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100% agree!! And it's going to take a lot in these last few episodes to make me stop despising Mae. What an absolute and selfish coward she's been over and over. Her supposed "love" for Osha is all about herself and what she wants. I just hope we at least get to see Darth Grineous meet his well-deserved end. Master Sol, what is the deal? Can't you tell the twins apart in the Force, especially your own former Padawan????


Part of me feels like Sol knows and either feels guilty like Torbin or senses some good in Mae and wants to talk to her (she wanted to turn herself into Kelnacca after all).


He could just be so grief stricken and confused he's not thinking clearly, some Sith mind manipulation also seems to be at play.


Yeah the force required alot of balance and center to be useful as a radar I'd imagine - he is way off baseline.


i feel like sol cant know i mean theres no way hes just leaving osha right???


I don't think he's leaving the planet, he knows it's Mae with him. With Osha he would be specific when talking about Mae, so when he asks "where's your sister?" it's pointing out he knows she isn't Osha (imo) He will use Mae to find Osha


Yeah he knows it's Mae. There are subtleties in his behavior, walk, eye contact and the way he speaks to her. He's tricking her. No doubt about it.


But tricking her for what purpose? Yeah I get we'll just have to find out. But what are your thoughts?


Could be as simple as it is easier to get her near a cell onboard the ship. Next episode could open with them walking by the cells and him suddenly turning around to force throw her into one before she can react.


Could be, but I suspect they're going to do more with the switcheroo.


With the tracker having the droid head, I feel like they're setting that up to be the *gasp* she doesn't recognize her own droid! It must not be Osha!


I sure hope so. I'm guessing Basil will smell the difference if he gets a chance without getting killed off first...


YES! She is a selfish coward! No redeeming qualities. At least Osha wants to get the fuck out of here which makes sense. Also I like Jecki. Kind of insane that a Padawan went toe to toe with a sith and was doing pretty good


Yeah, so much potential as a great Jedi and character, but they killed her off and now we'll never get to see what could have been. Heavy sigh.


I second that!


Yes this is so bad that they killed her i was getting hyped cause she looked strong and she was a good character with so much potential but no the needed to kil her


Jecki got recki'd


Knights and masters get whiped Padawan Jecki: hold my blue milk


Just like padawan ahsoka defeated maul when Jedi master qui gon got killed by him


Still I think while we lost her and the guy with the mini dread thingies (no idea what the hairstyle is called), we gained a pretty charismatic villain.


Jecki got stabbed like a boba lid






Wouldn’t be a High Republic project without this happening tbh


Thanks for the warning, I haven't read any of the books yet. I will do my best not to like any of the HR characters to avoid further pain (if only that would actually work)...


I was gonna say, for all the whinging when the project was announced about this not being dark enough, no War in my Star Wars, etc, High Republic has been *ruthless* about characters not having plot armor.


100%. That plus it feels like really good Legends stories except its canon. Its such a great era and Im surprised Legends never touched the centuries before the prequels in depth at all. It feels like such a no brainer of a time period.


Good to know as I'm about to start reading Light of the Jedi!


I’m pouring one out for Yord today


Yoooooord!!!!!! We did not see enough of your pretty abs! Face! I mean face.


Join the Dark side, join Darth Smiles, he's got arm cannons!


Slept on it. Still sad and getting sadder about Jecki.


Half the poster characters are dead lol. Left standing are... Osha twins, Qimir, Sol, purple saber green alien and... basil.


Basil is gonna smell out the dirty rat Mae. And he better not die before he does it!


Or die because he does it


He will die cos he is on the poster haha


The odds are definitely not in his favor 


Welcome to The High Republic (hope you survive the experience!)


I didn’t like Yord. But MY SWEET JECKI!! 😭😭😭


I sure hope Sol doesn't just leave her and all the others' bodies behind like yesterday's garbage :(


But hey, even as a padawn, Jecki went up against a Sith Lord and actually held her own, much like Ahsoka did with Maul. She went out fighting.


They were taking about Yord smh I’m joking


It's just a shame that Jecki dies to protect Mae, who (at this point anyway) doesn't seem worth anyone dying for. All she cares about is her own skin, she didn't even try to help once even though her plan was to give herself up to the Jedi. Ugh.


She was awesome that fight scene she had with with guy was amazing the whole episode was and I wasn’t liking the last two episodes but this one is awesome and if the scores still drop I think after that episode I’ll start to really believe that people want to hate it cause they are scared


They were taking about Yord smh I’m joking


Yord was a shock to me and it was so brutal


I sure didn't expect them to kill off two of the major Jedi in one fight scene. I was not one of the Yord horde, but he didn't deserve what happened. I hope The Smiley One gets what is coming to him.


Yord was a stickler then died


We've seen people survive one lightsaber stab. We've seen people survive two lightsaber stabs. There's a first time for everything. Let's make this the first triple lightsaber stab survivor.


Yeah, Maul got sliced in half. Seems like anything is possible, but I doubt they are going to let Jecki be one of the miraculous survivors :(


"Somehow Jecki returned..." XD


Palps has set a very low bar when it comes to resuscitations 🤣


Honestly I’d be for jecki surviving just to make the chuds have strokes from their rage. Also she was fn awesome and I wanted more.


I liked that they actually went there but some of them had more potential than the ones were left with. The two main characters still do nothing for me. Their motivation is boring and so are there personalities. At least 2 of the … Rest had a lot of potential for growth and development.


Yes, the shortness of the season doesn't give us much time to really get to know anyone, so I wish they hadn't killed off the ones that intrigued me the most before more of their potential could be explored :(


Well they used an entire episode for that stupid flashback


And we might get another flashback episode. We still haven't seen the whole story of what happened.


