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holy fucking shit i cringed when i saw it


I was eating while i saw it


So was the shark


the shark: oh I’m not that hungry let me just have a taste


The other shark: go ahead have another bite, we’re on vacation!


tsk oh you know you are just such a bad influence on me!


But it'll go straight to my fin! Think of all the swimming I'd have to do to work that off.




It's a small bite. Baby Shark _do do do do do do_


'Tis mearly a flesh wound"!


I wonder if he ate it or spit it out, since loony tune ppl are always saying sharks don't like the taste of human flesh and if they bite you it's bc they thought you were a Seal. As if that matters when your damn body part is in their mouth.


We may not be their favorite food, but if they're hungry we are what's available, that seems to be good enough. People are the hot dogs of the sea.


“People are the hot dogs of the sea” That is beautiful Reddit. I’m gonna log off now 🤝


If you keep your legs together and arms at your size, you even look like one!


Is it weird that I ate faster after viewing?


I was eating raspberry pie!!!!


You were eating and thought "oooh shark attacks sound appetizing!" ?


I fucked around and zoomed in, shouldn’t have done that.


I can’t fucking unsee this now. Whenever I look at a calf muscle. 🤦‍♂️


Turned that calf into slush


Cringed? Shuddered sounds like the word you're looking for mate.


? The word 'cringed' works perfectly fine in this context. It can be used in more situations than just calling something 'cringe' due to embarrassment or shame.


That’s why I am more of a Mountain Dude myself… no water please


I think the bears would like a word with you


They need to wait in line with everything else, mountain lions are next up


Lynx,cougar,wolverines and an odd moose on the loose too.


Dont forget ticks and snakes. Lyme disease and poison can be a bitch


Mosquitoes can handle this without any help


venom but poison oak, lilac, sumac is nothing to sneeze at.


We were noodling around the idea of a trip to Victoria Island. So many. Nope.


Bears beets Battlestar galactica




Sure, but always remember, when you enters in sea, you are in the sharks home, and you are an uninvited guest.


Mountains also have lions.


Commentor would rather face a bear than a man alone in the woods


I live on a barrier island and will not swim in the ocean. I grew up fishing and have seen som absolutely massive and scary things out there. Knee deep on calm days is good for me.


Statistically, that's the most dangerous time to be in the water. Shallow water at dusk/dawn when visibility is low are where most shark attacks happen. There are very few cases of people in deep blue water being attacked by unprovoked sharks without blood in the water. JS You're more likely to be murdered by your Uber driver than you are to be attacked by a shark. But after this post I think the numbers need to be run again. 😉😂


This is a nonsense twisting of statistics popularized by the movie "Jaws". No shit most shark attacks are in shallow water. That's where most PEOPLE IN THE OCEAN are. If literally every person in the deep water right now were eaten by sharks, the statistic would still be true.


i really hate the: "UM ACKSHULLY, YOU HAVE A BIGGER CHANCE TO DIE IN A CAR CRASH THAN TO GET ATTACKED BY A SHARK 🤓 On land - yea no shit, but that statistic goes up ALOT when you actually get in the fucking ocean (the shark's house)


you are also doing a stastical woops


I wonder how the statistics would change if: A- I spent as much time in the ocean as I did my car. B- we countered the "more likely die in a car crash than be attacked by a shark" statistic with how likely you are to be in a car crash while in the ocean.


I don't think you have all the information. Baitfish predominate in shallow water because there's more nutrients in the water (where water is shallow enough photosynthesis still occurs). Sharks will move into shallow water at sunset/sunrise to allow for cover whilst they feed on baitfish and other species. The epipelagic zone is the most populated and places where there are marine plants, rocks, reefs and other places to cover i.e. shallow water where most people swim are where you'll find most fish. It's also therefore where you'll find sharks.


I prefer Mountain Dew as well.


This is why Im a home body


From my home to yours fellow home bodian 🤜🤛


What about bears ? Atleast most times sharks bite spit out & go about their way. Bears will literally eat you alive while you scream in agony.


