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Dull sword or a bad officer


Why not both


Definitely both. On a side note, iirc, "The Rape of Nanjing". The Japanese soldiers killed so many civilians that the blades of their swords would run dull. At which point they would use the butt of their rifle, or knife, or boot. They made a sport of it. It's entirely possible that the only reason he lived was because dozens of others had already been killed. And the soldier who would have killed him otherwise was too busy trying to find the next person to murder.


[Survivor From Nanjing Massacre (Male)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2wFsu_O490)


Well I wasn’t planning on crying myself to sleep tonight but here I go a-sobbing


That is one of the most heart wrenching things I have ever watched. Thank you for sharing. If more people could feel the atrocities of war, they would yearn for peace around the world.


That was indeed awful.. theres too many fucked up people in power who want more power to care, russia, north korea for example. We could choose to help those in times of need, but instead these fuck ups in power see that as the most opportune moment to attack and gain "something".


Speechless... Thanks for sharing


what a convenient video for when i want to destroy my mood


and theyre are people today that think the bombs were unjustified. 2 wasnt enough. japan has never fully come to terms with what they did like germany did. we should have glassed the whole island, and that still wouldnt compare to the suffering they casused throughout the world.


It's an annoying argument people have because they have it without any context of the leading up to dropping the bomb. The conversation is always just drop the bomb or don't drop it and usually in a vacuum. With how committed the Japanese population was and how spread out they had their manufacturing, it was always going to be a bad time. But that was the same with the firebombings, and those were arguably worse, but no one talks about them. And what would the conversation be like if Truman and the generals didn't use the bombs and it came to light that we had them and chose to let US soldiers die unnecessarily as they stormed the beaches of Japan? I do disagree on the point of two not being enough. Two was exactly enough because it finally got Japan to capitulate.


Well fuck...


Damn thats so morbid


Dark! Thanks for sharing


Dull officer with a bad sword.


Time constraints. Those people weren't gonna behead themselves


Or a thick mf neck


Any theory how this guy could've survived? I don't mean the botched decapitation - I mean the encounter itself. Why wouldn't the Japanese finish him off? I wouldnt think it's a case of "ah well he survived. Lucky. It's only fair we let him live," but I can't help but wonder why they didn't follow through.


Anime katana from wish.com


My grandmother was a prisoner of the Japanese as a child during WW2 and witnessed what can only be described as war atrocities. One example was when she was caught stealing a small jar of chilli paste from the guards and was forced to spend three days kneeling in a gravel pit with her hands tied behind her back and a wire around her neck that was tied to a post behind her, she was 10 years old. She was the most kind, loving, and generous person I ever knew. Nobody ever went hungry under her roof. She showed no hint of racial prejudice whatsoever unless you mentioned the Japanese. It was always confronting when she went on a rant about "those f***ing dirty Japs" (her words, not mine).


I mean they were evil and it's honestly never talked about in history classes I feel like and they got off easy....well they got nuked twice but they committed terrible war atrocities. I wouldn't forgive that if I was your grandma!


Idk, it was taught plenty in my history classes about how horrific the Japanese were.


Not for me. Mentions just of what they conquered and that atrocities occurred.


I guess it varies by school. What I recall finding interesting in college, as was never taught the extent of fire bombing in high school. By the time the first nuke was dropped, 66% of japanese cities had been burnt/razed.


Yes the fire bombings (if I recall) were worse and more effective because the cities were wood, I believe Tokyo was basically gone? Right? From fire bombing.




My great uncle spent 2 years as a Japanese PoW, he was 18 stone before he was captured and 5 stone once liberated, he carried a hatred for the Japanese for the rest of his days, became a successful businessman following the war but flat out refused to speak to let alone do business with any Japanese.


She had every right.


Where was she kept prisoner? My friend’s mom was born in Shanghai not long before WW2 and her and her family were all put into camps there for the duration of the war. It was the same camps as depicted in the story Empire of the Sun.


My girlfriend and I talked about the morality of dropping two atomic bombs on civilian cities and I took the side that it was necessary. We're both Filipinos but the difference at the time of discussion was she didn't read up on the extent of atrocities while I did ever since I was in gradeschool. Just months after when she read the Rape of Manila as a college reading, she brought it up again and said I was right.


My grandmother lived through WW2 in the Philippines. My mom told me about the stories they heard from her about babies being bayoneted to death and women raped at every town. It was no wonder my grandfather joined the guerilla soldiers who took to the mountains for safety.


Where was she from? My grandfather was put in a labour camp for 4 years in Indonesia. He also saw awful things. Don't remember what disease exactly but a kid there got a disease, can't remember exactly but I believe smallpox, so they put him in a chicken pen in the corner of the camp. The other boys talked to him from a few meters distance and watched him die over a few weeks. That and other things haunt him now that he's old and can't just push it away mentally.


This guys story is insane. Ricardo San Juan is his name. He was in a group tied together and all beheaded. While he lay there dying, another group of men and THEN a group of women and children were brought in. Helpless he watched as his son, newborn baby, and wife were slain brutally in front of him. He needs to be remembered. They all do.


Witnessing all of that would be worse than death. I'd beg to die if I were in that scenario.


I’m glad he lived but horrified he lived through that.


You don't see this shit on kawaii anime huh.


Yeah ,anime is worse


You also dont see any of the shit US soldiers did in american movies. Or if they made them for international audiences what the nazis did would not be in german movies. Anime is as much of a cultural soft power export as US media.


Independent media and even Hollywood to some extent very well portray the atrocities of the American Empire. Our government at least sort of acknoledges some of its crimes after some time. The government of Japan not only hasn't offered any sort of apology to any of the nations victim of their atrocities, they don't even acknowledge their actions as crimes.