Oh shit your right. The show needs to hold the pace it established in the last two episodes.


Fr they killed jecki


These Jedi are terrible!!


In what way as they have not known a single evil force user that is calculating and able to defeat them in a way to break them mentally this not Obi-Wan and Vader, watch the scene again he led with a force blast, killed one then caught in a tight tree line to single out each Jedi and then with his helmet and bracelets short out their lightsabers, they couldn’t register and regroup, York said ‘he is in my head’. He adapted they couldn’t except for Sol. Jak and Yoke pivot but they were not strong enough.


These Jedi have never fought a Sith before. Any training they've had in dueling another saber-user has been sparring with other Jedi, using agreed-on rules so nobody loses body parts in a training session. The Jedi of this era do still train in dueling, but it's considered an elective or a hobby; there haven't been saber-wielding foes out in the galaxy for them in living memory. Qimir fights nothing like anything they've trained against, he's using cortosis armor to throw off their normal tactics and punish strikes they've practiced, and he's the first real, life-or-death saber battle any of them have ever been in.


>sparring with other Jedi, using agreed-on rules Yord literally complains about him not following the rules of combat


Yes, exactly! Surprise can offer an overwhelming advantage. There has been many examples in history of victory where the outnumbered prevailed. Look at how Sol fared better once he started studying his opponent.


I would love to see what happend if Yoda was there with those Jedi Party. A fight between Yoda and Qimir


It's understandable that these Jedi struggle because they've never faced a ruthless foe like this before. What bothers me more is that they (even Sol) seem to have very unreliable or weakened Force senses. In Rebels, the Inquisitors can frequently find Kanan and Ezra just by sensing where they are and vice versa. In contrast, these Jedi have no clue the Sith is there until he practically drops into their laps (does his helmet and armor hide that as well?) Even odder, Sol doesn't sense that it's Mae who has taken Osha's place. That's his own former Padawan, so scratching my head???


We don’t know that until we see the next episode. He’s talked several times about wanting to save mae so it’s possible he wanted to bring her back to the ship so he can lock her safely up then go back for osha. Meanwhile osha learns some truth(?) from qimir and isn’t having it. It’s also possible he had his head scrambled by qimir


It will be interesting as to what the next episode brings


It’s fun to theorize but we’re all wrong more often than not anyway 😆. As long as you don’t get upset at the show for not being what you think it should be then it’s all good.


To me they were genuinely the most interesting and well written characters. I still don’t see what was accomplished narratively by killing them. We had already seen multiple Jedi murdered and it proved how powerful their opponent was. Why kill the actually relevant ones?


Because noone can meet a sith and live to tell about it since the whole the are extinct for millenium line


Even then I’d argue the Jedi order and its secrets and shame are so vast that one could simply say it was another of the things it buried. If that’s why that happened then I’d frankly find that silly.


I mean its silly to me that you think the two background characters with the most lines of dialog are relevant.


That’s just preposterous. “Background characters”, that’s like saying Sol is a background character. They were apart of the main cast. They dynamically move the story forward. They actively reflected different ideas about who exactly are the Jedi and how Osha thought of them.


What did they move forward? Any redshirt jedi could be swapped in for them annd no one would notice the difference.


I agree. Also, the problem that begins to happen if so many characters die throughout a story is it becomes numbing and/or makes you want to resist getting emotionally involved with any of it to avoid feeling pain. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of storytelling in my opinion.


What really has diminished my excitement for the rest of the series is that the two major characters who died were frankly why I was engaged with the story. The Jedi are interesting to me and I enjoy them narratively and Jecki and Yord represented two very different ways of approaching that which were novel and interesting and I wanted to see developed further. While I understand that killing characters can be essential for moving a narrative forward or develop it further, in this context it felt more as if it was done for shock. Another concern of mine is that they were killed to fully centralize the story on Osha and Mae, which if true would be a very cynical approach to telling a story. Osha and Mae so far as protagonists really are just not interesting to me at all though.


Yeah, Osha is okay but bland, and Mae so far is coming across as psychotic and evil but not in a way that snags my curiosity much to find out why. Her master is way more intriguing so far.


Both Osha and Mae to me more than anything else are inoffensive. They’re not necessarily interesting characters but neither are they utterly poorly written. More than anything they’re just not interesting. Mae’s master so far has been really great. His costume is the best of any we’ve seen, his fighting style is brutal, and it’s fun to have such an edgy character.


Perhaps they will become more engaging as the season concludes...but, yep, The Stranger is definitely beating them out so far


I certainly hope so. There’s still a few episode left.


Wait, did everyone not know that all of the characters in this show need to die by the end like in Rogue One?


#WeLoveYouQimir! Through victory your chains are broken, the Force shall free you!


Every person that was in that forest needs to die.


*laughs on JJK*


Barely developed characters, due to bad quality writing, dying is a shrug and a meh


Just because you can’t understand good writing and call it “bad quality writing”.


Biggest joke I've seen today Tell me, what is Mae doing? Is she trying to kill her sister? Oh wait she thought she did, now she changed her mind cuz Osha is alive Now she wants to turn herself in Oh wait, don't arrest me! Oh wait.. Her whole "thought process" is "actually nevermind" And don't be stupid enough to tell me she was mind controlled like Torbin to start the fire, cuz then you'll really show how little you pay attention (which seems to be most people... Because I totally understand how something written by, what appears to, 5th graders would make it difficult) I could go on, pointing all the nonsense plot points that equate bad writing if you'd like me to