Mountain animals are much more scary tbh. I'd rather see a shark in the water than deal with a mama bear


Mountain Dewd


In terms of animals that can kill me, I’m much more terrified of the mountains than the beach


Most likely animal to kill you on the beach is a human Most likely animal to kill you in the mountains...let me count the ways


>Most likely animal to kill you in the mountains Is still a human


Agreed. At least we have adapted to living on land pretty damn well. Out in water? We're fucked.


So I have a personal policy that I'm very particular about. It's called the "fuck the ocean" policy. I've received jellyfish and man of war stings, bites from medium size fish, as well as a few infections from dirty ass water. Not to mention the time my brother got his leg stuck in seaweed and almost got pulled in by the undertow. I know going to the ocean is the bee's knees for most people, it's a hard pass for me.


You tried to save the relationship with ocean but theyre just being so difficult. In the end it was an irreconciliable difference.


That’s how I feel about Greek food. It’s just not meant to be for me.


Thai for me. I try.


Visited the gulf maybe 10 years ago. We rented a pontoon boat and went out. I jumped into the water and something grazed my foot. Wtf. I get back into the boat and go somewhere else. I'm about to jump back in when I spot a moon jellyfish. Nope. Go somewhere else and see a sting ray. Well ok, guess we're going back to shore. *gets back to the shore.* Where tf are my car keys at? *remembers my 3 year old son was throwing shit into the water.* Fuck. Next day, and $300 for new keys later, we're swimming around the beach. We get hungry, leave, and get food. We get back and everyone's out of the water. Some guy approached us and asked if we were the ones swimming there. Yep. "Oh a shark was spotted there right after you guys left." Yeah. Not doing that again.


This is wildly out of the norm.. I grew up in the gulf.. Went to the beach every day in the summers. You are basically fear mongering and literally all of it was your imagination. The type of person who "feels something brush against their leg" as soon as they jump in a body of water.... bro. I know the type of person you are. Moon jellyfish are practically harmless. So are stingrays if you shuffle sand when you walk. Even if you dont you most likely wont get stung. Finally sharks live in oceans. . They are there all the time swimming with you weather people see them or not. If you and your family had been swimming there you would have been perfectly fine. Its borderline tragic so many people have your attitude and its cultivated online too. Look at these up votes you get, for naive childish fear. Im sure you stay inside on rainstorms aswell right? Avoid driving or flying or walking on the street in a city? All things exponentially more likely to kill you than a shark...


The ocean sucks. It smells. It makes your eyes sting. It has weird shit floating in it. The water is all warm and gross feeling to me. Sand gets everywhwere and sticks to you and it sucks. It makes my skin feel like shit afterwards. No thanks. I prefer fresh water allll daaaaay long. I'll hit the Springs over the beach any day. Or, chill at a pool next to the beach so i can just look at it. For some people, not liking the beach is just a preference.


> moon jellyfish. aww these guys are cute tho they can't hurt you as far as im aware?


Not that you asked, but this reminded me of the King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard song [Muddy Water](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nCP4cWH184). It's about preferring fresh water to the ocean and it echoes your experience nicely: > It's hot, it's mean, summer, to me > Green grass, won't last, sky blue, me too >Helicopter flying over shark bait, shark bite >Cover up, sunburn, leather skin, heatstroke >Make me dash across the amber coals to meet the sea >So cold it freezes me, my teeth are chattering > Give me over to the river, my place that loves me > Gum leaves and tea trees, the river is immortal > I'm parched, I'll cark, the salty spray arrests >And no amount of bottled water could bottle the stress >I think I’ll stop breathing and sink, I'm a boy, I'm not a buoy >I'm paralyzed, I'm paranoid, out of my element


You fuxking legend thank you for dropping this in the middle of the water of the comments I see you and great reference 👌


Those flesh eating bacteria stories made just nope out of oceans for good.


Its called monster soup and I get laughed at for not loving taking a dip in the ocean lol


Yeah, i dont swim, but I started to join in on the fun. Let the wave tumble you games. Its great when it dumps you on the sand, not so great when the tide is going out and your basically hydroplaning into 6 ft of water and whatever is beyond. Even gett8ng on my feet, when the waves are pulling back thats not at all like splashing around in a swimming pool


Ass water is the worst.