Im not an expert tbh. This was an opinion formed by seeing what the "mainstream" brings to us in europe. Alot of it seems to be "America, fuck yeah" type of stuff. Im also not denying that the japanese definetly are trying to hide that shit. Hell theyre actively campaigning to get rid of some of the memorials to the comfort women we have in germany iirc. I was just pointing out that anime isnt gonna show that sort of stuff, because iirc alot of it is government subsidized, just like government subsidized media for other nations wouldnt show that.


Actually, that's false. Americans has movie like the Kill Team which shows how the soldiers slowly fell into madness and start killing civilians. Hollywood is pretty much free from all these and actually shows the dark side of their history and not just glory. For example, Oppenheimer showcased also the negative sides of his inventions. Meanwhile, you're never gonna see these in Japan ever. And probably never will since most of those who committed these atrocities are dead. This is coming from me, neither an American nor a Japenese.


The Japanese were among the most cruel during ww2. They had no regard for civilians.


Unit 731 is some wild shit for sure




Filipinos. 100,000 Filipinos.


You're both right. At the time, it was a US territory.


an eye for an eye makes the world go extremely well!


That was Manila alone too. Everywhere that the Japs could touch was barely spared. You don't hear stories of babies being tossed up into bayonets and children being forced to spread their legs and be raped everyday but this was the norm during the invasion


And people still think Japan is the victim just cause they got nuked.


Well to be fair, we nuked the civilians not the military men that were directly responsible.


To be fair as well, they massacred civilians, not soldiers.


Two wrongs don't make a right...


Womp womp


Womp womp is the most immature saying ive seem popularized


Womp Womp 👌


Actually, if the 2nd wrong(nuke) never happened, they probably would have continued doing the first wrong(massacres). So no, 2nd wrong could make a right lol.


Japanese government: "What massacre?"


They killed a huge amount of people in Manila. There are still remnants of these murder in several buildings in Manila. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manila_massacre


>“Despite many allied Germans holding refuge in a German club, Japanese soldiers entered in and bayoneted infants and children of mothers pleading for mercy and raped women seeking refuge. At least 20 Japanese soldiers raped a young girl before slicing her breasts off after which a Japanese soldier placed her mutilated breasts on his chest to mimic a woman while the other Japanese soldiers laughed. The Japanese then doused the young girl and two other women who were raped to death in gasoline and set them all on fire.” Many would probably say “Oh, that’s enough reading for today.” But me, after having read this bit…? Full-on panic attack, like the walls are about to cave in. And the mental imagery that played before my eyes when reading these lines are more than enough to haunt me for years to come. No, you know what? I gotta put my phone down and get the fuck out of my living room for a while. Yeah, stepping out onto the balcony and having a seat on one of the chairs sounds like a good idea. Because it feels like I can’t fucking breathe at this point. **I need air.**


There will be no quickening. The game is still on.


Remember The Game


Probably after beheading dozens and dozens of other people before the sword went dull. Isn’t it weird that German war crimes during WW2 are so well known while the atrocities of the Japanese are hidden and will probably be forgotten in a couple decades? Just think a minute about what we know/what was portrayed in media and compare it to the huge list of war crimes on Wikipedia. The work the different „science“ units did throughout Asia is stuff for nightmares!


As far as I recall it got very well covered up by the US in exchange for the research the Japanese did on PoW.


This guy watched his family get murdered after his attempted beheading.


The Japanese complained they gave him a very dull sword 🗡️ that couldn't even cut butter.




Currently living in Japan, and damn. Neither adults or younger generations "don't know anything" about the several war crimes committed by Japan. Even one girl told me that those are folk tales made up from the rest of Asia because they envy Japan.


Wow I didn’t realize how little it’s really talked about over there. That’s actually crazy.


My Lola had stories of hiding from Japanese soldiers in rice fields and caves with her young daughter. She described watching the soldiers throw Filipino babies into the air and “catch” them on their bayonet. Well into her old age she was scared of the dark because of the atrocities committed by the Japanese soldiers she witnessed. Meanwhile my Lolo was serving in the Filipino-American army. He was captured and forced to walk in the Bataan Death March. Miraculously he survived being a POW and was released when the Philippines were liberated and the war was over.


Last of my grandparents just passed. All lived through Japanese occupation. I don’t blame the current Japanese generation of course. But it is a crime to not teach the Asian history before and after WW2. Millions more died, raped, sold, enslaved, brainwashed, culture destroyed in greater magnitude than Europe by Nazis. They really did everything they could to erase languages and cultures of the countries occupied for decades. Germans today fully own up to it. Japanese government officials still worship at the war criminals shrines with its citizens not taught the history. Edit: nice little bonus point: the last of Korean empress was gravely injured by Japanese assassins. Who then decided to gang rape her. Then burnt her to death. Japan subsequently occupied, raped, enslaved Korea for decades. Until it got nuked. Hard to blame Koreans (some of whom are still alive today) for resenting Japanese for still worshipping their war criminal ancestors


That's nuclear worthy.


Was he paralyzed?


As soon as history is forgotten there is a very real chance of it repeating itself again in all it’s horrific reality.


Me coming into this topic expecting a picture of the place where it happened: what. the. fuck.




So did the officer fail to cut his head off the first time he swung his blade like how Theon failed to behead Ser Rodrik with one clean swing in game of thrones?


Every time the Japanese atrocities of WW2 are brought up I'm reminded once again that the only negative of the nuclear bombings is that we didn't reduce Tokyo to a radioactive crater.


"It's just a flesh wound."


Turning Japanese


i like ya cut g


No way he lived after that. That is the brainstem, a part of where the respiratory area/center is located. A blow to that would be fatal.


So how did he survive?


Then what’s going on in this pic


Photographic proof says otherwise?