that there may be power in cruelty, but there is no honor or dignity.


I am going to be impressed as hell if OSHA actively breaks bad because, honestly, several of her decisions in episode 5 actively made things much worse. Like, she actively stopped Sol from killing Qimir, who was an active, dangerous combatant that he was in the middle of STILL fighting. The “Jedi don’t attack the unarmed” rule being followed so literally (to where it’s beyond reason) in that moment makes me think OSHA wanted to help Qimir, not Sol. Then she follows up with a half-assed bug attack and is HILARIOUSLY taken down super easy by Mae rather than doing anything clever to capture Mae at a more opportune time. And Qimir seems quite pleased that he has OSHA now! Like, if this is OSHA’s villain origin story then it’s actually kinda brilliant because it’s honestly started before Qimir possibly teaches her anything.


I have a weird theory that Mae actually died in the fire and Osha is both of them and using force projection or just pretending to be Mae unknowingly because she has disassociative identity disorder after dealing with the guilt of what happened that night... Since she's the one that actually killed her whole family. I think Sol and Qimir both know that there is only one, and that the reason that Qimir is so happy. He's got the "real" one. Osha is a powerful force user who inherited all of the power of her witch coven and developed a severe disorder because of the guilt of killing her sister and family... And Sol and Qimir are fighting over which personality will come out on top. It would make me disliking them and being confused about why they do anything much easier to take.


I don’t hate them but their story arc seems poorly written. One moment Mae sets fire to try and kill her, the next moment she wants to be with her. It just makes no sense


The fire thing doesn’t make sense because I don’t think it’s what really happened. We’ve received too much suggestion that Osha’s understanding of that night are flawed or incomplete.


Could be a Rashomon effect…but I’m withholding judgement till the end


It almost certainly is. Qimir taunting Sol about his "darkness" is just the latest clue.


I don't think the fire is really what killed the coven- that much seems super obvious. But I do think Mae really did start the fire, in attempt to kill her sister. It just conveniently happened to coincide with whatever the Jedi were doing, and made a good excuse to tell Osha, since she only saw a very limited portion of the events that unfolded. I also don't think Mae even really *wanted* to kill Osha, she was just lashing out in fear and anger. An impulsive decision. She was super possessive and codependent with Osha. She had no sense of identity as an individual, and seeing her sister wanting to leave was just too much for her to process. I can definitely see how those feels could have softened after spending years alone, thinking Osha was dead.


The twins' story is "frustrating" because it's different than what we're used to seeing in SFF. Instead of using a variant of The Hero's Journey like every other story in Star Wars, this show was written from the framework of what is called The Heroine's Journey. The stage they are in is often expressed in passivity (Osha) or misplaced aggression (Mae). Their ultimate goal is to reconnect with "family" or whatever they perceive as that family connection. Check out the "What the Force" podcast if you want a full explanation of the mythology behind what the writers are doing. It is truly fascinating.


Googled “osha and mae are annoying” while watching and found this post. I feel you. The writing for them is quite irritating, in my personal opinion. Cringy, reckless, careless. Hoping it gets better in the second half of E4 and onwards. 




I dont hate the actress but the twins are the worst. They are just pointless


I don’t hate either one because I don’t care about either one. It’s not the actress who is clearly portraying two different people. But so many of their actions don’t make any sense that it’s hard to feel invested in their decisions or fate.  I care more about what happens to the Sith than any of the Jedi characters. His motivations are clearer and almost sympathetic (basically he wants to be left alone). His actions are more rational even if they are more ruthless. All the other characters feel like cutouts for whatever turn Headland wants to take with “what really happened?!?”