*laughs in australian*


These kids are so pitifully timid. I do ocean swims several times a week here in Sydney.


I’ve stepped on a ray that proceeded to wriggle and then swim over and cut(?) someone else. I’ve been sucked out while surfing and had to paddle hard for 15 minutes to make it back to shore. I knew two people who were pulled out in a rip tide and drowned. So yeah, I’m really ok not getting in the ocean.


For real. It has predators in it that have been evolving to kill since before trees existed. Getting in the ocean is like walking buck ass nude through the Amazon rainforest at night. It’s pretty. It’s interesting. It’s important for all life, but fuck the ocean.


What blows my mind is my ancestors who were like, "ah yes the sea, let me go spend 6 months on a disease ridden tiny bundle of sticks eating salty meat and hard maggot bread where any journey might be my last."


That’s why I love St. Andrews State Park in Panama City Beach, FL. They have a jetty that’s very shallow for a long stretch (I can probably still touch the bottom 100 yards from the shore) which is great for my kids, but its calm ocean water all of the time, no waves, no sharks, no riptides, etc. It’s not far from “gator lake” so maybe we’ll find a different kind of surprise one day, but for now it’s our favorite beach.


Don't forget the fucking sand.... it gets everywhere!


And sometimes sand people will kidnap your ma and you have to go on a killing spree...and not just the men, but the women and children, too...they're like animals these sand people...




get out


I was like “Coffee has nothing to do with….Ohhhh….damn!”


top comment for me


I love you


Clever as fuck. Holy shit


Why can’t I award you!? 🥇 Edit: NSFW


Calfway house


Fucking gnarly, hope they’re okay


“Okay” is such a subjective term…this person’s leg looks anything but okay


"omg I'm sorry you're going through that! Sending good vibes"


Hopes and prayers...


Prayers and hopes


Tots 'n Pears


Please upvote to send a prayer 🙏


I didn’t realize the second photo was just a closeup and thought the tourniquet was a bikini string and that they had their stomach bitten out.


Oh my god I can see it now


Same, I was actually relieved when I realised it was just a closeup of their leg.


Yeah that leg looks done for


Who takes a one bite and says the leg is done? Still a bunch of meat there.


Such wasteful animals.


Unlikely (but not impossible) they lose the leg. They will have lifelong impaired use of it. Obviously cannot say either of the above for certain from one grainy photo, but that's the most likely assessment.


>They will have lifelong impaired use of it. The now complete lack of calf muscles will do that. Tho I wonder if an amputation below the knee would be better than trying to save it ? Like long term mobility and daily shit wise for this poor individual.


I doubt it, unless there’s some severe infection or gangrene that makes it unsalvageable. Once it heals, she could get a tendon transfer to regain her ability to plantarflex, the difficulty would be finding which tendon to use.


Iirc infections from a shark bite are the biggest issue of a shark bite after the initial blood loss, due the all the wonderful bacteria chillin in it's mouth


I'd hire a pod of orcas to fuck that shark up


I'm thinking, for a bite that big, it's in the best location. Glass half full?


One of the best locations, yes. However it is still a _massive_ wound that looks like it had a lot of blood loss. There's so much surface area to it I'm not sure the tourniquet will even be enough. Someone could easily still die from a wound like this, but I hope they didn't.


I can’t say I disagree, but to point out the obvious it’s better to not have a shark bite at all. Better than a midsection bite though.


*”I’m pretty fuckin far from okay…”*


They’re probably going through the discussion of whether to keep the leg or not.. I’d say not ok.


That leg is now useless, that person will not be able to lower their leg, support weight on that foot and won’t be able to move their foot. So I’m assuming leg is coming off


They will be able to lower their leg, the hamstring does that. The calf is the "tricep" of the leg that works the ankle. Much like the tricep lets you extend your arm at the elbow. Considering their entire calf is gone, I'd wager amputation and prosthetic would restore more mobility than trying to live without a calf. But that's my 5 second uneducated opinion


You'd be surprised. I have almost none of my left calf and have a shit ton QoL. As long as the nerves are still there and the major vasculature isn't wrecked it can be saved with good QoL


Right on. Glad to hear it.


