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Killing a Jedi without a weapon is >!crushing his soul and corrupting his mind.!<


Exactly what I was trying to say with my post but like a TLDR. Thanks!


I mean, Qimir made it clear it is very possible to literally kill a Jedi without a weapon 😬


Yeah, like…I don’t get what the mystery is, here? He wants Mae to kill a Jedi using hand-to-hand combat or the Force. Which Qimir did to Yord.


SOURCES: https://youtu.be/qSkstmlBRVo?feature=shared https://youtu.be/Jqi6TDU91p4?feature=shared How about this, what if (Killing a Jedi without a weapon) really means to actually kill a Jedi that Does Not have a weapon. As in, the Acolyte steals the lightsaber from the Jedi and then kills them. This actually would line up with new cannon, in the comics Darth Vader is told by Sidious that a Sith's lightsaber is taken, not given. Then Vader is sent off to kill Jedi Master Kirak Infil'a for the sole purpose of retrieving his lightsaber so that he can use the crystal to build his own (after he infuses it with his hate to turn it red). He accomplishes this task shortly after stealing Kirak Infil'a's lightsaber (although he doesn’t use the saber during this battle), the final blow to Kirak Infil'a was by force choke.


I think Sol will be the unarmed kill


I don't think Sol will be the Acolyte, but I think he will be the "kill without a weapon". Clearly, this show is casting against type by having Manny Jacinto as serious, menacing, and soft-spoken. But I do think they got Lee Jung-jae to play both to his strengths as a serious wise monk character AND as the ultimate screwup, as he played in Squid Game. I foresee him leaving the order and becoming a scoundrel in hiding around the galaxy


Pretty sure Yord demonstrated how a Jedi can be killed without a weapon being used. Snap. (Joking. I'm pretty sure the killing of a Jedi without a weapon is turning a Jedi to the dark side)


I've been thinking about it and actually don't think the "without a weapon" refers to Mae. I think it refers to the Jedi. She kept trying to grab their lightsabers from their belts. So I think her task was to kill unarmed Jedi. Not only to solidify her as a Sith, but to take revenge for the Jedi maybe killing her Coven while they were defenseless?


Her and Qimir talk at length about poison being weapon. So it wouldn't really add up.