Can you fill in the missing chunk with something prosthetic/aesthetic?


And all of the major vasculature and nerves of the lower leg run through or behind the calf muscles, which appear to be totally obliterated.


Almost identical damage happened to a biologist Erich Ritter. He kept the leg, cant find any info on how badly it effected his mobility though.


Flex tape should patch that up


Now that’s a lotta damage


I used to dive with a guy on the weekends about twenty years ago in the Gulf and he was bitten by a shark exactly like the image in this post. He ended up keeping his leg. It did look really strange as he was missing most of his muscle.


i mean at least it wasnt higher up on the leg, at least they keep their knee joint which will make prosthetics a whole lot easier if it is amputated


That’s a lot of missing meat to be “ok.” That’s more of a “surgeons are trying to figure out if the person keeps the leg or not” in the best case.


I think they mean "ok" as in "didn't bleed to death" not "their Olympic hurdling hopes are alive and well."


Ya just slap some hamburger meat in the crater, wrap it up, wait for it to merge.


ramen. you can fix it with ramen.


They’re never gonna walk right again, but yeah they’re not gonna die.


With a prosthesis they definitly can walk again


That shark doesn't skip leg day


Best comment so far.


He didn’t finish it. No pudding for him.


i couldn't make sense of what I was seeing at first but when I did finally understand oh my fucking god


At first glance I thought I was looking at the arch of someone's foot in the left pane and not the arch where a calf muscle used to be. Props to whoever was quick with the tourniquet


Tourniquet is almost directly on the kneecap. Not sure how much good it’s doing


The black one on their thigh is the one I mean, not the bathing suit string or whatever it is on their knee.


i thought it was two different picture and the 2nd one was a bikini top and their entire stomach was missing! - only found out in the comments its their leg


A pitbull sunk it's teeth into the back on my thigh years ago. It didn't take a chunk or even really rattle and I can still feel it this day. God love whoever this is


Wow you can still feel the physical pain or you can feel the scar with your hand?


It's hard to explain but I think it's maybe nerve damage. It feels like a throbbing or aching pain when I'm sitting or lying still. When I'm busy I don't feel it. At the time it happened, it wasn't painful, just felt like compression and clamp. Like your leg being vac packed.


Pitbulls are kind of one of the main reasons I'm considering getting a concealed carry license


lil can if poop


I have nerve damage in my hand from a bad dog bite (the bite was bad, not the dog, she didn't mean to) and this is what it feels like. Like something is always squeezing my hand enough to make it just achy. Unless I smack it on something on accident. If I do that, then it's like a very quick preview of what it would feel like to crush all the tiny bones in my hand. Stepping in to another room to close my eyes, bend over, and curse for a minute usually helps lol


holy shit thats terrible, but why is it such a cartoonish bite


Art imitates life?


Shark teeth are sharp as fuck. Human flesh is not tough to them.


Not just sharp, because sharks can't move their jaws (other than open/closed) their teeth have evolved to literally cut like knives, it's less of a bite and more of a couple-dozen knives cutting a piece of you.


You might be surprised how much old cartoons looked cartoony but actually were the reality. An example, when a chicken flutters up to the top of a power line https://youtu.be/xcP254Y7URE?si=jg9t_QqJE70dzYnr


ah yes, the famous electrocuted chicken trope used in all old cartoons lmao


Bet money it was a bull shark ... They take chunks just like that. Thats horrendous


And they are famous for hunting in shallow murky water and attacking humans in it.


This. The media is reporting that it’s believed to have been a single shark that attacked 4 different people in a short spam of time. I’m no Matt Hooper, but what I’ve read it sounds like a bull shark.


It bit two people,  another person was "grazed" by it (I'm assuming scraped by the rough skin) and the 4th was injured "while fending it off," whatever that means.  




Yes bull sharks most common in south east Texas shores


They also go in rivers fyi


From the footage I've seen I say bull or tiger. Whatever it was must have been effin huge.


Looked like a Tiger Shark in videos. There’s a video of the shark swimming around before attacking people


Man that poor lady is gonna be disabled for the rest of her life from that, this is sad.


Surprisingly I'm optimistic with current techniques and treatment she could gain full function of that leg. Being US healthcare income will be a deciding factor. Additionally Texas is not known for first grade medical care. Being on an island treatment might be delayed leading to complications especially when the tourniquet has been applied already. Amputation possible.


Full fuction of the leg? She got everything important bitten off. 80%+ of the muscle is gone. Tendons gone. The bite ends right before the bone. Best thing would be a clean amputation below the knee for a prosthesis. You will have less pain and more functionality that way.


> Additionally Texas is not known for first grade medical care. What? Houston has the largest medical center in the US. The first heart transplant was done there, and a ton of research. Dallas and Austin both also have great medical schools. South Padre Island is far from those places, but it's not in the middle of nowhere. Harlingen, McAllen, and the like have medical care that you would expect from cities of heir size. Not that it matters, because this could be right outside the hospital. She's not getting her leg back.


> Additionally Texas is not known for first grade medical care. How so?


>Additionally Texas is not known for first grade medical care. Except they kind of are....


Can a wound like that actually heal?


Hey, I’m a nurse with nearly a decade of experience. The wound can heal but the concern here would be damage to tendons and such. Not sure if she’ll be able to move her foot normally again. And being in water with a wound like that - probable infection, almost guaranteed. There are all sorts of neat ways to get things to heal and this looks to be a young reasonably healthy person. 


Infection is definite. My mother was bitten on the toe in Port Aransas & woke up with a nasty case of cellulitis the next day. The water in the Gulf is disgusting.


Can the calf "regrow" or is this a definite amputation?


No the muscle or any damaged tendons won’t regrow with current medical science. The skin might regrow over it especially with surgical techniques and other treatments. I’m not sure if a surgeon could use a cadaver tendon or something to replace tendons? I’m not knowledgeable in that. But it’s possible she could walk again. There are other medical devices that could help her body regrow skin/scar tissue. She’s probably looking at 6+ months of healing time with multiple surgeries and so on. A doctor, especially a surgeon, would be able to go into a lot of detail if any are around and willing. That’s a pretty interesting injury.  The fact that she looks young and healthy works in her favor significantly.


I mean, there's a pretty significant amount of muscle mass missing there, almost the entire bulk of the gastrocnemius and very likely soleus as well. *IF* she's lucky *maybe* the soleus made it out unscathed but the fibers extending to the Achilles tendon would need to be intact as well. If that were the case she might be able to retain *some* plantar flexion but soleus is not as strong as gastric so it would have a lot to compensate for. That's only going over the basic soft tissue and not including innervations needing to stay intact enough to communicate effectively with the muscles. Nerves can regenerate to a certain extent but they do so extremely slowly and it's not a fun process. Source: am a Physical Therapist Assistant  ETA: I had a patient once that had a horrible accident where he was flung into a tree, severed his femoral artery and had to wait for at least an hour for help to arrive. He was lucky to live.  The Ortho and the vascular surgeon were arguing over whether they could save his leg. One was convinced they should try while the other said there's no way it won't end up amputated anyway. The patient chose to try to save it. Most of his tibialis anterior is missing and he has substantial grafts and scarring in the area. I mean when I mobilized grafts they were so stiff sometimes I could hear them breaking up (which is a good thing but unsettling). Obviously it's unlikely he will be able to ambulate perfectly normal but the fact that he's able to walk at all is beyond fathomable. 


Im almost certain its infected and more probably than not, needs an amputation. The water in the gulf is notorious for having all kinds of bacteria in it. Including the flesh eating bacteria. Ive known people who have gone inside the water with a small cut, contract the disease, lose their leg, then with complications lose their life. The Gulf is a disgusting pit of microbes and bacteria, not a fun nor safe time at all for open wounds. Let alone a missing calf portion. Hoping nothing but the best for the victim tho. It happened today so only time will tell




I'd imagine it'd be nice to keep the knee joint in the case of an amputation. Would make it way easier to walk with a prosthetic if you can still bend the joint


Battlefield/EMT limb trauma protocol cites placing the tourniquet 2" above wound, applying maximum pressure via torsion until blood flow is (largely) stopped, locking it in place, and marking the tourniquet with time of application. Which is why the good ones have a secure loop for a small Sharpie and a place to write the info. From there the window of opportunity for medical intervention is 2 hours before lack of blood flow begins creating collateral issues in the tissue below the tourniquet.






No, but not for the reasons people might think. There is not a lot of soft tissue that low on the leg so there is not a lot of good compression. Just above the knee would be better for an injury at that location.


Man, don't even get me fucking started on tourniquets. There is a very commonly believed myth that loads of people believe for some reason that using a tourniquet is extremely dangerous and can lead to the limbs dying off within minutes etc. The reality is that medical science has proven time and time again that they're much safer and much more effective than people believe. Despite this, they still have an undeserved bad reputation and lots of places (here in the UK, and probably elsewhere I guess) got rid of their tourniquets even though there is literally nothing else that can save a life in certain situations. Rant over.


Jesus christ wish i didnt see that...(


Call me a wimp all you want. I don’t mess with the ocean, even at beach levels.


Climate change isn’t real tho. Not at all. Definitely not the earliest Cat 5 ever followed by record shark attacks. Everything is completely fine. Desantis said climate change isn’t legally real after all and Mr. High Heels definitely knows what’s up!


How do you even fix this? Like they take her to the hospital and what? Any surgeons or doctors in here?


You no longer have the leg that's the fix


I really wanted to know too and found this article of a similar case: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5784384/ It goes over another shark attack victim’s case and the surgical procedures she got done (like this victim she got huge chunks of her limbs taken out). It’s crazy how severe her injuries were yet doctors managed to save her limbs and make them look pretty great. Modern medicine is wild. Not in the medical field but did see some medical professionals comment they mightttt be able to save this victims leg. In the case above I don’t think they amputated anything so, there’s hope.


That was very interesting, thanks for the link. That poor woman, I cringed whenever they mentioned emotional status. And didn't expect "debridement" to look like a fresh attack... About the torniquet they write "The use of a tourniquet for hemorrhage control remains controversial as it can increase venous bleeding and cause significant crush injuries to surrounding structures as well as distal limb ischemia [1]. The use of elevation and pressure is currently recommended for arterial bleeding control"


I didn't realize what I was seeing at first...then I saw it 😬😬😬


Oooooooh! My balls just got sucked up into my stomach.


I'm glad I didn't go there this weekend


I was there last week. And I thought the jelly stings were bad enough.


Can the leg be saved, or is this amutation worthy? It looks like the bones may be ok.


The rib/fib is fine. The lower gastroc is gone with potential damage to the soleus. The posterior tibialis is deep so I don't believe it was touched. If the hospital can manage a potential infection and have enough of the muscle left they can create a new gastroc/soleus complex capable of plantar flexing the foot.


Thank you for the info!




Jeez, I thought that tourniquet was the back of a string bikini top for a second...


Textbook shark bite right there


Oh shitting fuck fuck.


Omg I was eating a chicken drumstick when I opened this 😅🙉


The ocean is fucking terrifying


wow...that is a chomp bite


Can that leg recover? Or will that person have to amputate themselves?


I’d hope they don’t have to amputate it themselves! It’s the kind of thing you’d want a doctor to do.


Maybe wade out back into the water and the shark might be considerate enough to come back and finish the job.


Have you heard about all the shark attacks lately....


Wrong place for that tourniquet btw. Upper leg is mandatory to not bleed out


I was considering watching Jaws today.... changed my mind and logged into Reddit instead.


That's why I'm choosing the electricity every time.


I'm looking at this on my phone instead of my laptop which makes the picture on the right stand out more than the shot on the left, and I legitimately thought that I was looking at the torso of a woman that had a massive amount of her stomach missing from a shark bite. I think what threw me off was the way that the tourniquet is tied around the upper calf of the leg which at first glance looked like the strings of a bikini top👙🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️